The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 7 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 1 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 7 by Yasminne

Theme : So this is Irene?

I sprinted down the hill, feeling the cool breeze against my skin. I kept my gaze on the path in front of me, just so that I don’t face plant the floor and eat grass. When I reached the bottom, I looked up to catch a glimpse of Jay. Squinting in the sunlight, I managed to make out his tall muscular figure as he began to make his way down.
Another figure appeared next to him, making him slow down. Julian and Jay seemed to get on really well and they’ve not even known each other for a whole twenty four hours yet.
“They get on well.”
I turned to look at Leona, who was standing beside me. She was smiling up at them like I was.
“They haven’t left each others side since this morning.” I chuckled, shaking my head at them.
“To be fair, we haven’t left each others side since this morning too.” She reminded me, winking at me.

That was very true. At breakfast, Leona and I were sitting next to each other and chatting about shows we enjoyed watching. Julian, Jay and Kobi were sitting together talking about God knows what.
Theo decided not to come down for breakfast, which kind of peeved me off. Does he usually skip breakfast, or is he avoiding me? He hasn’t exactly done anything about this whole mate thing, and neither will I. I got a big match to focus on anyway.
Right now, we were on our way to their fighting grounds. I was excited to see how theirs looked, and maybe, as the chief warrior of my pack, I could draw some inspiration and see how I can implement it back into ours. The BlackShadowed Pack is known for their ‘fearless’ and ‘merciless’ warriors, so it would be interesting to see how they train. Today is also the day I’ll be meeting my opponent, Irene.
Leona and I chatted for a bit, waiting for the boys to reach us. The four of us walked past a large sign that said, ‘BKSD warrior’s fighting area’.
“BKSD?” I questioned, nodding at the sign.

“Initials of our pack.” Julian explained simply, making me nod. We walked for a minute or so longer before I was able to see any signs of a fighting area.
Six large fighting cages came into view, the sight of them making me feel giddy. There were so many warriors in gear on the field, looking up surprised by our presence. I noticed, as we were getting closer to them, that a lot of them became more tense.
Their eyes were focused on Jay, but looked away when Jay made eye contact. I tried to hold back a smile, amused that these fearless warriors felt uncomfortable in another Alpha’s presence. Although Jay isn’t an Alpha yet, he sure is living up to his future title already. I couldn’t be more proud of our future Alpha.
Scanning the fighting area, I noticed the lack of females. I would say there was about a handful female wolves in the sea of male wolves.
“Do all the female wolves get training in basic combat?” I asked. I hoped the answer was yes, because all packs usually provide basic defence lessons to all pack members for their safety. It would ensure that they have enough skills to defend themselves in the case of an emergency.
“Of course! Just because there is a low percentage of women in our defence forces, it doesn’t mean that they don’t receive training for basic fighting skills.” Julian answered, looking a little offended.
My cheeks started to burn from embarrassment, I hadn’t meant to ask it like that. Julian chuckled at my reaction and said, “I’m not that offended, you just asked an innocent question. It’s all good, Elisia.”

Glad that misunderstanding was out of the way, I changed the subject. “Where are your arenas? I’d like to take a look at them, if you don’t mind.”
“Right this way! Personally, I prefer the arenas than the cages.” Leona said, her eyes shining bright. “It’s much less claustrophobic, you know?”
“These fighting cages are literally as big as three storey buildings, but she stills calls them claustrophobic.” Julian said, teasing her. Leona said nothing but still rolled her eyes.
Following Leona and Julian, I saw numerous arenas that were occupied by more male wolves. Getting closer, I made my way toward one of them that had two wolves fighting. I observed their match, intrigued about their tactics.

After analysing each wolf’s strength, I realised one of them preferred to use his power and strength to win and the other preferred to use his agility and speed to win. Two very different fighters were put against each other. The match ended; it was almost a tie but the strong wolf ended up winning.
When both of the exhausted wolfs stepped down from the arena, I blocked their path.
“Do you have a minute to spare?” I asked clearly, looking at them both. The two male wolves looked at each other tiredly and shrugged at the same time. I stepped back to let them come down to drink water and grab towels. They faced me with tired expressions on their face as they wiped the sweat of their faces and neck.
“I’m sure you both realise that you two have very different fighting styles.” I started to say. The two wolves nodded, wondering what I possibly had to say.
“Our chief warrior has pointed that out to us many times, so we’ve been put against each together countless of times.” One of them said.
I nodded, glad that their chief warrior knew what they were doing. “Do you know why they did that?” I asked.
They looked at each other before sighing. I bit the inside of my cheek, knowing that being questioned was the last thing they wanted after a tiring match. I could feel Julian, Leona and Jay’s confused stare behind my back but I tried to ignore it.
“To get us used to fighting someone with a different style of fighting?” The other replied, making his answer sound like a question.
“That is important, of course.” I said, not wanting to debunk his answer. “But the main reason your chief warrior put you two together is so that you can learn each other tactics. In other words, steal your opponent’s strength and make it your own.”
I pointed to the one of my left and said, “Your strength is your power and strength.” I pointed to the other one and said, “Your strength is your speed and agility.”
“Both of your strengths are equality as good and important as each other. That is why the match almost became a tie.”

I turned to the strong wolf, “You won by just the smallest margin, you know that right? He could beat you some other time, if he tried harder. So what do you both need to do, to be an all-rounder?”
“Since I’m good at being agile and I’m fast, you’re saying that I should work on my strength.” The other wolf said.
“Bingo!” I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air. “It works vice versa. If your strength is being strong, then work on your speed and agility. That way you would have an exciting and tiring match rather than just a tiring match.”
“Sounds good to me.” One of them said, grinning.
“And to me.” The other said, high-fiving his opponent.

“Good luck!” I cheered, giving them a thumbs up. I backed away until I was with my group of friends. They greeted me with impressed expressions and commented on how hard it is to give advice to younger wolves, especially when they’re in their mid-teens.
Just then, a loud rumble echoed from the distance. Everyone turned towards the dense forest that was just around a hundred meters from us. The sound seemed to come from there; the tall full trees seemed to shake a little from the impact of the sound. Suddenly, a large pack of wolves emerged from the forest, running towards us.
A large black wolf with striking golden eyes seemed to lead the pack of wolves behind them. It was considerably bigger than the rest and the blood dripping from it’s mouth and smeared all over its snout did not go unnoticed. It wasn’t hard to guess who it was, with that distinctive cocky attitude radiating off him. So this was why Theo was no where to be seen in his manor.

I take a defensive stance, not sure what was happening. It wasn’t until Leona put her warm hand on my shoulder when I relaxed a little.
“It’s fine, you can relax. It is just some of our pack members returning from their morning run.” Leona explained, calmly. “There is a morning, afternoon and evening run for the pack, a chance to shift and let their wolf run and hunt. You will not see anyone shifting out of those time-frames.”

“Ah, I understand.” I replied, nodding my head. It was similar to our wolf-run schedule in our pack, although we have a little more freedom to shift when we need to.
A large amount of wolves changed directions and trotted into a nearby building, which I am assuming is the changing area. However, a few others, including Theo, did not change direction and made their way over to us. There was another wolf running beside my mate, considerably a lot smaller. They had light brown fur with a red streak going down its back, making me smile in relief and amusement. Why did Kobi looks so tiny in his wolf form? He looks so cute!
Kobi, in his wolf form, trotted up to us with Theo by his side. There were several other wolves behind them, who I’m assuming are higher ranked warriors. I skipped towards Kobi, ignoring Theo completely and said, “I was wondering where you were!”
I heard Julian choke on nothing and ask, “You were?”
I didn’t pay attention to him as I got even closer and observed the red streak on his fur. “So you do have a red streak! It looks really cool, it’s the exact same shade as your hair.”
Kobi cocked his head to left expressing his confusion, making me want to squeal in delight. Why is he so cute? Like a puppy! I shifted closer, wanting to touch his fur, his green eyes watching me warily. Just as I was about to touch his fur, he turned his head to snap his teeth at my hand. Luckily, I got my hand away in time or it would have been mauled with his sharp teeth.

Leona grabbed the back of my shirt and dragged me back.
“Alpha.” She said, bowing her head a little. She turned to Kobi and said, “Chief warrior.”
Chief warrior?
“We’ll wait for your return after you shift.” She continued. Theo and Kobi as well as the others trotted away, but not before Kobi snarled at me. I stared after them in confusion, wondering what I’d done wrong to him. I think I might’ve gotten too close and he didn’t like that.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Julian stepped in front of me and said, “What on earth was that?”
“What was what?” I replied, clearly out of the loop. Leona, Julian and even Jay were clearly on the brink of laughing. “Can someone fill me in here? Why did you call Kobi, chief warrior? How can a Gamma also be a chief warrior?”
“That’s because, that wolf wasn’t Kobi.” Leona said slowly, as though I needed time to digest that.
“What do you mean that wasn’t Kobi? Julian, the beta, wasn’t with the Alpha leading the pack this morning so the Gamma was running next to Theo, where his position should be. Not to mention the red streak down the back of that wolf. Kobi told us he has a red streak down his back in his wolf form and that it would be easy to recognise him in the sea of wolves.” I said, listing all the reasons why I thought it was Kobi.
“Did he mention the red hair and the red streak is a rare genetic condition?” Julian asked, wearing an amused smile.
“Yup, and the key word is ‘rare’. It shouldn’t be easy to find someone with that condition.”
“Nope, the key word is genetic.” Julian corrected me. “Did it not occur to you that he may have siblings?”
“Oh shit.” I blurted, looking back at where they stood. Julian, Leona and Jay burst out laughing at my reaction, while I frantically think of some kind of apology. “Jay, how did you know it wasn’t Kobi?”
“Well, it looked like a female. It could have been a small male wolf, but it looked way too small to be a Gamma one.” He replied, still holding back his laugh.
“I knew that.” I muttered under my breath, making them laugh even harder. “I really did think he looked really small! Just because I didn’t say it out loud, doesn’t mean I didn’t think it.”
They laughed even harder at my attempt to save what little dignity I had left. It wasn’t until they stopped laughing that I realised something.
“Oh my God. Are you telling me this pack’s chief warrior is a female?” I asked excitingly, trying to not get my hopes up.
Leona winked at me and replied, “You bet!”
“That is incredible!” Jay said, looking equally as impressed as me.
“It was Theo’s idea actually, believe it or not.” Julian added, not missing the way his and Leona’s eyes glanced at me as he said that.
Really? It was his idea to make his powerful pack’s chief warrior a female? I have to say, I am pretty impressed.
“Who is she?” I asked, wanting to meet her as soon as possible.
Julian and Leona smile wavered a little before they decided to tell me.
“Yes, Irene.”
“Speaking of the devil, here I am!” A female voice rang out, making us look towards her.
The most gorgeous looking girl I have ever seen was walking towards us. She had straight waist-length dark red hair that contrasts her stunning bright forest green eyes. She had on the tightest warrior gear on, showing off her toned, lean body. She seemed to, like me, sport absolutely no makeup. Her hair was parted in the middle giving her a sleek look. I couldn’t lie, she looked stunning.

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 7

So this is Irene?
I was so taken aback from her beauty that I hadn’t noticed Theo walking beside her. He looked incredibly handsome and attractive. He wasn’t in fighting gear, but the way he walked across the field alone would make anyone yield to him. My eyes zeroed in and focused on Irene’s arm snaked around Theo arm.
A surge of anger and jealousy erupted within me, making me shift on my feet as though I’m getting ready to fight in battle. I looked at Theo, wondering why on earth he was letting an unmated female touch him. Actually, I should be wondering why he’s letting her touch her in front of me! He should know how hurtful and angry that would make me.
When Theo succeeded in making eye contact with me, he immediately reached for Irene’s hand…and held it. I looked away, trying to hold back any traitorous tears that was threatening to spill. I am such a strong wolf and warrior, yet I can feel weak in a second when Theo makes a simple move. I hate that he makes me feel this way. The only new emotion I was ready to accept from my mate, was love…not jealousy, anger, betrayal and pain.
What is even more sad, is that they even look good together! Not that I would ever mention that…ever.
Irene and Theo stopped in front of us and waited for us to say something. No one said anything. I couldn’t and I wasn’t sure about the others. I, inaudibly, took a breath in and gathered the confidence I had left. It’s time to be the better person and show good sportsmanship.
“Hi, I’m Elisia Knight.” I introduced myself. “As you know, I’ll be your opponent so may the best woman win.”
I put my hand out for her to shake it, then immediately regretted it. Suddenly, I remembered all the bad things she’s said about me on social media and I’m now doubting if she’ll give accept my handshake. After a few long seconds of her observing my hand, she finally decides to take it and shake it.
She flashes me her perfect smile and said, “I’m Irene Wolf. Before you say it, I know…I have an ironic last name.”

I chuckled a little, feeling awkward and not knowing what to say. She seemed…nice. I guess, if you ignore the fact that she almost tore my hand off earlier and ignore that rude things she’s said about me online.
“I hope we can get past any prejudice we have of each other. The internet is a place where things can be blown out of proportion and where things you say can be taken the wrong way.” She retorted, winking at me. I nodded at what she said, causing her smile to widen even more.
“I’m sure you’ve met our lovely Theo.” She continued, leaning her head on his muscular arm.
Our? Lovely?
“Yes, they have. They’ve also had a look around our fighting area.” Leona interrupts, her face missing her usual warm smile. I completely forgot that Irene is their chief warrior, whoa. She’s also Kobi’s sister, double whoa.
I glanced at Theo to see how he feels about having an unmated women stick by his side like that. Doesn’t it feel wrong? Especially doing it front of me, his mate. I know he has no feelings towards me, but shouldn’t this mate attraction make him feel guilty in some way? This mate attraction has made me feel emotions like jealousy and anger, so shouldn’t it have the same affect on him?
If the mate attraction is this strong, I can’t imagine how much stronger the mate bond is. All I need to do is avoid any skin-to-skin touching and I’ll be safe.
I don’t know how long I zoned out for, but when I focused on the conversation again, Irene and Theo were leaving. To my dismay, together.
“I hope to see you around.” Irene said smiling, before she left. She has a pretty smile, but something about it seems…off?

It is as though she’s good at faking a genuine smile, that everyone thinks it’s genuine. But her smile seems a bit…fake to me. I shook my head, scolding myself for thinking like that. I’m probably thinking like this because she’s so close with Theo and that is not fair on her. It’s not like she knows we’re mates.

Who else knew the red streaked wolf was Irene even b4 it was mentioned?
Who else felt the moment of suspense?
Who else think there might be complications as Irene is kobi’s sister?
Ah!!! Feel the moment.


So what do you think about Irene?

How do you feel about Theo’s behavior?

Trust me, the story just found it’s engine,
It’s about time we start moving….. ?

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 7

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5 years ago

Interesting but try to move fast

5 years ago

Elisia should ignore this Theo guy. She should also show him that she’s not affected by flirting with other guys
Next episode please

5 years ago

Wow….very interesting

5 years ago

Geez I had that feeling it was Irene and not kobi..kobi would wanna take sides with Elisia and that would set his sister on the edge (well my pov ?)..this is gon’ be so ‘hawt’