Beauty And The Beast Episode 25 – 26 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Beauty And The Beast Episode 11 - 12 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Beauty And The Beast Episode 25 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Theme: The Meeting (2) ?

?Cassidy’s POV ?

The Vampires were engrossed in conversation in different groups of two,three,four and more probably talking about the Emperor and me.

“John,tell the Emperor we’ll like to speak to him.” I heard Damon say to the pink haired vampire.

“The Emperor doesn’t want to speak to anyone at the moment.” I said loudly.

Everywhere became silent,all eyes trained on me.

“It’s the human Empress!”

“Why won’t the Emperor talk to us?”

They murmured into each other’s ears. My mom stood up and came to me.

“Where is the Emperor?” She asked.

“Caden is angry and he doesn’t want to talk to anyone.”

“Didn’t you try talking to him?” She whispered.

“Trust me mom..I did but he’s still bent on letting them obey his order forcefully.” I rolled my eyes.

“They have no choice..I guess.” My mom shook her head in agreement. She was on Caden’s side.

“No mom.. he’s wrong. If caden wants something from them…then he should earn it and not force them.”

“Cassidy -“

“You told me to earn their respect,that’s why am out here to talk to them.”

Her eyes widened in sheer surprise. “Are you sure about this?”

“Yes mom..this is the only way.”

She gave me a worried look. “I’ll be right here with you.” She said before turning back to her seat.

I stood at the centre of the room so they could all see me and also hear every of my word. My mom gestured to John to ring the Royal bell just to bring them to order.

“The Empress has something to say to you all.” He announced.

“Thank you John.” I gave him a smile.

I cleared my throat and didn’t know where this courage came from as I began to speak.

“I am Cassidy Moore,a mate to Caden Wright.” I started off. I didn’t think that was necessary anyways.

“Well I am standing here on behalf of my kind.” I stopped to watch their expressions. They were all attentive,eager to hear whatever I have to say. That’s a good sign.

“I understand the reason why you are all against the Emperor’s decision to change the tradition and why you blame me for it.” I swallowed hard.

“The Emperor is mated to a human and some of you probably know how Vampire-Human mating works.”

They hummed several responses, some of which were good.

“The Emperor is trying to please you.” Damon said loudly.

“Yes but he also realized that it was cruel of him to degrade human to the lowest point.”

“What do you have to say to us? No doubt you’ll support-“

“Damon if you’ll let me talk please.” I silenced him politely.

“Okay…. Empress.” He smirked.

“Thank you.” I gave him a half smile.

“I’m very sure if the Emperor had known that he would be given another chance to have a mate and she’d be human then he wouldn’t have established such tradition.”

“The tradition was established after your kind betrayed us.” A sweet feminine voice said. My gaze met with an old female vampire with deep purple hair. She’s probably the oldest in the room.

“I know everything. I was once in the human cell when a member of the High Council almost made me his pet before the Emperor declared me as his mate.”

“Isn’t that Mikel you are talking about my dear?” She asked.

“Yes,it was Mikel.” I responded.

“It’s really hurts me to see my kind suffer, walking around naked,being used as slaves and food sources.”

“So that’s why you convinced the Emperor to reverse the tradition?” Another male vampire asked.

“No,I never spoke to the Emperor about reversing the tradition.”

“But why did he change his mind?”

“Isn’t the reason obvious to you Jamal?” Damon said before I could speak.

“What reason?”

“The Emperor has to reverse the tradition to protect his own mate.” Damon answered with a devious smile on his face.

“I heard you have a story with Mikel too.” He added quickly.

And why the hell did he bring that up again?!

“Damon that’s not the topic of discussion.” John cautioned him again.

Damon raised his hands up in surrender. “Okay..go ahead Empress.”

Most of them only heard about Mikel’s exile,they really don’t know the truth behind it.

“If you asked me if I really want to be here,my answer will be No. I had a good life in my world even though I was alone. Somehow Mikel found me and brought me here against my will. Long story short,he was banished from this Imperial after he tried to take advantage of me. He wanted me to have an affair with him.”

Gasps filled the air after I explain the reasons behind Mikel’s banishment. I wasn’t sure it was necessary to let them know but at the same time I felt it would clear their doubts towards me. They thought Mikel was banished unfairly.

“That’s really bad of him!”

“He should’ve done something like that!”

“The Empress belongs to only the Emperor!”

Most comments came from the female Vampires in the room. John helped to silence them again.

“You have every right to hate my kind because one of us betrayed you. But I want you to remember that you were once humans before you became Vampires.”

“Our homes were destroyed!” Jamal said.

“Yes! We lost our loved ones in that war!”

“Even the Emperor lost his whole family!”

“And it took us years to plan, fight and take back our homes. I just can’t accept the fact that Emperor wants to give them a life after everything we went through to put this Imperial back in place.” Damon said.

“Why do we have to pay for the betrayal of one man?” I asked. No response.

“What if it had been a vampire who betrayed you?”

“He’ll be killed!”

“His whole family will pay for his betrayal!”

“So why don’t you suggest putting your kind through the same treatment my kind are going through now if it had been a vampire who betrayed you?”

“That’s impossible!”

“We can’t possibly enslave our kind!”

“The least we’ll do to him is kill him and everyone associated with him.” Damon replied.

I shook my head. “The human who betrayed you was killed together with his accomplices but why didn’t you stop at that? Why do we have to continue paying for his betrayal?!”

“You should ask the Emperor who established the rule. He made the rule and we obey.” Someone from the far end of the room said.

“Don’t try to blame it all on the Emperor because you all embraced this tradition.”

“We didn’t have a choice.”

“We have to obey the Emperor’s orders.”

“So why don’t you wanna obey his order to change the tradition?” I asked but no response came from them.

“You all wanted the humans to pay for the sin of a man you already killed. In the heart of man lies wickedness. And if you wanna blame it all on the Emperor then tell why the one who made the rule never kept a pet for himself?”

“He didn’t keep a pet because of his hatred towards humans.” Jamal said.

“Exactly what am trying to say! He gave the tradition but you were the ones taking it up.”

“The Emperor enjoys watching the humans suffer.” Damon added.

“But he gave some humans the chance to work in the Imperial. He even pays them.”
Am I here to defend caden or earn their respect?! I don’t know!

“They are just few of them earning from the Emperor’s purse and that’s because they are mated to vampires who works for the Emperor.” Damon explained.

Well he seems to know much about this Imperial.

“At least he pays them. That’s respect.”

“No, he’s only after the interest of his kind and not the humans.”

“Things have changed…the Emperor has realized so many things and he wants to right his wrongs towards my kind by reversing the tradition.”

“But what plans does the Emperor have for his kind?”

“How do we need to stay in existence?”

“Who will do our dosmetic works after the humans are free again?”

Several other questions were raised,I didn’t know which one to answer.

“How did my father run things during his reign?” I heard Caden’s voice and everywhere became quiet again.

His footsteps echoed in the hall as he came to my side.

“My father ruled with the human living peacefully with our kind?”

Damon tried to speak but Caden silenced him. “Let’s move pass that tale of a human betrayed us. It happened hundreds of years ago but look at us now, we’re all doing fine in our packs and homes. I realized that it was wrong of me to establish such cruel tradition but I only did that out of the pains of losing my loved ones.”

He held on to my right hand. “Being mated to a human made me realize that we vampires don’t have human feeling anymore. We have lost that part of us even though we were once humans.”

They all became to murmur. “Listen..listen I still know someone..a Vampire who never liked or even accepted the tradition. Hannah,the famous Architect is a perfect example. You can say that she wasn’t there at war times but she’s still a vampire. And over the years I have watched her treat Humans in the nicest way,she never lost that pity part of her being human.”

The Vampires whispered into each other’s ears.

“I heard everything my mate said to you. And…what I want you to know is that her being here is destiny at work. I’ll give you an example to prove that…My very good friend Hannah is the mother of my mate and -“

Gasps and noises filled the room again until Caden silenced them.

“If I tell you the whole story then you’ll know that I am destined to be with her truly. That’s why I am willing to do anything to please her as my mate.” He flashed me a bright smile when we exchanged glances.

“Your acceptance aren’t needed for me to love my mate and that’s why I am stating it clearly that the maltreatment towards human will end.”
“Everything will go back to the way it used to be in the old times.”

“Emperor what if the humans wants to leave us and return to their world?” Someone asked.

“I already spoke to the humans in my Imperial. So you can all do the same in your packs.” He responded.

Speak to the humans? I shot Caden a ‘when did that happen look?’

“I have reached an agreement with them.” I added.

“What agreement?” They all began to murmur again.

Caden silenced them. “Well it seems you are mostly concerned about how you will feed to remain in existence.”

“Yes!” They chorused.

“Bring me the scroll!” He said.

“It’s be a bit hard to live without the humans for some of us.” The old female Vampire said.

“The humans in my Imperial agreed to donate blood to our kind whenever it is needed.”

“But how -“

“I am not done Jamal.” Caden collected the scroll from John.

“This scroll contains the new rules. And if you are ready to obey the order of giving freedom to humans then here are the list of things you have to do as an Alpha.”

Well I am as shocked as everyone. I never knew Caden already made the rules. It’s obvious Caden didn’t tell me because he wanted to surprise me again. Geez! This man is so full of surprises!

“Firstly you have to let your pack members understand the essence of this change. I’ll give out a sum of money to each packs to cater for the needs of all the humans. You have to construct a home for the humans and provide clothing to pets.
If you can’t let go of your slaves then you have to pay them,a minimum of $50 and maximum of $100. This pay must be excluding feeding and shelter.
No human should be forced to donate blood to the factory.
If you can’t afford these things then bring all the humans in your pack to the Imperial. I’ll take up their responsibility.
And it’s okay if you don’t want a single human in your pack, I won’t hold anything against you.”

He gestured to John and the other vampires and they began to distribute copies of the new rules to the Vampires.

“I have already started working on the new rules. I have granted amnesty to all old humans, feeding the humans in the cell twice a day and the home for humans is under construction. If I can do these things then I know every alpha here is wealthy enough to do the same even without the money I’m willing to give out to each pack. My money is just meant to speed up the process. And if after all that, everything I read out isn’t followed then be ready to lose your pack.” He said with a serious face.

And we all know that was final! No one said a word.

“My mate pleaded with me to give you the chance to make your choices. So if you are ready to abide by the new rules or if you don’t want the humans in your pack,right over there you can go ahead and put down your names and choices.” He pointed towards a long table where two female warriors stood with paper and pen in their hands.

“Any question or objection?” Caden asked but got no response.

“So I think we are clear. The meeting is over and if there are more things, I’ll let you know. Thanks for honoring my invitation.” He said and they all clapped.

The bell rang again as Caden led me back to the thrones. I really need to sit down and relax because my legs ache so badly in this heels.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes but my legs hurts.”

“Oh sorry.. Kira should have picked sandals instead of these heels.”

“Don’t blame her, the Royal instructor said I shouldn’t wear sandals to meetings.” I reminded him.

“Who gave her such rule?”

“She said it’s the Empress rule.”


I rolled my eyes. “When I first got here.”

“Okay..okay..I guess I still have more rules to change around here.”

“Caden,you aren’t going to change the Empress rule for my sake.”

“I just want you to be comfortable.”

“I am comfortable.”

“But you’re hurting right now. Should I call your guard to take you to the suites?” He said with a worried look.

“You worry yourself too much Caden.”

“That’s because I care about you. I don’t want you to -“

“I am okay Caden. And I am not leaving this hall without you.” I said.

He smiled. “You did well,thanks for talking to them.”

“ didn’t look like they are going to accept the change.”

“They have no choice.”

“No Caden….” I looked at the Vampires lined up at the table. “You gave them choices,that’s why they are doing this.”

“You’re right Abeja,I shouldn’t impose my choice on people.” He held on to my hand and kissed it.

“I should always give people the chance of expressing their opinions and making their own choices too. Thank you Abeja.”

“You don’t have to thank me.” I smiled.

“And I’m sorry for being mad at you when you were clearly stating the truth.” He apologized.

“You’re forgiven but -” I stopped.

“But what?”

“Why didn’t you tell me that you spoke with the humans?” I feigned an angry look.

“Oh! About speaking to the humans…I went to each human cells and have a word with them.”

“When? What did you tell them?”

“The new rule and I had the oldest ones sign the agreement that they would give blood to our kind.”

“What about the younger ones?”

“The truth is they were all about happy the new rule. They just want to be free again.”

I heaved a sigh of relief. “Oh Caden..I really don’t know how to thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me. I just want to make things right. I want us to be happy together.” He kissed my forehead.

“Listen with you by my side, I’m sure that.. I’ll be a better Emperor to the Humans.”

“And your kind…as a matter of fact,you’ve always been a good Emperor.”

“You think so?”

“I know so.” We laughed.

“Hello loverbirds!” A tiny feminine voice said.

I looked away from Caden to see a teenage girl smiling at us.

“Jasmine? What are you doing here?!” He gasped in surprised.

“Hello big brother!” She said in a childish tone.

“You shouldn’t be here and how did you get into the hall?”

“Chill big brother,you haven’t even introduced me to your mate.”

Caden rubbed his temples. “Oh Jas..please don’t start now. Not here please.”

“Don’t worry… I’ll introduce myself.”

Jasmine climbed the few steps and got closer to us.

“You’re so beautiful!” She commented.

“Thank you Jas- .”

“Wait! You don’t know me yet! Lemme introduce myself to you.”

“She’s my youngest cousin.” Caden said.

“Do you really have to say that?” She rolled her eyes.

“Aren’t you my youngest cousin?” He teased her.

She folded her arms and gave him a puppy face. “I’ll be 18 soon.”

“You’re still 17.”

“No in two months, I’ll be 18.”

“17 or 18 it doesn’t change the fact that you are my youngest cousin.” He laughed.

Jasmine stamps her feet. “You’re so good at making fun of me.”

“Come here baby!” He spread out his arms and she went to him.

“!” He pat her back.

Caden seems really close to Jasmine.

“You have to reward me.” She pulled away from him.

“Anything for you baby!” He said.

“Do you remember uncle Anthony?”

“The one I met at the ball?”

“Yes he’s Jasmine father and she happen to be his last child and the only female.”

“Nice to meet you Jasmine.”

“I am super excited to see you! I have been really anxious to meet you since I got to the Imperial.”

“Actually she came with her father so she could meet you in person.”

“Yes but you didn’t let me see her when I asked for her!”

“No I only said I didn’t want you in my suite.” He countered.

“Why Caden?” I asked.

“To be on a safer side..”

“What safer side?”

“Well Jasmine has this hobby of touching things and she’ll end up taking most of them away.”

“Books! Be precise when talking about me to your mate.”

“Well if I can remember the last time you came you took away my favorite artwork.”

“Hell no! I won it after you lost the game!”

“No you already had your eyes on it.”

“That’s not true.” She flashed him her fangs.

“Oh..oh..oh..someone is a big vampire now.”

She shrugged. “I just wanted you to see it. Cute right?” She winked.

“ looks good.”

“Do I look sexy with it too?”

Caden laughed. “You’ll be able to seduce any male vampire with it.”

Her smile grew wider at his compliment.

“Have you killed a human?” I blurted out without thinking. “Oh! Sorry..sorry! I shouldn’t have said that out…I..”

“It’s alright. You are a human so it’s okay to ask. I haven’t killed a human but I feed on supplies from the factory. And should I be honest? I wish I wasn’t born as a human.”

“Don’t let your father hear that from you.”

“I have once told him. Listen Empress,I heard everything you said earlier and I salute your courage. My uncle is really lucky to have you as his mate.”

“I am the luckiest man on earth.”

“I am glad about the new rule. Now I don’t have to sneak into human cell to feed and play with my friends.”

“So you do all that without your father consent?”

“I have my ways amd he doesn’t have to know.”

“You’re different.” I said.

She nodded. “Yes, I know am unique like you but when should I visit you at the suite?”

“Anytime Jasmine.”

“Thanks! I’ll come over tomorrow morning!” She clapped her hands in excitement.

“I have to go before father finds me.” She rushed off.

“She’s got so much energy in her.”

“You are quite alike…”

“Because of her love for humans…”

“Yes..but I didn’t know she liked humans this much.” Caden said.

“I like her.” I mumbled.

“Same here.. Jasmine is such a talker but fun to be with. Just be ready for an eternal chitchat tomorrow.”

“Aside Kira and my mom,I’ll have someone to talk to while you are at the site.”

“You’re right. Don’t worry you’ll have all of me soon.” He kissed my cheeks.

After sometime the hall became empty leaving just me,Caden and Royal guards around. I didn’t know when my mom left the hall too.

“What’s the highest count?”

John brought the paper to Caden.

“Majority of them agreed to the new establishment but there’s just one who chooses to not have humans in his pack.”


“No,Alpha Anthony Wright.”

“What?” He gasped out. John handed the part where Anthony’s name was written.

His uncle signed up to not having a single human in his pack.

“I should go and talk to him! He needs to explain his reasons for not wanting a single human in his pack.” He was out of the throne before I could blink an eye. He was angry.

“Caden! Caden!” I came down from the throne too and followed him.

I’m pretty sure he would end up fighting with his uncle or probably throw him out for not accepting the change.

Despite the aches in my legs I managed to catch up with him. “Caden..listen to me you are not going to talk to your uncle.”

“Listen Abeja-“

“Choices!” I said.

“ again Abeja.” He grumbled.

“Look at me… remember you asked them to make their choices.”

“But not him!”

“If he doesn’t want a single human in his pack then he knows that he’ll have to move them to the Imperial at his own expenses.” Caden relaxed a bit.

“I’m not saying you shouldn’t talk to him but not today. It’s late and you need to rest.” I grabbed his hand to drag him along when he tried to protest.

“We’re going to the suite. You can talk to your -” My next word was cut off when my ankle bent to the side causing a huge pain in it.

Caden hands caught me before I could fall completely. Oh my God!

“I think I just sprained my ankle.” I mumbled.

“Where does it hurt?”

“My right ankle…” I let out a small cry when he touched it.

“Damn it! I’m changing this fucking Empress rule before it does something bad to you.”

“ I just sprained my ankle..that’s all”

“I’m not changing my mind.” He carried me up in his arms.

“John!” He shouted.

“Yes my Lord!”

“Get me Cora right away! And bring her to the suite!” He instructed.

“Okay Emperor!”

Caden made use of his superspeed to bring us to the suite.


Beauty And The Beast Episode 26 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Theme: Freedom at last! ?

?Cassidy’s POV ?

It has been weeks since the meeting with the vampires which they all agreed to the new establishment except Alpha Anthony who had insisted on not having a single human in his pack even after Caden tried talking to him. Anthony stated just one reason for his choice, he said.

“Accepting the establishment was like betraying his brother who died in the war.” He expressed his disappointment in Caden for choosing the humans over his loved ones who died in the war.

Well it seemed Anthony hasn’t gotten over the death of his brother and still holding on to the past.

They both agreed to move the humans in his pack to the Imperial. He didn’t give Caden his support on the new establishment. And I didn’t miss the look of contempt Anthony gave me the day he was leaving the Imperial. No doubt he held me responsible for Caden’s decision.

“What are you thinking?” Caden hugged me from behind as our gaze met in the mirror.

“Nothing..” I said.

“No,that’s a lie. I was saying something but you didn’t reply.” He frowned.

“Oh really? I’m sorry.”

“Abeja what’s bothering you?” He twirled me to face him.

“I’m just thinking about everything that has happened.” I mumbled.

“Everything will be fine. As you can see things are getting better.”

I shook my head in agreement. “I’m just worried about your uncle. He doesn’t like me..and I’m pretty sure he will blame me forever for everything.” I shrugged.

Caden sighed. “Abeja,I told you to forget about him. Whether he likes you or not doesn’t matter. You’re mated to me and not him.”

“But he’s still like a father to you. And I just feel we should get along well.” I replied.

“You know I love you right?” He asked.

“Yes I know..” I nodded.

“And I’ll do anything just to make you happy.” He kissed my forehead.

“We have a long night ahead so you shouldn’t worry yourself too much.” He added.

“Thank you Caden.” I tiptoed to kiss his cheeks.

“Hmmmm…can I get one more?” He smirked.

I kissed his lips quickly. “Just like that?” He grumbled when I pulled away.

I laughed. “Hey look! You have lipstick on your face!” I tapped the marks on his cheeks.

“Oh my goodness! You ruined your make up!” He stared into the mirror.

I reached for the face wipe in the drawer to clean off the marks.

“You’re beautiful.” He commented as he examined my face.

“Thank you.”

A deep blush flamed my cheeks as he also reached out for the lipstick on the dressing table.

“I can do this for you.” He countered when I tried to take the lipstick from him. “Just stay still Milady.”

I smiled and let him do it for me. “Done!” He said. And I turned to look into the mirror.

“Look at you…absolutely gorgeous!” He examined my body in my dress.

Caden taking out his time to plan for my attire has made me the most beautiful. He spent alot of money on the attire and accessories.

What’s the occasion? A FEAST WITH THE EMPEROR! A lot has changed since the last meeting. The Home of Humans was now completed and they already moved into it. Caden and his men did a great job at helping my kind settle into their various homes. No more human cell. No more slaves, they’ll all work and get paid. No more pets and no more forceful donation of blood to the factory. Caden went back to using the old rule the late Emperor laid down during his reign.

And it’s so surprising how fast things has changed in this Imperial. Though the rule of no human leaving the Imperial was still intact for the safety of the Imperial.

Caden planned this feast with the Humans to celebrate the New Era. Everything was back to being the way it used to be in old times. Everyone was happy most especially my kind!

The feast starts in few minutes and I can’t wait to see the happy faces of my kind!

“Caden?” I called out his name in a rasp.

“Yes.” His hand cupped my chin as I’m brought up to meet his beautiful eyes. “What is it?”

“Thank you for everything.” I said.

“I should also thank you for making me realize my wrongs and for bringing back on the right path. No doubt,I am the luckiest man to have you in my life.” He said sincerely.

“I love you Caden.”

“And I love you more.” He replied with a kiss on my cheek.

A knock on the door interrupted the moment. It must be lawson or Samson. “My Lord everything is ready.”

“Okay we’ll be out soon.” Caden replied.

“So are you ready to have a feast with the humans?” I asked.

“With you by my side,I am more than ready.” He weaved his fingers with mine as we motioned out of the room.

“The humans are ready.” Lawson bowed slightly.

The feast isn’t for just humans but also with the vampires. The main purpose of this feast was to bring both kinds together.

Finally we got to the hall,everyone was seated at each table filled with all sorts of meals. John stood on the stage ready to speak when we got to the entrance.

“Let’s rise to welcome our Emperor and Empress!” He announced our presence.

Everyone stood up and clapped as we walked down the red carpet to the stage. And right there,I envisioned myself walking down the aisle in my white dress to meet Caden at the altar. But that’s impossible! If I am to get married to Caden then it would definitely be in a traditional way not in a church. I have asked Kira about it and she stated that divorce wasn’t allowed in this world. You have to spend the rest of your life with your destined mate.

“Thank you..thank you. You can have your seats.” Caden’s voice jolted me out of thought.

He held on to my hand as he began his speech. I could notice the gazes of some people on our locked hands. Happy and smiling faces everywhere. This was like a dream come true to my kind.

“I stand before you tonight as a vampire and not as an Emperor together with my mate who is a pure human. The purpose of this feast which is for both kinds to wine and dine as one. With the help of my mate, I have been able to realize my wrongs which is why I have made alot of changes in this Imperial. The new establishment is to promote peace and harmony. And I’ll do my best to ensure the safety of every citizen of this Imperial.”

Everyone clapped after he ended his speech. We both exchanged glances. It was time for my speech. I didn’t prepare anything but I trusted my mind to deliver the words. Caden handed me the microphone.

“Firstly I want to thank the Emperor for making up his mind to make things right. Trust me it wasn’t easy for him to reverse the tradition they have practiced for a long time. But look at us now,standing here to wine and dine with the Emperor and his kind. I am happy about the establishment and I’m sure you are all happy too.”

They hummed happy responses. “All we have to do is obey the rules given to us. We should avoid getting into trouble and let’s all live together in peace. We should come together and work as one to help the Imperial grow.” I ended my speech. This is really freedom at last!
Caden squeezed my hand gently as they clapped.

“It’s time to make a toast with the Emperor and Empress.” John said.

A waiter brought us two glasses of champagne. We raised my glasses into the air. “A toast to the humans,to the vampires and to a new era!” Caden said.

“TO A NEW ERA!” We chorused.

“Enjoy the night!” Caden said before we came down from the stage.

We sat at the table set for eight. Five vampires in the high council were present and a human who Caden picked to take over Mikel’s title.

“I can’t believe this happening!” The human named Carlos said.

“Well you have to believe it Carlos.” Caden replied.

Carlos was to be in charge of the Home of Humans. They are few others Caden selected to work with Carlos too.

The men got talking about the affairs of the Imperial while my eyes searched the room,trying to find my mom. I haven’t seen her,did she leave already? I know her work at the site was over and it was time to return to her pack to help construct a home for humans there too. But she decided to stay a week more for my sake. So she can’t possibly leave with a proper goodbye. And maybe in few days time, I’ll be ready to say goodbye again because I know I won’t be seeing her anytime soon. She’d be busy working with her construction team to help build homes in the regions.

“Are you alright?” Caden asked.

“Yes I’m fine..”

“You look bothered…”

“I can’t find my mom.” I mumbled.

Caden looked around. “Is she still around or she left for her pack?”

He placed his hand on my lap. “She’s still around.”

I heaved a sigh of relief. “I want to see her.”

“You’ll get to see her. Right now she must be busy having a chat with some Alphas who would be needing her help in their packs.” He said calmly.


“So how about we have dance to relax your mind?” He asked.

Yeah! I already prepared for the dance with him! “Alright.” I placed my hand in his as he helped me up.

We motioned towards the dance floor at the side of the room where there are few people dancing.

“Can I have this dance?” Caden kissed my hands.

“Yes my Lord.” We both smiled.

Caden took hold of my waist and one hand. I met his gaze, laying my free hand upon his shoulder. Memories flashed my mind as the music began. The last dance with the Emperor wasn’t like this. It was full of tension and fear. But it was different today,a look of endearment displayed on Caden’s face as he took the first step.

“Do you know how I feel right now?” He asked.

“Tell me how you feel.”

“ know that feeling of setting your mind at something and getting it done as planned.”

“Yes I know that feeling.” I responded.

“Can I ask you a question?” He said after some seconds of silence.

I shook my head not wanting to miss a step and ruin our dance.

“What do you think about us now?”

I avoided his gaze as I didn’t know what answer to give him.

“I want to know what you think about us before I make the next move.” He whispered into my ears.

“Caden..about us? Well..I am sure we are good.” I stuttered.

“Yes..yes.. I know we are good but -” he paused to touch my chin, bringing my face up to look straight into his eyes as we continued to dance to the note.

I felt my inner walls freezing up in anticipation for his next words.

He stopped dancing as he took a step backward. “I’ll tell you what I think about us. I want you by my side Cassidy..I mean forever.” He was serious.

“I should probably do it the right way.”

“What are you talking about?” The notes stopped and I could feel everyone eyes on us now.

“I know that I promised to wait but Cassidy…I can’t do that anymore. I want all of you.”

I was shocked by his next move. Caden went down to his kneels. Gasps filled the air. He shouldn’t be doing this in front of everyone.

“Caden..get aren’t supposed to kneel before me.” He held my hands when I tried to stop him.

“I have broken many protocols,so kneeling before you doesn’t count. And it pleases me to fullfil one of your girlies fantasy. I can’t risk making another mistake whenever it concerns you.”

As if the sheer shock of the moment has made my sense of hearing go away as all I could concerntrate on was his movement.


Awwwnnnn! ? This love is too much o!❤️
Imagine Caden going out of his way just to propse to Cassidy! ?
Hmmmm..I don’t even know what to say gan sef..Sha lemme continue reading the story too! ?
Don’t forget to drop a good comment! ?
Ademide loves you! ❤️

Beauty And The Beast

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4 years ago

We love you more Miss Ademide?
You’re the Best!

4 years ago

Cuteeee. Interesting. Next please

4 years ago

Wow love you Ademide

4 years ago

This one na serious Love nwantiti….This is so lovely.

4 years ago

? love is sweet oooo I just pray Anthony and mikel won’t bring trouble for the u too ademide

Hope judith
Hope judith
4 years ago

This is so captivating!!
My eyes was glued to my screen all through….. Thank you Opra and Ademide

4 years ago

Thank you very much miss Ademide .God bless you real good

Arit Thompson
Arit Thompson
4 years ago


So sweet..
Nice work Ademide

4 years ago

Love is so beautiful .. but I sense trouble brewing…

4 years ago

This is love

4 years ago

Ademide u are d best…… in air…..they make a good couple…… opradre thanks

4 years ago

??, love ? in the air.