Beauty And The Beast Episode 24 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Beauty And The Beast Episode 11 - 12 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Beauty And The Beast Episode 24 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Theme: The Meeting (1) ?

?Cassidy’s POV ?

It was the set day for the meeting to discuss with the Noblemen of the Vampire world about Caden’s plane to reverse the tradition he established hundreds of years ago. Even though I have prepared myself for this day,I was still nervous about sitting in the same room with hundred of bloodsuckers.

“You will only speak when you asked to do so.” I recalled the Empress rule the royal instructor have given me when I first got here.

The meeting would take place in the Throne hall where I haven’t been before. Kira said it was a place where Caden had most of his meetings and sometimes passes judgement on an offender in the same room.

The guards at the entrance bowed to me before opening the door. I inhaled deeply as I stepped into the hall. Everywhere became silent when they caught the scent of me being human. I knew that I was the only human in the hall today. The throne hall was so large,neat and nicely decorated. It was beautiful.

I looked around at the many Vampires in the room,some shunned their eyes before returning to their thing while I could still feel some eyes on me as I take each step.

I flashed back at the words of my mother. “Don’t worry about them. You have the Emperor’s trust now but you just need to earn their respect.”

I smiled when our eyes met. I was glad that she was there. Caden had made it clear that she would needed at the meeting not just as the architect incharge of his plans but she was a vampire. He stated that her opinion would also be needed but somehow I didn’t buy his reason. Though I had wanted my mom to be in the hall but I still feel there’s more to Caden’s reason too.

The moment Caden saw me, he stood up from his throne and came to me. I stopped at the centre of the room.

“Hey..are you alright?” He asked.

“Yes,I’m fine.” I replied with an half smile. “I hope I am not too late?”

“No,the meeting is about to start.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

“Come with me.” He held my hand and led me to the throne next to his own.

I didn’t think it was necessary or right to sit on this throne yet since we haven’t consumated our bond as mates and I idon’t even have the Empress Ring on. Caden has said that it really doesn’t matter in my case which proves that he was willing to break the Imperial protocols because of me.

Caden helped me settle on the high throne. “Thank you.”

A bell rang. “Let’s be seated,the Empress is here with us.” A blue haired Vampire which I assumed to be the head of warriors said before standing next to Caden’s throne.

We were seated on a high level which enabled us to be able to look straight into the faces of the Vampires present. I could see Kira’s mate,Lawson and Samson standing on guard at the end of the room.

Caden gestured to them to close the doors when everyone was seated.

“Let the meeting begin.” Another pink haired Vampire said.

Caden cleared his throat. “Good day, Alphas of great packs, Noblemen of this Imperial and great warriors. I am sure you are all aware of the purpose of this meeting.” We both exchanged glances.

“The Emperor has called us out here to discuss his plans to reverse the tradition he established years ago.” The pink haired Vampire said.

The vampires in the room began to murmur to each other. My mom flashed me a proud but relaxed smile when our gaze met.

“Silent!” He shouted and they all obeyed.

“Is there anyone who have something to say? Please rise.” He said calmly.

My heartbeat against my chest as a male vampire rises to his feet. Deep grey blonde hair matched with obsidian eyes. Caden let out a small growl when the vampire eyes flickered on my body. He smiled and then turned to face Caden.

“I am Damon,the alpha of venom pack.” He introduced.

Venom pack? By it’s name that must be a deadly Vampire pack.

“It’s an honor to be in the Wright Imperial after all these years.” He smiled but it was a devious one as his eyes didn’t stop stealing glances at me.

“Good to have you,Damon.” Caden answered.

Even his name was devious.

“I am aware of the purpose of this meeting but I’ll like to know the reason why you the Emperor wants to change the tradition?” Damon said with a serious face.

They all murmured in agreement. I looked down to fiddle with my fingers.

“I want things back to normal like in the old times when Vampires and Humans lived peacefully.” Caden responded.

“Then what happened when we all lived together? One of them betrayed us! He sold us out to our enemies!” Damon said in a slightly raised tone.

“You’ll not talk back at the Emperor in such manner.” The blue haired Vampire said this time around.

“Forgive me Emperor.” Damon bowed slightly.

“Go ahead Damon…” Caden said.

“Some of us here did a great work to put this Imperial,our packs and homes in place after the betrayal. The human who betrayed us caused great harm and damage. So your decision to reverse the tradition might make history repeat itself.”

The others mumbled in agreement again.

“We don’t want any more troubles. So Emperor leave the humans to serve our kind till eternity!”

“Yes!” The said in unison.

I didn’t look up as I continued to fiddle with my finger. That was a cruel thing to say. I listen to the bunch of hateful comments from the vampires.

“The humans do not deserve a second chance.”

“They don’t deserve our pity after what that bastard did to us.”

“What will happen to us if we live together again?”

“The humans will think we are all equal.”

Well aren’t we equal in the sight of the Lord? It is just that they are more stronger than us.

“The Emperor shouldn’t make such decision.”

“It’s probably because his mate is a human.”

“I think she’s the one controlling him…”

“A human doesn’t deserve to be an Empress.”

I knew they would blame me and hate me more for Caden’s decision.

“You’ll not talk ill of my mate!” Caden growled out in anger.

He was angry and ready to deal with anyone who dares to say a word against me.

In a swift movement,he was stood up for the throne. “You’ll accord the same respect you have for me to my mate!” His body vibrated in fury and his eyes bleeding pure anger.

“I have given you the honor of stepping foot in my Imperial because I feel you are all worthy to be present at this meeting!”

Everywhere was extremely silent like a graveyard.

“Listen,I established the rule and I can change it without your opinions! And this is final – the humans will be free to live with our kind again!” He said angrily.

“And I can forgive anything but hurting my mate won’t be forgiven. You can find out from Mikel and Evelyn.” He clenched in fist.

“The meeting is over.” He announced.

“Let’s go Abeja.” He said.

I came down from the throne Immediately and followed him out of the hall.

“Caden..Caden.. Caden..” he didn’t stop until we reached an entrance.

Caden opened the door and walked into the room that was clearly an office. He went straight to the desk and pushed away all the paper files on it to the ground.

“Bunch of ingrates! How could they do like that after everything I did to each and everyone of them!” He kicked at the table and uttered several other profanities.

I went to him and wrapped my hands around him from behind.

“Caden I never want to see this side of you again.” I mumbled.

We stayed at like that until I felt Caden was relaxed and calm.

He pulled away from me. “I feel betrayed right now.”

“Because they didn’t agree to your decision?”

“Not really..I met with some of them before today and they agreed to convince the rest. But no! None of them stood up to speak for me.”

“Damon was the first to speak up..maybe they wanted him to finish up..”

“You think so?”

I nodded.

“They also have no right to hate or blame you for my decision.” He gritted.

I interlocked our hands and kissed it. “Caden getting anrgy won’t solve anything. Look they are used to the tradition so you don’t expect them to just accept the change. If you want them to accept your decision then you have to persuade then and not impose it with force.”

“I really don’t care about what they think!”

“Then why did you set up the meeting?”

“To let them know so it won’t come as a surprise to them.”

I shook my head. “Caden I understand but don’t you think you’re being to hard on them? Things might go wrong for my kind.”

He raised an eyebrow. “I’m only trying to protect your kind.”

“Yes..yes..but I suggest you do it the right way.”

“What other way? You don’t know how things work around here. Listen Abeja once I reverse this tradition and make an order for the release of all humans then your kind will be protected.”

“No Caden it’s not going to work that way.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your order will only work in this Imperial.”

“No EVERYWHERE.” He stressed the word.

“Think about the humans in other regions will those alphas stop the maltreatment when they are already used to the tradition?”

“They’ll have no choice once I give the order.”

“You won’t be present in the whole regions.”

“I’ll send out my men as Representatives to each region.” He shrugged.

“And the imperial will be left with just few men to protect the dwellers in it.”

“I have thousands of men.”

“You’ll be risking the lives of those men you’ll be sending out to those regions. No alphas will want you to find out that they didn’t obey the royal orders. Think about it Caden.”

He lapsed into silence,thinking about everything I just said to me. Caden sat at the edge of the desk and closed his eyes.

“Abeja, I just want to make things right between my kind and humans.” He reopened his eyes.

My hands reached out to his face,tilted his chin to look up at me.

“I understand you..but let’s do it the right way.”

“What do I do?”

I grazed his chin with my knuckles. “Give them reasons why you want to end the tradition.”

“I already stated it to them.”

“Well Caden..I think I know why they don’t wanna accept this change.”

“Tell me..”

“They’re afraid of how things will change. You know..they won’t have slaves to do domestic chores..and most especially food source. How do you intend to feed your kind?”

“I have everything planned out if only they had been patient enough to listen to me “

“You’re the impatient one here.”

“Really? Are you saying this?” I shook my head at his question. “So should I have watch them continue talking bad about you?”

“They’re just expressing their opinions.” I answered.

“Seriously?” He snorted. “I can’t believe you are saying this.” He frowned.

I pushed him back on the desk before he had a chance to stand to his feet.

“I’m not saying it’s bad to have defended me.”

“But you just called me an inpatient one…like I should have just sit back and let them talk shit about you!”

“Calm I said Emperor they only expressed their opinions.” I placed my hands on his chest.

“You know.. it’s obvious that you wanna change everything because of your mate is a human.”

“So? Isn’t that enough reason for them to understand me. They know how hard it is to watch one’s mate suffer. Few of them are married to Humans and they know how hard it is to be able to control the feelings,all you wanna do is please the human and make sure he or she is comfortable and happy to strengthen the mate bond.”

“You should relate these things to them.”

“I don’t need to relate anything to them. The meeting is over and I already made my decision.”

“No,the meeting can’t be over just like that. You didn’t get to tell them anything.”

“That’s because they don’t wanna know. I am not in the mood to talk to anyone.”

“Caden?” I called him when he stood up,claimed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

“All I wanna do right now is be alone with you.” He kissed my lips. “How about we visit the site so you can check out the new things in the place.”

“No!” I shoved away,putting distance between us.

“We still have an unfinished business in the hall.”

“I’m done with them.” He growled.

“Why did you start up what you can’t finish?”

“Never have I started up something and not finish it.”

“Well you just did..”

“Abeja…” I sidestepped him when he tried to get to me.

“Let’s settle the issue on ground and then we can talk about being alone or visiting the site.”

He growled in disapproval. “There’s nothing to settle again. I’ll do whatever I want! This is my imperial!”

“Stop being stubborn! You have to stop this attitude of I can do whatever I want because you are an Emperor! You have to learn to consider other people.”

“So am a bad guy now?! Oh now tell that what you think of me just because I wanna have my way this time?!”

I moved closer to him. “’t get me wrong.”

“No, it’s alright. I am selfish and I don’t care about other people.”


“But you know what? I am still not going to go back into that hall and talk to them.” He put a distance between us.

“Fine..if you are not going to talk to them,then I’ll go right into that hall and talk to them.”

“No you aren’t going to talk to them!” He objected.

“You don’t own me Caden!”

“You are mine!” I jerked free when he grab my arm,clear hurt in his eyes.

I turned on my heels and walked out of the room at a close run.

“Abeja! Abeja! Abeja!” He called out to me but I didn’t stop.

Can I really face those vampires? Would they pay attention to me if I talk to them? What are you doing Cassidy?

Well I just feel like talking to them might really help. Caden was too stubborn! I know he’ll never stoop so low to beg his kind to accept his decision. The old Caden was used to negotiation and giving out orders. All I need to do is earn the respect of the vampires. If I had been able to earn Caden’s trust then I could do the same today just by the words of my mouth.

I need courage. Oh God please help me to be able to convince them. I prayed within before stepping into hall.

Beauty And The Beast


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4 years ago

I smell trouble

4 years ago

Trouble in paradise but why did you stop here author. The episodes are getting shorter. Thank you author

Arit Thompson
Arit Thompson
4 years ago

Go girl
I love ur spirit

Don’t worry…I’ve got ur back ?
Weldone ma…more grace

4 years ago

Their is fire in the mountain

4 years ago

May God help you o..thanks to the author

Funke Mercy
Funke Mercy
4 years ago

Interesting, but the episodes are getting shorter o.

4 years ago

I pray cassidy is able to convince them next pls wont be a bad idea if two episodes ie been dropped next thanks ?

4 years ago

Fingers crossed at the moment….
Do your best Cassidy
Best wishes ?