Beauty And The Beast Episode 13 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Beauty And The Beast Episode 11 - 12 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Beauty And The Beast Episode 13 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Theme: Drastic Changes ?

?Cassidy’s POV ?

I didn’t get enough sleep throughout the night. I tossed and turned on the bed, remembering the moments with Mikel and my conversation with the Emperor. I wondered what Caden would do to Mikel after I spilt the truth. Wait! Why do I care about whatever happens to him?! That guy deserves to pay for what he did to me! And I also prayed that Caden wouldn’t punish me too for feeding my friends.

The alarm next to me beeped,the red light indicating the time was 6:45am. Kira would be here soon,I also have alot to say to her. I got out of bed lazily and motioned towards the bathroom. The lines on my cheeks had faded a bit but the deep bruise on my belly was still there and I could feel pains as I pressed it gently. Maybe after more pain pills then I would be fine.

“Good Morning Empress!” I looked up to see Kira in the room,folding the bedcovers to change into a new one.

“Oh good morning Kira.”

“So I hope you slept well?!” She asked with a bright smile. Well seems like something good Happened to her overnight.

“I didn’t get much sleep..but maybe later in the day I’ll take a nap.” She handed me a body lotion as I settled in the chair facing the mirror directly.

“I have some good news which will excite you!” She clapped her hands in excitement.

“Did you win a lottery?” I asked. She nodded no. “So what is it?”

“Okay.. I’ll tell you about it but before that I need you to please tell me what happened at the ball?!”

“Nothing much…I met a lot of people and danced with the Emperor.”

She raised her brows in disappointment. “Just that? Was it boring?”

“ wasn’t boring but I became tired of meeting people at some point.”

“But…” She paused. “What happened between you and Master Mikel?” She blurted out.

“ you know something happened?” I was going to tell Kira about it but I didn’t expect her to find out herself. “Why did you ask?”

“Well…” She passed me my underwears. “I got the news that Emperor tripped Mikel off his title last night! And he’s currently in the darkest dungeon serving a deadly punishment.” She informed me.

My eyes widened in shock. “I didn’t get to hear the whole details from Gabriel this morning because he was in a hurry to meet the Emperor. But the others who gossiped on my way down here..said Master Mikel messed with the Emperor’s mate.”

So Caden meant what he had said last night. He made it clear that he wouldn’t let the culprit ever touch me again and now Mikel is in the darkest dungeon.

“Wait..up..what happened to your cheeks?! And what’s this bruise on your belly?!” She gasped when I removed my towel to wear my shorts.

“Oh my God! I should call the healer!” She said in a concerned tone.

“’m fine.”

“Mikel did this to you?!” She asked.


“That son of a bitch! How dare he lay a finger on you?!” She gritted.

I narrated what happened to Kira.

“What gut does he have to ask you to do such a thing with him knowing that you are the Emperor’s mate?!” She was angry. “He deserves whatever punishment he’s getting now! I pray they pluck out his eyes and cut off his fingers and crush his balls!” She clenched her fist as she paced the room, annoyance I her tone. “He should rot in that dungeon!”

“Calm down Kira…”

She nodded and stopped pacing. “At least he’s out of the way so you don’t need to be scared anymore.” She said after a long silence.

Should I be really happy Mikel was out of my way?! Well who cares if the Emperor gave the order to kill him?! An inner voice snapped at me.

“You’re right.” I said as she held on to my hands.

“My Empress,where is your ring?” She asked.

“Well…I gave it back to the Emperor!” I replied

“What?! Why did you give back your engagement ring?!” She asked with a wide eye.

“I can’t do this anymore.” I moved away from her. “I just want to return home..back to my normal life.” I said soberly.

“You know that’s impossible. The Emperor won’t let you go..”

“Yes..because I am his mate but it’s useless. His kind will never regard me as someone who is worthy to be an Empress. You need to see the way they all looked at me at the ball like I was going to let history repeat itself.”

“I understand you but you can’t quit now. We need you!”

“Yes but I always end up in trouble each time I try helping my kind. Have you forgotten? I stood up for Zoe in cell and got whipped, I gave food to my friends and later got involved with Mikel.”


“Cassidy..” I corrected even though I knew Kira wasn’t going to call me by my name. “Listen I told the Emperor how I feel about the unfair treatment towards humans. I was really frustrated that I didn’t stop talking until I spilled my whole thoughts.”

“So what did he say?”

“Nothing..I didn’t wait to hear a response. But he was really angry for what Mikel did to me.”

“That’s why Mikel is in the dungeon now.”

“What if Emperor decides to punish me for feeding humans?”

“’s not going to do are his mate.” Kira wrapped her arms around me. “Please don’t give up Empress. I have this feeling that everything will be okay soon.” She soothed.

Lawson and Samson resumed their duties as personal my bodyguards while Caden sent an healer named Cora to attend to me.


I haven’t seen Caden since close to a week now. All I did was spend the whole time in the study with Kira only stepping out to the garden in the evening without the fear of bumping into Mikel.

The last time I asked about him,Kira said he was put up for a trial and would be judged soon by the Emperor. She stated that it’s either Mikel get a death sentence for assault or he should banished if majority of members of the High council pleads on his behalf. But it was clear that his chances of receiving mercy from the Emperor was very slim.

This morning I was back into the library to continue reading the book I started yesterday since Kira was yet to show up at 8:00am. It was unusual of Kira to show up late. And I hope she was fine.

Suddenly the door bursted open. Talk of the Angel! “Empress! Empress! Empress!” Kira came rushing into the room.

I sat up Immediately,dropping the book I was reading on my laps.

“What Is it?!” I asked.

She panted heavily. “You look like you have just seen a Zombie!” I said.

“I won’t be surprised if I see one because I dwell in a vampire world.” I laughed at her response.

“You can’t believe the news that is spreading round the Imperial like wild fire!” She said.

“What news?” I asked anxiously.

“What did you do to the Emperor?!” She screamed.

“What?!” I raised my eyebrows in confused. “What are you talking about?” I questioned frantically,my mind trying to picture what I have done to him.

Kira danced around in excitement. Why is she so happy?!

“Kira?!” I called out. I was losing my patience.

“Yes Empress..” she stopped dancing. “Sorry..sorry..I’m just too excited about the Emperor’s decision.” She clapped.

“What decision?!” Geez! How much I hate to be left in the dark! I was really eager to hear it.

“The Emperor granted amnesty to old humans in cell!” She shouted and jumped in happiness.

My eyes widened in surprise and shock. “Are you for real? What?! When?!” A huge smile broke out in my lips.

“Yes…and not only did he free them but he also offered to give them a place to stay as their homes.” She added.

“Seriously?!” I shouted. This is a miracle! Caden freed the old prisoners in definitely Felicia would be released too!

“This is a miracle!” Kira screamed and we both embraced each other.

I was super excited,at least things are changing for good! But what changed Caden’s mind? I wondered.

Kira pulled away from me. “I think your words got to him. That’s why he’s making this drastic changes!”

“You think..he made such decision because of what I said to him?!” I asked.

She nodded. “Of course! And I’ll be happiest human if we can all live together as one like it used to be years back!”

“I pray so too..”

“All thanks to you Empress!” She embraced me tightly.

“What would you like to eat?” She withdrew away from me. “Oh! Lest I forget..I’m sorry for turning up late.” She apologized.

“It’s alright…”

“So let’s go to the kitchen. I’m going to prepare your best meal to celebrate our first Victory!” We both laughed as we walked out of the library.

“Hey..Kira what about the Vampires reaction about the Emperor’s decision?”

“What do you expect? It is not a good one! Obviously they aren’t happy about the Emperor’s decision. But they have no choice,the Emperor has the highest authority so they must obey him.”

Well I am still surprised about this news Kira shared with me. I never expected this drastic change to come this soon.


Night came quickly,I bidded Kira goodbye before deciding to settle on the balcony after dinner to relax. I sipped from the glass of apple juice as I took in the beauty of the stars in the sky. It was so bright and clear. I hummed my favorite tunes which was the famous lullaby my mom used to sing to me when I was a little girl.

“Who sat and watch my infant head when sleeping on my cradle bed…” I hummed with my eyes closed,enjoying the cold breeze.

Memories from childhood flooded my mind. How much I miss her? If only I could get to see her one more time.

A clearing of throat made my eyes flare open. Caden was there,his Beautiful eyes stared intently when I looked at him.

“Hi…” He greeted.

“Hi..” I replied in a low tone. I wasn’t expecting to see him soon because Lawson said he was busy trying to establish the new rule of old humans having a home in this Imperial.

Caden takes off the crown and sash, throwing them into the resting couch facing mine directly. He took off his jacket and then settled in the couch as he rolled up his sleeves. I toyed with the rim of glass in my hand neither knowing what to say to him.

He cleared his throat again. “Seems like you’re enjoying the fresh air..” he said.

I nodded. “The star are clear and bright…” I hummed.

“Well..we need to have a serious talk.” He leaned forward,his elbows resting on his kneels.

I nodded in agreement. “I heard about your decision to free old prisoners and give them a home.”

“Yes…I’m working on it.”

“Why? I mean what prompted you to make such decision?” No response came from him but I waited for him to say something.

I needed to be sure if my words had really caused this change so maybe next I will have to keep talking anytime I want something.

Caden moved closer,taking my hands into his. I looked deep into his tired eyes as the only noise I could hear was the pounding of my heart against my chest.

“You’re aware about the war Xavier started which caused a huge damage on this Imperial.” He said softly.

“Yes..I know about it.” I replied.

“I lost my father,mother and my only sister in that war. And the most painful part was that it all happened on my wedding day,my mate died too.” He said. I couldn’t miss the mixed emotions in his tone. Hurt, betrayal,sadness and anger.

“Who was she? I mean…the woman you loved?” I asked.

He let go of my hands and I wished he didn’t cause I enjoyed his touch on my skin. “I’ll give you answers to everything you wanna know..” he stood up from the couch and went to the rails.

“I want to know about the woman you loved.”

He spoke up after a long silence. “She was someone I was so proud of.” He looked down at me,meeting my gaze. “Marilyn came to serve as a young warrior in our Imperial. I fell in love with her immediately I realized she was my mate. We trained as young warriors until she became a royal guard to the Empress. She was one of the best female warriors but…” He paused. “I had watched her pass way in my arms. She gave up her life trying to protect this Imperial.” He narrated in a sad tone.

What should I do? How should I comfort him for the lose of his loved ones and? No doubt Caden had loved his ex-mate dearly. I adjusted myself on the couch as I feel a slight pain in the lower region of my belly.

“So you still love her?” What did I just ask such a question?! I didn’t believe myself!

Caden stared into space as I waited for his response. “I loved her so much…and it took me years to get over her.”

“I’m sorry…about her death and every lives you lost in that war.”

“I never imagined that I would be paired with another mate.”

“There’s always a reason for everything.” I answered.

He nodded in agreement. “The moment I saw you…I knew that I had a second chance to have a mate again.” He expressed.

I stood up and went to him and rested my back on the rails so I could look into his eyes.

“You must be assuming that I can’t love you right?” Caden muttered.

I looked away. “I am a human..” I replied.

Caden stood in front of me, my eyes glanced up as his hand grasped my chin. It’s funny that my heartbeat rapidly anytime he was close.

“I had a deep thought after the conversation with you. And I realized that as my mate you would be subjected to dangers because you are human.” He said.

“And if I don’t do anything about it..then I might end up losing another mate and maybe not have a chance to have one again…not even after what Mikel did to you.”

“So..does..that’re willing to give us a second chance?” I asked.

“Yes..” Caden answered,he weaved his fingers with mine, pulling that hand over to his side.

The Emperor appeared to be touchy and emotional tonight and I kinda liked this him.

“Though it won’t be easy changing the tradition but I’ll try my best to do something about the unfair treatment towards your kind.”

“Is that a promise?” I asked in a low tone.

“Yes..but also on one condition..” he said.

“What condition?” I asked,getting ready for his next words.

My heart skipped beats when he leaned over,his shadow falling completely on me. “I want you to teach me how to be a gentleman.” He whispered into my ears. “The man you’ve always wanted to have as a husband.” He stepped away but still close.

I stared at him with wide eyes as his words registered to me. “ joke?” I tried to push him away but he didn’t flinch.

“I’m serious.” He replied with a serious tone.

“ can’t be serious..”

Hundreds of butterflies merry in my belly when he smoothened a strand of hair from my face and murmured.

“I didn’t expect this to happen but at the same time,I figured that..if I want to be the man who deserve you then I have to learn how to be a gentleman. I have to start thinking about your feelings too like a human and not a vampire.”

Perhaps is this the Vampire – Human mating feeling Kira told me about?!

“ not such of say..” I moved away from him.

This is another miracle from God! Caden was asking me to teach him how to be a gentleman when I have no idea of how to treat a man well.

“So..what do you say?” He asked.

I wrapped my arms around my body,trying to think of my next words.

“This is all new to me..” I admitted sincerely.

“Yeah..I know you haven’t been with any man.” He blurted out. It was a question but a direct speech.

A blush formed on my cheeks. “How did you know?” I avoided an eye contact with him.

“Why did you think I assigned a human to attend to your needs?” He asked.

Oh shit! Kira! How much did she say him?!

“I knew you would be more comfortable to relate with her as a human.” He explained.

I nodded in agreement. I wasn’t angry because I was aware that Kira utmost loyalty lies with the Emperor. “So what else do you know?”

“Not too much…I know about your background,career and how you ended up here..”

“Oh! She told you everything..” I mouthed. Geez! Kira never mentioned it to me that she always gives report to the Emperor!

“I felt that was the only option to get to know my mate…but it was wrong. I mean I should have man up all this while and get to know you.”

Well I’m seeing a different Emperor..not the cruel and wicked Vampire. One would never know he could speak calmly! I never imagined him having a soft side! Shit! Hatred was capable of changing someone good sides as a being into a cruel one.

“So do we have a deal?” He asked. I nodded Yes.

“ I hope you don’t mind me spending the night here?” He asked again.

What?! We have to share the same room?! It was his personal suites but Caden had ordered his men to make it into mine.

“I’ll stay in the living room for the night if you aren’t comfortable sharing the room with me.”

“ can have the room.” I answered.

“What about you?”

“I’ll spend the night out here.” I responded.

“No, I’m not going to allow that.. let’s just share the room.”

We have to share the room and sleep on the same bed! I haven’t shared a bed with any man! I was so used to having my space but now? I blocked out every Images forming in my head. Nothing is going to happen! I chanted.

“ can go ahead…I want the stars..” I stuttered.

“Okay..” he nodded.

I continued shaking my head. “I’ll be with you..shortly.”

“I’ll be inside…” He picked up his crown,jacket and sash before walking inside.

Oh my God! I feel like this is a dream! I tapped my cheeks hoping to wake up from a slumber but I was fully awake!

Things are about to get interesting with these changes! An innervoice said.

I stayed outside for more hours before drifting off to sleep on the couch.


Beauty And The Beast Episode

Lemme start by saying we have come a long way in this story. Thank you for always dropping comments. God bless you! ?

Ghost readers can share this blessing too if you repent from ghosting!
It was be a great joy for me if we are able to hit 20 comments on each post. It would ginger me to continue working on this site. ?
I hope you enjoyed reading this episode! I await your thoughts via comment section! ❣️

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4 years ago

Abeg why the suspense now. Interesting novel

4 years ago

Wow Caden is in love,interesting
Next episode pls

4 years ago

I love this kudos to d writer
More episodes pls

4 years ago

Kudos to be writer.lovely story

4 years ago

Arrwh! How forcible are right words!
I can’t wait

4 years ago

Am loving this

Egunjobi Omolola
Egunjobi Omolola
4 years ago

Wow kudos to the writer,Caden is a change man and Mikel you will tot in dungeon mad man

Chiemele Temple
Chiemele Temple
4 years ago

Wow, this is getting interesting and I hope that Mikel or whatever his name is should not conspire against the emperor. Please two chapters will be appreciated LA. Thanks.

4 years ago

Thanks for this story.

4 years ago

it’s getting more interesting, I never expected this changes coming from the emperor so soon.
Weldone Ademide

Hope judith
Hope judith
4 years ago

I love your stories Ademide, you are a talented writer…

4 years ago

I love this story, please keep it rolling.
Much love I’ve gat for your stories.

4 years ago

Still waiting for other episodes oo thumbs for ademide

4 years ago

Awwn….Things would get better

4 years ago

I believe things will get better for you Cassie with this changes…….
Hang in there & help with the little you can!

4 years ago

This is nice, we shouldn’t be quick to judge.