Beauty And The Beast ? Episode 4 – 6 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Beauty And The Beast ? Episode 1 - 3 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Beauty And The Beast ?

Ebunoluwa Ademide

?Episode 4 ?
Theme: A Strange World

?Cassidy’s POV ?

In an unconscious state,I felt gentle swaying motion,almost as if being on a boat,where the waves lifted and eased at the whimsy of the wind,peaceful and comforting. And I might have been comforted by the motion,were it not for the fiery hot throbbing pain in my neck. My breathe sputtered in irregular patterns, short,sharp,incomplete. I was burning inside for terrifying moments but soon everything faded in my mind.

I heard hushed voices from a far distance and It felt like I was dreaming.

“Hey..I think she’s still asleep.”

“Her wound has healed completely.”

“Let’s wake her up before those wicked guards comes around to water her.”

Wicked guards? What’s happening? Was I in hell or what?

“Hey..wake ..up..” a voice murmured from the darkness.

I forced my eyelids to open, surprised to see the people who surrounded me. My eyes scanned the unfamiliar environment. I was in a cell with hay on the floor. Where am I? I thought.

Memories filled my mind’s eye. I went to the club with Cecilia,I had a fight with jack,the voices in the alley, the men coming after me…..then he bit me.

I touched my neck but to my surprise there was no open wound from the bite. How did I survive the bite of a Vampire? Wait…am I a Vampire too?! What?! I examined my body to see changes but I looked normal.

I heard people appearances changes after transformation! To humans vampires was a myth but oh no it was true! Vampires truly exists! And I have met them and I also got bitten by one but didn’t die. I have witnessed something I never thought I would see in a million years.

I closed my eyes, hugely thankful to God that I was alive and that the pain in my neck was gone. I breathed in tentatively.

“Are you okay?” A voice asked. I reopened my eyes to look at the eyes fixated on me. There were four women in the cell. Two were about my age,one was an old lady with a tattered look while the last one was younger than me..way to younger.

“Where is this place?” I asked.

“The vampires world.” The old lady answered.

My eyes widened in shock. “What?! How did I get here?! What’s going on?!” I questioned frantically.

“You were brought in here three days ago.”

My jaw dropped completely. “You mean.. I’ve been out for three days?” They all nodded in unison.

No! This can’t be happening! I stood up and went to the metal gate. I saw several women in other cells. They all looked bloody, horrible and some were dressed in rags. I looked down at myself and sighed in relief that I still had my jeans and top on my body.

“Why are there so many women in here?” I asked.

“They need us..” one of them replied.

I turned to look at them. “Are you all vampires too?” I asked in horror.

“No, we’re human like you! They would never keep their kind in a place like this!” A lady of about my age spat angrily.

“This is crazy!” I blurted out.

This must be a dream! I grabbed on the gate and did the thing that occurred to my mind. “Hello! Is anybody out there?! Let me out of here or else I will call the cops on you all!” I screamed and shook the gate aggressively.

“There are no cops here!” Some women laughed.

“That’s a waste of time..your screams won’t change anything.”

“It’s better you stay quiet or else they’ll drain you out before your time.”

Those were the handful of comments from frustrated women in other cells. Maybe there is no way out of here but I will never let them hold me against my own will. Those Fucking bloodsucking animals deserves to die! The one who brought me here should have his balls crushed too!

I went back to the women in my cell. “I’s there really no way out of here?!” They nodded in unison.

“We’re all stucked in here till God knows when.” The old lady added.

“And since there is no way out of here,I suggest we get to know each other as inmate.”

“What’s your name?” The young girl asked me.

“Cassidy Moore but you can call me Cassy.” I answered.

“Felicia..” the old lady said.

“Call me Natalie or Natty.”


“And you are…” I waited for the young girl to fill her name.

“I am Zoe..” she muttered In a sad tone.

“How did you end up here?” I directed my question to Zoe. She seemed too young to be kept in a place like this,she should be in school studying.

Tears leaked from her eyes. “My dad borrowed a huge sum of money from a man named Mikel to save his company. He promised to pay back in three months time but thieves robbed our home the same night dad got the money. Mikel showed up after four months but my dad couldn’t give him the money. So he killed my parents,took me as replacement for the money my dad borrowed and brought me here.” Zoe narrated in tears.

“Who is Mikel?”

“Mikel Is a notable man in this imperial but he runs businesses in the human world too.”

Human world and Imperial? Aren’t we in the same world? I wondered

“Aren’t we in America?” I asked. It sounds like we are in an entirely different world.

“Yes..we are in America but somewhere far to where Humans resides.” Natty answered.

That’s explains the feeling when I was unconscious. I felt like I was on a boat. The man who bite me transported me from state to this imperial! I listened to the other women explain how they ended up in this bloodsucking world.

Natalie was decieved by another vampire who she met at the club. They dated for just two weeks until the day she found out he was vampire. She had been scared to death that she ordered him to stay away from her. Unfortunately he got mad,drugged her and brought her to this place.

Sophia was brought in here by a female vampire who wanted to get rid to her so she could have Sophia’s newly turned boyfriend to herself.

Felicia the old lady has been here for so long. A young man had offered to help her move into her new home only for him to transform and turn her into a blood bank for days before bringing her here too.

It’s crazy how they abduct women from their comfort zones and then bring them into this confined place.

“How did they find you?” Felicia asked. I explained how three men killed a man in an alley and followed me home..only to find myself here after I thought I was going to die.

“The same man who killed my parents brought you here.” Zoe said.

“Mikel?” She nodded Yes. Then I recalled how scary he had looked that night when he threatened Draco in the alley with his men.

“But why exactly do they need us?” I asked trying to clear up my curiosity.

“We don’t know too much but the vampires needs us to stay alive.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Every vampire here is wicked but the most meanest of them all is the Emperor.” Felicia said.

“Who is he?”

“His name is Caden Wright,a very strong Vampire who is cruel,stubborn and evil. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He kills humans like they are nothing.”

I became very scared of this new world as Felicia talked more about this imperial, vampires and everything about this place.

“I heard hundreds of years ago something like a war Happened which made all vampires turn against humans. The Emperor’s hatred towards humans established the law that Humans should be degraded to the lowest point.”

“What point?” I asked Felicia.

“It became a tradition that humans should be used as food source,slaves and pets to vampires.”

My eyes widened in shock. “Food source,slaves and pets?! Because of the Emperor’s hatred toward humans!” I spat angrily.

I began to feel this sudden hatred towards the Emperor for his cruelty towards humans.

Natty spoke up after a long silence. “Whenever the cell is too full to accommodate humans,they bring some of us out and present us to the High Council.”

“High Council?” I arched my eyebrows.

“Yes..they are like a group of Nobel men who makes decision in this Imperial. When women are presented to them,they picked out pets for themselves.” Sophia explained.

“And when we say means sex toys.” Felicia added.

“Like they sleep with them?”

“Worse more than that. Pets are the lowest in the Imperial,they walk around naked with a leash on. Slaves are clothed in rags and have collar around their necks. The unfortunate humans are used as food source are the male humans and sometimes female are used as food source too.” Felicia explained further. “There is a big factory where Humans donate their blood until they become weak and dies.”

“I heard some are lucky enough to get turned in the process.” Sophia added.

“That only happens if they are mated to a vampire.” Felicia countered her point.

“Humans get mated to Vampires?” I asked.

“Yes..but it’s a rare case in this imperial because of the deep hatred towards Humans.” Natty responded.

“High ranking unmated Female vampires have male pets for themselves too.” Felicia added.

I couldn’t comprehend everything they just disclosed to me about this bloodsucking world. Why is it like this? Everything I heard so far was horrible and it’s revolves around the law which the Emperor made hundreds years ago for some reasons unknown to Humans.

Terror filled me when Felicia said that Mikel would be coming around soon to check on his prisoners because he was assigned to this place. My heart beat against my chest as I thought about what would be the end of me when I am presented to the High Council.

Food source,slave or pet to a wicked vampire?! Felicia said food source because Vampires don’t keep big sized pet and young children like Zoe are used as slaves. People like me are directed to the blood factory.

Tears filled my eyes at the thought of a vampire draining out my blood to feed their kind. I should have died that night instead of being in this world.

Who is this Mikel? And why did he change his mind about killing Cassidy?!
Don’t ask me because I don’t know but if you are interested then continue reading this story! ?
Please don’t tell Cassidy what fate has in store for her o! But think about what destiny has prepared for her! ?

Beauty ? And The Beast ?
?Episode 5 ?
Theme: From Firing Pan To Fire.

?Cassidy’s POV ?

Sometime later,Zoe began to cry of hunger. I was also farmished but Felicia said they won’t bring in food until Mikel orders them to serve the prisoners. This is absolute wickedness! How can they starve People who are very important to them! They can’t survive without us!

I clenched my fist in anger. They need our blood to exist so they should adore us like gods! I moved over to Zoe to beg her but it wasn’t working on her. All she wanted was food. I was going crazy in this place!

“Hello bloodsuckers! There is a little child in here who needs food!” I screamed at the top of my voice.

The door busted open as some guards walked in with trays in their hands.

“Who called us bloodsuckers?!” One of the guards asked.

“I did,” I answered before other women pointed to my cell.

His eyes did a slow crawl in me. “We are called Vampires!” He growled out.

“I choose bloodsuckers because you feed on blood!” I spat angrily. He gestured to the other guards to start distributing hamburgers to the prisoners.

“What gut do you have to speak up with such confidence?!”

“I am a human! This is America and I know my right as a citizen! Just wait till the government catches up with you!” I gritted

He laughed out. “Did you say government?” He asked. “Hey guys! She just said government will catch up with us!” The other guards laughed too.

His laughter turned sour. “Government doesn’t have a say In this Imperial!” He snarled at me.

“Let me have a burger,this child is hungry..” I said to him.

“Sure your inmates will all get food but you won’t be getting any.”

“You call hamburger food?” I snorted. “This is called dessert..” I corrected him. “You should know what full meal is…” He opened the cell gate and stood in front of me.

He became angry when he realized his presence didn’t intimidate me the way it should. I am scared as shit but I won’t show it.

“You should be happy the Emperor is nice enough to offer you burger. So watch what you say!” I slapped his hand away when he tried to touch my cheeks.

“Master Mikel is here!” Someone announced.

“You can tell master Mikel everything you just said to us bloodsuckers.” He smiled before stepping out of the cell.

“What’s happening Joseph?” I heard his voice.

Tension rolled through my body when I heard footsteps approaching. Everywhere suddenly became silent at his presence.

“Everything is fine..except that we have a stubborn human in this cell.” Joseph pointed at me.

Mikel looked at me. “You’re awake my lady,” He said softly but his eyes looked wild and dangerous.

I remembered him from the night he killed Draco and how he had bitten my neck in an attempt to get rid of me. I wondered why and what he did that made my wound heal completely and the mark faded but I didn’t turn to a vampire.

“Good to see you alive.” He said.

And then I noticed who was standing behind him. A woman who was completely naked. His Pet! As if that wasn’t bad enough,the bastard actually held a leash attached to the collar around her neck. I thought of just slamming my fist in his face.

“My blood did a good job at healing you.” He smirked.

What?! He fed me with his blood?! Oh my God! I have a bloodsucking animal blood in my veins! I became irritated that I felt like throwing up. His blood had saved me from dying.

“Master Mikel,she complained about the food.” Joseph told him everything I said to him.

His pupil dilated as he suddenly appeared in front of me like a flash light. Mikel grabbed my neck almost choking me to death and I struggled for my release. “You should be happy I let you live!” He seethed his teeth in anger.

Tears formed at the corners of my eyes. “The fact that I fed you with my blood doesn’t mean I can’t end your miserable life right away! But I am not going to do that…so you should be glad you are alive! You ungrateful wretch!” I coughed out as soon as he released me. No doubt I would have a bruise there as my throat burned deeply.

Mikel continued with smirk. “Human aren’t regarded in this world.”

I coughed. “’t make any sense..” I said shakily.

Felicia signaled to me to keep quiet but I ignored her. We can’t let them treat us like this! Sooner or later someone who will bill us out will come but when will that be?!

“Why do you choose to treat us like this?”

“Your kind betrayed us and sold us out to our greatest enemies!” He spat angrily. “So don’t you dare Question our authority!” He covered the inch between us and carressed my cheeks with his knuckles. But I slapped his hands away.

“It’s..still doesn’t add up…”

He made a hit for my face. “Don’t you dare Question Vampires authority!”

He covered the gap between us and grazed my bruised cheeks with his knuckles. “Soon,I planned to keep you as my personal food source.” I stepped backward to avoid his touch. “No food source can’t be enough for me. I’ll also keep you as a pet at the meeting with the high council.”

What?! He planned to keep as a pet?! My heartbeat against my chest at the imagination of me walking around naked like this woman.

I was angry at his decision. “You are a Perverted fucker!” I replied defensively. He’s a disgusting pig for treating this poor woman like an animal and keeping her as his personal sex toy is reprehensible.

Mikel laughed. “You still sound sexy by saying fucking words.” He sniffed my neck. “You tasted so good and I can’t wait to break you like I did to the others.”

“You’ll never have me!”

“You’ve got confidence -” he smirked. “And I also like stubborn humans too. I have dealt with your likes some who ended up dying in my arms.”

He stepped away from me and went to Natalie who had fear in her expression.

“The practice of human pet ownership was established hundreds of years ago and all vampires indulged in the behaviors. It was never my choice but it is an established tradition in this Imperial. The Emperor established it and we all embraced it.” He laughed wickedly as he sniffed Sophia now.

“Tradition?” I stared at him in shock. “No! appalling is what it is! And it needs to stop!”

He pushed Sophia away aggressively and looked at me. Anger rolled over his features.

“You don’t understand our tradition!”

“I don’t have to understand any tradition to know it’s wrong!” I responded tearfully. Mikel walked out of the cell.

“That’s enough Cassy! You shouldn’t talk back at him.” Felicia cautioned me.

“Cassy? Is that your name?” He asked.

I nodded. “Cassidy Moore.”

“Joseph,I think we need to teach Cassidy how to stay quiet in our world.”

“Yes..master Mikel.” Joseph replied.

He gave me a devious grin. “I want her…” My heartbeat rapidly.

What’s he gonna do to me?!

“Step out of your cell..” he said but I made no attempt to move away from my spot.

I shook my head instead. “Obey him.. Cassy.” Sophia pleaded.

My panic rises..oh God what do I do?

“ to me..” he pointed at Zoe. She stood up and went to him. “Your father couldn’t pay my money,so you have to pay his debt by serving me.”

A small sob stumbled from Zoe as he toyed with her hair. “Right now..I want to taste blood.”

Zoe shook her head. “Blame Cassy for this okay?” He smirked at me.

“Turn around and lean Into me.” Zoe didn’t hesitate to obey him. He moaned when her back was against his chest as he has an arm around her neck holding her in place. Tears leaked from her eyes as she looked at me utterly defeated. Mikel pushes her head to the side completely exposing her neck.

I watched in horror not sure of what to do. His eyes turned cold when he revealed two sharp teeth from his mouth ready to feed on Zoe.

I screamed “’t -” he sank his fangs into her neck. Zoe shook vehemently in his hands before he dropped her body to the ground. Mikel wiped his mouth giving me a smug look.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I stared at Zoe’s lifeless body. I could hardly believe he just did that to a young child! He’s heartless!

“Come with me..” he said.

I shook my head. “I’m..I’m..not going anywhere with you..” I said breathlessly. I was scared of what he would do to me if I go with him.

I expected his anger at my rejection but I was surprised when his eyes lit up with excitement. “That’s perfectly fine. Just know when you disobey a direct order of the High Council,of which I am a member by the way,then you are a free game to me! I can do whatever I want with you.”

I listened to him in horror. The cruel anticipation in his expression told me he wasn’t bluffing. I felt tiny beads of swear on my neck as I stood rigidly not sure of what to do.

I had no choice but to go with him but I didn’t want to leave the cell. Something tells me he would treat me cruelly.

A conscending smile grew on his lips. “Joseph..take Cassy to the torture room. She needs to learn some morals about how we run things here.”

My eyes widened in shock and fear. “Let go me!” I struggled with to guards that grabbed my arms respectively.

“Whip her until she’s out of breathe and begging for mercy.”

“Let me go! I swear you won’t get away with this!” I screamed as they dragged me along.

“I want to hear her scream out my name!” Mikel said behind me before they took me out of the cell.


I was taken to a large room where I saw several humans being purnished by Vampires. Screams filled the air as angry looking female vampires tortured them in a cruel way. More tears burned down my face as I watched my kind being maltreated by bloodsuckers. This isn’t fair! My stomach dropped as Joseph handed me over to two female vampires who flashed me their fangs. I could see deadly weapons hanging on the wall and whips strapped to their bodies. No doubt I would meet my death here today.

“Master Mikel wants you to use whips on her until she begs him for mercy.”

The two vampires gave me angry looks before taking me away. I couldn’t fight them because I was scared of what they would do to me. I should have taken martial arts in high school but my big size had discouraged me. Maybe it would have helped me now but how many Vampires would I be able to take down if I had such skills?

They torn at my top leaving just my singlet on me. They strapped my hands in cuffs before hooking it to the wall. I fell to my kneels when a vampire threw a kick at my right leg.

The first lash came almost immediately and my screams filled the air. Another one came before I got over the pain of the first whip on me and it continued like that till I lost count. I couldn’t bear the pain anymore as I fought for my release.

I could feel my flesh opening up at each whip. “Please!!!!!!!” I begged out loudly.

“How many so far?” I heard Mikel’s voice.

“20 lashes Master Mikel..”

The hot throbbing pains on my back was unbearable,my vision already blur and my head spinning in circles.

“Bring water..”

Someone splashed water on me which revived my consciousness. I was glad I had a singlet on so no man was able to see my naked chest region like other prisoners in this room.

“Master Mikel how about we undress her?” One of the female Vampires asked.

I looked up at Mikel weakly. “ beg you… don’t undress me.” I pleaded.

“That’s better..see you are learning already..” he laughed.

Mikel moved closer to me. “Your wounds are deep,” he commented as he opened up my singlet behind.

I groaned in pains when he ran his fingertips over the lines on my back. I screamed when another whip landed on my back.

“That’s enough Mara.. Cassidy is new to our rules.”

“Okay Master..”

“Sorry..we have to come this far to teach you..” he wiped my tears with his fingertips. “Don’t worry.. you’ll be fine after some days.” He smirked.

“Joseph prepare all 10 prisoners in the cell to meet the High Council in three days time. The Emperor should be free to make any decisions.”

“Master Mikel should I add her to the list?” Joseph asked.

“Yes..she would be mine in the end.” He brought his face closer to mine.

Mikel touched the blood that dripped down my nostrils and brought it to his mouth. “Your blood tastes good!” He revealed his sharp fangs before moving away.

“You’ll be mine soon Cassidy Moore. My new Pet to be!”

I just knelt down there,too weak to even utter a word to him.

“Joseph take her back to the cell,get a healer to treat her wounds so it doesn’t get infected.” He gave out orders to Joseph. “I will see you in three days time My Lady.” Mikel said loudly before walking away.

The Two female Vampires released me before Joseph and other male guards led me back to the cell. They all gasped In shock when the vampires pushed me into the cell. Felicia rushed towards me. “My child..look what they did to you..” tears falling down her cheeks.

I managed to sit up despite the pains. “ Zoe?”

“They took her away..” Natalie replied.

“Is she dead?” I panicked,more tears flowing. “I didn’t mean to hurt Zoe..I was just -” I screamed when Sophia hugged me to calm me down. She pulled away immediately to examine my wound.

“They whipped you badly!”

They all helped me to lay on my stomach when Joseph came in with female healer whose fangs came out as soon as she saw my bloody back. I knew it was horrible seeing how much whip I had taken on my back.

“Control yourself Maya..” Joseph cautioned her.

“I am alright..” she muttered. “You should also leave us alone Joseph.”

He mumbled something before leaving reluctantly. Maya didn’t utter a word as she applied stuffs on my back. I wept and screamed as she took care of my back. She wrapped bandage around it while the women in my cell helped me change into the rags meant for prisoners.

How on Earth did I end up in this mess?!

“Your wound should heal up a bit before meeting the High Council.” Maya said before leaving the cell.

Felicia rocked me as if she was my mother. Hot tears burned down my cheeks,wondering why life has been really unfair to me but soon I fell asleep in her arms.


Beauty ? And The Beast ?
Story by: Authoress Ademide.
? Episode 6 ?
Theme: Destiny is a Bitch!

?Cassidy’s POV ?

It has been six days since I was brought into this world by a dangerous Vampire who has this strong desire to make me his food source and pet. I haven’t set my eyes on Mikel since he left the torture room,although he had said we would meet at the High Council meeting but I wished we would never see again. I prayed to God to not let anyone in the High Council to pick me as a pet.

And if I was to choose out of being a Food source,Pet or Slave,I would opt in to work as a slave to the vampires. At least I wouldn’t have to walk around naked or donate my blood to the Blood Factory.

We haven’t heard about Zoe,I still feel guilty for what happened to her and I hoped that Mikel didn’t kill her that day. Maya didn’t come around to clean up my wound which made me feel dirty coupled with the fact that they didn’t give us any chance of a good bathe or even good food. I haven’t tasted anything good since I got here. Felicia complained that I looked thin and lean. I was extremely weak,cracked lips,pale skin and pains all over my body. I have been alone all my life,but I haven’t experienced this sort of pain.

Joseph came into the cell,selected me and Natalie with 8 other women from other cells to meet the High Council. We didn’t even get the chance to say a proper goodbye to Felicia and Sophia before they led us out of the cell.

They led us to the chamber where our fates would be decided by the High Council. The guards opened up the door to a large neatly decorated room. We walked towards a group of couches where 7 men including Mikel appeared to be relaxed and drinking. I looked away when my eyes met Mikel’s. Someone had said the High Council consisted of 7 men excluding the Emperor making a panel of 8 Wild and Dangerous Vampires.

From their casual demeanor, I hoped this meeting would not be as bad as my instinct kept warning me it was going to be. When we reached them,Mikel remained standing.

“Humans are here!” He announced.

Their attention diverted to us and their expressions immediately transitioned into angry and displeasure – and then something flickered in their eyes…Hatred! This was going to be bad!

“Felix,Kelvin,Joshua, Daniel,Damon and Josiah..” Mikel acknowledged each man sitting on the couches. “Don’t you need new pets or food sources?!”

“Of course!” They all laughed out.

“I fed my old pet to my Tiger last night!” One of the men indentified as Daniel said.

“Your tiger must have enjoyed eating up your pet!”

“Sweet meal!”

“So let the game begin!” Mikel clapped his hand. My heartbeat accelerated.

“I have my eyes on her!” I looked up to see one of the men point to Natalie who broke into tears Immediately.

Joseph picked her out and torn at her dress immediately. “You’ll serve Master Kelvin from now on as his pet!”

My heart broke as the other men selected five more women respectively and they were undressed immediately leaving just four of us left.

“My lady didn’t get picked..” Mikel said but I didn’t look up at him. Hot tears burned down my cheeks as I knew I would have to undress as soon as he pick me as his pet. Oh God why me? No man has ever seen me naked!

“Who is your choice?” A new voice spoke up as he suddenly appeared in the room out of no where.

They all bowed to the man who just appeared then I knew his identity from the aura his presence created in the room. I zoned off as I took in his features.

Long hair packed in a manly bun, Beautiful silver eyes framed with dark Eyelashes, supertoned skin. His chest was bare,solid wall of muscles,veins protruding from his perfect skin,abs and lean hips. And here I am drooling over the wicked, Cruel and Heartless Emperor. Someone like him shouldn’t have such great looks!

“You couldn’t wait for me to come pick out my choice -” he said,taking his seat on one of the big couches in the room but this one looks like a throne.

“We know you don’t keep pets Emperor!” Joshua said.

“What if I wanna change my mind?” The Emperor picked up a glass filled with blood.

“You have women ready to satisfy your desires!” Mikel laughed.

He said “You’re doing a great job Mikel!” The Emperor stopped Midway as If he had smelled something from it.

“Can you smell something?” He asked coldly and the men shook their heads.

He closed his eyes. “Something sweet and -” a deep frown creased his face when he reopened his eyes.

“Is there anyone with an open wound here?” He asked but no response came from anyone in the room.

I was scared! Fear gripped me at what would happen if he found out I have an open wound on my back. Would he feed on me and drain out my blood till I die?!

I tried to control my shaking body that I didn’t realize the presence in front of me.

“’s you!” The Emperor said.

Tears leaked from my face as I looked up at the silver eyes staring straight into mine. My heartbeat hard in my chest as I didn’t miss the anger and hatred in his expression.

Oh God what have I done to deserve this unfair life?! No doubt I was born to know no happiness but sadness.

I avoided looking at him as this presence created a pit in my stomach and I could feel my kneel growing weak each seconds.

“Is everything okay Emperor?” Mikel asked.

“Yes..I think so..” the Emperor replied,his eyes still on me.

“I will make my choice now,” Mikel said, excitement in his tone.

I shuddered hard, knowing he was referring to his desire to make me his pet. My legs felt like blocks of wood as waited for him to say it.

“Okay…” The Emperor walked back to his couch.

“I’m taking her as my pet!”

Silent sobs erupted from me when Mikel words echoed in the room. Joseph stepped closer to strip off my clothes

“She will never be degraded in such a manner and you will not fucking speak about her in that manner!”

I jumped in fear at the Emperor’s sudden outburst. Was he referring to me?

“What’s going on?”

“Why are you acting up?”

“You care about Humans now?”

“No! I don’t fucking care about Humans!” The Emperor snarled. I dare not look up at him.

Mikel came closer. “I’m taking her..”

A sudden roar erupted in the room. “Take your fucking hands off her!”

Mikel released me and held his hand up. “Emperor calm down and tell us what’s happening?!”

I didn’t look up. I was confused as to why the Emperor was acting strange.

“Don’t tell me to fucking calm down! She’s mine! And I will fucking kill anyone who touches her!” He growled out.

As if my heart stopped beating for a second after the Emperor’s words.

“She’s mine!” Gasps erupted in the room. Finally I looked up the Emperor who was up from his couch vibrating in fury his eyes bleeding crimson.

“The Emperor just found his mate!” Someone said.

“Is that it?!” Mikel asked.

The Emperor shrink lower in his couch,his gaze trained on me.

“That’s it?! She’s your mate!” Mikel spat angrily.

Mate? What the hell are they talking about?! How am I a mate to the Emperor?! He’s a fucking Vampire and I am a Human!

Their eyes widened in shock. “This is impossible!”

“The Emperor can’t be mated to a mere human!”

The Emperor repositioned himself as his eyes travelled over my body. I couldn’t comprehend what they were saying!

Mikel positioned himself beside me. “So this is really it! You’re mated to a Human I brought into this Imperial!”

“Yes!” The Emperor growled in frustration.

“Okay..okay..I guess things will change around here.” Mikel went back to his couch.

“Nothing is going to change..” he replied.

“Then you can take her as your pet..” Mikel added.

Oh God no! I would rather die than be a pet to the meanest Vampire!

The Emperor’s pupil dilated. “No! She’s my mate!” He yelled.

I became extremely weak that my kneels couldn’t hold me anymore. Everything started spinning right in front of my eyes and the voices in the air became so distance.

Slowly I found myself slipping away but strong arms grabbed me because I didn’t hit a hard surface.

“Get a healer!” The voice growled out.

And that was the last words I heard before I blacked out.


I could hear unfamiliar voices in my subconscious state.

“I have no idea how she got the wounds on her back!” The voice was filled with concern.

“Humans are subjected to several punishment in our Imperial..”

“Will she be alright?”

“She needs your blood for full recovery..” someone said faintly.

“Well giving her my blood isn’t the Problem. I am concerned about how to deal with her once she regains consciousness.”

I could feel tears dropped down my cheeks as I made an attempt to adjust myself. The pains was unbearable! I couldn’t open my eyes for unknown reasons.

“Do something..”

“Your blood..and she needs you too.”


Someone held me close and whispered softly shushing sounds in my ears. I felt cold substance run down my throat – the taste was sour.

“You’ll be okay..” the voice murmured against my hair.

The substance burned my throat for a while before I felt my body calming down and my sobs stopped abruptly.

“That’s enough to heal her.” Another voice said.

“Everything will be fine?” the voice muttered.


And soon my consciousness slipped away again.

Beauty ? And The Beast

Gbammest! It has finally happened o! ?
Cassidy still has a long way to go in understanding Vampires Mating process! ?
Let’s be glad that Mikel plan to make her a pet failed! ?
So thanks for reading!
Your comments matters to me so keep it coming!❣️

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4 years ago

Opradre, you’ve not updated for the past 3 days. Interesting as always but there’ll be war because how will she cope and that devilish evil Mikel. Or is she a witch?

4 years ago

Post another episode Opradre in order to make up for the missed days

Egunjobi Omolola
Egunjobi Omolola
4 years ago

Happy for you Cassidy but I don’t want you to be a vampire

4 years ago

I’m happy for Cassy . please post another episode. I hope Cassy would scale through

4 years ago

I love this story

Hope judith
Hope judith
4 years ago

Wow…. What a story!!!
For a second, I thought it was a movie
Well done guys??????????

4 years ago

Don’t do it please ???
Cassie still has a long way to go….
Hopefully she gets saved sooner!