The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 4 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 1 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Al pha Episode 4 by Yasminne

Theme : The Black Shadowed Pack

“You definitely stole my socks!” Jay argued, making me roll my eyes at him.
We just got off a two hour flight, where we were kindly given a flight package that included socks, a toothbrush, toothpaste and a cookie. Since Jay misplaced his socks at the beginning of the flight, he’s adamant that I’ve stolen his.
I had to deal with his whining for a whole two hours. I even begged some of the pack members, who was on the flight with us, to switch seats with me.
None of them were willing to give up their seats, especially if they have to move and sit next to their moody future Alpha.
I’ve been looking forward to this day since last week, when Magnus gave us his permission. It was only when the plane landed, I felt quite nervous.
“I carefully placed my socks in front of me, got up to go the restroom and when I came back it wasn’t there! Who else would dare to steal my socks, other than you?” Jay questioned, as he walked towards the baggage carousel.
I sighed contemplating whether I should reply back or not.
“I told you already! I didn’t even see your socks, let alone take them!” I shot back him as I spotted my suitcase on the baggage carousel.
The four other pack members also spotted their suitcases and picked them up. Yes, that’s right. Four!

Usually, only two pack members travel with me to other packs, but Kaitlyn was very strict about how many were to accompany us. I glanced at Jay, wondering if he has his suitcase.
Just then, he picked up a black suitcase from the carousel and made his way towards us.
The four pack members, Jay and I walked through the airport until we got to the main arrival section. This is where a BlackShadowed pack member is supposed to meet us and take us to their territory.
We walked into the huge lobby-like area where people were stood waiting with signs, names written on them.
I picked up an unfamiliar scent of a wolf in the crowd of humans, making me tense up. Jay and the rest of us also tensed up as they picked up the scent.
Jay walked in front of us, following the scent which led him to a red-headed man holding a sign that said ‘Jayden Steel’. I noticed that one of his arms was fully tatted up, due to his sleeves being rolled up and was noticeably tall, compared to everyone else.
The man backed up enough to get out of the crowd, which allowed us to manoeuvre our way towards the exit. He obviously picked up on our scents and was sure that we were the pack members visiting.
He curtly nodded his head before walking out the exit with us right on his tail. He didn’t say a word since he saw us, making Jay and I exchange confused looks.
We followed him, pulling our suitcases, towards a huge black jeep. The red-head helped us to put our baggage in the trunk and slid into the driver’s seat. He patiently waited for us to choose our seats and drove off as soon as we become comfortable.
There was silence for quite a while, no one dared to speak because it felt so awkward. I didn’t know what to focus on, so I just stared at the man’s hair. It was a very dark red, not the natural ginger-red colour I’ve seen.
He must’ve dyed his hair, although I’ve not come across many wolf who like to dye their hair. We had been on the highway for about fifteen minutes before the red-headed man decided to speak up.
“My name is Kobi.” He said, looking into the rear-view mirror. I looked at him feeling surprised and couldn’t help what came out of my mouth next.

“Oh, you speak!” I exclaimed.
I was obviously joking around, but I started to get nervous after realising that he is from The BlackShadowed Pack. Even our pack members visibly stiffened from what I said, making me regret my words even more.
The rumors I’ve heard about this pack makes me think that the pack members they don’t tolerate jokes or sarcasm…
So you can imagine how relieved I was when Kobi started to laugh out loud. “I’m really not a socialable person.” He explained, as he finally drove off the highway. “I’m especially quiet around other wolves outside my pack.”
I nodded at this understandingly, feeling myself relax a little. Jay finally spoke up, after giving off a cold impression to Kobi. Of course, Jay becomes a lot serious and has his guard up around non-pack members.
“What is your rank?” Jay asked, making eye contact with him in the rear-view mirror.
I looked at Kobi to hear his answer. I was also very curious about his rank, since he gave off quite a powerful aura. No where near powerful enough to be an Alpha, or a Beta.
My guess is that he’s a highly ranked warrior or even a Gamma, who is third in command of the pack – right after the Alpha and Beta.
“I am the Gamma of my pack.” He responded confidently, making Jay nod at him.
“We’re on our territory now.” He added, making me look out the window in anticipation.
I hadn’t noticed we were on a long and wide road with tall trees surrounded each side. It already looked beautiful and we were only on a road. If I was to have looked away, I would’ve missed the slight movements in the forest.
Probably the border defence warriors, of course they must’ve been notified of our visit so there’s no need to feel on edge. I tried reassuring myself this, but the deeper we drove into their territory, the more on edge I felt.
The large town came into view as we came down a hilly road. I leaned forward trying to take in the size of the pack town; it looked huge! Almost looks like an entire city and I wish I could say I was exaggerating.
I could literally see skyscrapers, but what is the point of having such tall buildings? Kind of an eye sore but it makes this whole place look legitimate.
“Fuck… this place is huge!” Jay exclaimed through the mind link.
Just as though Kobi knew what we were thinking, he said, “This is just the main Pack town, kind of like the central city of our territory. There are a few other towns just a few miles away.”

I nodded at this, not knowing what to say.
“Just to warn you, you most likely will be receiving shocked and alarmed looks from many pack members today. We aren’t used to having outsiders visit our territory so I hope you understand.” He added, as we entered the heart of the pack town.
“That’s fine.” Jay replied, looking out the window with a frown.
Confused by his frown, I also looked out the window to see a crowd of people following this jeep. Damn, they really must be surprised by our presence. I already knew that not many people have visited this pack in decades.
Looking away from the window, I settled my gaze on Kobi’s hair again. I really wanted to ask about his dark red hair, for some reason. I’ve never come across a wolf that dyed his hair before, so I’m guessing it’s a BlackShadowed thing…maybe?
“Do you think he’s dyes his hair?” I asked through the mind link.
“Of course he does! There is only three natural hair colours; brunette, blond and ginger. I’ve never seen such a dark red hair colour on any wolf or human for that matter.” One of the pack members exclaimed.
“Do you dye your hair?” Jay straight up asked, making me gape at him in disbelief. Well, I guess that’s one way to relieve my curiosity.
Kobi glanced into the rear-view mirror looking amused by his question. “I was wondering when you’d ask me about my hair. It’s usually the first thing people notice about me.”
I shrugged at this and said, “Well, it is an unusual colour.”
“But very cool, might I add.” One of our pack members piped up in the back.
“To answer your question, no. I have never dyed my hair.” Kobi said solemnly. “It’s a genetic mutation my family has passed down to me, so I’ve had this hair colour since I was born.”

“Wow, that’s so interesting. Quite a nice a genetic mutation, if you ask me.” I muttered, finding his explanation interesting.
“I think so too. If you ever have the chance to see me in my wolf form, you’ll be able to spot me straight away.” He added, chuckling.
“I have a red streak along the fur on my back. I’m very easy to spot in the sea of wolves.”
Just as he said that, we slowed down in front of a huge golden gate with four guards. Two of them walked towards our vehicle and inspected each of us before opening up the heavy gates.
Kobi drove forward into the long driveway that led up to what looked like a palace. I mean, the Alpha House is traditionally built to look very extravagant.
However, this Alpha House looked like it has been well thought out with its pearly fountain display in front of the house and the creamy steps to the front door seemed to glisten in the sunlight. The entire building was a pearly white/cream colours with golden accents on every window.
“So I’m guessing this is the Alpha House then?” I asked chuckling, as I got out of the jeep.
“Yes, although we call it the Alpha Manor. This is where the Alpha lives, as well as the Beta, Beta Female, the Gamma and some highly ranked warriors. Is it the same at your pack?” Kobi asked, walking towards the large front door.
Nodding, I replied with, “Yup, the exact same actually.”
The Alpha House is purposely built to fit a number of important people, so they always have a ridiculous amount of rooms. We all reached the front door where Kobi hesitates with his hand on the knob.
We stood there, awkwardly with our luggage in our hands, waiting for him to open the door. He turned around with a sheepish expression.
“So the Beta just informed me that the Alpha is in another one of his pack town at the moment. So he will not be able to meet you, but the Beta and Beta female is happy to get you settled in.” He explained as he opened the front door to the house.
The Alpha’s absence made Jay frown disapprovingly, but chose to keep quiet.
We walked into the reception of the Alpha House, not surprised at how it looks as extravagant as the outside.
I smelt…cinnamon and chocolate.
Was someone baking around here? How did they know I love cinnamon and chocolate? It’s my favourite combo of flavours. It smells so strong, but I love it. It smells addicting and overwhelming; where is it coming from?
I was about ask about the delicious smell before my ears perked up at the sound of people coming down the stairs.
Looking up, I saw a male and female holding hands as they walked down the stairs. They both had huge welcoming smiles on their faces which made me smile in relief. So far everyone has given me a good first impression…except their Alpha who couldn’t be bothered to greet his visitors.
It’s basic etiquette for the Alpha to make time for his visitors and help them settle in. But I’m sure he had to deal with something important, to not be able to make it on time for our arrival.
The male and female made their way towards us and greeted us. “Hello, welcome to The BlackShadowed Pack.” The male said, shaking our hands. “My name is Julian and I’m the Beta of this pack.”
The female stepped forward, beaming from ear to ear. “My name is Leona, and I’m the Beta female of this pack. It’s nice to meet you all.” She said, as she shook our hands too. She paused when she got to me and shook my hand excitedly. “I can’t believe I’m finally meeting you. I’ve heard so much about you, and I think you’re amazing.”
I laughed at her excitement, as I shook her hand gratefully. “It’s nice to meet you too.” She seemed so nice and bubbly, we could get along quite well.
“Okay, let’s get you to your rooms! You must be tired from all that travelling.” She exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “It’s a good thing you each only have one suitcase to carry. Follow me!”
She started walking up the stairs in hurry, making us all follow. We only went up one flight of stairs when we entered another lobby-like area. My senses were going crazy over the delicious cinnamon and chocolate smell.
“Okay, so let me explain how the Alpha Manor is set up.” She said, standing in the middle of the lobby.

She pointed to her right and said, “These corridors will lead you to the East Wing, where you’ll all be staying.”
She then pointed straight ahead and said, “These corridors will lead you to the North Wing, where you’ll find the Alpha. I suggest you don’t go anywhere near there, not if you want to get into trouble.” This made Julian and Kobi laugh, before she moved on.
“The West Wing is where you’ll find Julian, me and Kobi. You can visit whenever you like.” She carried on, pointing to her left.
“Except in the early mornings…please don’t wake me up.” Julian said, making us all laugh. “I’m really moody in the mornings; you don’t want to see me moody, trust me.”
“Looks like we’ll get on just fine.” Jay spoke up for the first time, chuckling. “So what about the South Wing?”
“That’s where some of the warriors stay in. They live in, for extra security.” Julian explained, smiling at Jay.
Oh, I think I sense I little bromance. They seem like they’ll get along just fine, which is great.
“Okay, so East Wing is where we’ll be staying, stay clear of the big bad wolf in the North Wing, West Wing is where you guys are staying and South Wing is where the warriors are.” I said, clarifying everything that was said.
They all nodded, laughing at my choice of words. We all decided to meet up downstairs in thirty minutes to have something to eat.
After a lot of bickering, we finally chose our rooms and unpacked as much as we could. Jay gave up packing after ten minutes and came to my room to explore.
“Whenever you want to say something that you may think is inappropriate to say here, just say it in the mind link.”
He said in the mind link.
“What inappropriate thing could I possibly want to say here?” I replied, rolling my eyes.
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the fact that the Alpha couldn’t greet us on our first day here? The disrespect!” He complained, lying on my bed.
“You know you have your own bed to lay on, right?” I asked out loud, trying to push him off. “Get off, you’re sitting on the clothes I want to put on.”
“You’re changing your clothes?” He questioned, rolling off the bed.
“Yes, because I feel like it. Besides you changed your clothes, why can’t I?” I replied back, as I started to change.
Changing in front of each other isn’t a big a deal as many would think. Especially as wolfs, you get used to changing in front of others, because you need to take off your clothes to shift anyway.
After I changed into much comfier clothes, we decided to make our way down to the ground floor of the house. It’s already been twenty five minutes since we arrived, and I couldn’t wait to eat.
At the end of the stairs, Kobi stood with his phone in his hands and playing what looked like piano tiles. I was once obsessed with that game, I internally smiled as we reached him.
“Julian and Leona are in the kitchen. I think they want to order pizza.” He said, not taking his eyes off the screen. “Just follow their voices, and you’ll find the kitchen.”
Jay and I chuckled at his passion to do well in the game and made our way to kitchen. Funnily enough, we easily found the kitchen by following their voices.
Leona had the pizza menu, while Julian had his phone in one hand. Two out of the four of our pack members were already there, sitting at the dining table watching the Beta and Beta female chase each other around the kitchen.
“I want to order this time!” Leona exclaimed, waving the pizza menu. Julian dived for the menu but failed as Leona jumped onto the kitchen desktop.
“You always over-order, complain about how you can’t finish it, cry of happiness when you realise you can eat it for breakfast and then cry of guilt because you had an unhealthy breakfast. I’m trying to save you all that trouble!” Julian sighed, trying to convince her.
“That wont happen this time, because there is six extra people to help me eat.” Leona shot back, proud of her comeback. Julian looked at her, deadpanned at her answer before shrugging.
“Alright babe, go ahead. Go ham!” He backed down, throwing her the phone.
She caught it effortlessly before jumping off the kitchen desktop.
“So what you like to order?” She asked, obviously happy that she can order. We mind-linked the other two pack members to find out what they wanted and told her what we all wanted. After ordering, we made our way to the living room to look for a good movie to watch.
I couldn’t believe how easy to was to get along with them. I learnt that Kobi is addicted to his phone and hardly speaks, except for those times where he says an unexpected joke.
Julian and Leona are probably the funniest pair I’ve ever come across. When I remember, I should ask them how they met. I love hearing stories of how mates find each other.
The smell of this house, however, had been bothering me since we came in. The mouth-watering smell of cinnamon and chocolate. Judging by how the kitchen looked, I don’t think anyone was baking when we arrived.
“Why does this house smell like cinnamon and chocolate?” I asked, straightening myself up on the sofa.
Julian and Leona were in front of the T.V, flicking through the collection of DVDS. They looked up in surprise and confusion.

“It smells good and strong. Is it a candle?” I asked, really curious. I would buy the candle in a heartbeat; the scent is to die for.
“I usually light candles around the house, but I don’t think I’ve ever use a cinnamon or chocolate candle before.” Leona asked, looking confused. “The one that’s burning right now is a lotus scent, which smells flowery.”
Jay looked at me with a confused expression. “It smells nothing like cinnamon and chocolate in here.”
I looked at them both, feeling confused. Were they being serious? The smell is so overwhelming and strong.
Instead of telling them that, I said, “Oh, my bad.”

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 4

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