The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 53 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 1 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 53 by Yasminne

Theme : Satanevos

I stared at Darkness’ lifeless body, in disbelief. Even though we’ve only met this demon recently, he had been the bane of our lives since Killian attacked us at Jay’s graduation.
I closed my eyes and sighed, thinking of all the warriors who had put their lives on the line to fight the rogues today. Those feral wolves have targeted innocent, and defenceless citizens – on the orders of Darkness and Nevos.
I was glad one of them have finally been gotten rid
My gaze moved onto Kobi, who currently had Nevos inhabiting within him. I had another one to exterminate, and this will end today.
I couldn’t help but hiss in frustration, my forearms were pulsing from the pain. His claws did some good damage, the wounds weren’t healing as quick as they should. Wounds usually heal quickly, and don’t leave scars or marks. Of course, wounds caused by silver was an exception.
I calmly breathed in and out, all I had to do is push through the discomfort.
I rushed to Theo’s side, who was currently standing by a torn tree. He was catching his breath, his chest heaving as he regarded his opponent with a frown. His built torso was covered in sweat, indicating how hard he has had to fight.
I put my hand on his arm, letting him know I was beside him. He let his guard down for a millisecond to smile down at me, he was so focused on Kobi that he hadn’t felt me approach him.
“I’m not going to lie, I’ve been struggling.” He mind linked me with a huff. “You took care of Darkness pretty quickly, you’re amazing.”
“Why, thank you.” I responded with a chuckle.
“Although, we both knew Nevos was going to be the challenging one.”
Theo’s eyes narrowed at Kobi’s figure, who was also taking a little breather. “That demon is smart. Chances are that he hasn’t fought in centuries, so he let Kobi take over who has trained as a Gamma for most of his life.”
“With Kobi’s Gamma level fighting skills, combined with Nevos, an old, powerful demon’s powers; it’s a crazy force to be reckoned with.” I retorted. “However, it’s two against one.”
He looked at me with a grin, and quickly gave me a peck on my forehead. “You’re right.”
“It’s him, against two strong Alphas.” I continued firmly. “You’ve fought him before, right?”
“Kobi? Yeah, countless of times.”
And won , I heard him silently think.
“Then you have the advantage of knowing his tactics.” I told him. “I have the power of The
Light Gene. I used it to kill Darkness, but he was half werewolf unlike Nevos who is purely a demon. I don’t even know if he can be killed.”
That was what had been bothering me for a while.
Can I kill a demon? Can it even be killed? If I do get rid of him, can he be summoned again?
The red head suddenly charged towards us, wielding a large silver sword. I stared at his choice of weapon in disbelief, an actual fucking sword?
Maybe I should get one?
My mate and I managed to jump out of his way, effortlessly landing on thick branches. “Any plan?” I asked through the mind link.
“I’m so hungry…” He announced at the same time.
I slowly turned to Theo, holding back my laughter. “Honestly, same.”He flushed at my reaction, and shook his head at himself. “Sorry, so about a plan. Silver is obviously effective because the body belongs to a full werewolf. So remember, silver is lethal but the question is, if Kobi dies, does Nevos die along with him?”
I snapped my head in the red head’s direction, he had thrown a dagger my way. I jumped down from my branch, rolling onto the ground to break my fall. “If only Nevos was in control, we could interrogate him.”
I ran, at full speed, around Kobi just as Theo jumped down from the tree. I smirked as I watched his gaze flicker between us in confusion, not sure who to focus on. I made eye contact with Theo and tilted my head towards Kobi’s left side.
He didn’t even falter, completely understanding my unspoken order, and rushed to Kobi’s left side. He had no idea what I had in mind, but completely trusted me and followed through my command.
I wielded my machetes in such a way that seemed foreign to me, but it just came naturally as I attempted to kill Kobi. One machete was flying towards his left shoulder, where Theo was, and the other was aiming for his back.
I purposely made sure he saw the left machete first, making him dodge that one easily. I let go of the handle of that one, passing it to Theo. I immediately brought both hands to hold the handle of my machete, and slashed at his back before he could register my attack.
He was a second too slow in realising my sneak attack, thus resulting in his back being torn by my weapon. He let out a yell, and a hiss when the silver sliced through his flesh. I flashed a look at Theo, but he already knew what to do with the machete I handed him, he swung it at Kobi.
He aimed for his neck, but Kobi had managed to raise an arm to block the hit. Unfortunately for him, that move had resulted in his arm being cut open. Blood spilled out the fresh wound as Kobi yelled and snarled from the pain.
His eyes dangerously flashed at me. “I’ll kill you!”
“Not on my sight.” Theo cut in, throwing punches at him. He threw many corkscrew punches, not giving Kobi the chance to use his weapons. Annoyingly, due to the demonic power he had acquired, he was able to block all of Theo’s hits.
I could tell my mate was getting frustrated by it.
I swung my machete at Kobi’s figure, lets see how he’ll deal with two people attacking him at the same time. As if he had read my mind, he managed to retreat before I could do some real damage.
His angry gaze fell on me. “You should’ve died, instead of Irene.”
I growled at him. “Give me a good reason why, traitor.”
Choosing not to reply, he lunged at me with his silver sword. Despite how heavy it looked, he held the weapon as though it weighed nothing. It cut through the air easily, the blade glinting from it’s sharpness.
I swiftly moved my body, matching the fluidity of the sword. I hadn’t allowed the weapon to come close to scratching me, let alone harming me. I turned back to find that he was trying to corner me to this large tree.
I looked around for any escape route, and panicked when I couldn’t find any. I looked back to my opponent, to find him grinning in triumph. I snarled at him in response, not letting him get away with that smug smirk.
Damn it, did I realise too late?
His sword swung at my head, and I barely managed to avoid it’s blade. I brought my machete up, and started to block his attempts with it. The sound of our silver weapons filled the air, clashing at every second.
Where was Theo?
Suddenly, we were pushed apart. The familiar ringing sound of my machete filled the air, as my mate swung it at Kobi’s unguarded chest. At that angle, he couldn’t gain enough momentum or power to actually stab it into his chest.But the surprise attack did do enough damage.
Kobi stumbled back in shock, clutching his newly wounded chest. I didn’t hesitate in attacking him once again, taking advantage of his momentary shock.
I lunged in effort to finish him once and for all, my machete ready in my hand. However, the damn guy couldn’t stay still and moved just as my weapon came down. It sliced right through his shoulder, destroying his shoulder blade in the process.
He let out a strangled cry of rage and agony.
I mercilessly pushed it even deeper to weaken him, all Theo had to do was plunge a machete into his heart. I glanced back to see him approaching us with a weapon in his hand, ready to end Kobi’s life. A tired smile spread on my face, I finally had him within my grip.
And then, the worse case scenario happened.
He let me think I had the upper hand, but I didn’t. I looked down in horror to find a silver dagger aiming for my heart, and tried to jump out the way. He held me down firmly, wearing a crazed expression.
It all happened so quickly, within a split second.
He had failed to get the silver dagger in my heart, due to my thrashing.
But, he did manage to get it into my shoulder.
I, involuntarily, gasped in shock when it pierced into my skin, cutting into my flesh. I felt so many things at once, extreme burning, unbearable pain, and coldness. The coldness of the blade was hard to ignore, it was a reminder that I had a damn dagger in my body.
“Fuck!” I heard Theo yell. The mate bond wavered suddenly, from the waves of panic and fear emitting from him.
I retreated far away from Kobi, who was currently sporting a satisfied smirk.
My eyes widened at the sight of a dagger sticking out of my shoulder, how had this happened? Not hesitating a second longer, I grabbed the handle, gritted my teeth and pulled it out in one go. Tears pooled up in my eyes, a reaction from the pain, and streamed down my face.
I watched the red head examine his wounds with a thoughtful expression, and started to retreat. To my surprise and disbelief, he began to run away from the scene. That little bitch!
Theo was rushing to be beside me, when he realised what Kobi was doing. He froze, torn between helping his mate in need or stopping Kobi from escaping. He was much closer to Kobi than I was…
“Fucking catch him!” I screamed, watching Kobi jump from branch to branch. Theo stared at me for a second longer, before turning his back on me. I sighed in relief, glad that he knew his priorities.
Catching and killing Kobi, who was inhabited by a powerful demon like Nevos, was definitely the priority.
I stood up, still clutching my shoulder, and leaned against the tree. I wasn’t sure what to do, I was loosing blood at an alarming rate. But I preferred this over having that silver thing stuck in my shoulder and poisoning my body.
I didn’t have anything to wrap my wound with, nothing to put pressure on it and somehow decrease the blood loss. My wolf emerged suddenly, pushing herself to the front of my mind.
“You need to shift.” She told me firmly.
I breathed in and out, before sprinting towards where Kobi and Theo were.
“Did you hear me?”
I ignored her, which was pretty dumb of me to do. However, my fighting ability would decrease significantly if I shifted. I didn’t want that.”You dumb shit, you wouldn’t bleed as much if you shifted into me!” She yelled in my mind. I cringed at how loud she was, rubbing my temples.
“Okay, calm down with the attitude.” I responded back.
She didn’t reply.
I finally caught up with Kobi and Theo, they were fighting by the bank of a small river. I used to love hunting in this area, my wolf had drunk from this stream countless of times. It wasn’t too far from my favourite garden.
My wolf prodded my mind again, pushing herself forward.
“I said no.” I told her, giving her my answer.
“Your condition is worsening.” She spat back.
Holding my machete, I analysed the situation – figuring out when to jump in. I had to bare in mind that Theo might have a plan, and I can’t be quick to jump in whenever I want. I was slowly loosing feeling in my arm, on the same side of my shoulder wound.
“I’m not letting you hurt the body I need to shift into!” My wolf cried out in panic. Her overwhelming need to shift was overpowering my stubbornness, my gums started to hurt – a sign of my canines growing in.
“Okay!” I gave in quick. “Just let me strip, these are the only clothes I have out here.”
I hid behind the closest tree, stripped down and already felt my wolf push forward.
“Hold up, wai-” I started to say, feeling startled.
Without warning, my bones moved and cracked into place. My white fur grew at an abnormal pace, covering almost every inch of my body. I looked down to find my hands and feet were replaced with paws.
I couldn’t believe how fast I had shifted, was this a new record?
I didn’t even need to do a run to prepare myself, woah. I shifted on the spot, just like how Theo does.
“Okay, let’s not waste time.” My wolf reminded me. I sat back, and let my wolf take full control.
She’s a warrior after all.
We ran towards the fight, jumping in when we saw a chance. We snarled viciously, gnashing our sharp canines at him.
“Down boy!” Kobi barked, scrambling to get away from my teeth.
My wolf didn’t like that as she forcefully knocked him down. It was easy to see he had weakened significantly, most likely due to the silver in his blood. At this point, he must know he’ll die from silver poisoning. I glanced at his wounds, he had too many silver caused gashes.
I made a mental note to seek medical attention after this.
My push had him sliding into the river, immediately drenched in the cold clear water. My wolf trotted over to him, and comedically sat on him – his face immersed in the water. He struggled beneath my weight, trying to resurface to breathe.
I got off him before he passed out, I wanted my mate to experience the satisfaction of killing the traitor. Theo grabbed him by his shirt, and roughly pulled him out like a wet dog. The red head spluttered and coughed, his body’s way of making up for the lack of oxygen.
Theo held his sword firmly, positioning it at Kobi’s heart. He paused, making sure the red head clearly understood the situation. I stood by my mate, my gaze focused on the dark shadow hovering above his heart.
“Last words?”
My wolf had the urge to roll her eyes. “Just kill him already!”
Kobi’s dark gaze fell on me, taking in my wolf’s appearance. He opened his mouth to say something, but was forced to a halt when Theo had forced the silver blade into his heart. His expression displayed what ‘extreme shock’ would look like.Kobi was dead.
Waves of mixed feelings entered the mate bond, all of which were emitting from Theo. I glanced at his face, his face had hardened at the sight of his dead Gamma. Never did he think he would have to kill his Gamma, for betraying him and the pack. I dug my snout into his side, whimpering to calm his emotions.
His hand immediately stuck out to pet me, making my wolf lick his hand in affection.
But then something caught my eye, there was another angry shadow. I was about to ignore it when I realised something different about it…
This one was inside Kobi. My wolf flinched away from it, not liking it’s aura, but I forced her to lean closer and look. The black shadow was fighting to leave his mind, what the fuck was that?
“Crush his head!” A distant, desperate yell rang in my ears. Theo perked up at that voice, frowning at the person who screamed it. I turned back in curiosity, feeling surprised when I saw who it was.
“Crush it before he escapes!” He yelled, his eyes widening in horror and fear. He was sprinting towards us, desperate in his attempt to reach us. Shit, that shadow is Nevos? My fur stood up on it’s ends, we couldn’t let that demon escape.
Theo’s eyes widened in realisation, grabbing the corpse’s head.
We snapped our head in his direction, frustrated and confused by Aiden’s orders.
He was still sprinting towards us, but managed to face palm himself when he recognised me. “Why is Elisia a damn wolf? She has to get rid of Nevos!”
Taking orders from a kind of nice rogue we just met today? Weird.
I stared down at my paws, how was I supposed to crush someone’s head with these? My wolf rolled her eyes at me. “You think like a human.” She retorted, not hiding her disappointment.
Without hesitation, she widened her jaw, lengthening her lethal canines. Realising what she was about to do, I prepared myself – concentrating on the power that was The Light Gene.
She brought her mouth down on his head, and bit down hard. Blood filled my mouth in no time, but we bit down harder, finally cracking the skull. It was a vomit inducing scene, his jelly like brain turned into mush. It took so much in me to not spew up my insides.
Suddenly, Nevo’s ugly, dark aura filled my senses.
“You caught me.” His vile voice echoed in my mind.
Somehow I already knew what to do. “I’m banishing you to the Oblivion, where you’ll never get a whiff of the sweet scent of worldly existence. You can never be summoned, ever. I bestow upon you a lifetime of powerlessness, and darkness – a place where you are nothing.” I told him, the words easily rolling off my tongue.
“The rogue’s vice leader, Aiden, was a traitor this whole time?” He murmured. “A double agent?”
I looked up at Aiden who had finally reached us. He was staring down at me with wide eyes, concern etching his face. He was in no way a double agent, the guy just happened to change sides.
I had a lot of questions for him…
“By the power of The Light, I banish you, Satanevos, to the Oblivion.” I declared, feeling the immense power build within me. Electrifying, endless bounds of pure energy rushed out from me, forcing the demon from out my head.
He let out an angry yell before he was forcefully ripped away from my mind. I shuddered as I felt his presence leave me.
I hadn’t realised Theo and Aiden were calling my name, nervous because I was unresponsive. I looked up at them and gave them a wolfy smile.
“Hell yeah! You did it?” Aiden exclaimed, wrapping his arms around me. My wolf growled in a warning tone, making him jump back in surprise.
“Stop that, he’s a cool guy.” I told her. Even Theo didn’t seem bothered by the rogue touching me as he held out a hand to Aiden.
“Thank you.” He said gratefully, when Aiden took it.
He sighed in relief, looking at his feet. “Not a problem man.”
He glanced at me, took off his jacket and held it out for me to take. “The last time I saw you, you were in a torn black dress. This should be long enough for you to wear until you can get changed.” He explained.
I gave him one last look, before taking it in my teeth and trotting away.
“Thank you.” I thanked my wolf. “I’ll let you out to hunt whenever I can.”
“We’ve grown so much, haven’t we?” She asked wistfully.
“We have…”
I shifted behind a tree, once again celebrating over the fact that it only took a little over a second. I put on his coat, which looked big on me, zipped it up and stepped out. I rubbed my temples and sighed; having a demon that strong inhabit my mind for just a amount short time, had given me a headache.
I approached Theo and Aiden with a smile on my face. “Nevos is gone, and can never be summoned again.”
My mate sagged in relief, opening his arms for me for a hug. I walked straight into them, relishing in his comforting touch. He brought his lips down and trailed them along my neck, humming in contentment.
“You had me worried for a second there.” Aiden spoke up, his happy grin widening. “If you hadn’t acted quick, he would’ve wondered around until he found another dark soul to take over.”
He shivered violently. “And then he would’ve hunted me down and killed me for being a traitor.”
I stepped out of my mate’s embrace, and held my hand out to him. “Thank you so much.”
He took it and shook it seriously. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
“But we didn’t do any business…” I deadpanned.
“Look, it seemed perfect to say it then, so I did.” He retorted, shrugging. He turned to Theo and said, “It takes a lot of strength and courage to kill someone who was once your trusted friend, I commend you.”
Theo gave him a curt nod in response.
“Okay! Let’s go back, shirtless guy.” Aiden said, patting his shoulder. Not looking back, he called out, “And you too, Female Alpha.”
“How come I get the weird nickname?” Theo muttered under his voice. Nonetheless, he put his arm around me, accidently brushing against my shoulder wound.
I hissed in pain, making him move his arm away in alarm. He pulled the zipper of the coat down, and pulled it back to see the condition of my shoulder. I looked at him the entire time, fighting back a blush because my cleavage was on show.
His gaze moved away from my shoulder and to my cleavage, darkening when he realised I was completely naked under the jacket. He licked his lips slowly before zipping it back up.
He glanced at my forearms, the gashes were covered up by the sleeves, before snaking an arm around my waist.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get that sorted, love.”

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 53

Well, well, well….Nevos is gone, goodbye and good riddance!

This episode really made me think about how much Elisia has grown and developed since the beginning of this story.

I’m proud of her!

Please tell me what you thought!

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5 years ago

Two will chase ten thousand. Nevos and darkness defeated. A fight worth reading about.

5 years ago

Yaaayyyy!!! They finally got rid of Nevis, I knew Elisia is the to destroy him. Now they can rest and plan for the future.

5 years ago

Elisia’s life has so changed dramatically in two months. Thumbs up.

Adeagbo Inioluwa Adeola
Adeagbo Inioluwa Adeola
5 years ago

I am really proud of her too. This is my best werewolf story so far

Victoria B
Victoria B
5 years ago

Wait a bit….let me read it like 4 or 5 yes again, before I comment………..
So so happy…

5 years ago

Am so happy for Elisia, its wasnt easy but have won atlast

5 years ago

How sweet the turnout of events.. Loving the fact that our Elisia grew more powerful than ever, and to top it up, with the power of light! So amazing.
I sooooo love this story!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

5 years ago

Lovely story

5 years ago

Finally darkness is defeated

4 years ago

Good riddance