RIA Episode 53 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Ria Episode 61

RIA Episode 53 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

°°°°°°Two Days Later°°°°°°
A soft knock sounded on the door.
“Come in” Ria answered
Elise walked in with Chad behind her with a box in his hands.
Ria sat beside Ian
Ethan sat beside Attorney Ava.
“Mrs Elise please join us”
Ria said when Elise was about leaving the room.
She didn’t want Elise to feel left out in the plan.
“Okay” she bow her head slightly before settling down beside Chad.
Ethan cleared his throat and performed the introduction. He introduced Chad to Ian and Elise.
Chad hasn’t met them.
“So let’s get down to business” Chad said as he opened the box he brought in.
“This box contains all the evidences and files which Derrick gathered six years ago”
“So what about Derrick?” Ian asked
“He is not coming” Chad answered
“Yes Derrick doesn’t want to work on the case. And he also rejected the money you sent him” Ava added
“I’ll will just tell everything he told me” Chad said

“So you work as a Detective in Chicago?” Derrick asked chad when they stepped into his house.
Chad glanced around the small apartment.
“Don’t mind the condition of my apartment”
Derrick sniffed and sat on the couch
“Tell me everything that happened right after you turned in the information you gathered”
Chad said
“I lost everything..my job, my wife,my home, marriage..everything”
“Who fired you at work?”
“My boss. He asked me to work on the case but he fired me after I told him the suspect and tendered the information”
“Who was the suspect?”
“Frederick Robert”
“Oh well it was possible that Frederick ordered your boss to fire you”
“Exactly. He was the brain behind the case. He manipulated everything, Fake body, false witness,false killers -“
“And the cops allowed it?”
“You don’t know Frederick Robert” Derrick chuckled
“He is ruling here and he’s highly connected”
“How did you know Frederick Manipulated everything?”
“I worked on the case secretly after I got fired at work. A colleague of mine provided me with information I needed. I even talked to the witness and she admitted that she saw them that day.. I mean the MML Gang. She saw them when she came out to tend to her dog that won’t stop barking. And even before that it wasn’t hard to figure the killers. I knew it was the MML gang cause I’ve worked on several cases which involved them. Frederick claimed the inheritance after they closed the case and then I found the Truth”
“Tell me about it”
“Frederick sent the gang to get his brother to sign the transfer of inheritance paper and get rid of him too”
“So what did you do after finding the truth?”
“There was nothing I could so since the case was closed and my life was already miserable by then… when my wife left me”
Chad shook his head
“I’m sorry about that -“
Derrick snorted
“Don’t feel sorry”
“Ethan told me everything”
“Yeah he worked with me secretly. He was the one that gave me the idea of the inheritance. He hired you to reinvestigate the case?”
Chad nodded
“Is really she alive?” Derrick asked
He wanted to be 100% sure
He had gone to the cyber cafe that night Matthew came around. He searched for Ria Robert on Google and he found her among the list of top Clothe Designers in USA. He found everything!
He recognized her with the pictures he had taken from their home six years ago.
She was older now.
It was hard for him to believe that she was alive. And he wondered how she had survived!
“Yes and she want Justice”
Derrick stood up and carried the box. He gave it to Chad
He opened it and saw stack of papers,a white envelope and a small black recording device.
“A guy came around and gave me that device and envelope” Derrick said
“Who is he?”
“Matthew Alley, An ex convict and a friend to an Ex member of MML Gang”
“Yes..about the MML Gang I’ve been trying to find information about them”
“They are all dead”
Chad looked up at him
“The five of them?” He asked
“Well only one survived six years ago. He was in jail for Six years but he died too a couple of weeks ago”
“He is dead?”
His forehead creased
“Yes. His name is Dane Kelly but usually called Speedy. And he did that recording and wrote that note before his death”
Chad checked the writing on the envelope. It was directed to “RIA ROBERT”. And it was sealed.
“tell me all I need to know”
Chad said
Derrick sighed
“Matthew said that Frederick visited speedy few days before he died. He didn’t know what they talked about..but he suspected that there was a deep secret between them. And Days later speedy had a fight with an inmate and was stabbed”
“Perhaps was there a grudge between speedy and that inmate?”
“Yes scorpion used to be the Lord of the Prison before speedy took away that title. He survived and at the infirmary speedy told Matthew that he needed him to find someone as soon as he leaves prison”
“Hold up..” Chad raised a finger
“Speedy asked Matthew to find someone when he gets out of jail”
“Yes. And he said that someone wanted him dead. He told him the place to find the note and device and asked him to find me and deliver it to me”
“And who wants him dead?”
“Who else?”
Chad raised an eyebrow
“Frederick Robert” he replied
“Yes. Matthew went back to the infirmary the next day during lunch but was told that Speedy passed out during the night”
“But..why did Frederick killed Speedy?”
“You will find the answer in that recording” Derrick itched the bridge of his nose
“Everything you need to put Frederick in jail is in that box”
They lapsed into silence
Chad was busy checking out the papers In the box. He saw pictures. Two pictures of Ria and her parents.
“I advice you don’t deal with Frederick here in Idaho. And also get the best Attorney to help you on this case”
“Yes Derrick the best Attorney will be in town soon to request for the files”
“Good one Chad.. But I hope they don’t tell her that the files are missing”
“They won’t do anything silly. Attorney Ava isn’t an ordinary Attorney..she’s got connections”
“Then tell her to request for a transfer of case to Chicago. That will render Frederick powerless”
“Frederick is powerless in this case. Ria Robert is not the hopeless Blind girl people around here know her to be..she’s rich now. And she’s got Rich and powerful people helping her on this case. You know Ian Bryant?”
“Ian Bryant?”
“Yes..He’s a Mogul”
Derrick nodded
“I haven’t met him but I’ve heard of his family history..pretty famous”
“Third richest family in USA. He is Ria Robert partner. And he’s determined to put Frederick in jail. And I can assure you that he won’t get away this time”
“You can’t be sure Detective. Frederick is smart. And as a matter of fact his spies at the station will call to him inform that An attorney tendered a reinvestigation note. Let’s see -“
He paused
“Frederick Robert will leave town” he completed
“We will arrange for his arrest before he leaves town”
Chad replied
Derrick shot him a confused look
“Yes..me and you. Derrick you are a detective”
“No I’m not a detective anymore and I don’t want to work on the Case”
“Ria Robert Will be happy see you”
“I’m not interested” he spat
“I can get you a job in Chicago. I’m sure my team will be happy to have a detective like you on our team”
He was silent
Chad dropped his number on the table.
He stood up and carried the box with him and walked out of the house.
He sent Derrick’s address to Ava.
Ava went to Derrick the next day she arrived at Chicago. She gave him the money Ian asked her to give him but he refused it .
Ava tried to convince him to join them to work in the case.
She dropped her card and told him that she awaits his response.
He had a second thought..it was a chance to start his life again. To live a normal life and forget about his wife that left him..and forget the miserable life he lived in Idaho.

“So have you listened to the tape?”
Ethan asked Chad
“Yes..” He took out the envelope and gave it to Ria. Ian collected it and handed it to her.
“Speedy sent this to you”
Chad said
“Can we listen to the tape first?”
Ria asked
Chad took out the device and pressed the button.
Speedy: My name is Dane Kelly but my gang called me speedy. I used to be a member of the MML Gang. I made this recording as an evidence to be used against Frederick Robert in court cause I know nemesis will catch up with him soon. He is a bad man. Frederick used us for dirty jobs. He ordered us to kill people.. Mostly anyone who tried to get in his way. Six years ago,Frederick came to my Boss Lucas and told him to get rid of his step brother Nathan Robert. He gave us paper works which contained the transfer of inheritance. He told Lucas to get Nathan to sign those papers and we should kill him and his family. The inheritance was a lot of money..$10 million dollars and Frederick offered to give Lucas part of the money aside the payment of the job. We killed Nathan and his wife but Lucas took Ria away cause he couldn’t control his sexual urge after seeing her”
Ian held Ria’s hands
“Lucas took her to our den but lied to Frederick that he had fun with her in his car and she died and he threw her body off a cliff.
Frederick believed him and left that day. He thought it was over until they declared Ria missing. He came back to the den and yelled at Lucas for not killing her in their home. Then he devised a plan.. The perfect plan to make everyone believe that Ria was dead. Frederick paid the commisioner of police to fire the detective in charge of the case and some cops who will present the false body of Ria Robert. It wasn’t human but a toy in form of human. It was made by the toy industry in Idaho. They designed it to look Real…like Ria…that was why back then there wasn’t much cops at the place they found Ria’s so-called body. It was just the cops the commissioner assigned to the woods. And when a witness showed up and said she saw us that night and everyone suspected us. Then Lucas sent Kelly.. The only female in our gang. He asked her to go to the witness. She was a single mother of two and so Kelly threatened to kill her sons. And she ordered her to change her words whenever the press came around. And she complied and admitted that the men they found are ones she saw that night. The truth was Frederick paid two thugs to act as the killers giving them the assurance that he would fly them out of the country after the case was closed. And they confessed that they killed Nathan and his wife because he refused to pay the money he borrowed from them. And they killed Ria in the woods. It was a lie. Actually, we killed those men after they closed the case. Lucas was willing to protect Ria from her uncle because he was in love with her but my boss couldn’t tell her.
And in a long run,we went for an operation in a bank but someone called the cops on us. They killed Lucas and two other members. I was apprehended and the last member that was shot didn’t make it. Python died the next day leaving just me to face the wrath. Frederick couldn’t get me out of cell. I was sentenced to Life Imprisonment but that bastard promised to get me out of jail when i threatened to expose his secrets. Six years passed now he didn’t do anything. He came to jail weeks back and asked me to tell him the truth about Ria. He claimed that she was Alive and I told him the truth after seeing the pictures he gave to me. Then I told him to turn himself in to the police before he left that day. I knew Frederick won’t spare me for saying that to him. He was so confident that Ria won’t do anything to him. And i sensed that my end was near and I was glad. It was better to die than stay in jail for life. I’m recording this just in case Frederick orders someone to get rid of me just to conceal the Truth. I don’t want Frederick to get away with his crimes. And I’m the only evidence Ria has to put him in jail. Detective Derrick I’m sure you’re listening to me,you are the only one I can trust with this cause I saw how determined you were back then to find the killers. Mr Derrick find Ria,she’s in Chicago, now a famous clothe designer. Find her and help her get Justice on her Parents death”
Then it beeped
“That’s all”
Chad said in a low tone.
“We can arrest Frederick with these evidences”
He said
“Yes and the transfer of case is in Process” Ava added
“Mr Chad do the necessary things” Ian gritted
“Sure I will turn in the evidences to my boss today and make a report. Attorney Ava please I will like you to come with me to the station to talk to my boss”
They both stood up
“Please kindly drop by at the station to make a statement”
He said to Ria
“Should I bring the letter along?” Ria asked
“No it yours..whatever is in there is personal”
Ava and chad left
“I think I’ll take my leave too”
Ethan said and walked out
Elise went to Ria
“Don’t worry everything will be fine. Mr Ian I will leave her with you”
She said
Ian nodded as she blink back tears.
Elise exited the room.
“Ria -” he called as he squeezed her hands gently
“I promise you that he won’t get away”
She nodded and picked the letter
“Ria..you know you can read the letter some other time”
“No..I will read now”
“Are you sure about it?”
“Yes Ian”
And he read it to her
Dear Ria,
I’m glad to hear that you are alive and also doing fine in Chicago. I heard that you are now a famous Clothe designer – it Good. To be sincere Ria, You deserve the Best after everything you went through in Lucas den. I’m so sorry for What I tried to do to you. Find a place In your heart to forgive me for trying to force myself on you. I’m using this medium to ask for your forgiveness for getting you into trouble with Lucas. I felt guilt for what Lucas and his men did to you. I wish we could meet again so i can apologize properly…but I know I’m the last person you wanna see. I know I deserve death and I will gladly accept it.

Please Ria,once again forgive me and the MML gang oer killing your parents and for causing you pain. It’s only your forgiveness that can make us rest in peace.
Please Forgive us.
Thanks in Advance!
And I wish you all the best in life Ria Robert.
From Dane Kelly (Speedy).
Tears dropped down Ria’s cheeks.
“He knew he was going to die” she stood up and Walked to her desk.
Ian went to her and pulled her into his arms tightly.
She lasted two minutes in tears. She couldn’t stop them.
“And even after everything.. he shouldn’t have died” she sobbed
She was heartbroken
She felt bad that he was dead.
“Ria that’s enough”
Ian whispered
“Everyone deserve a second chance..you know no one deserves to die. He was bad though, but he thought of doing something that would help me. Now I feel bad that he died because of me. And if he hadn’t confessed the truth then he would still be alive -“
“No Ria don’t blame yourself” he shushed her
“I forgive him..I forgive them” She muttered
That was the best thing she could do to repay speedy for preparing that evidence.
Forgiveness was the only option left to take away the guilt she was feeling. And she promised that she would do everything in her power to make sure that Frederick pays for all his crimes.
“Please forgive me
Cause I don’t know what to do…”

Author’s comment..
This is sad I find it hard It to believe that speedy is dead ?
Thanks for reading!
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Agborie Vivian lroro
Agborie Vivian lroro
5 years ago

Federick Robert l see you going down very fast.

5 years ago

So touching… Can’t wait for the concluding part….

5 years ago

Karma is a bitch. Let Fredrick Roberts ?. He shall be caught

5 years ago

Its so that speedy is dread when is sin as sin an se ek for forgiveness

5 years ago

I can’t believe tears was running down my cheek as I read this episode… Speedy do rest in peace… You did the best thing at your last breath…

5 years ago

Such a sad espisode. …..More ink to your pen, thanks Ademide.

5 years ago

as u make ur bed dats hw u wil lie on it!!!

Enny Pat
Enny Pat
5 years ago

Hmmmmmm… So pathetic. Rip speedy

5 years ago

Comment: Fedieric thought is smart but God is a rewarder who is about 2pay d evil genius 4all evils he has done 2Ria’s family n others More grace 2 Ademide n 0pradre.

5 years ago

Hmmm so sad Rip speedy

5 years ago

I cried ??

Asia Chika
Asia Chika
4 years ago

Hmmmm! Speedy repented. Rip. Frederick you won’t escape and your death should be brutal. That’s what I wish you