RIA Episode 61 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Ria Episode 61

RIA Episode 61 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

•°°°°° IDAHO °°°°°•
A week after Frederick was sentenced.
Ian and I travelled down to Idaho to visit my parents graves on the actual date of their common birthdays and anniversary. That date fell on the same day. My parents shared the same birthday dates and they even got married on that same date.
I had a blanket of flowers made for the occasion. Ian and I picked it up at the florist before driving to the cemetery far on the outskirts of the town.
I have seen their faces in the pictures Ethan gave me. And I look like my mom. I made a big frame of us in my home.
“Careful -” Ian said as we made our way to the graves.
I stared at the headstone for a while as if it an intercom connecting me to my lost parents. I didn’t speak,I just reminisced about some things I remembered when there were alive. Those things we did as a family.
I touched the marble stone and decorated each Graves.
I was grateful to Frederick for one thing – He gave them proper funerals and laid them in a good place.
“Mom..dad -” I said as I decorated the graves.
“Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary”
Tears. They fell down my cheeks
“It so sad that you both are not alive today..and Your deaths pains me but what can I do? Nothing you are both gone for good”
I wiped my tears with my fingertips and placed it on the graves.
“Justice Prevailed in the end. Frederick was sentenced and he is really sorry for everything he did to us. He asked for your forgiveness. Dad I have a lot to say but I can’t put them in words. But Mom I want you to know that I did it…your dreams..our dreams, I’m now a clothe designer,pretty famous In USA now. It was what you wanted for me right? I know.. dad I know you must be really proud of me now too. I miss you..I really do and if I was given a chance to make a wish then it would be – Turning the hands of time just to see your faces and be with you till the very end”
I stood up and held Ian’s hands
“I want you both to meet the man of my dreams..His name is Ian Bryant. He made my dreams come true that why I call him ‘ the man of my dreams ‘ “
I smiled at him
“I achieved a lot with his help and words can’t describe how much I love him” I stopped
Ian spoke up
“Mr Nathan and Mrs Madison Robert, Ria told me a lot about you..Good stuffs and I must admit that you have the best daughter in the world. She has a good heart…a heart of Gold”
He squeezed my hand gently
“No gift or money in the world is enough to buy her cause your daughter is priceless. And I promise to take care of her -” he paused
And continued after a monetary pause.
“And also love her Forever till death do us apart”
I looked up at him
Tears blurring my vision
“Forever?” I repeated
He placed his hand on my shoulder and drew me closer to himself.
“Forever” He muttered
“Well Thank God i didn’t have to rush out of my office this time around”
I said jokingly when Lorna walked in
“Come on” she giggled
“How are you?”
“I’m fine..thanks”
She settled on the couch
I stood up from my desk and went to her
“So what’s with you?”
“Good vibes”
We laughed
Then she opened her bag and I noticed a ring on her finger.
“Lorna are you married?”
She smiled
Her fingers danced in the air
“No…I’m engaged” she replied
“Huh? Where did I drop it?”
She searched her bag
“Found it!”
Then she brought out an invitation card
“You’re invited”
I collected it from her
“Lorna weds ? Mason”
It was boldly written on the card.
“You are getting married to Mason in a month time”
“Good.. I mean congratulations Lorna”
I stood up and went to my desk
“Don’t worry I will be there”
“I’m getting my wedding dress from RRC”
She said
I turned to face her
“The woman you love own that place right?”
“So are you still together?”
“Always” I replied
We can never be apart.
“Ian don’t you wanna get married?” She blurted
“I want to “
“So what’s stopping you? You love her right?”
I nodded
“Then why don’t you propose to her?”
I was silent
I would have proposed to Ria a long time ago but I have this feeling it would scare her away. And I am not sure if Ria is ready for a big change..like getting married and becoming a mother. She is too busy with her studies and work at the store.
“Lorna its complicated”
“We are both working on some important stuffs right now”
She stood up
“Well that shouldn’t stop you guys -“
She stopped
“Or are you having problem on how to propose to her? I can help if that’s the case”
“No problem”
“Then get married”
Now that sounds like my dad. They’ve been pressuring me to get married. Most especially Josie, actually she was mad at me for not introducing Ria to her first. Lauren got to meet Ria first,so Josie was mad about it and She took it out on Ria at the hospital. She meant no harm to Ria,she was just jealous of Lauren’s relationship with Ria. But Everything’s fine now.
“Okay” I replied
“I will see you some other time”
“Bye” I waved
I should propose to Ria or talk to her about it?
I thought deeply
A voice screamed in my head
Yes! That’s it! It worth the risk!
And If she rejects me –
No I can’t take that!

“Excuse me -“
I turned to the soft voice
Lorna was there!
I recognized her even though I only saw her once.
“Hi” I greeted
“Lorna Simmons” I shook hands with her
“Ria Robert” I replied
“It nice to see you again. Do You remember me?”
She asked
“Yes I saw you at Mrs Perla store months ago”
“Guess You never forget a face”
She said with a bright smile
Now she was different from the lady I met the other day. That Lorna looked at me disgustingly but now she was smiling at me.
“I’m getting married in month time so I need a beautiful wedding gown”
“Oh congratulations”
“Thank you”
“Please come with me”
I led her to the wedding gown section
“Wow! So lovely!” She gasped
“I love this in particular!”
She pointed to an off shouldered gown
“Can I try it out?”
“Sure” I called at the ladies in charge to help Lorna with the dress.
She went into the changing room and came out.
“You look beautiful” I complimented
“You think so?”
“Me or the dress?”
She giggled
Lorna stepped on the pedestal and whirled to see the dress properly. The white fabric flaring out of her waist to extend to a long train.
“It looks perfect” she said
I moved closer to her
“Perhaps did Ian tell you about us?”
I cocked my brows
“Our relationship -“
She said
She was Ian’s Ex
I frowned immediately
Ian didn’t mention it that Lorna was his Ex.
“No don’t get me wrong. I’m not his Ex..but we were supposed to get married”
“Ian…Ahmm..he didn’t tell me anything”
“It wasn’t important. You know how rich parents do..they want their kids to end up with their business partners offspring just to strengthen the relationship. Oh! Did i scare you?!”
I flashed her a half smile
Actually it a Yes!
She scared me!
I thought she was going to say she was getting married to Ian!
“Don’t mind me..we were just friends and he wasn’t interested In Me”
I nodded slowly
“And he told me that..he loves you”
Ian told her about us?!
“Ria can I ask you question?”
Our eyes met in the large mirror when she stepped down from the pedestal.
I nodded
“Will you say yes if Ian proposes to?”
She turned to me with a serious face.
“I know it none of my business but I’m just concerned about my friend. It Seems Ian is doubting if you will say yes or not”
And I’ve been waiting for his Proposal.
I thought Ian wasn’t ready for the big change in our relationship. He is always busy with work.
“You love him right?”
“Yes I do”
“And you are ready to start a family?..like settle down”
She nodded
“Please can you help me out of the dress?”
I zipped down the dress and she went back into the changing room.
“I’m taking it” she said
“But can I take a picture of it first and send it to my Mom?”
I placed it back on the mannequin
She snapped it
“I will come around tomorrow so we can talk about the bridesmaids dresses. You can help me with that right?”
She checked the price tag
She smiled
“Please give me your Number?”
She gave me her phone and I punched in my number
“Thank you Ria”
“You’re welcome”
I followed her to the entrance of the store

My phone beeped and I looked down. It was Lorna.
“Hey Ian..I just came out of RRC” Lorna said
“So did you meet Ria?”
“Yes and why didn’t you tell her about us?”
“Yes that we were supposed to get married”
“What?! Did you tell Ria?”
“Calm down..yes I did but don’t worry I explained things her. Ian you better don’t waste time anymore. It seems Ria is waiting for your proposal”
“How do you know?”
“Well I asked some questions about saying yes and starting a family”
“What did she say?”
“She said Yes..so my dear friend propose to your girl and take her to the altar. I wanna see you get married in two months time. Bye”
She hang up
How did she get Ria to flow with her like that?
Oh! Lorna is an actress..so she must have put up an act.
No more Fears Ian!
Propose to Ria.
And I need to come up with the best way to propose!
I waited for you my whole life,you don’t know what you mean to me
If you ask me to be your wife and I will turn around and say..
You mean to tell me that I can love you whenever I want!

The story has not ended oo!
The next episode will blow your mind away!
So Don’t Miss It!

Pls Note; Ademide our talented RIA writer is in our midst ? ?

so drop your comment she may reply you


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5 years ago

Wow, beautiful episode, can’t wait for the next episode…

5 years ago

Comment:waoh, so lovely
well-done Ademide

5 years ago
Reply to  Oluwaseunfunmi

Thanks for Reading Seun! ?

5 years ago

Comment:hmmm bro ian pls go and propose to our sis ria or else i still have a single bro oo…..lol kudos to the writer and our iconic opradre

5 years ago
Reply to  Temi

Thanks for Reading Temi! ?

Enny Pat
Enny Pat
5 years ago

Ooooohhu…. So lovely

5 years ago

Am already imagining the proposal scene

5 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Lols! ?

5 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Thanks ?

Agborie Vivian lroro
Agborie Vivian lroro
5 years ago

Oooooch getting to the end thanks

5 years ago

Thanks for Reading! ?

5 years ago

This is a good and interesting story. I like the story so much. Keep it up our story writer ???

Ubom, Glory
Ubom, Glory
5 years ago

This episode story is making butterflies to fly in my stomach.
Thanks Ademide.
Thanks Opradre.

5 years ago

please next episode
I can’t wait to see how ria will react to the proposal

5 years ago

I dunno, but I’ve been taking unaware….

Thought it was the end.!!
Thank you!

5 years ago

Comment: What a lovely story of love. Why is lan delaying? Ian’s way has been open 4long 2Propose. Thanks, Ebun0luwa Ademide always bless 0pradre (shalom)

mercy seun
mercy seun
5 years ago

Wow…..God bless you for this story sis

5 years ago

Wow… Quite a lovely story! Thumbs up Ademide! Thanks OpraDre!

Ria, I guess your fear must have been conquered already…

Esther Ada Jesus
Esther Ada Jesus
5 years ago

Waoh every episode fills me with joy
Can’t stop smiling each time I checked n see DAT another episode has been posted
Tanks Ademide
Tanks opra dre u never disappoint me for once.

5 years ago

Wow thanks Ademide, I can’t wait to attend the wedding ???

5 years ago

One of d best stories so far..
Well done Opra n Ademide….
God bless us d readers, poster n d writer

5 years ago

Las Las aunty Ria fit say no…. anyway Sha language me I get single sister in case Ria say no…

5 years ago

Ademide ur so good at this
Ademide pls be my Ian
Dnt say no oh bike hi hi hi kodo for this piece of act
Opradre darling ur the best. Chop kissssss for wuna two.

5 years ago

Keep with the good work,the sky is just a starting point

5 years ago

Comment:Thanks, you are the best.

5 years ago

Next level Romance!!!

5 years ago

Kudos, such a beautiful story

5 years ago

Well-done Ademide! Very nice story

5 years ago

I just hope RIA will not turn down IAN’s proposal…..waiting for the next episode… Well done Ademide

Asia Chika
Asia Chika
4 years ago

Butterflies in my belly. Ian pls do the needful ASAP. Hahahahhaha