Ria Episode 47

Ria Episode 61

Ria Episode 47
“Ria, meet Chad Efron the detective I told you about”
Ethan introduced a brown haired man to me. His hair was cut in a sassy style and a big chain dangling on His neck.
He looked too stylish to be a detective. And not only that..I was meeting a detective in a bar and he was even the bar tender.
“Nice to meet you -“and
“Ria Robert. And it nice to meet you” I gave Ethan a confused look.
“Oh well -“
He leaned on the countertop
“Sorry I’m dressed like this as a detective. I’m on a mission”
No wonder!
I relaxed
“Private mission anyways. Some thugs around here won’t let the customers coming in to enjoy their drinks..and sometimes they harass ladies too”
“So the owner of the store hired you to catch them?”
He poured a drink for Ethan
“Want some too?” He asked me
“No I’m fine.. Thanks”
“Let’s talk about your case”
“It about my parents”
“Yeah Ethan told me everything”
Chad started drawing circles on the countertop.
“There’s a killer is in Idaho. The one who ordered the killings of your parents..and he is your uncle”
“Yes..my dad’s brother”
“Blood brothers?”
“Not really.. Steps actually”
“Have you met him?”
“No. but i’ve met his son”
“Perhaps do you know if his son is aware that his father killed your parents?”
“I doubt it”
It obvious Drake doesn’t know anything.
“He even offered to supply my store with necessary materials”
He won’t have done that if he was aware that his father murdered my parents.
“What if his dad had sent him?”
“Well I don’t know if Frederick is aware that I’m alive”
Chad shook his head
“But what if Frederick has seen you on Tv?”
“I don’t know..but Frederick doesn’t know me”
We haven’t met and he never came to our place in Idaho.
“Good..but what if he senses some resemblance to your Parents”
I was silent
Could it be that Frederick now knows that I’m alive?
“Did you notice anyone following you around?”
“At your store?…Like someone coming to act like a customer under disguise”
“My workers would have informed me if there was such -“
“What I’m trying to say is that – there is a possibility that Frederick is aware that you’re alive”
My heart beats rapidly
He might come after me again.
“I will be travelling down to Idaho to gather some information cause for now we have to work undercover”
“What do you need?”
I asked
“Don’t be concerned about what I need.. It should be what kind of people we’ll be needing to put Frederick behind her? -” He paused
And continued after a second.
“Attorney and someone who was involved in the case six years ago..”
“Getting an attorney isn’t a problem but -“
“A detective..”
He cuts in
“I mean the one in charge of the case and a good attorney who will file in for reinvestigation while i work in Idaho”
“I don’t know the detective who was in charge of my parents case”
I looked at Ethan
“Ethan can I get his information?”
“Yes..but I don’t know if he still lives in Idaho”
“I will find him -” he passed a small diary to Ethan.
“And the name of that witness”
Ethan jolted down in the notepad and gave it back to chad.
“Do you know if any of MML gang survived?” Chad asked
“I don’t know much about them”
He stared at me
“Tell me the names you can remember”
“One of them might be alive..probably In jail or a mental home”
“Three died in an operation…”
He passed the note to me
I doubt it if anyone of the MML Gang is alive! Lucas and two others died..probably speedy or Kelly. I don’t know..I wrote down the names of the MML Gang…five in number. A notorious gang of Five.
“I’ll call you anytime I need any information”
Ethan stood up and I did the same
“Thank You Chad”
Then we walked out of the building.
“We didn’t discuss the payment”
I said to Ethan when he drive out of the driveway to the road.
“Don’t worry I’ll handle it”
“What about his feeding, flight and accommodation -“
“Ria..including that too”
“How much?”
“Never mind” he replied
My phone beeped. It was Ian!
“Won’t you pick up your call?”
“Its Ian”
I rubbed my forehead
I don’t want to lie to Ian about my whereabouts.. And at the same time I know Ian won’t be happy if I told him I’m with Ethan. It seems Ian doesn’t like Ethan. He gets mad each time I tell him Ethan dropped by at the store to say Hi.
My phone stopped ringing
Things would have been different if Ian knew about my past.
“Is he threatening you in some way?”
Ethan asked
“He seems very odd to me..like Ian doesn’t want me around you. And for you..I noticed that you don’t want me to be at the store whenever Ian was around”
“You’re mistaken Ethan”
Maybe he’s right!
“Can I ask you a question?”
I shook my head
“Is Ian your boyfriend?”
“Well Ria…I understand that you’re still trying to get over what Lucas did to you. But what if the right guy came along would you let him into your Life?..like will you love him?”
Am I mistaken or was there a note of jealousy in his tone.
“Yes” I answered honestly
“If the right guy came along” I completed
“So what would make him the right guy?”
I thought about it. And the image of Ian came to my mind’s eye.
“He’d have to be down to earth,considerate, kind,level headed, ethical,honest, fun to be with,unselfish,compassionate -“
“So if you find Mr Perfect you’d marry him?” He asked
“Yes..i’d consider letting him into my life”
“Well..it good to hear that from you after everything Lucas did to you”
Ian made me change my mind. He was able to make me accept that all men are different. Ian nice and kind nature towards me made me change my perspective about Men. I wonder if I would have accepted Ethan again if it was during that time I was afraid of being touched by a man.
Drake made it to Lint Corp before 8:30pm and Ian signed the deal. He was happy that Ian signed the deal but he became surprised when Ian asked him to sign a promissory note. It entails that he would never go near Ria or try to make a deal with her. He was taken aback when Ian insisted that he should sign the note. It wasn’t hard for Drake to figure that Ian meant Business.
He could tell that Ian was deeply in love with Ria Robert. Ian let go of his money ‘15%’ just to make him stay away from Ria.
He signed it. There was no need to be around Ria Robert since Ian was deeply involved with her.
And Drake wasn’t ready to lose his business partner because of a woman.
“Come in”
Ian said when he heard a knock on his door
Ramsey walked in
“Excuse me Sir, a file was sent to you”
“Check it”
“It from an unknown source. And it says that.. You should be the one to check it. It was sent to you”
Ramsey completed
“Let me have it” Ian said
Ramsey handed him the tablet
“You can go”
He said to Ramsey
“Okay Sir” he bowed a bit before exiting the office.
Ian clicked and opened the folder.
And it wasn’t what he expected it to be.
“What the hell?!”
He said in tight whisper after checking out the file. Nausea welled up in him,all the excitement he’d felt after Drake signed the promissory note all gone as if it had never been. He tossed the tablet on his desk,his pain so acute he was afraid he couldn’t stop breathing. But he not only kept breathing, he took the tablet and transfered the file to his phone. He got out of the chair and rushed out of the office. He called to Ramsey that he was heading out.
Then he headed out towards his car gripping the keys tightly that they almost cut into his palms. He drove out of the garage and hit the main road.
It shocked him!
But it was all a lie!
She was a lie! And even though he’d never had her,his anger at what she hid from him.. Keeping it to herself was unbearable. He gripped the steering tightly when he called her number and she didn’t pick up.

Mr Perfect? Ian ? is Ria’s Mr Perfect ?
Now what’s going on?! ?
What do you all think of this episode?
Lemme know via comment!

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5 years ago


5 years ago

first to comment and also first time commenting here……..wow am tensed cant wait for the next episode.

5 years ago

Wow,can’t wait for the next episode

5 years ago

Hmmm……there is fire on the mountain…. Mr Fedrick has started dealing with Ria…thorough Ian.

5 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Well done.Please keep the episodes coming as usual, don’t keep us in suspense.

5 years ago

I just can’t imagine what would happen next… But Ria is beginning to annoy me I must confess???… I can feel Ian’s pain… And Ethan just popped out from no where tending to eat what he didn’t cook… I don’t want that guy around Ria either???

5 years ago

My first time commenting on this story…but I want to say Ria is stupid…now her worst fear is beginning to happen.

5 years ago


Asia Chika
Asia Chika
4 years ago

Whatever will be will be. That’s all I have to say