No Room For Love Episode 11

no more room for love

No Room For Love Episode 11

‘Get the hell out of my face.’ Kate rushed to her room and amidst tears she called her grams. ‘Grandma Jane, I need answers, can you come and visit soon?’ She couldn’t stop crying and managed to hang up.

Her grand mom Jane is a much-reserved person. Kate remembered the many times she visited she didn’t get along with her mom that much. She could feel the tension anytime her grams came around.

‘Which type of family is this I belong to anyway,’ She said aloud while helping her mom in the kitchen. Catherine just nodded her head.

Then she heard the door bell and quickly went to open just to see drake smiling sheepishly at the door as if she just made a joke.

‘What are you doing here; you were supposed to be with your siblings for vacation.’

‘Look oo, can’t I visit a friend anymore, at least someone cares enough to bring your favorite coffee.’

‘See you oo come in.’ 

‘Okay Mom.’ Drake replied sarcastically to Kate’s invitation.

They both laughed, then Catherine came out to greet Drake.

We talked for the whole morning and he even waited for lunch, I saw him off to his car and run back in.

‘That man looks like he is interested in you,’ Her mum said after she came back from escorting drake.

‘Who? Him! Drake?’

‘Yes, my dear.’

‘No way mum. We are close friends; there is no way he can be in love with me.’

‘Are you sure?’ Catherine asked sternly.

‘Mum don’t let your love for dad cloud your judgments, besides am not capable of ever loving again.’

‘Who are you to judge yourself harshly like that, i’m sure you are still hurt from what happened the last time, so I understand. You will soon find love, trust me.’

‘Like you found Dad.’ She retorted.

‘Kate don’t push words into my mouth.’

‘Mom why do you always avoid the topic?’

She just hugged her so tight, taking Kate by surprise. ‘You know I love you right.’

‘Yes, mom.’

‘Then trust me.’ Her mom requested.

‘I’m old enough, I can handle it.’ Kate said with a serious tone.

Just then Grandma Jane entered with Wilson.  Catherine and Kate were so engrossed with whatever they were discussing that they did not notice when the door got opened until they heard her voice asking ‘HANDLE WHAT?’

No Room For Love Episode 11

To be continued

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