MY PAINS Part 66


The next day.
I prepared breakfast, she refused to eat.
The school bus came to pick Johnson, he left for school at 6:55am.
Later, she went into the kitchen to prepare her own food.
I stayed in my room to avoid her, she didn’t want to see me from her looks.
Ibrahim, kept on talking to me to beg her.
“What’s your problem? Why are you finding it difficult to beg her?” Ibrahim asked.
I’m not ok. Stop forcing me to, i said to him.
“I’m very fed up of all this. You think my mom hates you but she doesn’t, she only hates the fact that you
are a christian”, he said.
I don’t care! I won’t change my religion because of her or anyone else and i won’t let her force my son to
practice the religion he doesn’t want to, i said to him.
“When Ahmed, refused following you to church then didn’t you force him, or you have forgotten when
you slapped him then because he refused to follow you to church, he said angrily.
Whatever, i said.
“Wow, i don’t really know what has come over you this days, you say things that annoys me, you just
behave anyhow.”
If i am, it’s your fault ok, said to him.
“Me?” Ibrahim asked.
Yes, you.
“How?” He asked.
I don’t know, i replied him.
“It’s okay.”
Better, i said.
He stood still for a while, before he came closer to me and spoke.
“Please baby, i just want you to beg her. She loves you. Please, for peace to reign, please”, he pleaded in
a low tone.
After she slapped me twice yesterday, i said.
“Please, i am pleading on her behalf, forgive her please.
No, i am not begging her. Because of her that’s why i didn’t go to church yesterday Sunday, to avoid
more problems from your mom.
“I know. Please, just go and beg her. She will soon leave.”
I do not care. I’m not begging her, i said with teary eyes, as i flashed back to when she slapped me.
He kept mute, looking at me, before he spoke.
“I can see you don’t want peace to reign, it is ok”, he said, angrily.
He looked at me angrily and walked away.
Later, he came had his bath, dressed up, took his car key and left.
Later, in the afternoon, i was sitting in the varanda. The school bus arrived, the gateman opened the
gate for Johnson to come in. Johnson ran up to me happily, i carried him and kissed him.
How was school today, my love? I asked him, smiling.
“Very fine”, he said laughing.
Wow, come and gist me, i said.
“Abeg madam, oga don come back?” The gateman asked.
Were you not the one who opened the gate this morning, for him to go out. You should know that
because you the one who in charge of the gate.
“Abeg madam, no vex.”
What’s wrong? I asked the gateman.
“Madam, noting o. I just want take permission from oga, i won travel tomorrow go see my wife.”
When he is back, i said.
I walked in, carrying Johnson.
I hope you ate your food today? I asked him, checking his lunch kit.
“No”, he said.
“I’m not always hungry.”
Next time, i won’t give you food to take to school.
He laughed. He took the remote and changed the channel to cartoon network.
“Wow, my favorite cartoon”, he said excitedly.
No, no, not now. You have to take a shower, eat, sleep, do your assignment and read, before you can
watch TV, i said to him.…..oo , he grumbled.
I carried him to his bathroom to have his bath.
“Mommy, where is daddy?” Johnson asked, as he was eating in my room.
I don’t know where he went to, i said.
“He didn’t tell you?” He asked.
No, i said.
“Why?” He asked.
I don’t know why.
“What about grandmother?”
She’s in her room.
“I thought she has gone”, he said, as his countenance changed.
Don’t be scared ok. Eat your food, i said to him.
As we were talking, the door opened and Ibrahim walked in.
Johnson, stopped eating. I sat on the bed looking at Ibrahim.
“So, no welcome”, he said.
Did i know where you went to at first? I asked him.
“Wow, that’s why no welcome. Did you ask me and i didn’t tell you?” He asked me.
Did you tell me and i didn’t hear? I asked him.
“Anyways, i went to work, i had a case…..I cut him off.
Whatever, i said. I knew he went to work with the way he dressed.
“Ahmed, no welcome too.”
“Welcome, he said in a low tone.
“Not welcome dad, anymore?”
“Welcome, dad”, he said.
“How was school today?” He asked.
“Fine”, he answered.
“Why are you not eating?”
“Noting”, he said and continued.
“We need to talk later”, he said to me.
I didn’t say a word.
He entered the bathroom, to have his bath.
Later, Ibrahim kept on talking to me to let his mom take Johnson along with her, that she will leave
soon, i should just be patient for peace to reign. He said he didn’t like what happened yesterday.
“Please, baby.” He pleaded.
I sighed.
“You know i love you. Please, just for peace.”
Have heard, i said.
“That’s why i love you”, he said happily, and kissed me.
Go away, jhor, i said.
“I’m not going anywhere without my baby”, he said.
We both laughed.
Later, in the evening.
I was teaching Johnson his assignment when his mom walked towards us.
“Oya Ahmed, it’s almost time, let’s start going”, she said, looking at Johnson.
I stood up.
“Go yourself, i am not going with you”, Johnson said.
She looked at him angrily.
I held his hand.
“Don’t dare me again this evening”, she said in anger, looking at me.
I do not care what you will do today, my son isn’t going with you, i said boldly to her.
We started shouting at each other angrily. I didn’t care, i was ready to face her.
“What’s happening again?” Ibrahim asked, walking down the stairs quickly.
“Get your hands off my son, he isn’t going with you ok!” I yelled at her in great anger.
She raised her hand and slapped me.
“Mommy, don’t worry i will follow her” Johnson said, crying.
Johnson, left me and walked to her.
I knew it’s because Johnson didn’t want her to slap me again that’s why he agreed to go with her.
No, son, i said.
I felt for my son, as tears rolled down my face.
Ibrahim, sighed.
“He has said he wants to go” Ibrahim said.
Son, no don’t, i said.
“Mommy, don’t worry”, he said, crying.
He followed her crying.
Ibrahim, sighed again.
“I’m sorry”, Ibrahim said.
Don’t say a word to me ok!! I shouted at him in anger.
” Please, calm down.”
Don’t touch me! I shouted at him. You watch our son being maltreated by your mom and you are not
saying a word.
“Please, don’t use the word ‘maltreat’, she’s not, please. I am surprised, i thought you agreed already.”
Get out! And don’t open that mouth of yours to talk to me again.
“Please, i am sorry please. Now she’s has gone with him there is no more trouble.”
“Your mom slapped me again”, i said, as tears rolled down my face.
He knelt down pleading.
I pushed him away.
Ibrahim, i swear i will leave this house with Johnson for you and your mom, i said, crying.
I walked away from him, he followed me pleading that i shouldn’t leave him again.
When Johnson was back he came into the room. He was still crying. I carried him on the bed and hugged
tightly. I was crying also.
Ibrahim, kept on looking at Johnson and i.

The next day.
The gateman came to take permission from Ibrahim, that he wants to travel to see his wife, he gave him
the permission.
Johnson went to school, Ibrahim went to work. I stayed in the room, to avoid his mom.
I forgot something in the living room. As i came out from my room, i saw her entering her room, she
looked at me and hissed, i hissed also not minding.
When Johnson was back from school, i prepared fried plantain and egg for him to eat.
“Mommy, i don’t want plantain and egg”, he said, as i gave him the food.
Why? What do you want to eat now? I asked him.
“Fried rice”, he replied.
Eat this now, i will prepare that for you tomorrow before you are back from school, ok, i said to Johnson.
“No, i don’t want.”
I tried forcing him to eat, but he refused. I remembered i still had the ingredients for fried rice, so i went
into the kitchen to prepare a fast one for him.
As i was cooking, his mom came in. She shouted at me angrily for pouring the hot water in the pot, i
thought she was done with it. I didn’t keep mute, i shouted at her angrily, i didn’t care. I walked to my
room, where Johnson was.
“Mommy, why is grandmother shouting at you again?” Johnson asked.
I don’t know, don’t mind her, i said to him, searching for my purse.
Let me go and get your food at an eatery, ok. I will soon be back. I don’t want her problems, i said.
“Ok mommy.”
That’s my boy. Take care.
I took my car key and left.
In less than 45minutes, i was back.
I kept on knocking on the gate, but no one answered. After a while, i heard Jonson’s voice…
“Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!”, he shouted.
I heard his footsteps, running. I knew his hands couldn’t reach up to unlock the gate.
Go and tell her to come open the door for me, i said to Johnson.
“Okay”, he said running back, as i could hear his foot steps.
I knew she intentionally locked the gate, so i won’t be able to come in. I had mistakenly poured water on
her when we were both shouting at each other in the kitchen.
After a while, Johnson came back.
“Mommy, she didn’t not answer me”, he said.
I sighed.
Johnson, have heard. It’s ok, don’t worry, i said to him.
“What am i going to do now”, i asked myself.
I still kept on knocking hard on the gate.
Johnson, don’t cry ok!
I started hitting the gate harder. I heard her footsteps walking towards the gate. I was thought she was
coming to open the gate, so i stopped hitting the gate.
“Open the gate for my mommy. Leave me alone”, Johnson cried out.
Leave my son alone!!! I yelled at her angrily.
I didn’t hear Johnson’s voice later, she forced him in.
I started hitting the gate harder again. I took my phone to call Ibrahim, he picked up immediately.
“Now, your mother has locked me outside!” I shouted at him angrily on the phone.
“How?” He asked confused.
Don’t you get! She locked the gate, i am outside! I shouted at him angrily the more.
“What happened again?”
Look, don’t ask me stupid questions ok! I didn’t do anything to her, i said with a teary eye.
“I am just tired of all this. Please, i can’t come right now. Please, i will be there soon.”
“So your work is more important than me that’s standing under this hot sun right!”
“Never! Please try understand, i can’t leave what i am about to do soon, it’s very very important. I wish i
could but i can’t, please”, he pleaded on the phone.
I didn’t say a word.
“Are you hearing me?”
Have heard you. I will stand outside the hot sun and wait for you, i said angrily.
“No, please. Where did you go at first?”
She didn’t let me use the kitchen, so i went out there to get Johnson a fast meal and she even forced
Johnson inside as he was crying.
He sighed.
“Please, everything will be fine when i am back. Are you with your car?”
Yes, i said.
“Ok, you can just check into a hotel that’s not far from our house, so you wouldn’t stay under the hot
sun till i am back, please.”
I hissed and hanged up angrily. He kept on calling, but i didn’t answer.
I sat down on my car. I bowed my face, thinking about what to do. Not up to twenty minutes, a lady
approached me, i looked at her, she was smiling.

I had been seeing her since i came back, but we have never spoken for once.
“Good afternoon”, she greeted me.
Good afternoon, i replied her, wanting to hear why she approached me.
“I’m Stellar”, she said, smiling.
Okay, i said, looking at her.
“And you are Johnson’s mom, right?”
Yeah, i am.
“Yeah, i do see you and your husband with your son sometimes, i really admire you guys”, she said
smiling the more.
I forced a smile on my face. Thanks, i said to her.
“Well, my husband and i with our daughter moved into this estate a year ago. But, i started to see you
few months ago.”
Yeah, i said again.
“You don’t really seem to be the type that talks, anyways let’s forget about that.”
Yeah, i said, looking at her makeup.
“Have been watching you sit under the hot sun for the last thirty minutes, what’s wrong?” She asked
I didn’t know what to tell her. She looked at me waiting for a reply, i didn’t say a word.
“Seems you don’t want to answer me, anyways i am sorry for not minding my business”, she said,
adjusting her hair that was touching her face.
No, not that, i am sorry. My mother in law locked me outside.
“What?” She asked in surprise.”You mean your mother in-law locked the gate on you?
Yeah, i kept on knocking and knocking, she only came out and took my son in, i said and sighed.
“No, we have to do something.”
She hit the gate hard three times, i stopped her.
“What’s stop?” she asked.
Please, just let her be. My husband will soon be back. No, matter how you knock i know her she won’t
come to open, i said.
“My mother in law can never try this nonsense with me”, she said angrily.
I sighed.
“What kind of a woman is she? And you are keeping quite, o my God.”
Am really tired, i said.
She kept mute for like a minute, before she spoke.
“Can we go to my house?”
No, don’t worry.
“C’mon, it’s hot, you can sit under the hot sun”, she said.
I agreed and we walked to her house, it was just like three minutes walk.
When i got in, i saw her housemaid feeding her daughter of about three years or so.
“Welcome to my house, have your seat”, she said smiling.
I looked all around, before i sat. The light went off.
“What would you like to take?” She asked me.
I’m okay, i said to her.
“No, you can’t be”, she said.
I’m, i said smiling.
“Hey! Is the food done!” She yelled at her maid.
“Yes, madam”, the maid replied.
“Serve it for both of us now”, she commanded.
“But madam, i am still feeding Ella”, the maid said.
“Will you shut up, you have been feeding her since. I said, sever us the food now!”
“Madam, no vex”, she pleaded as she got up immediately, heading to the kitchen.
The little girl continued to eat herself.
Stella, got up angrily.
“What the hell is wrong with this gateman”, she said angrily, as she walked out.
“Hey! Are you okay! Don’t you know you have to put on the gen! Do you want me to die of heat in
there!” She yelled angrily, outside.
“Madam, abeg no vex, i dey sleep”, the gateman said.
“Sorry for yourself”, she said and walked in.
“I’m sorry”, she said to me.
It’s okay, cool down.
“Am just so fed up they give me problem”, she said.
It’s okay, just take it easy, i told her.
The maid brought the food to us in a tray, she pulled out a stool and placed the food in front of us.
“Make sure you clean that kitchen very well after you have taught Ella her assignment, and have you
washed her school uniform?”
“Yes, madam”, the maid replied.
“Get out of my sight!” She yelled at her.
“I’m sorry madam”, she said and walked away.
“I’m sorry for that”, she said to me.
It’s okay. Thanks for the meal, i said.
“You don’t need to thank me”, she said smiling.
I prayed on the food in my mind, before we started eating.
“So tell me, how do you cope with that mother in-law of yours?” She asked.
It started mostly after i and my husband got married, it’s a long story, i said to her.
She looked at me seriously, wanting to hear more.
My husband is from a muslim background, i am from a christian background, i said.
“Wow!” She said, surprised.
Yeah, i converted into a muslim before we got married because of my mother inlaw, and after we
wedded i converted into being a christian. The whole issue started since then, she had been against my
religion and she still against it till now. She disliked me ever since then till now.
“Why did you convert to a muslim at first?” She asked me.
I told her, how it started and how she had treated me many times.
She sighed.
“Now i understand. But that shouldn’t mean you should allow her treat you that way and you keep shut.
We are going to talk about what to do”, she said.
I sighed.
“Hey! Come and clear this place!” She yelled.
Her maid walked to the living room immediately and packed the plates with the cups.
“That your mother in law loves trouble and you have to give her more than the trouble she wants. You
don’t just worry, trust me i will tell you want to do”, she said.
She took her purse on the center table and brought out a pack of cigarette.
“Wow, she smokes”, i said in my mind.
She lit the cigarette with her lighter.
“You care for some?” She asked giving me a cigarette.
“Hey! Get me my drink with two cups”, she commanded.
Her maid came in with an alcoholic wine and two wine cups.
“Turn into the two cups”, she said.
The maid, turned the bottle of wine into the two cups.
“Have it to cool yourself”, she said giving me.
No, don’t worry.
“What’s no? You don’t take alcohol too?”
Yes, i don’t, i said.
“Take jare, and stop acting like some kind of local woman out there.”
I laughed, and took the cup from her. I sipped a bit.
“That’s it baby”, she said and laughed.
I smiled.
She was smoking and drinking at the same time.
“Now back to the main matter. You see that mother in-law of mine like i told you, she can’t dare any
trash with me, she knows me na, she said and laughed out loudly.
I looked at her, i believed her.
“The last time she came here confronting me about smoking and drinking, i didn’t spare her, i slapped
I looked at her surprised.
You slapped your mother in-law? I asked in surprise.
“She wanted trouble na and i gave it to her. I don’t spare her if she dares start, i dey show her say i get
skon skon for head o”, she said and hissed.
And what did your husband say? I asked, still surprised.
“What will the idiot say”, she said, as she exhaled the smoke form her mouth.
“Wow, she called her husband an ‘idiot’ “i said in my mind.
“Why would she confront me in my house, didn’t her son know i do drink and smoke before he married
me. That was the last time she visited us. I don’t tolerate a single thrash from any of my husband family,
they know me well”, she said.
I looked at her seriously, as she drank a bit of the alcoholic wine.
“Look, you have to wise up and push that woman out of your house, it’s your house not hers.”
And how do i go about that? I asked her.
She came closer to me.
“This what to do.” She said.
She told me things i could do, i wondered if i could actually do them. We kept on talking for over an
hour, until my phone rang. It was Ibrahim. I felt high already, the toxicity was high and i don’t take
“Ibrahim, must be back. What will he say if he gets to know i am drunk”, i thought to myself, before i
picked his call.

“Hello, am at the front of the gate, your car is parked here, where are you?” He asked.
I’m coming, i replied him.
“Where are you now?” He asked again, wanting to know where i am.
I said i am coming, i told him and hanged up.
“Who was that?” Stella asked.
My husband, he is back, i said.
He called back, but i didn’t pick up.
“Is that why you are in a hurray to leave?”
Yes o, i want to see my son.
“Nawa o”, she said laughing. “Can i have your number?”
We both exchanged contacts.
“Ok na, let me see you off”, she said.
“Good afternoon, sir” she greeted Ibrahim smiling, looking at him from up to down.
“Yeah”, he replied her.
I looked at him, wondering why he replied to her greeting that way.
“I have to go now”, she said to me smiling.
Thanks a lot for today.
” You don’t need to thank me”, she said smiling.
I have to. We will see later.
“Yeah, later”, she said.
As she was going back, she turned and throw a glance at Ibrahim.
I looked at Ibrahim.
“Did you stay in her house?”, Ibrahim asked me.
“Since when have you been going there, that i didn’t know.”
Today is my first. She came and told me to go to her house with her, when she saw me sitting under the
He looked at me.
“Is that where i asked you to go?”
Please, don’t question me ok.
He looked at me angrily. I did the same also.
“Let’s go in”, he said.
I never knew you are now a spirit. Did i not tell you she locked the gate, i said to him angrily, and hissed.
He looked at me angrily. He took his phone and dialed his mom’s number.
She came to open the gate.
I drove my car, he did the same also.
He greeted his mom, she replied him well. She looked at me angrily, i turned my face away, not minding
” Mommy!” Johnson said running to me, i carried him up happily.
Have you eaten?
What did you eat?
“Grandmother, prepared rice and stew for me.”
Okay, let’s go to the room, i said holding his hand.
Later, Ibrahim walked in.
“Why did you agree to go with her to her house? And since when have you been friends?” He asked
Wow, you still asking me. Have told you before, today is the first time i went to her house. You didn’t
expect me to sit under the not sun and moreover i wasn’t ready to check in an hotel like you said.
“And why weren’t you ready?” He asked.
So you expected me to just waste my money to check in into that hotel till you were back?
“Do not annoy me the more. You know well, if you did i would give you back the money.”
“I know you are lying to me, i ask you again since when have you been friends with her?”
Have told you! Do not ask me again! I yelled at him angrily.
Johnson, go to your room, i said to him.
“No”, he said.
Please do.
He reluctantly got up and left.
Ibrahim, still kept on looking at me angrily.
“So tell me what you both sat down discussing? Because, i wonder what you will be discussing with such
a lady that people in this estate know her to be crazy and irresponsible.”
Your mom locked me outside, i thought you were going to face her for that when you come back, and
here you are asking me what we discussed. Let me be ok! I said to him angrily, and hissed, walking away.
“I can see you want to be stubborn”, he said.
He held my hand and pulled me with anger to back to the bed.
“What has come over him?” I asked myself.
As he was coming closer, i was shifting back in fear.
“Don’t dare move”, he said. i still did.
He held my jaw, lifting up my face, in anger.
“Answer my question now.”
I looked at him, wondering what came over him.
“Answer me!”
Have told you, i said trying to remove his hand from my jaw, but his strength was more than mine.
“Wow, you even smell of alcohol.” He said in surprise, his anger increased the more.
Fear gripped me.
“So you now even drink? I never knew the wife i have can easily be influenced.”
I drank yours.
“Wow! So you know tell lies. Doesn’t smell like the kind of brand i drink. Now i see”, he said, and
removed his hand from my jaw.
I sighed, in relief.
“I knew you are lying, you have been friends with her, no wonder you suddenly changed. Tell me when
did you start drinking?”
Anger was showing all over him, seriously.
“Answer me!” He yelled.
You drink also, ok! So don’t question me! I yelled back at him angrily.
“Will you shut up!” He yelled angrily, and he raised up his hand to slap him.
I shifted back in fear.
Don’t you dare, i said to him, in fear.

He slapped his hand on the wall, in anger.
His mom knocked on the door, and came in.
“Kiloshele?” She asked looking at both of us.
Ibrahim, told her not to worry that it’s not something serious, it is between me and him.
She looked at me, you know that kind of hatred look. She left.
“Now, let me warn you for the last time”, he said in a low tone, holding my face up with his hand.
“Let today be the last time, i must not see you with lady again, okay!”
I tried forcing his hand from my face.
“Listen before you prove stubborn”, he said in anger, holding my face tighter with his hand.
I wondered why he was so against me being friends with her.
“Because, i wonder what you both sat down discussing. I wonder why on earth you will want to make
friends with such woman that is known in this estate for sleeping around with other men. Only God
knows since when you have been friends. How am i even sure you haven’t been doing what she does, of
course you drank today, you have been doing it since i just noticed. I won’t allow her to make you
destroy us. No wonder you suddenly changed, i know you to be cool, easy and patient, but this days you
are the opposite. Let today be the last day on earth you will ever go to her house, and if ever see you
with any other man, i swear you will regret yourself”, he said in anger, and removed his hand from my
I sighed in relief.
You can’t tell me who to be friend to ok.
l wanted to show to him that i didn’t fear him, like Stella had told me to always face him boldly.
Instead of you to settle the issues of your mom, you are here ranting rubbish, i said to him and hissed.
I will be friends with her and there is noting you can do about it.
“I can now see her behaviors in you, you now talk back at me, you now disrespect my orders.”
Yes, when you don’t respect mine.
I breathed in and out heavily.
The next day.
I didn’t prepare breakfast, because i was still upset about what happened yesterday.
Johnson, went to school, Ibrahim went to work. I stayed in the room to avoid his mom that wouldn’t
want to leave, all because of religion. Her husband kept on calling her to come home, but she will
always tell him she will soon be back. She wanted to make sure Johnson was fully interested in
practicing her religion before she left, but Johnson only agreed to be going with her because, he didn’t
want her to slap me like she did twice.
“Let her come dare slap me again, she will know who i am”, i said in my mind.
But that didn’t stop Johnson from still praying, i bought him Bible stories, i gave him another Bible
secretly after she took his Bible from him and burnt it.
“By the time i start with her soon, she will leave my son alone and flew from my house. She never know
anything. I’m have just been so stupid. I’m so happy to have met Stella as a friend, if not i would have
still kept on acting like a big fool.” I said in my mind.
I decided to go to my boutique. I changed my cloths and took my car key.
When i left my boutique, i drove back to the estate, to Stella’s house.
I told her more about what’s happening, she told me things to do.
When i got home, i saw his mom seated on the chair in the living room.
I walked passed her because, no matter the times i still tried my best to greet her, she never replied to
my greetings.
“So you can’t greet?” I heard her say as i was walking up the stairs.
“This woman won see fire today o.” I turned to look at her.
“So i am now too small to been seen.”
I’m happy you know that, i said to her.
She was shocked.
“I can now see your wings are becoming stronger day by day”, she said adjusting her hijab.
Yes! And you had better stay away from my family and i , otherwise…
“Otherwise, what!!” She shouted at the top of her voice, like she was ready to start a combat with me.
Otherwise, who will cause trouble between you and your husband is coming your way, if you don’t go
back to your husband’s house, i said to her, not minding her reactions.
Ibrahim, walked in.
I acted like noting was happening.
He greeted his mom and me.
“Can you just imagine, she was talking to me, insulting me before you came in”, his mom said.
Ibrahim, turned to look at me, i turned my face away and hissed.
“What’s happening?” He asked.
I don’t know, i said, pressing my phone.
“Can you see yourself. See who calls herself a christian”, she said and hissed.
Ibrahim sighed, like he didn’t know where to start from.
“Can you see, she now walks out on me.”
I stopped and turned back.
You can’t control me in my house, be careful if you don’t want to leave right now, i said and walked
Ibrahim and her were shock at my statement.
Ibrahim, stayed back to plead on her, to calm her down as usual.
Thirty minutes later.
I was so hungry i had go to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. I opened a pot, i saw she had
prepared her own food already. When i was done, i served the food in three different plate, i took the
food to the room. I ate and rested on the bed.
An hour later, Ibrahim walked into the room.
He went to the bathroom to have his bath.
Johnson, came back. I took him to his bathroom to have his bath. When he was done i brought him to
my room to eat, i fed him.
Won’t you eat? I said to Ibrahim, pointing to his food i covered.
He didn’t say a word, he sat on the chair in the room.
“Ahmed”, he called Johnson.
He didn’t answer at first am sure he heard, but he didn’t want him to call him that name.
“Ahmed”, he called Johson again.
” Yes daddy”, he replied.
Johnson, came to him, he carried him on his laps.
I didn’t know what he whispered in his ear, they walked outside the room.
I laid on the bed, listening to music.
He later came in.
“I’m very angry, i kept quite because Ahmed was in the room with us.
I didn’t say a word.
“Have been tolerating, now i want you to go and apologize to my mom”, he said.
Apologize to her?
” Yes, on your kneels. “
Is this some kind of jokes or what, i said looking at him.
“You have been annoying me since. You spoke to her rudely so you must beg her. She’s is my mom,
I did?
If i did, she started it first.
“So you want her to come beg you? I’m talking to you and you are still pressing your phone!
Yes, i want her to come beg me first.
“You must be joking”, he said in anger.
I’m not.
” Don’t let me do what you will regret”, he said, as his anger increased the more. Go out now and beg
I’m not!
” You want it the hard way, right?”
He came and pulled me from the bed forcefully.
My anger increased, i raised my hand and slapped him.
“No man or mother in-law will control me. I must show to them as Stella had said”, i said in my mind

MY PAINS Part 66

To be continued.

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3 years ago

This is fast becoming unbearable for yiu ma’am ????????

Ibrahim’s such a jerk!