Beauty n The Beast Episode 29 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Beauty And The Beast Episode 11 - 12 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Beauty n The Beast Episode 29 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Theme: New Vampires?‍♀️?‍♂️

?Cassidy’s POV ?

The last few weeks went well until I woke up to feelinh sharp pains below my belly. The time was barely 6:30am and Caden already left the suite for an important meeting with the High Council.

I screamed when another shocking wave of pain hit my belly again. It was becoming unbearable and no one was around to help me. It wasn’t time for Kira or the guards to resume work. I managed to crawl out of bed but I ended up falling to the ground with a loud thud when I made an attempt to go into the bathroom.

Suddenly I felt something tickling between my thighs. My eyes widened in sheer shock when I saw blood stain on my nightgown. It was way too much to be a menstrual blood. Something is not right!

“Somebody help!” I screamed, tears flowing down my face as I gasped for breathe.

I hoped Caden would hear me from our mate bond. “Some..!” I shouted again after another wave of pain hit me again.

The door busted open. “What the hell!” I heard caden utter profanities as he rushed towards me.

“Abeja…look at me. Who did this to you?”

“” I said weakly.

“What Happened?” He asked but got no response from me. “…how…” He searched to see where the blood was coming from.

As if he already knew what was happening to me. “Oh no! Oh no!” He gathered my bloody body in his arms.

“Cora! I am coming right now!” He snarled as if Cora was in the room.

“It’s okay,my love.” He ran at a full speed. “Please..hang on for just a minute.” His eyes pleaded with me but I couldn’t hang on.

I wanted to stay awake so he wouldn’t have to worry about me but I was too weak. I was losing consciousness..and soon I ended up drifting into a deep sleep.


“You don’t need to worry, she’ll be awake soon.”

I heard shushed voices in my ears.

“But it’s taking too long. She’s been asleep for over two days now.” A familiar voice said in a concerned tone.

Two days?! Why did I fall asleep for two days? I asked myself as memories flooded my mind. Oh! I had lost consciousness and didn’t wake up for two long days!

Caden must have been really worried about me! I could feel it from his tone. I forced my eyelids to open, surprised to see that I was in the Royal Infirmary.

“Caden?” I whispered.

“She’s awake.” Cora announced to Caden and he came rushing towards me. Absolute relief on his expression.

“My love…thank Goodness! I was so worried about you.” He leaned over me and kissed my lips quickly.

“How are you feeling, Empress?” Cora asked.

Thankfully the pain in my belly had lessened. “Not too much pain.” I breathed out.

The pain still bite me, but it was more bearable than before.

“What happened to me?” I asked the beautiful silver eyes framed with dark eyelashes peering down at me in concern.

“Nothing’ll be alright.” He said.

“Cora,why did I bleed too much?” Caden’s eyebrows pulled together worriedly when I asked the question.

“Empress,it’s really a complicated matter but I’ll leave the Emperor to explain things to you.” Cora exhaled deeply, exchanged glances with Caden before moving out of the ward.

“Caden,is everything okay?” I whispered horsely. No response came from him. He was lost in thought.

I reached out to touch him after he zoned off in thought. “Caden?”

“Sorry…what did you say?” He moved away from me and began to pace the room.

His behavior confused me given the fact that Cora said he would explain things to me.

“Perhaps do I have an incurable illness?” I blurted out.

Caden gave me a wide eye. “’re perfectly fine,my love.” He sat at the edge of the bed.

“Then tell me what’s happening? You look bothered.”

He reached out to hold my right hand with his other hand grazing my cheek.

“Caden?” I mumbled.

Then he moved our hands to my belly. “You’re pregnant.” He said finally.

My jaw dropped completely. “What?” I asked as if I had lost my hearing.

“You’re carrying my baby.” He reframed his words.

“Oh my God! I am pregnant!” I said weakly with a short smile. Caden shook his head.

I would have screamed out in happiness if I wasn’t too weak and in pain. But my radiant smile faded when I noticed the sad look on his face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him.

“Nothing,my love.”

“You don’t look happy about the news.”

“It’s a great news.” He squeezed my hands.

“Don’t you want a child yet?” I asked.

Maybe Caden was feeling it was way to early to start a family. There are other vampires who have been married for years but haven’t had children. Seems like Vampires don’t fancy having children unlike humans who believes children are the source of happiness of a family.

“Caden,tell me if you don’t want a child yet.”

I don’t want to think Caden doesn’t want a child.

“No..don’t think like that. Of course! I am happy that I will be a father soon.”

“Well it doesn’t look like you are ready to be one.”

“I have always wanted to be a father.” He kissed my hands. “I am just worried about you.”

“Caden,I am fine.”

“You don’t understand. My love,I want to have this child but at the same time we have to consider your health.”

“I am alright.” I added.

“There is a condition to having this child.”

Now I was scared of his words. “Did Cora say something is wrong with my womb? Is my baby alright?” I panicked almost at the verge of tears.

“Calm down..your womb is fine and the baby is in a good condition.”

“What exactly is the problem? Just tell me what’s wrong?!”

“Relax… I’ll tell you what’s going on.”

“Okay..I am listening.”

Caden waited a few seconds before speaking up softly to me.

“You have to turn into a vampire to have the baby.” He said.

“What? What are you talking about? I don’t want to be a vampire!” I shouted.

“Your body is different as a human.” He whispered.

“’m not doing this -“

“That’s what happen -“

“No! I don’t want to be a vampire!” I shouted.

“Is everything okay here?” Cora popped her head in while Caden was trying hard to calm me down.

“No! Everything is not fine!” I snapped at her.

“Abeja..I need you to calm down and listen to me.” His eyes pleaded with me.

I knew I was losing my mind at the thought of me becoming a vampire.

“Cora..please I need you to explain things to her.” Caden moved away from the bed while Cora managed to pin me down to the bed.

“Empress, I know it will be hard for you to comprehend but it’s best to calm down and listen to everything I want to say.” She said calmly.

What else does she have to explain after finding out that I have to turn into a vampire?! Most humans mated to vampires didn’t have to turn before having children but why is my case different?!

“Your child is a royal blood and it’s carry the Emperor’s strength. The baby will consume your blood from inside,taking all the nutrition and energy inside of you and make you extremely weak because you are a human. If you don’t turn into a vampire,the baby is gonna kill you from the inside.” She explained.

“And if the baby continue feeding on you,then you might die and you can no longer have a chance to be a vampire or remain a human because the baby is gonna die.” Caden added in a sad tone.

Tears splashed down my cheeks. “Is turning into a vampire really my final option?” I asked. They nodded their heads.

To become a vampire,I know that a strong vampire has to bite me to the point of death,feed me with his blood to revive me back to life. But what if everything goes wrong?

“The only chance for your baby to live is for you to die and be a vampire.” Cora said.

“And what if I don’t survive?”

“Empress,you just have 1% chance as a human to have this child.” She replied.

“I don’t wanna die!” I sobbed.

Caden came to me. “My love,no one wants you to die! We have just these options,abort the baby or turn you into a vampire to save our baby.”

“No! I don’t want to abort my baby! How can you think of that as an option?!” I countered in a raised tone.

“I know..I’s hard but -“

“I don’t want to be a vampire too!” I cried loudly.

I watched Cora exchanged glances with Caden as she helped me relax back in bed.

“Okay Empress,we can discuss this later. You need to rest now.”

“This is all my fault.” Caden whispered to Cora.

“Don’t worry, she’s gonna be fine.”

Feeling of exhaustion washed over me. I couldn’t utter a word anymore,as if the news of turning into a vampire to save my child had blocked my vocal cords.

“Let her calm down her mind first. She needs time to think.” Cora said before leaving the ward.

“My love..” Caden held on to my hands. “I can’t stand seeing you in pain.” He smoothened strands of hair from my face.

“It hurts me alot but I want you to think about it. And I need you to be strong for our baby.” He leaned over and kissed my forehead.

Soon I found myself drifting off into a deep sleep.


I was discharged after spending a week in the infirmary under strict supervision of Cora. I was still yet to decide if I want to be a Vampire.

What is this? Why is this happening to me? Die or turn to a Vampire? Do I live to die? I sighed as I looked at myself in mirror.

I have escaped deaths so many times but I have never given it a thought that I would become a vampire just to have a child. Caden didn’t even mention it to me but I assumed he was aware about it. And he still blames himself for not using protection for each time we got intimate. I knew it wasn’t his fault,as married couples we didn’t have to use protection and for the fact that Caden needs an heir to the throne.

To be honest,I don’t wanna die! I want my baby too. I have to be strong so that my baby won’t harm me! I have to live healthy because my baby is a human plus vampire. A Royal blood who bears the strength of one of the strongest vampires.

I have been thinking about it. If I wanted forever with Caden then it’s only possible if I become a vampire. Caden has lived for hundreds of years but I have lived for just 25 years and I may possibly
die before him as a human. I love Caden, I don’t want to ever be apart from him. I never wanna lose either my child or Caden. So turning into a vampire at the expense of saving my child and being with Caden was really worth it. I concluded.

Caden came back to the suite with the same hopeless and sad look which he has had on his face ever since I landed in the infirmary. Caden said he would respect my decision but deep down in his heart, I know that he wanted me to be a vampire and have the baby. And I realized that he was really scared of losing the both of us.

I greeted him with a smile which he didn’t return. “How are you feeling?” He asked.

I looked down, fiddling with my fingers. “ alright.”

“Okay..I’ll go into the room now.” He motioned towards the room.

“Can we talk?” I stopped him.

“Did something happened?” He asked with a worried look.

“ is fine. I..I..was just thinking about us.”

He sniffed. “What’s wrong with us?”

I looked up at him,feeling extremely disappointed at his response. He had said he would respect whatever decision I make but why the attitude?

“What do you have to say?” He asked again.

Perhaps he was like this because I was taking too long to make up my mind.

“Why the attitude Caden?” I asked,feeling hurt.

“What attitude?”

A tear fell from my eye. “You’ve been acting differently. And eversince I came back from the infirmary,you’ve been avoiding a conversation with me too.”

“No, I have been busy with work.”

I shook my head. “No..’ve always been busy but…you’ve avoided me until now. Is it because I haven’t made up my mind to be a vampire?” I broke into tears.

“Cassidy, you’re getting me wrong?” He came to me.

“I know what am saying Caden. I know you want the baby but you don’t want to pressure me to do what you want. I appreciate that you’ve given me enough time to think about it.”

“Cassidy -“

I interrupted him. “I want to be a vampire to save our baby.” I blurted out. I didn’t wakt for a response from him before saying my next words.

“Go and take a shower. I’ll set the table.” I said.

I turned to walk away towards the kitchen,only feel arms wrapped around me.

“I am sorry.” He purred into my ears.

“Why are you apologizing?” I pulled away from him.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you with my attitude. I am just worried about you and the baby. I still feel bad for not telling you about this process before consumating our bond. I should have prepared you for this time.” He said with a sad face.

“Don’t blame yourself for whatever is happening now.” I said as he reached out to wipe my wet face.

“It’s true that I want the baby but I also don’t want to put you at any risk. And I really wish there is another way to have this child.”

“But there’s no other option,I have to save my child.” I added.

He hugged me tightly. “Thank you..thank you.” He pulled away slightly to kiss my cheeks. “I love you.” He said with a short smile.

“And I’ll love you till the day.. I’ll die.” I smiled.

Caden withdrew from me and placed his hands on my belly. “And I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you and our baby.”

“And like I said..I want to be a vampire.” It was really a hard decision to make.

“Thank you.” He kissed me.

“Okay..okay..why don’t you change up and then we can talk more.”

“Okay..I’ll be back soon.” He zoomed off to the bedroom while I went into the kitchen.

All of a sudden I felt this wetness between my thighs after setting the food on the dinning table. I glanced down to check – oh no! Not again! I gasped at the sight of blood on my night gown.

“Caden!” I couldn’t move a muscle from my spot as I gasped for breathe.

“Caden!” I screamed again.

He came running into the kitchen. “Abeja! Oh no!” He crouched down beside me.

Cora said there’s a high chance of losing my baby if I don’t turn into a vampire soon.

“” I cried.

“Don’t worry..everything will be fine.” He carried me up in his arms as he dashed out of the suite.

“Cora! We’re coming!” He shouted.

The last blow of pain shot fire through me and I couldn’t bear it. So I ended up losing consciousness.


I opened my eyes, it was almost dark in the room and I was alone. My head felt as if it was burning from inside. My body felt numb and I couldn’t feel anything.

“Caden?” I called his name when I saw him standing outside through the transparent glass on the door. He just stood there looking with me.

And why won’t he come in to talk to me? I pondered. I tried to move but I realized that my hands were being tied with chains and my legs too.

Somehow I felt stronger each time I pulled at the chain. The feeling was totally different as I struggled to free myself. My throat burned when my gaze fell on the blood bag hanging on a stand far away. Oh my God! What did they do to me?! I closed my eyes and felt something retract from my gum as I screamed out in frustration.

Caden and Cora entered the room,looking tired and exhausted.

“Cassidy..I am sorry.” He mumbled.

I looked at him with teary eyes.

“We didn’t want to abort the baby.” Cora added

It was really hard to control myself. All I wanna do is satisfy this burning thirst with….BLOOD! I am now a Vampire!

“I changed you to save the baby.”

“And since the baby almost killed you from inside we resulted In changing you.” Cora explained.

Tears dropped from my eyes. “I want you to calm down my love…it was to save you and the baby.” Caden eyes pleaded with me.

My hands and legs were hurting. I sobbed silently,shaking my head in understanding. I already told Caden that I was ready to turn into a vampire.

“I understand…please something to quench this taste.” I pleaded.

They didn’t move close to me.

“It hurts me to see you all tied up like this but we need to wait until you are fully changed so the baby doesn’t harm you.” Caden explained.

“In few hours time, you’ll be able to feed on as many bags as you want.” Cora looked at her watch.

Caden ran his hands over his face as he uttered profanities.

“Just a little more,my love.”

Few hours clicked by before the final transition took place. Caden had to leave the room for Cora and her team to take care of md during that time because I was really aggressive but not strong enough to break the chains and fight the older vampires.

Finally after I calmed down,they let me drink. For the first time I tasted blood and I drank too many bags before I became satisfied.

“She’s looking okay. I mean she’s fully changed now.” Cora said to Caden outside the ward but I could hear them clearly.

I was now gifted with super senses of a vampire!

“Can I go in to be with her now?” He asked.

“Yes Emperor.”

So this is how it feels to be a vampire.

“My love..”

I looked up at him with a teary face. Caden quickly walked towards me and hugged me. I felt the urge to push him away but he held on to me tighter.

“Please forgive me..I had to do it.”

“I know…” I mumbled.

He cupped my face in his hands. “Is my baby okay now?” I asked.

“Yes..yes..your baby is fine.”

I managed to smile. ” You need enough rest.” He added.

I nodded my head in agreement. I pray there won’t be any more problems.


Beauty n The Beast

Well I hope you all enjoyed reading this episode?!
Lemme know your views via comment section!

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4 years ago

I enjoyed this episode ?
Just that Cassie is in pains?

4 years ago

Things we do for love.