That day I got home feeling happy I couldn’t thank aunt Anita enough for making me get this job she’s a wonderful person.. And I really appreciate that, when my mom came home I told her about the news and she was totally happy for me..
During nighttime after eating dinner I went back to my room and walked to my window. My window was wide opened and I smiled as my hair played with the cool wind..
I felt energetic and looked at the sky, I can’t believe I got a job, it’s been almost two years now, well since I haven’t gotten a job ..
I left my window open cause I can’t imagine closing my window except during day time, I close my window during daytime but leave them open at nighttime, cause somehow I just feel like its what to do, even if my mom has told me to close it like everytime unless I’ll end up catching a cold,
But no.. I haven’t gotten sick, since when I was a child and now talk about a cold.. I don’t feel cold even when it snows.. I just feel.. Okay..
That night feeling excited that I have a job now I fell asleep and you would have thought, I had the most amazing dream ever! Which I totally forgot the next day I woke up. But who cares..
After eating breakfast that morning I took my hand bag and went straight to the blossoms mansion, I took a taxi there even though it was a little expensive, but what the hell I’m getting paid today.. Imagine me getting paid a full week. ..
When I got to the Blossoms mansion I opened the door and walked in since Jose gave me a spare house key yesterday
I saw Mrs Ginger in the living room watching the news and I smiled and approached her quietly.. She sighted me and slowly turned
“Good morning Mrs Ginger” I said with a smile and she slowly stood up and gave me a look
“don’t you remember me from yesterday, it’s me Selene” I said and she nods and looked away
“what about Josephine?” she asked, her voice were calm and strong and didn’t sound like an old lady’s voice at all, she’s asking about Jose I guess she doesn’t want me here, well that’s rude
“Josephine? Josephine is gone, she had to take care of some things so she had to leave, but don’t worry Mrs Ginger I’m here now” I said cheerfully and she sighed
“what did you say your name was again?” she asked
“Selene ma’am” I replied politely and she suddenly turned
“Selene?” she repeated and I smiled and nod, she moved closer to me and placed her hands on my cheeks.. “you are truly a Selene” she said and I smiled, well that’s a start she’s liking me already Yay!
“you’re truly a beauty, an extraordinary one” she said and I smiled
“thank you ma’am” I said and she smiled too
“you can call me grandmother or grandma, your pick” she said and my cheeks flushed
No way! Did she just say that?
“okay grandma” I said and she let’s go of my cheeks and went back to the couch..
“well, grandma I’ll be doing some cleaning and after that I’ll make you some strudel, how does that sound?” I asked happily
“anything from you sounds nice” Mrs Ginger said and I blushed..
Finally she likes me, well that wasn’t a hard work..
I started cleaning the house and I didn’t get what I was cleaning cause every nook and cranny were clean, but I just cleaned it anyway, the house was so big that I got tired of all a sudden, but I didn’t give up I cleaned every where and after that I prepared strudels for Mrs Ginger and while she ate she offered to give me some but I declined telling her she needs to eat.. And after she ate I gave her, her medicines and finally she took her afternoon siesta,
I did learn a lot yesterday from Jose..
I didn’t know what else to do, so I just sat down on a single couch and stared at the huge wall clock that was made out of diamonds that laid on the wall..
That I didn’t know when I dosed off ,
A light hand tapped me from NY sleep and I woke up and looked by my side and saw Mrs Ginger..
“Luna dear, won’t you eat something you just slept here with an empty stomach” Mrs Ginger said and I suddenly stood up
I can’t believe I slept,. And wait did she just call me “Luna”??
“no I’m okay I’m not hungry, I’ve finished with all the chores and since I didn’t know what to do I just sat down here, and I’m sorry I fell asleep” I apologized and she smiled and said “no worries just cook something for yourself and eat”
“uhm.. No thanks.. But I’m not actually allowed to cook for myself” I said politely .. But sincerely I think am about to die of hunger
“says who? Luna, my son owns this house and who do you think is the boss of him, his mother? Right? Now go cook something for yourself before you starve to death” she said and I nod and thanked,. I cooked out of the blossoms cooking utensils and ate out of their plates. It’s like I’m eating wealth!!!
That day was finally over and after making Mrs Ginger eat dinner and taking her medicine, she slept and I know that it was finally time to go home..
After looking the front door immediately I walked two step away my phone buzzed and when I looked at it, it was a text message showing alert that $57 has been transferred to my account.. I was madly happy and moved, but who sent it anyway. Well I don’t care cause I got the money and that’s all that matters..
I got home that night and met my mom also coming back from work I told her about the exciting news and she was totally happy for me, that’s right I’ve the got the perfect job..
The next day I went to work and did the Same thing of yesterday, clean the “already cleaned house” and took care of Mrs Ginger, who kept calling me Luna.. But who cares..
That night I got home. And I got paid again and wow my life Couldn’t get any better..
And that’s how I worked everyday including the weekends, and my account was getting filled up everyday,..
It was Tuesday morning, I woke up feeling energetic.. “good morning, morning” I said out of happiness greeting the day, I got out of bed and, well did my morning routine before eating breakfast, i ate a little breakfast because Mrs Ginger would still force me in cooking and eating again..
I grabbed my bag kissed my mom goodbye on her cheek, since she hasn’t gone to yet and happily went to work .
I got to the Blossoms mansion opened the door and walked in, as usual I met Mrs Ginger on the couch watching TV, well a 19os films..
“Good morning grandma” I greeted as I dropped my bag
“oh Luna, how are you dear?” Mrs Ginger asked
“I’m great, thanks” I said and she nods and turned to the TV with a smile .. Well she’s in a good mood
She’s always in a good mood. After doing some work around the house I approached Mrs Ginger..
“grandma what would you like me to cook for you?” I asked
“oh just prepare something sweet and extraordinary my grandson is coming home” she said
“yeah okay sure..” I said and went to the kitchen to prepare something “sweet” and “extraordinary” …
The meal I was preparing was almost ready, and I was in the kitchen watching it cook as i heard the front door open..
“oh you’re here” I hear Mrs Ginger said
“hey grandma… How are you doing,?” I heard a male Voice said..
He must be the grandson.. I thought.. I must act as nice as ever cause Jose said the Blossoms are the most strictest people ever.. To be polite.. I breathe in and out and slowly walked out of the kitchen..
I tucked my hair behind my hair immediately I walked into the living room, I looked up slowly and my eyes and that of the blossoms blood got locked together and his eyebrows suddenly arched… His handsome, I’d say
“oh Luna dear, this is my grandson Endymion, Endy meet Luna” Mrs Ginger said
Endymion! Why does that name sounds familiar to me..
I gave out a small smile to be polite but Endy looked away and turned to his grandmother
“what about Jose?” he asked
“i-I’m Jose’s replacement” I suddenly said and he gave me a cold glare..
What’s his problem?
He doesn’t like me.. I hope he doesn’t fire me since he’s gotten a cold look, his grandma’s nice. I hope the niceness would rub off on him..
“Endy dear I know you must be hungry but don’t worry Luna is preparing something” Mrs Ginger said tapping her grandson’s shoulder
“and by the way it’s Selene not Luna” I said lowly not making eye contact with anyone
“Selene?” Endy repeated and I suddenly raised my head up and nod lightly.. He looked at me from head to toe and then at my face, he was giving me a deep look and I arched one eyebrow at him.. Even though that doesn’t seem polite but him staring at me is giving me creeps..
“alright then.. I’ll be in my room and I want my food before I rest” he said and I nod and he walked passed me. While I breathed a sigh of relief..
And that’s where “the story begins”


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4 years ago

This promises to be interesting

4 years ago

So excited at the moment ????
Keep it coming ?