Beauty And The Beast Episode 19 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Beauty And The Beast Episode 11 - 12 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Beauty And The Beast Episode 19 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Theme: Drool-Worthy! ?

?Cassidy’s POV ?

I opened my eyes to see Caden still in bed. I couldn’t tell if he was asleep or awake but his eyes was closed. I listened to his heartbeat as my head lay on his chest. I threw my leg around his waist and snuggled closer to him.

“Good Morning Abeja.” Caden mumbled and kissed my hair. Like I knew he wasn’t asleep.

“You’re awake.” I replied. That didn’t sound like a question.

I drew circles on his hairy chest and earned a small laugh from him.

“ let’s not do that!” He objected with a laugh when I tickled his side.

I laughed and ignored his protest. And soon, I’m flipped over,my hands above my head. That’s was fast! Caden tickled me. “Stop..stop.. please…” I laughed out hard.

“You started it..” he chuckled,giving me a smug look.

“I’m sorry!” I laughed and kicked at him. Caden released me but his lips came down on mine. It was a short but intense kiss! I tweaked his nose playfully.

“Don’t you have any meetings today?” I asked.

He pulled away from me. “I want to check out the proposed site for the old humans homes with few other Alphas.” Caden got out of bed.

He stopped on getting to the bathroom. “I am going to order for Evelyn’s release from the dungeon today.”

I shook my head and asked the question I wasn’t sure I should have asked. “What about Mikel?”

Anger flickered over Caden’s expression. “I’ll be judging him in few days time.” He gritted.

He was angry. So I went to him and hugged him. Well that seems to work out because Caden relaxed in my embrace.

“I want you to witness his judgement.” He said.

I pulled away to look at him. “Isn’t there a way to let him go too?” I bit my lower lip and waited for his response.

“Are you really saying this right now?” Caden raised his eyebrows in anger. “That bastard tried to take advantage of you,knowing that you are my mate! I can forgive anything but not what he did to you!” He Seethed his teeth in anger.

I hugged him again, thinking of what to say to him. “I am sure Mikel has learnt his lessons. He won’t dare touch me if he ever gets out of the dungeon.”

“I am not changing my mind about his judgement.”

“What judgement will be passed down on him?” I asked.

“Exile and he is going to apologize to you before leaving this Imperial.”

“Shouldn’t we at least pardon him for bringing me here?” I tried to defend Mikel.

“That’s lame. I appreciate the fact that he brought you here but I am not changing my mind.”

I knew that his words were final. There was no other way to defend Mikel. He was going to be banished from his own world. And I hope this judgement doesn’t bring more troubles in the future.

Accepting defeat,I pulled away from Caden and went back to the bed while he went ahead to the bathroom.

Several minutes passed before Caden stepped out of the bathroom. He had just a pair of boxer short. My mouth dropped open when my eyes did a slow crawl on his body.

I had seen him without a shirt earlier and wasn’t too distracted by his naked chest region. I blinked in shook as I took in more of Caden’s features.

His chest was made of solid wall of muscles,veins bulging from his super toned skin,leading down to his sculpted abs,lean hips and powerful legs. Magnificent was the correct adjective to describe him? And I could admit Caden was pretty damn close to perfection!

It was really hard to tear my attention away from the bulge in his underwear. Damn it! If Caden was that big when he wasn’t hard,how the hell big was he when he was aroused?! I scolded myself for having such a dirty thought.

“Would you like to see more?” Caden smirked. It was obvious he had caught me ogling.

“Oh! You shouldn’t drool over this guy here!” He flexed his muscles jokingly.

I didn’t reply him as a fierce blush flamed my cheeks.

“I know I am drool worthy!” He chuckled as he made his way to the closet.


Caden left the suites to check out the proposed site for the home for old humans. Now standing in the cell,talking to Felicia and Zoe. They all looked better than the last time I had seen them. Felicia shared the news about how one of the men in the High Council had brought words from the Emperor that they should be given a chance to have a good bathe every two days. I wasn’t aware of this new progress since Caden didn’t mention it to me. And I wonder what other things he was hiding from me.

I spent a good time in the human cell just having a chat with Felicia and also helped the maids distribute food to the Humans.

I bidded them goodbye when Lawson informed me that Caden was back to the suites waiting for my return. I didn’t know it was really late.

Finally we got back to the suites. I found Caden sitting on the biggest couch while two armed warriors held Evelyn down on her kneels. She wasn’t the beautiful woman I met weeks ago. Her skin was pale and she had brusies all over her body. I didn’t want to imagine what sort of punishment they must have inflicted on Evelyn.

Suddenly my heartbeat hard against my chest when my gaze met Mikel’s eyes. He was also down on his kneels,blooshot eyes, broke nose and bursted lips. He look horrible and it was obvious that they were both in severe pains.

“Come over here..” Caden instructed.

Slowly I walked to the couch Caden sat on. Why are they here? I thought within.

Caden uncrossed his legs and gestured to me to sit on his laps. I obeyed him without a protest. He carressed my upper arm. I assumed he figured that I wasn’t comfortable with them in here.

“They have something important to say to you.” Caden said.

Evelyn was the first to speak up. “Empress…” She stopped as if she choked on water.

“Speak out loud..” Caden said in a slightly raised tone.

“Forgive your servant for hurting you. I promise it would never happen again. And thank you for asking the Emperor to share my life and give me a chance to live again.”

I exchanged glances with Caden. Why on Earth did he tell Evelyn that I pleaded to spare her life?!

I cleared my throat before speaking up. “I have nothing against you.” I looked straight into her eyes. I felt like I needed to say more to Evelyn and I did.

“I understand that you are attracted to Caden being that you’ve been together for a long time. And you attacked me because you felt that was the only way to have Caden to yourself. Evelyn, it’s alright to want some things in life but it is wrong to want to have things that belong to someone else. You wanted Caden but you got hurt in the process of getting what doesn’t belong to you. I’m sorry you went through all these things. And I pray you find your mate soon too.” I ended.

Evelyn had tears in her eyes after I finished talking. “I wish you…all the best..with the Emperor.” She said shakily.

“Take her out.” Caden ordered the guards and they led Evelyn out of the suites.

“Remember I told you he would be judged in few days time but I had a change of mind. He will be judged today so you can forget about anyone hurting you again.” Caden said.

“Caden?” I called him.

“I’m not changing my mind.” He resorted as if he knew I was goinb to plead on Mikel’s behalf.

“The members of the High Council finds you guilty of sexual assault, violence and alledged rape towards the Empress. So this is my verdict.” Caden stopped.

I watched Mikel closed his eyes as he waited for his judgement.

“Your crimes are worth a death sentence but seeing how much you’ve done for this Imperial,I am reconsidering you. Mikel,I am sending you on an exile and you must not return until I order you to do so.”

Everywhere was silent. “You have to leave at daybreak and I also demand you apologize to my mate for your wrongdoings.”

Mikel nodded. “Empress Cassidy, forgive me for my wrongdoings.” He apologized in a low tone.

“It’s.. alright. I forgive you.”

“I wish you all the best with the Emperor.” He added.

“Do you have anything else to say to him?” Caden asked me.

I shook my head. ” Take him away.” Caden ordered.

“Everything is fine now.” Caden interlocked our hands after Mikel was taken out of the suites.

I managed to smile. “So how about we take a walk through the forest?” He asked.

“Like..right now?” He nodded Yes. “I’d love that!” I exclaimed.

He kissed our hands. “Go ahead and change up your clothes.”

I stood up from his laps but he pulled me back and kissed me quickly on my lips.


I know some of you are good readers and commenters and God bless you for that! ?

Thanks for reading my story! I love you! ?

Beauty And The Beast Episode


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4 years ago

Wonderful, but I think Mikel is coming back on a revenge mission

Hope judith
Hope judith
4 years ago

Thanks Ademide for the story, am entertained…..
OpraDre biko you can’t post nothing less than 3 episodes today ooo

4 years ago

Author you have to make up for that of yesterday because you didn’t post yesterday. Interesting but this Mikel and they should be able to read each others thought and feel each others pain and happiness when they’re not together, for trouble is brewing and it can affect the babe, Cassidy

4 years ago

Caden is not suppose to banish mikel cause that doom looming ooo

4 years ago

Awwn…That’s lovely but I think Mikel and Evelyn would actually join forces to revenge. Be

4 years ago

I can’t wait for the next episode have been checking and checking for the past 2days ..thanks opradre ..God bless you real good

4 years ago

God Bless you too!
I hope Mikel apologize sincerely & doesn’t come back for revenge

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