The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 1 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 1 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 1 by Yasminne

Theme : Elisia Knight & The Imperial Pride

Elisia POV
“Caleb! You were great on the grounds today.” I called out, jogging up to one of my students. “I was pleasantly surprised at how well you used the strategy of taking an opponent to the ground using a takedown. But you need to remember to use your whole body; you can strike down your opponent using knees, stomps, elbows and punches.”
I had just finished a mixed martial arts training class with the twelve to sixteen year olds.

All the defence training takes place in the outdoor fighting ring or the outdoor cage for the older students.
The 13 year old beamed up at me, beads of sweat trickling down his face. “Thanks Chief! I’ll work on it, I promise.”
I nodded at him, wearing a proud smile. He’s so young and already has a positive working attitude; a trait many adults still wish for.
“Oh, and by the way. Happy birthday Chief!” He shouted, before running away giggling.
I groaned out loud and sat on the grass, chuckling to myself. I’d already lost count of how many of my students wished me happy birthday. My birthday is something I wanted to stay quiet about because I didn’t particularly enjoy that kind of attention on me.
Hearing someone approaching behind me, I spoke up. “It’s not hard to guess who told everyone it’s my birthday today.”

Jayden lay down beside me, laughing as he stretched. “Turning nineteen isn’t something to hide, so I felt like it was my job to blab it to everyone and their pets.”
I shook my head at him, smiling. “That’s nice of you.” I commented sarcastically.
“It was my honour.” He replied, completely ignoring the sarcasm.
Rolling my eyes, I laid down next to him. We laid there quietly for a while, watching the sunset sky and enjoying light breeze on our skin.

He suddenly sat back up and looked at me knowingly. “Since it’s your birthday, you know what happens today right?”
“I bet Kaitlyn and Magnus are preparing my birthday party right now.” I laughed, getting myself up.
Jay’s parents, the Alpha and Luna, took me in when I was a new-born and raised me ever since. They have organised a birthday party every year without fail, something that I come to enjoy a lot.
“You know my parents would never stop making a fuss about our birthdays.” He laughed with me, standing up with me. “The party probably already started, do you want to go now?”
I nodded at this and started walking towards the pack town. I couldn’t help but feel nervous because for the first time, the party will include the whole pack rather than just family.

Am I supposed to go up to everyone and talk or can I just chill with the people I know well? Jay seemed to sense my nervousness and asked, “Do you want to go for a quick run around the forest?”
“I can’t, my wolf is exhausted. I let her out at around lunchtime, we hunted down two deer and ran around for ages. Don’t worry about me and have fun.” I replied, perking up to the sounds of teenagers laughing and screaming.

“It sounds like everyone is already there!” I exclaimed, running towards the party.
I felt Jay’s worried stare on my back, making me turn around and smile at him reassuringly. Out of everyone I know, he knows me the best. He knows how hard I find it to socialise with others.
It’s mostly to do with my wolf’s personality. I have always had the instinct to demand respect from others, so my wolf and I find it difficult to deal with people who talk to me in a degrading or irrespective way.

In my early teenage years, I would lash out whenever someone tried to challenge me in any way. I would make sure no one would even dare to think of going up against me which had made everyone distance themselves from me.
No matter how hard I tried to supress the urge to dominate everyone, that instinct was much stronger than me. Jay and his parents helped me get through that stage and I can control myself much better now.

Jay went through a similar phase but it was expected of him, since he is the future alpha. He will be the dominant Alpha, it’s in his blood. But me? I had no excuse for my behaviour. Most of the pack thought I was a troubled kid, the orphan pup who was being brought up by the Alpha and Luna out of pity.
None of them would have thought I would grow up to be one of the strongest wolf in the pack; which is incredibly unusual for someone who is female.

There was lots of controversy regarding whether I should be allowed to be apart of the pack’s defence team, but after many trials and examinations, I was finally deemed fit to join.
Of course, this decision hurt a lot of the male’s ego as they all protested against it, knowing how embarrassing it would be if their asses were beaten by a female wolf.

With the help of the Alpha and Luna, I became the first female wolf in the United States to join a pack’s defence team. Every pack in the country was notified of this, which had initiated many Alphas to visit and watch my fighting ability. Thankfully, I have gained their respect as well as many females around the country. Since then, a lot more males have warmed up to the idea of a female warrior.

So that is how I became who I am today. Elisia Knight, a nineteen year old and the first female warrior who has recently been promoted to the Chief Warrior position. I teach younger wolves as well as train with the defence team to protect the pack.
If our pack were to ever get attacked in the future, it will be my duty to protect and fight for the safety of my pack. Different wolves from various packs regularly ask for a sparring match with me, which I always gladly accept.

The rule is that I can fight anyone, including anyone of any gender. Of course, Alphas and Betas are out of the equation. There is no way I can come close to beating them, but I can fight anyone else. I love winning for my own pride as well as for the pride of my pack. Nothing could ever come first and beat my love for fighting.
So I guess I’m pretty content with my life. I have everything I could ask for, which I’m really grateful for. Kaitlyn, Jay’s mum, recently brought up the subject of mates.

Most wolves around my age find their mate or already have one. Kaitlyn is worried about me because I’ve travelled a lot around the country for matches and haven’t come across my mate yet.
To be fair, Jay is twenty one and hasn’t found his mate yet. Maybe I haven’t found my mate because I am not ready for one. I know I’m not ready for a mate, not that I know what being in a romantic relationship is like. It’s a weird subject for me and I’m just praying she doesn’t bring it up at the party.

We entered our house through the back garden, to see lots of teenagers and young adults playing and drinking around the pool. Some guys were using the red cups as snorkels as they dived into the pool.
I shook my head at them smiling, I don’t understand why so many of them were drinking alcohol. It has almost no effect on us, unlike it does on humans. Unless we drank five bottles of vodka, only then would we be able to feel drunk. I guess it does set the mood for a teenage/young adults evening party.
All of them sensed Jay’s presence as they looked his way to bow their heads in submission. Many of them started walking their way towards me with big smiles on their faces. Seeing their happy mood made me laugh in delight. Maybe having a big birthday party wasn’t a bad idea after all.

Jayden suddenly positioned himself in front of me, pushing me behind him. A deep warning growl rumbled from his chest as he narrowed his green eyes at them. I frowned at him, confused by his actions. Tip toeing over his shoulder, I realised the group of people who were coming towards us were all male. Rolling my eyes, I slapped his shoulder and chuckled.
“Jayden. We just want to wish her happy birthday, calm down.” One of the guys said, smirking and holding his hands up in surrender.
I repressed the urge to face palm myself. Did he just ask Jay to calm down? Out of all the things he could’ve said, he said the one line Jay detests; ‘Calm down’.

Already feeling Jay’s anger level rising, I started to massage his neck, something I learnt from Kaitlyn. It helps him, ironically, calm down. When Jay starts to breathe normally, I used that as a chance to talk to him.
“Jay…just let them wish me a happy birthday. We’ll go inside and find Kaitlyn and Magnus, okay?” I asked, smiling up at him. I didn’t want him to cause a scene, I know he’d regret it later as usual.
He gritted his teeth together and locked his jaw in annoyance. He finally nodded, not trusting himself to speak. I quickly walked in front of him, before he changes his mind, and politely waved at the group of males.
“Happy birthday Elisia!” They called out waving back and laughing. They started to talk amongst themselves immediately. I couldn’t help but eavesdrop their conversation as we walked away.

“She waved at me, how cute.” One of them murmurs, chuckling.
“She’s become so hot, have you seen her in the fighting cage?”
“With her tight leather fighting gear.” Another adds excitingly. I frown at that statement, fighters wear that because it’s aerodynamic to run in and much lighter to fight in. However, I hadn’t thought about what others thought of my outfit.
I involuntarily looked down at my outfit. I wasn’t training today, I was only teaching, so I wore a tight black long sleeved shirt paired with grey joggers that were cinched at the ankle. I wore my black and white Nike sneakers for comfort. Wearing an outfit that’s easy to take off to shift and put on after I shift is important.
“I mean, how could someone look so hot sweating and panting like that? Imagine having her in bed.”

I nearly gagged at that comment. Pervert. Before I could do anything, someone else jumps in the conversation.
“She could eat you all for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Don’t underestimate her.” Another one sighed. I smile at that, grateful that someone had brought them down to reality.
I was too busy eavesdropping that I hadn’t noticed we were already in the living room. I glanced at Jay who was standing beside me.
Judging by his expression, he definitely wasn’t listening to their conversation. I didn’t want to imagine what he’d do if he had heard what they said about me. I know he sees me as his little sister, but he’s been too possessive over me lately and I’m not too sure what to do about it.

“Elisia, darling!” A sweet voice cried from the crowd of people.
I felt my mood being lifted as Kaitlyn’s face came into view. I jogged towards her and gave her a long tight warm hug. I cannot express the love I have for her in words, so I always express it through actions.
“Aww, group hug!” Jay exclaimed, as he engulfs the both of us in a huge hug.
Just as Kaitlyn and I start to protest jokingly, I felt someone else join in the group hug. Looking up in surprise, I was glad to see it was no one other than the Alpha, Magnus.
“Ah dad! It’s nice of you to have joined us!” Jay laughed, his voice muffled by my hair. Magnus chuckles, obviously catching the contagious happy mood.
“Happy birthday Elisia!” They said in unison as we stopped hugging, surprising me even more.

Magnus kissed the top of my head and said, “I wish you happiness.”
Ah, the family wishes! I totally forgot about that, I thought as I thanked Magnus.
Then Kaitlyn kissed the top of my head, looks at me mischievously and said, “I wish you find your mate.”
“Really mum? Didn’t she say she wasn’t ready for one?” Jay whined, fixing where he’d messed my hair up. Kaitlyn and I turned our heads and stared at him.
“How the hell do you know that?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.
We were sure he was fast asleep when we had this conversation. Kaitlyn crossed her arms waiting for an answer while Magnus chuckles at Jay’s situation.
Jay laughed nervously as he looked at his father in hope that he’d save him.

“Sorry, can’t save you this time son.” Magnus shrugged, backing away until he left the room. Holding my laughter back, I turn back towards Jay wearing a serious face.
“So obviously, I was awake and eavesdropped your conversation.” He admitted sheepishly. “You know I can’t stop listening once I start! I heard the word ‘mate’ and Elisia’s voice, how could I have not eavesdropped?” He exclaimed, trying to defend himself.
“But it’s still wrong to listen in a conversation you aren’t invited in. It is one of the basic manners and etiquette I taught you as a child.” Kaitlyn scolded, looking at him disapprovingly.

Guilt rushed through me as I realised that I had been eavesdropping someone else’s conversation not too long ago.
“Thank you for your wish Kaitlyn.” I said gratefully, purposely diverting the topic.
Jay seemed to notice this and kissed the topic of my head. I smiled and waited for his wish, but he just stood there smiling down at me.
“So, are you going say something or just stand there like an idiot?” I asked, tilting my head at him.
“I’ll give you my wish when I think of one.” He replied, taking my hand and leading me through the crowd.

“So what was the kiss for?” I laughed, shaking my head at him.
“I just felt like it.”

To Be Continued…..

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 1 by Yasminne

– – N:B – –

The order of Ranks: (in this story)
1. Alpha (Male Leader)
2. Luna (Female Leader)
3. Beta (2nd in command)
4. Gamma (3rd in command)
5. Omega

{Unranked} – Rogues

This Fantastic Story Is Written By YASMINNE

Hope you guys enjoyed this episode ….

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5 years ago

Fingers crossed! Next pls.

4 years ago
