SAVE MY MOTHER 19 (True life story)
Life is full of risk, we must always take risk, surviving itself is a risk.
Early Monday morning, I was at Chief Ademola office, I waited for a long time before he came, when he saw me he asked me to follow him to his office, which I did.
After we sat down, his secretary brought coffee for the both of us.
“So young man what do you do?” He asked.
“I deal in import and export, I import electrical and home appliance, and I export farm produce, I have a lot of containers at Apapa seaport and I also own an oil well in Delta state,” I replied cooking up lies like we planned.
“Wow, you are really doing well for yourself young man,” he said.
“My father laid the foundation for me, so I had to carry on his legacy,” I replied smiling.
At that moment his phone rang and he picked the call, listening to who was at the other end.
“What do you mean we can export the goods, I don’t care, better look for more and prepare,” he said and ended the call.
“Sorry about that, some people are just incompetent, we are due for delivery and here he is giving me excuse, ehen,” he said as if remembering something, “that reminds me, you said you have containers in the seaport?” He asked.
“Yes I do,” I replied.
“I would like to use some of them to export some goods,” he said.
“That won’t be a problem, but I will need to see the details of the goods that will be going into it,” I said.
“He picks up the intercom and dialed a number, “bring the files to my office,” he said and dropped the call.
Shortly after his secretary came in with some files and handed it over to him and left, he handed me the files.
“I will have to go through it, how many containers will you be needing?” I asked.
“Two will do, I will be needing them in about a week time,” he replied relaxing in his chair.
“Ok then, they will be ready,” I said, “let me be on my way now, I have some meetings to attend to,” I said getting up from the chair.
“Thank you, will be looking forward to doing more business with you,” he said stretching out his hand for a hand shake.
We shook hands and I left the office, on getting outside I took a deep breath, I was surprised everything is going on fine and he has taken the bait.
I got into the car, I brought at the file to go through it but was left confused, it wasn’t adding up, how come he is exporting all this, something is not adding up or we were wrong about him.
I drove back to the hotel to meet with the guys, I entered the room looking confused, they noticed my mood, “guy, how did it go,” they all asked, waiting anxiously to hear from me.
I gave them the file, “he fell for it and ask to use two of my container but those are the things he is exporting,” I said pointing to the files.
They went through it and it didn’t also make sense to them.
“Something is no right,” Said John.
“But were you expecting him to just let you in on such secret, you have to win his trust, make him trust you enough to share such details with you,” said Peter.
“Wait guys, we are missing something,” Michael said, still going over the files, “this are not fruits, plants or flowers there are codes,” he said and we quickly drew close to him.
“How many Avocadoes, Apple, pears and lotus flowers do you need to fill a 12 feet container?” Michael asked us.
“That will be alot,” I replied.
“See here, it’s not indicated, there is something wrong here,” Michael said, as we looked at the files.
“And what is wrong?” asked Peter.
“First on the list is Avocado, the avocado is considered a symbol of masculinity in the Aztec culture of Mexico. The Aztecs believed that the avocado was created by the god Tlaloc, who was associated with fertility and rain,” Michael said confusing us, “the second on the file is Apple and pear, this signifies fertility and women in western culture, In China, the lotus flower is associated with childhood in the culture of the Dai people. According to their mythology, the goddess Nuwa created the first humans from the lotus flower. So the flower has come to represent the beginning of life and childhood,” Michael said.
We looked at him confused more than ever, “what has that got to do with this,” John asked.
“See here,” Michael said, pointing to a particular part of the file, the avocado is been shipped to Mexico, the Apples and pears are being shipped to the west while the lotus flowers are being shipped to china,” said Micheal, but we still didn’t understand what he was driving at.
“The Avocado signifies the men that will be shipped to Mexico, the women will be shipped to the west while the children will be shipped to china,” Michael said and we understood immediately.
“Now it makes sense, they are code name, come to think of it, we don’t harvest Apple or lotus flowers in Nigeria,” said John.
“Yes, true, now everything is adding up,” said Peter.
“The real file will be in his office, we need to get that file,” Micheal said, looking at us.
“But how do we lay our hands on them?” Peter asked.
“I know what to do, but that will be in two days time,” I said.
We spent the next two days monitoring his movement and I was getting more close to Annabella.
Early morning on Thursday I was already at chief’s office, I came very early before he could get there, I met the secretary on her desk.
“Good morning sir, how can I help you?” she asked.
“Morning, am here to see chief, is he in?”
“No he is not.”
“Let me wait for him in his office,” I said.
“No sir, you can’t do that,” she said.
“Young lady, do you know who I am, call him and tell him am here and you are refusing me from waiting for him and you would see if he won’t sack you,” I said raising my voice.
“So please, you can go in.”
I went into the office and immediately went to his drawer, looking through the files, I began taking pictures of all the files not even going through them. I was almost done when I heard the secretary greeting someone and I knew it was chief.
“How come he came so early,” I asked myself confused on what to do.
Story by Samlex LOP