The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 45 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 1 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 45 by Yasminne

Theme : Save Her, Kill Him

Jay’s POV
I drove at an unimaginable speed, surpassing the speed limit on this highway. I had to arrive at the airport before that jet touched down. I gripped the steering wheel in frustration and anger, I changed plans at the very last minute once I received Emily’s text message.
She said she was on the plane with a man with ‘yellow eyes and teeth’ – I had no doubts that that was Killian. My jaw tightened, wondering how he was able to see through our plan.
Was there a spy in our warrior force, who tipped him off? Or was this all a coincidence, and he was just expecting Elisia to be on the plane? Nonetheless, Emily’s life was in danger.
I had ordered twenty warriors to accompany me when we get her off Killian’s hands. I had ninety stay behind to ambush the Rogue Warriors, who were expecting ‘Elisia’ near my territory.
I frowned at the turn of events. Something tells me that Killian wasn’t expecting us to swap Elisia with Emily, and that he decided to join the plane ride just for the fun of it. He must’ve been boiling with fury once he realised Elisia wasn’t on the plane. He knows that we’ve figured out his plan.
Now I’m just praying he hadn’t had the time to warn his Rogue Warriors to retreat from their ‘hiding position’.
The highway was roaring with our five large Jeeps speeding along the road to the airport, we were almost there. I had already contacted someone there who can let us in without delay, I also happened to know the leader in air traffic control. He informed me that once we arrived, we only had fifteen minutes to wrap everything up.
My stomach churned with regret, I felt so bad about Emily. She barely knew us, but still agreed to help despite the dangers. She got into this mess because of her kindness, I had to make sure she gets to safety. We turned into a side road, used only by airport staff, and zoomed past security.
“Gate 18, you’ll see the sign.” An officer called out once we reached the gates. It was a private shortcut to the air field, where the runways are. We entered the runaway area with our vehicles, easily finding Gate 18.”
All twenty one of us got out the cars, armed with weapons. I walked over to the front of the group, and crossed my arms. My gaze was trained of the jet that was currently landing, we had made it just on time.
There was fifteen minutes on the clock.
“On my orders.” I said in the mind-link, reminding the warriors when they can act.
The jet slowly turned around and stopped right in front of us, we had a good view of the door. God, I hoped Emily was fine. Tuning my sensitive sense of smell, I couldn’t smell any blood to my relief.
I frowned in confusion, when another scent hit me instead.
I smelt…
The door opened suddenly, along with the stairs. Everyone stiffened, their hands tightening around their weapons. A flight attendant came into view first, raising her eyebrows at us in surprise and confusion. She started to make her way down the steps warily, she’s just a human.My eyes were still trained on the doorway, I sensed several people still in there. I smelt one werewolf, Emily, while the others smelt like humans. I knew the rogues figured out a smart way of masking their scent. It’s crazy how they can pass off as humans…
A figure came into view, standing in the doorway of the jet.
“Killian.” I informed everyone.
There no doubt about that, those reckless yellow eyes and sinister smirk. What angered me the most, was the person he was carrying – bridal style.
By the looks of it, she was completely knocked out in his arms. What had he done to her?
That delicious, addicting scent hit me again. It smelt like mouth-watering cherries and cotton candy…
My eyes zeroed in on Emily’s figure in the rogue’s arms.
Realisation hit me just as my wolf advanced to the front of my mind. “That’s my MATE!”
Emily is my mate.
I was boiling with anger, not able to take my gaze from Killian’s grip on my mate. He drugged <>her, and has the nerve to touch her?
I reached for my gun that was loaded with, hard to come by, pure silver bullets. I’m going to KILL this fucker.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He called out, making his way down the steps. “I have this lovely lady in my arms, after all. You wouldn’t want her to, ‘accidently’ die from silver poisoning? My silver knife might slip into her heart.”
I watched him carefully with distaste and hate. My wolf was angrily clawing to let himself out, he wanted to rip into Killian’s flesh for harming our mate. “Stay down, I’ll sort this out.” I reassured him.
“You better.” He snarled back. “That’s our mate.”
“Would you care to tell me, who the hell this girl is?” He continued, looking down at her. “I must say, she’s beautiful.”
Calm yourself. Don’t feed into his words.
“However, she isn’t who I was expecting. Where is Elisia?” He asked, finally reaching the ground.
“Jay?” A warrior called out to me.
It was a warrior leading the ambush a couple miles away.
“What’s the problem?” I asked.
“Nothing, the rogues are here. We’re going to attack now.”
“Kill every last one of them.” I snarled, with distaste. “Don’t hesitate.”
I cut the link to focus on the scene in front of me.
“Create a circle, trap him.” I ordered in this mind link. “Do it swiftly. He will tell you to stop, obey him.”
All twenty of them immediately moved to my command.
“Stop!” Killian barked, glaring at the warriors. “I will not hesitate to kill this girl.”
If he killed her, he would not have anything to negotiate his life with. He knows Emily is the only reason we haven’t killed him yet. He is clearly outnumbered, however we couldn’t afford to lose any more time. He might’ve contacted someone prior to landing, so there may be rogues on the way.
“Jay, he has no weapon on him.” The warrior closest to Killian said. “He’s bluffing.”
But he can still snap her neck.But then, would he really? He needs her alive, after all.
“Don’t gamble her life.” My wolf warned me in the back of my mind. I supressed the urge to roll my eyes at that comment.
“Sometimes you act like an idiot, you can’t blame me for being careful.” He shot back.
I shut him out as I thought of something, it was risky but I had to act fast.
“Nathan?” I called into the mind-link. “I need you to shoot him in the shoulder, the momentary shock should give me time to grab Emily from him.”
Nathan was the best shooter in the force, his aim was impeccable – has never missed since he joined.
“You don’t want me to go for the kill?” He asked with surprise. “No head shot?”
“No.” I replied firmly. “As soon as I say the word, ‘please’, you shoot!”
I regarded Killian with an annoyed expression. “Alright, hand over the girl.”
Nathan had already pulled out his gun and fired at Killian, hitting him in the shoulder. Despite having great trust in Nathan’s skills, my heart lurched at the possibility of the bullet hitting Emily.
It only took me a split second to reach Killian, kick him while I grabbed a hold of her and retreat. He had recovered within seconds, but that was fine – I reached the important objective. I looked down at the unconscious girl in my arms, I had safely retrieved my mate.
Observing her skin, I was relieved to see no blue blotching – a sign of silver poisoning. We didn’t need to rush to the hospital…
I felt Killian shift to attack. Not wanting him to touch my mate again, I carefully handed her over to Nathan.
“Take her to my Jeep!” I barked. “Take four warriors with you.”
I took my coat off and threw it their direction, not taking my gaze off Killian. “Lay her down in the back seats and cover her with my coat. Do not touch her any further.”
They obeyed me with a curt nod and went into action.
Killian snorted in amusement. “The boy wants act like an Alpha.”
“It’s in my nature.” I responded calmly.
And I’m going to kill you, I promise.
My eyes zeroed in on his hands, they were visibly in sight – no weapon. If I attacked, the chances of him counter attacking were low.
I sped forward to initiate close combat, and roundhouse kicked him in the chest. He grunted with discomfort, and steadied himself to throw a punch. It was coming fast, but not fast enough – I dodged it. I had a loaded pistol on me, but decided against using it – I liked using my body.
“Not fast enough, old man.” I sneered, as I threw a series of punches.
He stayed in defence mode, blocking most of my hits. I crouched down and swiftly swung my leg out underneath him. Unexpectantly, he calculatedly rolled forward rather than falling – controlling his fall and landing with no injury.
Before I knew it, he was behind me and administered a lethal kick to my lower back.
“Fuck.” I muttered under my breath, cringing from the pain. I quickly turned to face him before he could do any damage.
The fifteen warriors, who were surrounding us, stepped forward to help me.
“Don’t.” I ordered.He smirked, wiping the blood from his busted lip. He glanced at my Jeep in regret and displeasure. “I should’ve killed the girl when I had the chance.”
“Kill him.” My wolf ordered.
“No need to tell me twice.” I snarled back,
I bounced in mid air, aimed my right knee straight at his face, of cos I wouldn’t have pulled such trick if I hadn’t observed am very much faster at him, my knee came crashing right into his face, he staggered backwards, then his bleeding increased, I pushed forward presenting him an uppercut which sent him flying miles away and landing him on his buttocks. He quickly stood up, but not without wincing in pain,
He must be stupid thinking he could take on me after the bullet into his shoulder, he was foolish enough to come here alone, so much for the badass Killian, I laughed cheekily, inwardly of cause. By now he was on his legs, sending me a death glare while I quickly smirked back.
Sure by now he knows there’s no getting out of this one. I aimed at him again, this time going for a head shot. He blocked it, but I was more concerned with kicking him down. Knowing he was pre-occupied with my punches, I quickly switched position and kicked him in the jaw.
A satisfying crunch of his jaw bone shattering, filled the air. He stumbled back a couple metres, reeling from the shock, but I wasn’t done yet. Not allowing him to recover from that blow, I grabbed the injured part of his face and squeezed with no mercy.
I looked into his yellow eyes, watching him roar from the pain. Blood was pouring from his mouth, dripping onto the concrete runway. I grabbed the back of his neck with a smirk.
“Anything else to say?” I asked with a dangerous glare. I, theatrically, placed my ear near him and heard nothing, but him gurgling on his blood.
“Oh, that’s right. You can’t speak now.” I said, letting his broken jaw flop. I grabbed it once again, tightening my grip on his neck.
Realising my intention, he started to struggle against my firm grip – for the first time, I saw fear in his eyes. He didn’t think I had the intention of killing him, probably thought I would bring him in for questioning – he is the Leader of The Rogue Force after all.
He would’ve found a way to escape with all the tricks he has up his sleeve. I watched him struggle against my grip, looking pitiful and angry. I honestly thought he’d die a much cooler death…
“Oh well.”
I snapped his neck, and let go – watching his large figure fall to the ground.
“Jay?” A warrior called out in concern. I looked around me, the other fifteen warriors relaxing from their stiff and defensive stances. They were all looking at Killian’s lifeless form on the ground with mixed of emotions.
“He’s dead.” One of them muttered. “The Leader of The Rogue Force is dead…”
Another stepped forward. “With all due respect, we could’ve taken him in for questioning.”
“I know.” I responded with a sigh, pinching my nose bridge.
“But…the consequences!”
“I know there are consequences, I’ll deal with it.” I told them. “I was the one who killed him, not you – don’t worry.”
“I was more worried about you, Jay.”
I shook my head at him. “Thank you, but it’ll be fine. Please, sort the body out.”
I rushed to my Jeep where Nathan had placed Emily. He, along with the other four warriors, were stood outside the car, guarding her. I appreciated that no one was actually waiting inside, anyone can be vulnerable if they’re unconscious.
“We need to go to the hospital.” I said. “We don’t know what she was injected with, thankfully it isn’t anything silver.”
I handed the keys to Nathan and told him to drive, I slid into the back where Emily was. She was curled up, only taking up two seats, giving me space to sit. We were finally on the road, on our way to the pack hospital.
I took this opportunity to actually take in my mate, I didn’t even know how she looked like. She was already so precious to me, innocence and peacefulness clear on her face. Her short straight, raven black coloured hair perfectly framed her heart-shaped face.What my eyes were drawn to, however, were her rosy, plump lips. They were a little glossy, like she had put a little lip product on them – they accentuated the fullness of her lips. Her lips were party open, and curled up as she breathed steadily.
She had delicate, high cheekbones which added fierceness to her pure features. I wanted to trace her dark, perfectly shaped eyebrows with my finger. That’s when I noticed a beauty spot on her right cheek, without thinking I touched it.
Suddenly, her dark lashes fluttered open.
She was awake.
I was completely entranced by the golden, brown depths of her eyes. Her striking eyes took my breath away, her feline shaped eyes held confusion as she took in her surroundings. Her feline-like features made her look alluring, mysterious and seductive.
I was completely mesmerised.
Her hand shot out, grabbing me by the throat and squeezed hard. Keeping her tight grip on me, she snarled – her beautiful features clouded with anger.
“Who are you, and where am I?”
Despite the pain, a stupid grin spread across my face.
Her touch initiated a series of pleasurable shocks, rippling throughout my body. Without realising, she had initiated the skin to skin stage of the mate bond. I happened to not have touched her skin earlier, when I took her from Killian.
Her eyes widened at me, as realisation dawned on her. I gave her a genuine smile and gently touched that hand that was gripping my throat, I literally couldn’t breathe.
Her grip lessoned with each second that passed, the shock evident from her face.
“We were not formally introduced.” I managed to say, hiding my nerves. “Hello, my name is Jayden Steel.”
Her hand dropped from my throat, her beautiful brown eyes scanning my face with curiosity and wonder. “My name is Emily Stevenson.” She replied in a quieter voice. “Thank you for coming for me, I wasn’t sure you got my text.”
“I came for you as soon as I read it.” I told her. “I got there on time, managed to take you away from Killian and now we’re here.”
Nathan raised his eyebrow at me in the rear-view mirror, probably amused that I left out the part when I killed him. Just then, my phone started to ring. I, reluctantly, answered with an apologetic smile.
“Jay, the ambush was successful.”
“How are the warriors?” I asked.
“We have many injured, but no causalities on our part.” He responded. “We killed all, except the one who was leading the group.”
I nodded, but then remembered he couldn’t see me. “Alright, and what questions have you asked so far?”
“He’s refusing to answer to us, but he agreed to answer to you.” He responded, sounding confused. “That’s why I called rather than mind-linking you, so that he could answer your questions.”
“Okay, is he with you now?” I asked unsure about the rogue’s intentions.
“Yes, I’m putting you on loudspeaker.”
“Hello Jayden.” An unfamiliar voice spoke on the receiving end.
“Hello.” I greeted coldly. “Your plan to ambush Elisia had failed.”
A hysterical laugh startled me, making me cringe away from the speaker. “You-you think
this was the big plan? You fuck-heads think this is the power of The Rogue Force? You are delusional!””Your leader is dead.” I chuckled darkly.
The hysterical laugh continued uncontrollably, I was beginning to question this rogue’s sanity. Even Emily wore a weirded out expression. Nathan snorted, rolled his eyes and shook his head.
“You killed Killian?” He asked after finally calming down.
“Yes.” I responded, getting impatient.
“And you think you’ve won, just because you killed our official leader?” He asked rhetorically. “Oh ho ho ho, you killed the wrong person!”
I gritted my teeth in annoyance. “What do you mean?”
“Th-the person you should all be afraid of is
him .” He cackled, barely stringing his sentences together from laughing so hard.
I pinched my nose to calm myself down. “Who is him?”
“The one who will bring us glory. The one who will empower the rogues. The one they call Darkness.” He responded with a dark cackle. “You will never stand a chance against him .”
I sighed, unimpressed. “So this…guy is called ‘Darkness’?”
Nathan rolled his eyes again, making me chuckle. “Okay, and you’re saying this ‘Darkness’ guy is the one behind everything?”
“He will bring us glory! He-“
“Alright, you already said that.” I interrupted him. “Care to tell us what he has planned?”
Emily raised an eyebrow at me, her expression telling me the rogue won’t answer that. I shrugged back, you never know.
“Like I’d ever tell you.” The rogue snarled.
She flashed me an ‘I told you so’ smile, making me want to melt into a puddle.
“You have a pretty smile.” I complimented her.
“Well, thank you.” A male voice replied.
Emily and I stared at my phone in horror before she burst into hysterical fits of laughter, while I held back mine.
“I wasn’t talking to you.” I addressed the rogue.
“So, now I feel awkward.” He continued, elongating the ‘so’.
“Okay, that’s enough talk for today.” I said, moving on. “I’m hanging up.”
I hung up, staring at my phone in disbelief. Emily sniggered and said, “I can’t believe I just witnessed that conversation.”
“Welcome to my life.” I told her, already dialling someone else.
“Hello?” A deep voice answered.
“Hey, Theo.” I greeted him. “The ambush was a success, and Emily is safely with me.”
“Thank God.” He responded, sounding happy about the outcome. “Hold on, let me tell Elisia.”
A few seconds later, I heard Elisia screeching with happiness and relief.
“We showed those motherfuckers!” I heard her singing in background. There was a loud crash following her singing.
“Goodness, are you okay?” I heard a different male ask.
Theo started to crack up, laughing hard at what had happened.
“What was that sound?” I asked curiously.
“Elisia was dancing and she slipped on a piece of paper.” He responded, still laughing. “Now she’s laying on the floor, refusing to get up.”
“Theo, Killian is dead.” I suddenly said, wanting to break the news.
There was silence on the other side.
“Really?” He finally asked.
“Yes, I killed him.” I confessed, not looking at Emily’s expression.
“Well, the chances of rogues attacking us is much higher now.” Theo reminded me. “But it’s nothing we can’t handle. I would’ve killed him myself, good job Jayden.”
“This is a weird, maybe ridiculous question, but do you know who Darkness is?” I asked, just for the sake of it.
There was a brief pause before he answered. “Yes, Elisia and I have encountered him today. Why do you ask? Stay away from him, he’s a dangerous…thing.”
“Thing?” I repeated. I was shocked to find that this ‘Darkness’ guy actually existed. What kind of name is that?
“Fuck knows what he is, Jayden. But he sure isn’t a man, or a werewolf. He probably could’ve killed Elisia and I today, but deliberately let us live. Don’t ever face him alone.” Theo explained, warning me.
Elisia suddenly screamed in background, making me jump.
Theo gasped, it sounded like he was walking towards Elisia. “No way!”
The male from earlier gasped, “I can’t believe it.”
“Sorry Jay, I have to hang up.” Theo told me, excitement lacing his voice. “I’ll call you later.”
“Sure.” I hung up before he did and slumped in my seat. I didn’t even get to tell them I found my mate…
I glanced at Emily, her gaze was fixed on me. “That Darkness guy sounds…dangerous.” She said, looking worried.
I reached for her hand, and held it reassuringly. She stiffed from my touch, before relaxing yet again. Nathan made eye contact with me through the rear-view mirror, also wearing a concerned expression.
We both agreed with her.


The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 45

I really like Jay and Emily! Jamily? Emay? Emiden?

I don’t know what works,

Yes, Killian died in this episode! 

What do you guys think about the rogue’s words? About Darkness?

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5 years ago

I have thought so that Emily and Jay will be mate that is the reason it was fall on her to switch things with Elisia. Darkness is dangerous but will still meet his match.Because victory is ours

5 years ago

My heart was in my mouth throughout this episode. I said if that Emily is Jay’s mate. Good job author but the suspense is much. Try to be post more

Home gal
Home gal
5 years ago

I m so happy for Jayden

5 years ago

Finally Jay found his mate. Nice episode.

Pls next episode.

Thanks Opradre

5 years ago

I trust jay, Theo and Elisia, they will bring Darkness down