The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 42 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 1 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 42 by Yasminne

Theme : If only you knew…

Elisia’s POV
“The silver in the box was released into the bloodstream all at once. They had to bleed him out as soon as possible, to get rid of the silver material.”
I watched Theo in horror, my blood running cold, and brought my hand over my mouth. “Oh no.” I whispered.
“He survived it, but he’s currently in a coma.”
A coma?
I looked down, my hair covering my face, as I tried to hold back the tears. I should be grateful it isn’t more worse than a coma…
Theo watched me with a grim, sorrowful expression before embracing me into a hug.
“It’s fine, go to him.” He whispered into my hair.
I shook my head, almost automatically, making Theo step back and raise an eyebrow.
“No?” He asked in surprise.
I looked up at him, my eyes glassing over. “I don’t know.”
Theo frowned at my response, and shook his head in confusion. I had to admit, even I was confused.
“I guess, I had just realised how much I’ve chosen Jay over you…” I said, my heart twisting in guilt. “I’ve not been fair to you.”
Theo stared at me for a couple of seconds, before bursting into laughter. “And yet you always come back to me, because I’m your mate.”
He brought his hands up to my face and cupped my cheeks tenderly. “It’s fine, love.”
I shook my head, “No, it’s not. I promise to make it up to you.”
He grinned mischievously and bit his lip. “Really?”
I rolled my eyes in response, avoiding the question, and laughed – making Theo’s smirk disappear and replaced with astonishment.
“Wait, what? Really?”
“Shush.” I hushed him, as I walked back to the vehicle. Theo’s demeanour changed from playful to serious once we got into his car.
“So, when are you flying out?” He asked, already pulling out his phone. He paused, observed my expression and frowned, looking perplexed. “Are you okay? You don’t look as worried as you did a few moments ago.”
He was right.
I wasn’t feeling worried or anxious anymore. In fact, I was more concerned about why I seemed to be unfazed by the shocking news. I should be distressed and upset about Jay’s condition, but…something was stopping me.
Call it instinct…or a feeling.
Something was just not right.
The news wasn’t sitting well with me, I couldn’t digest it and believe it. I sensed something was off, but then that could just be my paranoia.
“It’s nothing.” I waved it off, my tongue feeling dry all of a sudden.
I felt him curiously probe my mind in the mate bond, making me glance up at him.
“What are you suspicious of?” He asked in puzzlement.
I sighed, deciding to voice my thoughts.
“Something’s not right.”
He titled his head adorably, and said, “What’s not right?”
“It may sound crazy, but I have a gut feeling that Jay may not actually be in a coma…?” I squeaked, my confession progressively sounding like a question.”A gut feeling?” He repeated.
I nodded. “It’s an overwhelming feeling I just can’t shake off.”
He raised an eyebrow at this. “Well, I don’t think we should ignore it.”
“Really?” I asked, sitting up. “After all, it was Julian, your second in command, who told us.”
He nodded, looking off into the distance thoughtfully. “The question is, who told him? When he mind-linked me, he mentioned Kaitlyn and Magnus informing him.”
“Most likely by email, so authenticity isn’t guaranteed.” He added, facing back towards me. “Hacking is a possibility, even more so likely with The Rogue Force after you.”
A thought had just come to me, making me reach for my phone hastily. “If something was to have happened to Jay, Kaitlyn and Magnus would’ve informed me straight away!”
I had totally forgot to check my phone for messages, adrenaline was still pumping from the rogue confrontation. What the kind of hell is that Darkness guy?
I clicked onto my messages, and scrolled to find any new messages from my adoptive parents.
No messages.
I looked up from my phone to find Theo’s gaze move from my phone to my eyes. He laughed shakily, anger piercing his handsome features. It was obvious what was going through our minds.
“It’s a set up.” We said in unison.
“Fuck.” I exclaimed, running my hand through my hair. To think that if I hadn’t stopped to listen to my instinct, I would’ve walked straight into their plan.
A familiar ringtone blared from my phone, making me jump. I laughed at my jumpiness and glanced at my phone to read the caller ID.
It was Jay.
I widened my eyes, and looked up at Theo in bewilderment. His jaw was hanging, looking stunned before he gestured for me to pick up.
I clicked on the green button and held my phone to my ear. “Hello?”
His familiar voice immediately dissolved any kind of worries that I had felt, even Theo’s shoulders slumped in relief.
“How are you?” I asked.
“I’m doing fine, listen I need to talk you about something.” He said hurriedly.
“Are you alone?”
I glanced at my mate before said, “No, I’m with Theo.”
“That’s fine, so no one else?” He asked, trying to get a confirmation.
“Nope, just Theo and I.”
He sighed, and took a deep breath. I started to get anxious, wondering what was making him this nervous?
“Put me on loud speaker.”
I raised my eyebrows in surprise, but followed his instructions nonetheless.
“Hello.” Theo greeted him first.
“So what’s up?” I asked, wanting to hear what he has to say.
“A while ago, I was uncomfortable and curious with the close relationship the both of you have so I got Kobi to spy on you.” He blurted out so quickly that I thought I misheard.
“You did what?” Theo roared, about to snatch the phone from my hand. I pulled it away just in time, I didn’t want to replace this phone just yet.”You got Kobi to spy on us?” I screeched, not at all happy.
I could literally feel him cringe away from the phone, flinching at the harsh tone in my voice.
“I know, that was a dickhead move.”
“You’re fucking right about that, asshole.” Theo commented, still glaring at the phone.
“Listen, I thought it was better that I come clean about it.” Jay admitted, sighing in defeat. “He was fine with giving vague information until one day, he randomly promised to get in-depth information about the two of you. You could say I was intrigued.”
“You were…intrigued?” Theo deadpanned, his brow furrowing a little.
“I was intrigued because he was willing to go the extra mile to go behind his Alpha’s back, and spy on him. That was when I first thought, there is something not right with this guy.”
“He’s a fucking creepy weirdo, let me tell you that.” I retorted, thinking about the latest encounter.
“When I asked him to keep an eye on you guys, I said it half-heartedly but he took it seriously. I was kind of going along with it, mainly because I wanted to figure him out.”
“The other reason being spying on us.” Theo piped up, still salty about it.
“Honestly, it did begin like that.” Jay admitted. “However, the more and more I interacted with him, the more I wanted to delve into who he was. I was slowly but surely gaining his trust and I-“
“Gaining his trust, how?” I asked.
“By acting like a fucking idiot, that can easily be manipulated and pushed around.” He replied bitterly. “The guy is a control freak, I realised that and decided to play the weak role. The guy is probably laughing at how naïve I’ve been, wondering how someone like me will be an Alpha.”
“Little did he know…” Theo muttered beside me.
“Little did he know I was the one deceiving him.” Jay chuckled dryly. “He told me about how a group was helping him get stronger, that they were powerful and were able to provide all the information I wanted.”
“The Rogue Force.” I snarled, my lips curling back in disgust.
“I had a hunch, but it wasn’t confirmed until the day they attacked at my graduation.” He continued. “I made a little bit of a scene once I figured it out, making it more plausible that ‘I hadn’t known all along.'”
“And he bought it?”
“Didn’t even question it, he would’ve had suspicions if I hadn’t have made a scene. He managed to ‘calm me down’ and get me used to the idea. I was actually so pissed off, because of him I had that fucking silver box strapped to me.”
“You managed to get that off right?” I asked quickly.
“Yeah, of course.” He said reassuringly. “Matt didn’t even struggle trying to take it off. Anyway, yesterday I was getting bored of being tagged along when I wasn’t getting any new information. I was so close to telling you that he was working with The Rogue Force before he finally dropped new information.”
“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Theo asked.
“I didn’t want you to act differently around him, he definitely would’ve caught on and sped up to complete his plan. Yesterday, he asked me if I missed Elisia to which I replied ‘yes’. He promised to get Elisia back the next day.”
“That mother-fucker.” Theo growled, his veins popping from his forearm from gripping the leather seats. “I’ll kill him.”
I shook my head, disgusted by Kobi’s conniving ways.”Wait, surely he would’ve become suspicious that you didn’t freak out when you realised The Rogue Force was after me?” I asked.
“He actually defended himself before I had the chance to point the finger at him, saying how he had ‘no idea that rogues were going to crash my graduation’.”
I rolled my eyes, bullshit. Kobi was most likely the one who tipped off our location to the rogues.
“When I asked him how he was going to pull off bringing you here today, he replied with ‘don’t worry, trust me’. That’s when I thought, this is it. This is where and when they plan to ambush Elisia.” He continued. “Have you seen the email my parents sent?”
“We haven’t seen it, but Julian mind-linked me the contents.” Theo responded. “Elisia figured something was wrong, and she didn’t believe you were in a coma. She didn’t get any messages from your parents which solidified her gut feeling.”
“Kobi, or some rogue, had managed to hack into my father’s email and send a message to Theo that I was in a coma. I managed to read the email before it disappeared, and I called Kobi straight after that. I really wanted to figure out his ulterior motive behind getting you here.”
“I think he has rogues lurking around my territory, the land around the airport isn’t claimed by us, so there’s a high chance they’re there. Kobi seems to be sure that you’ll fly out to visit me, all he needs to do is convince you to go alone.”
“His plan wouldn’t work as well, if I went with you.” Theo pointed out. “He wouldn’t risk having the ambush be done around my pack, even the land around the airport belongs to me.”
“Once Elisia touches down, they’d probably tail her until they believe it’s the perfect time to ambush and kidnap her – she’d be out-numbered since she came unknowingly.” Jay carried on. “Guys, I really think there going to make their big move like this.”
“We agree, it’s definitely a set up.” I sighed, nodding.
“So I was thinking, maybe we should lead them into our kind of set up instead?” Jay suggested.
“Play them at their own game?” Theo mused, his lips curling up at the thought. “What if we make it seem as though we have no idea, and that Elisia will be on her way to the airport?”
“I’ll look all worried and stressed before I leave, and then what?” I asked, looking at Theo.
“Would you be cool with switching clothes with someone?” He asked, his brow furrowing.
I looked down at my black outfit, and shrugged. “Yeah, I’m down. But with who?”
“Do you remember Emily?”
I frowned in thought, before widening my eyes in realisation. “Yeah, this pack’s best doctor! Dr Stevenson’s sister?”
“Yeah, that’s her. I think she should go in your place, same clothes and all.”
“What?” I exclaimed, shaking my head. “Send her to a group of rogues waiting to kidnap me? No freaking way, how can she defend herself from all those rogues?”
“There’s a way, don’t worry.” Theo reassured me with a smile. “Her home is on the route to the airport, your departure will be even more convincing.”
“I have warriors ready to take down these rogues, I have already informed my father of the situation.” Jay told us. “Let us handle the rogues, try to make everything believable on your side.”
“Okay, so Elisia and I will go back to the Manor where I’m assuming Kobi is. We’ll mention Elisia will be leaving in an emergency to visit Jay. I’ll arrange for Drew to pick her up and ‘drive her to the airport’, when in actuality you’re going to Emily’s place.” Theo said, summarising the plan. “You’ll give her the clothes you’re wearing, so that she can pretend to be you until they approach her and realise it’s not you.””Hopefully by then, we would have already surrounded the area and go for the kill.” Jay added. “Maybe take a few hostages for interrogation.”
“It sounds good.” I mused, slowly nodding. “Will Emily be up for it? I mean, she doesn’t even know me.”
“For sure.”
“Okay, that’s all guys. Stay safe.” Jay said. “We’ll come out on top.”
“Okay, bye.” I said, before hanging up.
I looked up to find Theo watching me. “You up for it?”
I nodded determinedly, high fiving his outstretched hand. He swiftly caught my hand, brought it to his lips and kissed the back of it. His stormy, blue eyes glinted with cheekiness as his dimpled smile made an appearance.
“Promise to be by my side forever.”
I watched him, indescribable feelings bursting within me. I almost melted in that spot, his sweet, sudden words caught me by surprise.
“I promise.” I whispered, my lips curling into a wide smile.
He kissed the back of my hand again before turning the engine on, it was time to go back to the manor. We talked about what we were going to say and do during the ride. He was planning to ‘stay behind and do work’, something that Kobi would be more inclined to believe.
He called Emily and told her the plan. Surprisingly, she seemed to be ready for anything he asked of her. Suddenly, I was intrigued to meet her. After that call, he called Drew to drive me to Emily’s house, and ensured that he doesn’t tell anyone the true destination.
“So if anyone asks, I’m driving her to the airport?” Drew asked, confirming his Alpha’s orders.
“Okay boss.”
We pulled up to the Manor, already smelling his scent. I hopped out the car, trying hard to make my movements lethargic and heavy. My expression is important, but if I had a bounce in my step, that would give the game away. We had to sell it, Kobi is extremely observant.
Theo and I walked in through the front doors, greeted by Kobi and Julian. Julian watched me with a worried, sad expression – poor guy didn’t know this was all a sick joke.
My gaze moved onto Kobi, his striking evil face triggered an urge to punch him. I thought about how much I wanted to kill him, right now on the spot, but sadly couldn’t.
So fucking pitiful…
My distress must’ve shown through my expression because Julian started to look even sadder. I started to feel even more bad…
Ha, I’m good at this!
Kobi was watching me carefully, expressionless and composed. His strong jaw ticked as he took in my appearance. I made sure to ruffle my hair a little in the car, to make it look like I kept running my hands through it.
Come on, buy it!
A corner of his mouth curled up so quick, and disappeared just as quickly – it could’ve been a smirk. Maybe he had bought it?
Not really looking at them, I greeted them. “Hey.”
There was an awkward silence before Julian broke it. “So I’m guessing you’re flying out to meet him?”
I let out a sigh and rubbed my temples. “That’s the plan.”
“We already booked her a ticket, she’s going now.” Theo spoke up, rubbing my shoulders reassuringly. I held back a shiver as I watched Kobi’s piercing gaze narrow in at that gesture.
He frowned and raised an eyebrow at Theo’s statement. “You’re not going with her?”
I held back a smug smirk, this is exactly what we predicted. He was going to try to convince Theo to stay, but we were going to make it easy for him. Or that is what we will be making him think.
Theo shook his head and said, “Unfortunately, I can’t. I have too much paperwork to catch up on.”
That was true, he hadn’t worked at all yesterday so work has piled up.
Kobi calmly nodded, his jaw ticking again. It was such a slight movement, but it didn’t get passed me. That’s when I realised that he was biting back a smile…
If only you knew…
We will have the last laugh.
I spaced out, not really paying attention to the conversation. It wasn’t until I heard Kobi’s voice project towards my direction, when I finally tuned in.
“So when are you going?”
I kept my composure, trying hard to look sombre. I wanted to smirk at his eagerness, he really needed to know if I was leaving soon. Of course, he made it seem like an innocent and curious question.
I reached for the doorknob, and replied, “Right now, actually.”
I noticed how his gaze swept over my outfit, soaking it in with one look. No doubt he was memorising what I was wearing to tell the rogues, what a moron.
I brought Theo’s small blue notebook out my back pocket, with a bunch of other papers covering it. I made sure he got a quick glimpse of the small, blue book – hoping he assumes it’s my passport. I just happened to have found it in the glove compartment, and thought it resembled a passport.
I also bring out my phone, checking if I had everything. Every single detail counts if we were to pull this off.
I heard a car pull up in the driveway, it must be Drew. I glanced outside to see him get out of his car and open the passenger door.
“Bye guys.”
I made my way out the Manor with Julian calling out, “Contact us when you get there!”
I hurried to the car and waved goodbye before sliding into the passenger side. I made eye contact with Theo, who slyly winked at me. Drew closed the door, went around to the drivers seat and drove off.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how to fool a dumbass.


The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 42

So it’s time to take back all the abusive words you’ve hurled at Jay….. ?
Thou shalt apologize…. ?

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5 years ago

What a perfect plan. Dumbass Kobi. He will pay for it with Irene

5 years ago

This episode sweet me. Thanks Opradre.

5 years ago

This is great, i love it

5 years ago

Wao! I love this

5 years ago

Wow, what a great plan.

5 years ago

Interesting, Kobi believed he’s smart

5 years ago

Comment:This is getting more interesting everyday I really love dis episode

5 years ago interesting

5 years ago

ah! this is how to fool a dumbass.lols

5 years ago

Wow.,…. Fantastic

Kobi is really a dumbass

5 years ago

This is just getting interesting can’t wait for the next episode

Adeyemo Funmilayo
Adeyemo Funmilayo
4 years ago

????Smart Elisia…. smarter Yasmine