The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 41 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 1 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 41 by Yasminne

Theme : Kobi The Betrayer.

Kobi’s POV
I let out a loud sigh as I strolled down the road that led to the main town. It would’ve been more fun to watch Theo and Elisia be toyed around by rogues, especially by him . My plan to tag along and watch for entertainment had failed. I wonder what had happened…
Just then, a dark shadow swiftly whizzed past me, making me frown in curiosity. The shadow emitted dark energy, something unnatural that made my spine chill with uneasiness. I watched it slow down and hover towards me purposefully.
I knew what it was.
More like, who it was.
“Darkness.” I called out, masking my uneasiness.
The shadow had easily morphed into the flesh I was more used to seeing. I was suddenly facing a tall dark haired man, with black, disturbing looking iridescent eyes. He wore a smile, clearly not feeling any happy emotions, but smiled nonetheless.
“Hello Kobi Wolf.”
I curtly nodded, not wanting to say anything wrong. Darkness is nothing like anything I’ve ever come across before, he was an unnatural being. Far from a werewolf, but yet still possesses werewolf traits. It’s really weird; every time I asked about it, I got shut down. However, I definitely knew this guy was not to be messed with.
“I’m on the run, and that silly Alpha of yours seems to think his useless warriors are a match for me.” He laughed, his sinister grin widening. Blue and purple veins suddenly became visible down his neck and face as he started to laugh even harder.
“That Elisia girl, what an interesting she-wolf!” He exclaimed, his crazed expression making me step back. “I like her.”
His purple tongue flicked out his mouth and licked his lips.
“I like her a lot.”
I smiled and said reassuringly, “You’ll have her soon, don’t worry. I have a plan.”
“It better be a good one, she’s strong.” He commented. “It seems like I have underestimated her strength, her power is on another level.”
I snorted in amusement and rolled my eyes. “She’s not that good.”
He nodded his head wearing that creepy grin of his. “Oh, yes she is. And the best part is that she hasn’t even reached her optimal level in power, strength and speed. She may even be a match for me.”
His black eyes glinted in the sunlight, as his chest heaved up and down. “What a fascinating rarity.”
It was safe to say this guy really creeped me out, where did Killian find this guy?
“Well, aren’t you going to tell me your plan?” He asked, the veins on his neck still pulsing from excitement.
“All in good time.” I responded, not wanting to give anything away yet. “The plan is already in the works.”
A faint yell from the distance made us perk up at the sound. His grin widened even more before he turned to look back at me. That purple tongue of his made an appearance again when he ran it across his front teeth.
“Very well then.” He said in a hushed tone. “I’ll see you around.”
And with that, he disappeared with a black streak of darkness following him. I shook my head, there was no way the warriors would be able to keep up with something like that. Darkness is nothing like they have ever faced before.
My phone started to ring, making me reach for it in my pocket and answer it without looking. I had a feeling of who it might be.
“Hello.””Did you hack into my father’s email?” He cried in anger, skipping formalities.
“Oh, about that…” I said mockingly.
“Shut up Kobi!” He fumed. “I just happened to see some fucked up, non sensical message sent to Julian. Before I could read it again, it disappeared! What the fuck did you do?”
I smirked before replying. “I did what you wanted me to do.”
“I never said you should do that!”
“No, but you said you wished Elisia was with you instead of Theo. Correct?”
I wanted to cackle at how easy it was to manipulate him and use his obvious feelings for Elisia.
“Yeah…” He said hesitantly.
“This way, she’ll come rushing to you.” I explained innocently. “Am I wrong?”
“No…” He started to say, but then changed his mind. “No! This is wrong!”
I sighed, annoyed at how much he was at conflict with himself. A while ago, he was fine asking me to spy and gather information about Elisia and Theo. After that, he freaked out once he realised I was working with The Rogue Force and threatened to tell everyone.
After reassuring him that I would be able to get in depth information about Elisia and Theo, he seemed to be fine with it all. What a fucking loser.
“She’ll be so worried!” He carried on, anxiety seeping into his tone. “I’m not in a coma and I’m perfectly fine. Little amounts of silver had entered my bloodstream and weakened me, but Matt managed to get the box off.”
“For fuck sake, Jay!” I huffed, massaging my temples. “Just tell her the email was probably a sick joke from a rogue or something. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Do you think she’s on her way?” He asked, still sounding conflicted.
“It’s likely Julian has read the email, Theo must’ve been notified.” I voiced my thoughts. “I doubt he would hide this from Elisia, so yes. My guess is that she’s already planning to fly out to you.”
“It would a nice surprise for her, if she anxiously came to you and found you not in a coma.” I said, trying to convince him. “You could say she’d be even more grateful for your existence…”
I heard a sigh from the receiving end, before he said anything. “Alright, but why are you helping me? How does any of this benefit you?”
“Just call it kindness, my brother.”
“Just sit and relax, while she comes running to you.” I added, holding back my laughter.
“Alright, bye.”
“Bye.” I said, before hanging up.
I looked up at the sky before bursting into uncontrollable fits of laughter. I glanced at my phone, still laughing my ass off, and shook my head. People call this guy the future Alpha of one of the strongest pack in the country, what a fucking joke!
He’s so fucking easy to manipulate.
It’s too bad, he definitely won’t be able to see Elisia. I have alerted enough rogues to ensure she’ll be ambushed before she even reaches The Imperial Pride Pack’s territory. All I needed to do is make sure she leaves here alone to visit ‘poor Jay’, and the rogues near Jay’s pack will be able to get into position in a timely manner.
I wasn’t helping him in any way, I was just using him. ‘Kindness’ my ass!
I had finally reached the main town and smirked, reminiscing the phone call. Everything was going perfectly according to plan.I headed towards Irene’s house, I hadn’t seen her in a while and I was starting to miss her. The familiar house came into view, and I saw her painting her toenails on the front porch. I raised my arm with a smile, greeting her.
She perked up at my presence and waved back with a laugh.
“You’ve been busy, haven’t you?” She remarked once I reached her.
I smiled and said, “You have no idea.”
She pouted and looked up at me from her chair. “You said you’ll be able to get rid of
“Yeah, I found a way and I have a plan.”
“Right, so can the plan happen faster?” She said, rolling her eyes.
“Everything needs to be done in a timely fashion or it won’t work out.” I said, narrowing my eyes at her. “Just be patient, sis.”
She sighed and pouted again. “You’re right, sorry…”
“It’s fine.” I replied, watching her resume her nail painting. She hissed when she accidently brushed her hand against a large fresh wound on her ankle.
She looked up quick enough to catch my pained expression. “It’s fine, it’s just from training. I got it just half an hour ago, that’s why it hasn’t healed yet.”
I shook my head at her and sat down on the porch steps. “I don’t get it, why put yourself through so much pain and struggle? You hate being a warrior, just give it up, please?”
She had always hated fighting and never even thought about becoming a warrior, until a few years ago. I clearly remember the day she asked to train so she could become a warrior, it was so out of the blue.
I had just finished MMA training in the gymnasium, and was about to head out to go home. It was very late that night, and I was the last to finish training. Irene had come in with tears streaming down her face, looking heartbroken.
“Kobi!” She cried, rushing into my arms.
“What’s wrong?” I said in alarm.
“I’ve been trying to catch Theo’s attention for the longest time…” She started to say.
I shook my head and sighed. “But now that you’re seventeen, you know for sure that you’re not mates.” I reminded her gently.
“He watched one video of this sixteen year old girl, who’s been getting viral attention because she’s currently being examined to become a warrior!” She sniffed. “He can’t stop replaying the video, complimenting everything about her!”
I nodded in realisation. “Ah right, that Elisia girl. She’s pretty good…”
“Kobi!” She snapped, hitting my shoulder. “I fucking hate her, ugh.”
She stepped out of my embrace and glared at me. I smiled apologetically and shrugged in response. I couldn’t deny that girl was talented, extremely strong and cute. I wouldn’t mind having a mate that looked like that…
“Anyway, I decided that I should start training to become a warrior.” She continued, wiping away her tears determinedly.
I gaped at her in disbelief. “What? You hate fighting!”
“I love Theo more.” She shot back, shrugging. “Now that I know what catches his attention, I’ll work hard to be loved by him.”
“You’ll hate it.” I told her, shaking my head. “Training is not a joke, Irene. It’s painful, gruelling, mentally and physically hard.”
“My love for Theo isn’t a joke, so don’t act like it is.” She whispered. “I know what I’m getting myself into Kobi, all I ask is for your support and assistance.”My heart broke at how crest-fallen she looked, all because of Theo. I have always secretly detested him because of the way he dismisses her feelings like it’s nothing, what a monster. Couldn’t he just make her happy for once?
“The journey to becoming a warrior will take years.” I reminded her. “It’s a route mostly men take, you’ll be entering a harsh and cruel world.”
“I’ll do whatever it takes to gain Theo’s attention.”
Since then, she has improved drastically – gaining the ‘white devil’ reputation and being assigned as the Chief Warrior of the pack.
I blinked, dazed from the flashback to three years ago. I looked at her, to find her watching me with a confused expression.
“Did you even hear what I said?”
I blinked again and shook my head.
She groaned, rolling her eyes, and resumed painting her nails. “Don’t worry, it wasn’t important.”
I nodded, getting up from the porch. “I’ve got to go, see you later.”
“See you.” She said, not glancing up.
I hurried towards the Alpha Manor, smiling and greeting all the pack members I saw on the way. I had finally made it to the gates, the guards taking a split second glance at me before opening the gate. I walked down the pathway to the main door, watching the front door open.
Julian stuck his head out and smiled at me, to which I smiled back in response. He was a really nice guy, along with his mate. I wouldn’t want him, out of everyone, to find out that I’ve been conspiring with The Rogue Force. However, if he finds out then I’ll just have to deal with it.
I knew Elisia was suspicious of me, but not too suspicious to assume the worst. I doubt Theo knows anything about what’s going on, he has absolutely no suspicions about his third in command. There was a big chance I would be able to carry out this mission without getting caught.
“Hey man.” He greeted me, widening the door to let me in. “Something crazy has happened.”
I raised my eyebrows at this, already knowing what it was, but still said, “What?”
“Jay has fallen into a coma because of that box with silver material strapped to his neck.” He said remorsefully, running his hand through his golden hair. He looked stressed and mournful at the news that his friend’s health had deteriorated.
I gasped for good measure and let my jaw hang from the ‘shock’. “No way…”
Julian nodded and continued, “Apparently while the engineer was trying to take it off, the entire contents was injected into him in the process. They bled him out on the scene to get rid off the silver as much as they could before taking him to a hospital.”
I shook my head in disbelief. “Oh no.”
Internally, I wanted to die of laughter. Everyone had bought the email, I swear I’m a fucking genius.
Just then, the front gates opened. Theo’s aura dominated the place, letting everyone know the Alpha was here. We glanced out the window, watching Elisia and Theo hop out the car. Julian turned to me wearing a grim expression.
“I feel so bad for Elisia, she must be so worried.” He said, mind-linking me.
I held back the urge to smile and replied back,
“Yeah, so worried.”
We stepped back as the front doors opened and they strolled in quietly. I took a glance at Elisia’s expression, and almost grinned in satisfaction. She looked distressed and upset as she absently greeted us. Theo wore a grim expression and curtly nodded at us.
“So I’m guessing you’ll fly back out to meet him?” Julian suggested, looking at Elisia and Theo.
She sighed and rubbed her temples. “Yeah, that’s the plan.”
“We already booked her a ticket, she’s going now.” Theo said, rubbing her shoulder reassuringly. My eyes narrowed at the gesture, if only he’d do that to Irene. Maybe then I wouldn’t have to go this far in trying to get rid of Elisia. I just wanted to make my sister happy.
I perked up once I realised what Theo said. “You’re not going with her?”
He shook his head. “Unfortunately I can’t, I have too much paperwork to catch up on.”
I resisted the urge to show any signs of celebration, I don’t need to convince him to stay after all. It was true that he had so much paperwork to do, especially since he spent all day yesterday not doing work. He was in another pack after all…
“I wish I could go today, hopefully I’ll be able to visit tomorrow.” Julian piped up, looking thoughtful. “Poor Jay.”
“Are those two rogues locked up?” Theo asked Julian, to which he nodded in response.
“Yes. One of them woke up and got a bit crazy, so we knocked him out again.” Julian laughed a little.
Theo nodded and said, “The border force warriors were able to capture two of the three rogues that were on the run.”
Darkness escaped, of course.
I turned to face Elisia and casually asked, “So when are you going?”
She reached for the door knob. “Right now, actually.”
I couldn’t believe how easy this was!
I glanced at what she wore, it was a black monochrome outfit. I was planning on informing the rogues what she was wearing so they can spot her more easily. I watched her as she doublechecked if she had everything on her, and say goodbye to us.
I watched Drew, Theo’s personal driver, pull up and get out his car. I raised my eyebrows at this, intrigued to know that I didn’t have to do much to have everything go exactly to plan.
“Contact us when you get there.” Julian called out as she hurried to the car. She waved one last time, got into the passenger seat with Drew closing the door behind her. Once he got back into the car and drove away, we looked away and the two of them sighed.
“I’m going to go drown myself in paperwork.” Theo groaned, heading to his office.
Julian chuckled a little before saying, “Yeah, I have a lot to do.”
They both vanished from my sight, on their way to work for the rest of the day. I stayed still in the front lobby, grinning to myself.
It’s about to get interesting.

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 41

Brace yourselves for the next episode,

I may or may have not fooled you all in this episode

What do you think of the first Kobi’s POV?

I’m curious to know, who do you want to kill off?


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5 years ago

Kobi will be caught and Jay is going way off track. I hope he does not loss the love of Elisia cos of his jealous.

5 years ago

Jay is plain foolish and Kobi is very wicked. Is it not obvious that Elisia and Theo are mate. Next episode

5 years ago

Irene should go and find her mate,
She should leave Theo alone .

5 years ago

May God deliver us from all enemies within…!

5 years ago

Kobi is wicked next episode pls

5 years ago

I know that Julian, Theo and Elisia have a plan to get Kobi which he will fall flat into.

Irene, Kobi and Jay in for a trouble

5 years ago

Not that Jay really mean to hurt Elisia, he only foolishly fall into kobi’s trap, kobi used him