The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 39 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 1 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 39 by Yasminne

Theme : Roguish Behaviour

I lay on my bed, staring up at the familiar ceiling of the room. Earlier, Leona had to leave the manor and head to the other town to visit Julian’s parents, the former Beta leaders. The manor was empty, there wasn’t even a worker present, leaving me alone in this mansion.
I had the photo of Lily and Maxwell in my hand, I wondered how devastated she felt when she was forcefully separated from her mate and child. I brought the photo into my line of vision and stared at Lily’s smiling face. I hoped I could somehow bring some kind of justice to what had happened to you nineteen years ago.
Just then, the front door of the manor opened, making me sit up at the sound. Could it be Theo and Julian back from the fighting grounds already? I frowned when I couldn’t sense his presence in bond, it was someone else. I stilled, not wanting to make a sound.
I tuned my sensitive hearing so that I could hear their voice. The person sighed loudly and started pacing around. I closed my eyes and shook my head, dread slowly overcoming me. Out of all the people who could’ve returned back, why did it have to be him? Why is Kobi back so soon?
I quietened my breathing and minimized my movement, he doesn’t need to know I’m in. Hopefully, I’m far enough to not have my presence noticed and quiet enough to not be heard.
“Hello, it’s me.”
He seemed to be on the phone with someone, he sounded hurried. “What do you mean? It was your idea!”
He slammed his hand against something and snarled. “You said you wanted information about her and Theo, and I’m doing my best. He may be a rogue, but K is the best at finding out secrets. I’ll give you all the info you need when everything is done.”
I frowned uneasily at this, the bad feeling spreading throughout my body. K was definitely Killian. All uncertainty about Kobi’s intentions flew out the window, he was definitely an enemy.
“Well, that’s too bad. He didn’t tell me what he was going to do yesterday, it’s your fault that you got in the way. Don’t worry, you’ll find a way to take it off.”
“Besides, it’s not like I can negotiate with that man, he’s a rogue for fuck sake! This conversation is over, I’m hanging up.”
More silence.
I stayed seated on my bed, processing what I’d just heard. Who was he talking to? Who wanted information about Theo and I? Basing it off Kobi’s side of the conversation, it seemed that the caller was not a rogue and was at the attack yesterday.
Footsteps echoed throughout the mansion, he was walking up the stairs. I internally groaned, he’ll definitely feel my presence when he reaches the same level. I closed my eyes shut tightly, praying he wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings.
Hearing him take each and every step was nerve racking.
I held my breath, my eyes widening when I heard him reach the upstairs lobby.
I slumped in relief when his footsteps continued, walking away from my wing and towards his. I put my hand on my chest, feeling my heart race from nervousness. I don’t know what kind of luck that was, but I was glad to have it on my side.

My head whipped towards my bedroom door in horror.
“Hey Elisia.”
Shivers of dread and fright rippled throughout my body, as I tried to come to terms with the fact that Kobi’s right outside my door.
How did he make it outside my door without me hearing?”Are you going to open the door, or are you busy?”
I opened my mouth to speak, and then closed it again. I was in a state of shock, I couldn’t bring myself to speak. I gulped before speaking out loud.
“Yeah, I’m quite busy.” I lied. “What did you want?”
“My charger broke, can I use yours?”
I glanced at my charger that lay on top of the dresser, and said, “My phone is currently charging, I’ll give it to you as soon as I have enough battery life.”
I didn’t want to give him a reason to come into my room.
“No, I meant your laptop charger. We use the same kind of laptop, so help me out?”
You sneaky little…
“Ah, I’m actually using it right now.” I said, feigning a regretful tone. “I have an assignment due very soon, that’s why I’m busy. Sorry about that.”
Ha, sorry my ass!
“Why do I have a feeling you’re lying to me?”
I shuddered at the dark twist in his tone, he definitely saw right through my lies. The intense atmosphere was unbearable, even with him behind a door and not in sight.
It was then, for the first time ever, that I wondered if I could beat Kobi in a physical fight.
He was taller, bigger and more experienced than me – all very advantageous.
I’ve beaten male Gammas before, but none of them had ulterior intentions other than winning the match. I was currently in a very different and dangerous predicament, one that I had hoped wouldn’t happen.
“Elisia, are you alright?” Theo mind-linked me, sounding concerned. “What’s got you so worried?”
“I’m alone in the manor with Kobi ,and he’s trying to interact with me from behind my bedroom door.” I responded.
“I’m coming.”
“Actually, I don’t have a feeling.” He sniggered, his voice laced with wickedness. “You are lying to me.”
“What makes you say that?” I asked chuckling, keeping my voice light and amused.
A short silence followed my question before he answered.
“You left your charger in the living room.”
My eyes widened in shock, as I mentally scolded myself for not thinking before speaking. I hadn’t taken my laptop charger with me when I visited my pack. I just assumed it was somewhere in this room…
I frowned in confusion, why the hell did he ask for my laptop charger if he knew I didn’t have it?
“Sorry, I did lie to you.” I admitted, trying to get out the hole I dug for myself. “I just don’t lend my chargers to anyone, It’s just something I avoid doing.”
“Do you avoid opening the door to talk to someone too? You said you’re busy, but you seem to have time to talk.”
I laughed it off, trying to dampen the uneasiness I felt.
“Okay, I’ll leave you alone. I’ve bothered you enough.”
Thank God.
“But just one last thing…”
Ugh, leave already!
“Don’t underestimate me.”
My blood ran cold when he said that. I stared at the closed door, glad for the barrier between us. I suddenly felt Theo’s presence get stronger, he was very near.In a more cheery tone, he said, “See you around!”
And with that, he walked away from my door and out the wing. I stayed quiet and listened hard until I was sure he was in his side of the manor. I put my head in my hands, trying to relieve the headache that was emerging from the unexpected encounter.
I heard the front door swing open and Theo’s hurried footsteps on the stairs. He made his way into the East wing, walked to my door and mind-linked me.
“I bet he left as soon as he felt me arriving here.”
I shuffled off the bed to stand up, walked to my door and opened it. I was immediately greeted with a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
“God, I got so worried. I shouldn’t have left, where is Leona?”
“She left to visit Julian’s parents, Kobi arrived shortly after.”
“Did you fill her in about what had happened yesterday?” He asked, quietly closing the door behind him.
“Yeah.” We had to mind-link to communicate, to avoid him listening in on us.
“We can go to the other town right now, if you want. I’m giving myself the day off, so I’m free to do what you want.”
I raised my eyebrows, surprised that we may be able to get the mission over and done with. I nodded to show I was up for the challenge. I’ll just text Leona later, to inform her where we’ll be.
“Get what you need and we’ll head out, I’ll meet you at the front door.”
And with that, he left the room and headed downstairs. I swung my backpack on, making sure I had all my essentials and left the room. I hurried downstairs, praying to make it to the entrance without bumping into Kobi. Theo’s tall figure filled the doorway as he stepped out the manor and held out his hand for me to take.
I took it without thinking and let him lead me to his car. Theo suddenly snatched his hand out of mine and turned around just as I heard someone say, “Where are you guys going?”
I froze, not bothering to turn around. Kobi somehow can’t seem to leave me alone. I let Theo deal with him, while I continued to walk to the car.
“I’m just showing her around towns, Leona ditched her and went to the second town so she’s alone.”
“Can I come? I visited the second town today, but not the third.” Kobi asked, amusement lacing his voice. “I need a ride to the third pack town.” My heart almost stopped at his words, how did he know we’ll be visiting that town?
“Why would we go there?” Theo questioned. I could feel his suspicions on his fellow pack member, but he kept his voice neutral and normal.
“I assumed you’d be going there since she’s already been to the second town.”
Theo shrugged. “Hmm, yeah. I don’t mind showing her that area.” He said thoughtfully, as though he hadn’t considered it before.
I stopped in my tracks, turned around and frowned at Theo, wondering why he said that. He basically gave Kobi an opportunity to invite himself on the trip.
“If I lied, he would’ve found out, and if I kept pushing him away, he would get even more suspicious.” He explained in the mate bond. “If he invites himself, it looks like we wont be able to do what we initially set out to do. I’m sorry love.”

<> “It’s fine.” I bit back a smile, my thoughts lingering on the fact he just called me love.
“So who’s driving?” Kobi asked, making his way towards the car. He flashed me a dark, smug smile when I caught his gaze.He wore a plain black T-shirt, showing off his intricate tattoo sleeve. His dark red hair seemed to look more deadlier then ever, his entire aura had changed so much since this morning.
“I will be, just like this morning.” Theo replied, slipping into the driver’s side. He made sure to open the door to the passenger seat for me, so that Kobi had no choice but to sit in the back.
I held back a sigh, and looked out the window as he drove out the driveway and got onto the road.
“Why do you need to be there anyway?” Theo asked, his jaw tightening in annoyance.
“It’s my turn to do policy checks today.”
My mate raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked at the rear-view mirror. “That’s all?”
Kobi raised an eyebrow back and asked, “What?”
Theo slowed the car down, parked on the side of the road and laughed. “You don’t need to do that! I’m going there now, I can do it.”
“But I need to-,”
“Don’t worry about it man, I’m relieving you of your policy duty today.” Theo remarked, smiling at him. “There’s no point in the both of us going, right?”
I turned away to hide my smile, Theo’s logic was hard to argue against.
“I guess so…” Kobi said hesitantly, his expression darkening. We sat in silence waiting for him to get out the car. He was taking his sweet ass time, as if he was desperately trying to think of an excuse to come with us.
“Okay then, I’ll see you later?” He asked, his hand on the door handle.
His eyes flickered towards me when he asked that question. Theo pretended he didn’t notice and answered, “Yeah, see you.”
After giving me one last long look, he stepped out the car and shut the door behind him. Theo waved goodbye and drove off, I watched Kobi’s still figure in the rear-view mirror. He was still standing in the exact same spot, not moving and just watching the car.
I shivered at the creepiness of it all, it’s like his personality did a 180 degree flip. He seemed so different to how he was when I first met him…
I glanced at Theo, he was shaking his head wearing a frown. “This is a problem.”
“What are you thinking?” I asked, feeling his immense thinking flow.
“Once everything is confirmed, I’m kicking him out.” He replied as a matter of fact. “I don’t know why he’s doing this, it’s like I don’t even know him anymore.”
“You guys are close, right?”
“We were good friends, but never as close to how Julian and I am.”
I nodded, bewildered that it had come to this – he will have to kick his friend out the pack. He glanced at me, reached for my hand and then held it. “It’s fine, Elisia. I will always put you before anyone else in a heartbeat.”
I squeezed his hand, showing how much I appreciated his efforts and stayed quiet for the rest of the way. We were on a long, quiet country road with tall trees on each side of the road.
The journey was much longer then the journey to the second pack. I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach, the reality of meeting my fellow pack members had finally settled within me.
I was going to meet my people, the people my parents once led.
When Theo had just announced that we were nearly there, a rancid and disturbing scent had caught our attention. We widened our eyes at each other, recognising the smell, and became hyper alert. Shit, this was bad.Rogues.
How have they come onto the territory this far without being noticed?
“Fuck.” Theo snarled, hitting the wheel in anger. He hastily swerved to stop on the side of the road, and frowned as he took in the rogue scent. He was quiet for a few seconds to mind-link and alert his pack warriors about rogue intruders.
“Sorry for stopping love, but I need to investigate.” He murmured, stepped out the car. “Stay in the car.”
I watched him shut the door behind him, and scoffed at his order.
Like hell am I staying in the car! Rolling my eyes and shaking my head at him, I opened the car door and hopped out.
“Elisia I-.”
“I think you forget who you’re talking to sometimes.” I interrupted him, crossing my arms over each other. “I can take care of myself, worry about yourself.”
He watched me a few seconds longer, and then nodded, laughing at himself. “You’re right, sorry. I can’t help, but be protective over you.”
“That doesn’t mean I don’t mind having a caring mate.” I pointed out, before looking out into the dense woods. The scent was getting stronger, they also must’ve smelled us out.
“How many do you think is coming?” I asked, stretching my limbs. “I think three.”
“I agree, I also think there’s three.”
Our heads snapped towards the area where we sensed movement, and got into defence positions. I sensed movement on the other side of the road, so I positioned myself so that his back and mine were facing each other. By doing that, the likelihood of getting ambushed and attacked in vulnerable positions decreased.
One rogue sprinted out from the trees and charged towards Theo with a silver knife in his hand.
“Have you trained with weapons before?” Theo yelled, dodging the rogue’s attack and kicking him in the stomach.
Another rogue appeared and charged towards me with a large silver machete. I rolled my eyes at Theo’s question and shouted back, “Give me a break, of course I have!”
The sword-like weapon swung towards my neck, making me lean back in efforts to dodge the sharp blade. I was surprise to see it cut through some of my hair cleanly in the process.
I stepped back, reached for the lock of hair and looked at the damage. “Great!” I exclaimed sarcastically. “Now my hair looks uneven…”
The rogue cocked his head at me in confusion before swinging his machete towards my body. I brought my foot up and kicked his predominant hand that held the weapon.
I smiled smugly, knowing my kicks are lethal. The rogue gasped in pain, lets go of the machete and clutches his hand.
Before he could reach for his weapon, I swoop down, picked it up and laughed at him. This was an easy fight. I looked towards Theo, getting a glimpse of him knocking out his opponent. He turned around, saw me with the upper hand and grinned at me.
I threw the weapon towards Theo, I didn’t like using weapons. I preferred to think of my body as the weapon, my skills were lethal enough to take this rogue down.
The rogue held his injured hand towards his body as he charged towards me again, this time showing off his combat skills. I had to admit I was impressed; he should’ve depended on his fighting skills, rather than relying on a weapon he couldn’t fight with that well.
I was able to get a good few blows, and kicks to the vital areas of his body. He was on defence for most of the time, he was already covered in cuts and bruises.
“So you’re a bleeder, huh?” I chuckled, referring to how easily injured he was. I kneed his chest roughly. “How weak…”
I saw him take a deep breath in to shout for assistance, I reacted fast and struck him in the neck – paralysing his vocal cords. He dropped to his knees, clutching his neck and breathing unevenly.

“That’s enough, just knock him out for now.” Theo called, stepping by my side. He held the silver weapon in his hand. I held out my hand to Theo, who passed me the machete.
I frowned, crouched down to the rogue’s level. “Is there anything you’d like to tell us before you sleep?”
He breathed in, making a painfully croaking sound, and watched me with hateful eyes. “Fuck. You.”
I stood back up and smiled down at him. “And you too. Good night.”
I brought my arm up, the one holding the weapon, and used the handle to knock him out. He fell down with a loud thud, showing me the clear damage the handle did to his head.
“That was really hard.” Theo commented, laughing a little. “He’ll definitely wake up with a concussion.”
I dropped the weapon and examined my hand curiously. I had always been aware of my strength, it’s limitations and strong points. Now I wasn’t sure how strong I am, or how strong I’m getting.
“You don’t know your own strength, and that’s fine.” Theo retorted, giving me a hug. “You’ve only just discovered your true rank, It’s normal. You’re growing into the fully grown Alpha you need to be.”
I trembled, with curiosity and excitement, thinking of all the possibilities I can explore as a warrior. To think I’ll only be getting stronger from now, it blows my mind. I smiled, happy to know that there is always room for improvement.
He looked around cautiously and said, “There are more rogues, but they’re not too close. We can get out of here and let the warriors deal with it.”
“Are they coming?”
“They’re only a mile away now, they’ll take the rogues prisoner and question them.” He replied, glancing at them on the ground.
“Did you notice how easy it was to take these rogues down?” I mused.
“It was like fighting children.” He agreed, his brow furrowing.
“Something tells me, they sent the weakest to fight us on purpose.”


The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 39

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5 years ago

I seriously hope Jay is not involved because of what Kobi said. Interesting. Next episode

5 years ago

It is getting more interesting, as in more sophisticated

5 years ago

I hope Kobi is not betraying Theo’s camp.

5 years ago

Kobi is a betrayer, he needs to be kicked out.

5 years ago

Kobi and Jay of all people… I hope his father is not involved.

5 years ago

Am really suspecting Jay working with kobi, all in the name of trying to know about Theo and elisia

5 years ago

Kobi i pitty u