The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 37 by Yasminne
Theme : First Kiss
Everyone had gathered downstairs in the dining room for Lunch. Magnus
was sitting at the head of the table like usual with Kaitlyn and Jay
sitting beside him. I was sitting in between Jay and Theo, enjoying my
plate of lasagne. The warriors would’ve joined us too, but they decided
to eat out and get to know each other that way.
It had been quite
awkward with Jay glaring at Theo while he was chowing down his food, his
parents couldn’t help but notice this and try to lighten the mood.
“So Theo, how has it been the last two years of being Alpha?” Kaitlyn
asked out of the blue. Theo, who was on my right, had just put a large
mouthful of lasagne into his mouth just as she asked that.
His eyes
widened, his cheeks puffed up from the big bite, as he hurriedly tried
to finish the food in his mouth. I pursed my lips, trying hard not to
laugh at the bad timing of the question. As soon as he finished chewing,
he picked up his glass of water and drank some before answering.
“It’s been interesting. One of the things I’ve learnt in the past two
years is, being an Alpha means having immense responsibility twenty
four/seven. I’m grateful to have great co-leaders by my side.” He
responded thoughtfully.
The corner of Magnus’ mouth raised ever so slightly, indicating that he was satisfied with that answer.
“Where do you see yourself in five years?” Magnus asked suddenly,
regarding Theo with an intense look. I raised my eyebrow at him,
wondering what had come over him.
Theo seemed a little taken aback by the sudden question, but proceeded to answer anyway.
“In five years, I want to continue to lead my pack the best I can, and
empower my people to become the best versions of themselves. By that
time, I definitely hope to have my mate rule by my side and spend my
life loving them and making them happy.”
I fought back a smile as I
felt his left hand reach for my right one, under the table, and hold it
tenderly. The skin-to-skin contact initiated a series of pleasurable
sparks throughout my body, I shivered from his touch.
“Your mate will be lucky to have you!” Kaitlyn gushed, clasping her hands together. “You’re a romantic!”
Jay fake-gagged at his mother’s words, earning a glare from her.
“I wish you all the best, darling.” She continued to say, smiling at Theo.
“Will you be staying here until the leader’s meeting?” Magnus asked him.
“No, sir.” He replied, with a hint of nervousness. It took me a while
before I realised I was the only person in the room who could sense his
nervousness. “I’m planning on leaving tomorrow morning.”
“Why are you so nervous?” I chuckled through the mate bond.
“I really want to make a good impression on your father-figure, I want him to like me.” He replied sheepishly.
I smiled, appreciating his efforts. The main reason for not yet
announcing we’re mates is so that my family can get to know him better.
Too many rumours have shaped their perception of Theo and what kind of
person he is. I wanted them to be able to accept him as part of the
family, because they like him and not because they have to.
Magnus looked at me and said, “I suppose you’ll be going with him?”
Startled by his wording, I frowned in response. What did he mean by that? Does he know we’re mates?
“Since the contract hasn’t been finalised yet.” He then added.
“Oh right, yes. The contract.” I said in realisation. “I was planning
on leaving tomorrow as well, if you didn’t mind.””Not at all.” Magnus
replied, taking another bite of his food. “I trust that Theo will keep
you safe during your time there.”
I opened my mouth and then closed
it again, surprised at how cooperative Magnus was being. I was becoming a
little suspicious at how lenient he is and how trustful he’s in Theo.
Earlier, he had suggested that I show Theo around the pack on my own,
when just a few hours before that I had been hunted down by rogues.
Jay spoke up for the first time since he sat down. “We’re going back already?”
“Well, I promised Leona I’d be back soon.” I replied, remembering her
goodbye text. “Besides, we need to go back because of our contract –
today was an exception because of your graduation.”
“Ugh, the contracts.” He grumbled, chugging down his glass of water.
“Actually, you don’t need to go Jay.” Kaitlyn piped up, using her napkin to wipe the food from the corners of her mouth.
I scrunched my nose in confusion, what did she mean by that?
“Theo is currently in the middle of finalising the documents for your
departure, and he submitted yours first.” Magnus explained, eating his
last bite. “There’s no reason for you to return to Theo’s pack.”
Jay gaped at his father and then at Theo before saying, “So Elisia will be going back on her own?”
I glanced at Theo with a knowing expression. He was ‘innocently’
sipping on water as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.
“You think you’re slick, don’t you?” I retorted in the mind link.
“I mean, maybe…” He replied. His lips quivered a little, like he was trying hard not to laugh just then.
“He hadn’t submitted anyone else’s yet, so our warriors will accompany
her.” Kaitlyn reassured him. “You have a lot of work to catch up on, so
you need to stay behind.”
“No buts, Jayden.” His mother warned him. “You’ll be taking over your father’s position soon, you need to stay.”
She turned to Theo and politely said, “I would appreciate it if you submit the rest as soon as you can.”
“I will, although I doubt I can complete it this week. I’ll be quite
busy with handling the rogue situation. My pack’s safety is my first
priority, I’m sure you understand ma’am.”
She looked mildly surprised but still replied. “No, of course. That’s fine.”
“Bada bing. Bada boom.” He laughed in the mind link. “Now we have a whole week to ourselves.”
“And to also find that letter, of course.” He then added.
We all finished eating around the same time, taking our plates to the
kitchen and loading the dishwasher. I sat down on the bottom step of the
stairs and unlocked my phone to look at the messages.
There were eight messages from Leona.
Leona –
Tell me when you arrive! x (Received)
HALLOO, do you even look at your phone?
So Theo just ditched an important meeting…wow. >< (Received)
Are you in trouble? Theo ditched the meeting to come after you… (Received)
I’m worried about Theo, what if he trespasses your territory just to look for you?
Should Julian and I come over? We’re getting anxious since he isn’t
replying to our texts and we can’t mind link him… (Received)Ah, Theo
just texted us to not worry.
Am I just talking to myself on here? sigh
I mentally face-palmed myself, annoyed that I hadn’t been able to
message her back. To be fair, this morning was a hectic and crazy
morning, so you can’t blame me for not thinking about my phone once.
I decided to fill her in on what had happened.
Elisia – Sorry for not replying sooner, eek ><
Leona replied straight away with angry emojis.
Leona – I was so worried man! Look at your freaking phone!!
Elisia – I’m sorry. Do you want to hear my excuse?
Leona – Is it good? -.-
Elisia – You have no idea…
Leona – Oh no, don’t tell me it has to do with the Rogue situation!?

I stared at my screen in surprise, not expecting her to say that.
Elisia – Yeah, it does. How do you know about that?
Leona – We received an email from your Alpha, requesting an urgent
leader’s meeting about The Rogue Force. The email didn’t disclose too
much information, but all we know is that rogues were able to infiltrate
through your borders and that everyone needed to increase their
Elisia – Yeah, scary thing is that they were able to mask
their life force! They didn’t bother hiding their scents, because their
life-force couldn’t be detected anyway. Killian Andrews had been beside
me the entire time during the graduation.
Leona – Hold up! Let’s
backtrack! Killian Andrews, The Leader of Rogues, was beside you in the
graduation hall? Why? They masked their life-force? How? What the
Elisia – Okay to sum this morning up. Killian and some of
his rogues hunted me down, planned to take me hostage, failed to do so,
managed to escape, but not before strapping a box filled with colloidal
silver liquid to Jay’s neck.
Leona – …
Leona – Okay, so why were they hunting you down in the first place?
Elisia – Killian somehow found out my true rank and wants to kill or
take me hostage because of it. I initially thought it was because he
wanted to continue Maxwell’s mission to find me and kill me, but I’m
starting to think maybe it’s for a different reason.
Leona – How the hell did he find out? What the hell?
Elisia – I can’t think of any other possibility other than Kobi or Irene telling him.
Leona – Why would it be them? They don’t know your true rank…do they?
Ah, it had slipped my mind that she didn’t know about what had happened last night.
Elisia – I’m sorry, but I didn’t have time to tell you last night. Yesterday, Irene found out my true rank by accident.
Leona – Ugh, no way.

-_- How?
Elisia – Remember when Theo wanted to talk to me yesterday? Well, we went over to Irene’s place, and I kind of got angry – my Alpha scent became apparent. She asked why I smelt like an Alpha and was still unconvinced when I told her she was being ridiculous.Leona – Why were you at her place in the first place? Actually, don’t answer that. Tell me how Kobi became a part of this.
Elisia – Remember when you said that Irene had come over to the Alpha manor looking for him?
Leona – Yeah, she was so out of it.
I waited for it to sink in.
Leona – Oh. My. God.
Elisia – Yup, and I’m sure he knows because he couldn’t stop staring at me during dinner. I felt so uncomfortable, but in the end he didn’t confront me. I thought that was the end of that, but literally the next day I happen to be a target of The Rogue Force because of my true rank. I don’t think it’s coincidental.
Leona – This …
Elisia – What? ><
Leona – …is like a movie.
Elisia – Wow. -.-
Leona – Elisia, I think I know the reason Killian is targeting you…
My eyebrows flew up in surprise as I frantically typed back a simple question.
Elisia – What is it?
Leona – When will you be coming back here?
What does that have to do with anything?
Elisia – Theo and I are planning on leaving here and arriving there tomorrow.
Leona – I bet Jay isn’t coming with you guys, Theo was quick to finish and submit his documentation lool ><
Elisia – Are you going to tell me why Killian is targeting me?
Leona – I’ll tell you when you arrive here tomorrow. See you then! x
Elisia – Why? Tell me now!! Please?!
No reply.
Elisia – Helloooo?
I sighed when I realised she wasn’t going to reply. Why would she say that and then refuse to tell me about it? I slumped on the step, wondering what the reason could possibly be. I was more curious now that Leona had refused to disclose it over text.
“Kaitlyn said you need to show me to the guest room.”
I looked up at Theo, who was currently popping gum into his mouth. He flashed me a bright smile, and held his hand out to help me up. I took it and pulled myself up, taking in his excited face.
“What’s got you so excited?” I chuckled, thinking about how cute he looked.
“Tonight will be my first time sleeping on a different US territory.” He admitted, shrugging. I gaped at him in disbelief, not believing my ears.
“But what about when you go on business trips?” I questioned. “You’re an Alpha after all.”
“I always make sure they’re one day trips, and if the meeting is too far away, say in Australia, then I would arrange a Skype meeting instead.”
I looked at the clothes he was currently wearing. A smart white, buttoned up shirt with the sleeves pushed up to the elbows – somehow there wasn’t any marks on it from fighting rogues earlier. His black trousers look perfectly tailored to his body with a buckled belt to keep it place.
“What clothes will you be wearing?” I asked, frowning. He looked good, but I doubt he felt comfortable in them.
“Kaitlyn said she snuck some of Jay’s clothes into the spare bedroom I’ll be staying in.””YOU DID WHAT?” Jay’s screeching could be heard from across the house, causing us to fall into uncontrollable fits of laughter.
“Shit…” Theo muttered, scratching the back of his neck. “I shouldn’t have said that out loud.”
I shook my head with a smile and gestured him to follow me. We climbed up the first flight of stairs.
“This floor has Magnus’ office and Kaitlyn’s as well as the bedrooms of the warriors.” I explained, pointing to the doors. “All the bedrooms in the house have an en-suite, but if you’re in a hurry you can use this big restroom.”
We continued to go up the stairs and arrive onto the next floor.
“I don’t know why you would call this place a ‘house’ when it’s more like a mansion. As you know, back home we’d call this place a manor.” He pointed out.
I shrugged and said, “Honestly, I don’t know why everyone calls it a house, but it’s always been like that so no-one’s been bothered to change it.”
I outstretched my arms to the ray of doors in our sight. “This floor is dedicated to the Alpha, Luna and their kids – our bedrooms are on this floor. You’ll be staying in the guest room which is also on this floor.”
“I’m guessing the top floor is dedicated to the Beta, Beta female and their kids as well as the Gamma, Gamma female and their kids.” He retorted, glancing up the staircase.
“Yup, except the Beta isn’t mated yet unlike the Gamma.”
I walked towards the guest room and stopped in front of it. “This is your room for the night, I hope it’s fine.”
Theo smiled down at me, before stroking my flushed cheek affectionately. “You’re so cute.” He commented in the mate bond.
I tried to control my expression and reaction, as I opened the door for him. “Where’s your room?” He asked in the mind link.
“Next door.” I replied with a smile.
He looked down at my dress and said, “You should change into comfier clothes, you’ve been in that dress for most of the day.”
I looked down at myself, realising I hadn’t had the time to wind down until lunch. I nodded at his words and left him alone to settle into his room.
I walked into my room for the first time in a long time, relishing in the familiarity of it. I went straight to the bathroom and removed any jewellery and makeup I had on. I stripped out of my dress and walked over to wardrobe to find comfy pyjamas to wear. Once I did, I put them on and stored the dress away, out of my sight.
I flopped onto my bed in exhaustion and decided to have a nap, just to catch up on sleep. I had woken very early this morning to catch a flight and had to deal with rogues chasing me, I deserve to sleep a little.
~Couples hours later~
I peeled my eyes open, feeling groggy from the nap. I stretched in bed, not sure whether the nap did me good or not. Weirdly enough, I felt more tired than I had before I decided to nap.
Suddenly, the door to the guest room opened with a creak; Theo was leaving the room. Was he going to come into mine?
I, then, heard a knock on a door, but it wasn’t on mine. The knocking was faint indicating that that he was knocking on a door further from mine.
I heard the door open, followed by dead silence.
“Why…did you knock on my door?” Jay asked, deadpanned.
My hands flew to my mouth in efforts to hold back from roaring in laughter.
“Um…” Theo started to say, sounding unsure. I snorted at his reply, wondering how he was going to get out of this.”Elisia?” He called out into the mate bond.
“Yeah?” I responded in amusement.
“You said your room was next door…”
“It is.” I sniggered.
“Then why am I currently facing an annoyed-looking Jay?”
“Maybe I should’ve been more descriptive…” I admitted, still laughing through the link.
“That would’ve been helpful, so where’s your room?”
“Like I said earlier, next to yours. Your room is in-between Jay’s room and mine.” I explained. “The room to your left is Jay’s and the room on your right is mine.”
“Are you just going to stand there, or what?” Jay asked, grabbing Theo’s attention once more.
“No, I’m going to leave.”
I heard Jay’s door close as he muttered, “Weirdo.”
I giggled as I felt Theo’s surge of annoyance through the mate bond. I hopped off my bed, headed towards my door and opened it to let him in. He stood outside, his hands in his pockets and wearing a tired expression.
“Talking to Jay exhausts me…” He commented. “Let’s mind link from now on, unless you want him barging in here.”
I rolled my eyes in amusement, and let him into my room.
I took in his outfit, consisting of Jay’s clothes, which were grey joggers and a white T-shirt. I was glad he changed, he looked much comfier in those casual clothes. I felt him eye me up and down slowly, making me mouth, “What?”
Rather than responding, he smiles and shakes his head. Letting curiosity get the better of me, I probed his mind for answers, surprised to have found it easily. He was…astounded by my natural beauty.
I quickly retreated away from his mind, feeling a blush form on my face. Theo, who didn’t seem to mind my intrusion, smirked at my reaction and gently poked my cheek.
He walked in deeper into my room, looking around and taking everything in. “You love taking pictures.” He observed, taking in the polaroid pictures on the wall. He walked to the blue polaroid camera I had on display and said, “How about taking a picture of us?”
I walked to the camera and picked it up from the shelf. “Do you mind taking the picture?” I asked.
He shook his head, took it from me and held the camera ready. “On three. One…two…three.”
He suddenly turned to kiss my cheek just as the picture was taken, catching me off guard. I slapped his arm, feeling my face heat up from the shyness, as he struggled to keep his laughter silent.
“You are so cheesy!” I exclaimed through the mind link.
“No, I’m what Kaitlyn called me earlier. A romantic.”
I rolled my eyes so hard, my eyeballs started to hurt. I couldn’t necessarily disagree with that, he had my heart racing after all. I felt Theo’s arms wrap around me, trapping me in his warm and pleasant embrace. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, making me squirm from how shy I felt. The sparks of pleasure didn’t make it any easier for me.
He felt my shyness through the mate bond and chuckled as he held me tighter. “Do you even realise how amazing you are to me?” He asked, out of the blue. “I’ve never felt like this about anyone or anything, you’re so special to me in ways I can’t even put into words.”
I looked up at him when he said that. “You’re very special to me too.”
A genuine smile brightened up his attractive features as he looked into my eyes with intimacy and endearment. His hot gaze travelled down my face slowly until he reached my lips. His intense gaze hovered on my lips for a little while before he leaned forward, closing the distance between our lips.
My breathing rate increased from his proximity, I saw clear desire in his eyes making my heart race. He brought his right hand up to place it on the back of my neck, and placed his left one on my waist. He stopped when there was a distance of an inch between our lips, making me sigh in frustration. Kiss me already!
And just like that, his lips came into contact with mine.
His lips were soft and gentle against mine, electric sparks coursing through my veins and body – electrifying every nerve on my skin. Every touch, movement and sensation initiated series of pleasurable feeling throughout my body.
The soft, gentle kissing slowly turned more passionate and quick-paced; I had to break the kiss to give us a chance to breathe. Theo’s eyes were dark with desire and…love?
I didn’t have time to analyse the emotion and feeling I was feeling in the mate bond. He had only given me a couple seconds to catch my breath before he captured my lips with his once again.
He began to get a little rough and pushed me against the wall, which surprisingly made me smile against his lips. I decided to surprise him and get a little rough too. I started to take the lead, making him walk back until the back of his knees reached my bed, I then pushed him onto it.
His eyebrows shot up in surprise before he reached towards to grab my waist and pull me onto him. He kissed me again, this time mind-linking me at the same time.
“You. Are. So. Beautiful.”
I smiled against his lips, he knew how to make me feel good about myself.
Knock. Knock.
Our heads snapped towards the door in alarm, thinking of the compromising positions we were in.
“Dinner time!” Kaitlyn called out from behind the door.
I slumped in Theo’s arms before I called out. “I’ll be right out.”
I looked back at my mate, who looked overjoyed and ecstatic about what had just happened.
The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 37
They FINALLY kissed wow
Who would’ve thought it would take them this long,
Leona said she knows why Killian is after Elisia….
What’s her theory?
Find out in the next episode.
Love oh. I go love oh. At last, they kissed and moved into the next zone.
I love this LOVE
Aaaawww ??? So romantic…
Hmmmmmmm. Lovely, I love this
Nice one
Bada Bing, Bada boom haaaaaa
Finally they accepted one another as mate
I believe Magnus ND d Luna knows already that Theo ND Elisia re mate