The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 36 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 1 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 36 by Yasminne

Theme : Blue Flower

“Unfinished business?” I repeated, frowning at the possibility. “The Rogue Force is finishing Maxwell’s last task to find me and what? Kill me?”
“I’m sure that was Maxwell’s plan, although it’s likely The Rogue Force may have another agenda.” Theo replied, sitting up straight.
I shook my head. “What benefit does The Rogue Force get from this? You would think they wouldn’t care about honouring Maxwell’s intentions before he died, since he isn’t paying them to do any of this.”
He nodded thoughtfully in agreement, his jaw tightening. “I thought the same. My theory is that killing you is more personal to The Rogue Force, specifically Killian, than we think.”
I raised my eyebrows at this in surprise and sighed uneasily. “You think Killian has his own personal reason to kill me? What did I do to him?”
Theo carefully took in my uneasiness with concern before smirking. “It doesn’t matter, he’ll never get to you. Not on my sight.”
“Or mine.” I added, reminding him of my strength.
“Or yours, love.” He said in acknowledgment, smiling down at me with wonder. “My little Alpha.”
I smiled as my heart warmed at his words, feeling the mate bond hum between us. My wolf huffed at the back of my mind catching my attention. “I’m not little! Tell him your wolf is strong!” She huffed in defiance.
Feeling amused, I fought the urge to roll my eyes and instead said, “My wolf is pretty strong you know, not that little.”
Theo’s striking blue eyes glinted as he tilted his head at me in amusement. “I bet your wolf told you to say that.” He laughed, taking in my surprised features. When a lock of my hair slipped out of place, he was quick to take the opportunity to tuck it behind my ear.
“Okay, I admit he’s pretty sharp.” My wolf admitted.
“Yeah, she was quite vocal about the word ‘little’.” I remarked with a smile. My smile wavered as I remembered his story about his past, he’s been through a lot as a child.
“I admire the fact that you’ve become the man you are today, despite your childhood.” I said, saying every word with sincerity. “Your mum was so strong, and so were you.”
Theo stayed quiet for a few moments before responding with his dimpled smile. “Yeah, my mum was very strong.” He agreed.
I noticed how he didn’t agree with the other part of my sentence. “You were also strong Theo, to have been able to have gone through all that and still come out strong as a leader. I’m sure your mum would be proud.”
Theo still looked apprehensive, he clearly didn’t agree with me completely. “I’ve always hoped that mum is proud of me.” He started to say, glancing up at the sky. “You say I was strong as a kid, but do you know I was not able to stop Maxwell from beating my mother? The first time I tried to, fuck, I was locked in a bathroom for three days.”
I shook my head at him, pained at his perception of himself. “You were a freaking child, Theo. No one expects a child to be able to stop a full grown Alpha from hurting anyone, it’s just not realistic. You did what you could.”
“Even so, if I hadn’t gone on that stupid trip to New York, maybe my mum would still be alive today.” He added frustrated, running his hand through his hair. I’ve never seen him this vulnerable, he looked pained as he spoke of his mother.
I grabbed his face and faced him so that he could only look at me.
“Listen to me. You don’t know that. You going on that trip can’t possibly correlate with your mother’s death, so stop thinking like that. It’s completely fine to mourn her passing, but it’s also important to celebrate the life she once had. She had gained unconditional love from her son throughout her time here, something she needed and thrived off from. I’m sure she’s resting happily now, looking down at you from above, feeling proud of what her son has accomplished.”Theo watched me with conflicted eyes, hanging onto every word I said.
“There is nothing you can do about the past, Theo. But from what I’ve heard from you, none of the things that had happened was your fault. I’m saying this with one hundred percent sincerity, nothing was your fault. Think about it logically and stop blaming yourself, please.”
He stayed quiet, watching me closely as he fought with his thoughts. He was obviously conflicted, but he then sighed and said, “Logically, you do make sense…”
“Maybe…it wasn’t so much my fault…?” He started to say unsurely, looking around anxiously. It was like he was expecting something bad to happen if he admitted no fault.
“Not your fault.” I agreed, smiling reassuringly trying to get rid of his uneasiness.
A grateful smile emerged from his previous wary expression. “Your words are like magic, I feel so much better about myself.”
I’m glad.
His eyes swept down from my eyes and locked onto my smiling lips. His gaze hovered there for a while, making me gulp and lick my lips.
“So how is your wolf feeling?” He asked huskily, slowing ripping his hot gaze from my lips.
“Thankfully, she’s a lot more active now that we’re on home territory.”
Theo’s smile dropped as he said, “I’ve kept you away from home for too long, haven’t I?”
I shrugged in response, knowing he knew the answer to his question. He looked away from me, giving me a clear view of his perfect side profile – I still couldn’t believe I’m paired with this model.
“I’m in the process of finalising your departure.” He announced, not making eye contact with me. “Of course it’s for the best, I know I can’t keep you with me for long.”
My heart sank at his sudden announcement, not wanting to part with Theo. I knew it didn’t have to be this way, and that we could live as mates – I just needed him to say it.
He finally caught my gaze and held it intently, like he was expecting me to say something. I couldn’t bring myself to talk, I didn’t want to seem desperate and propose that we start a new journey as a couple.
After a moment of silence, he broke it by saying, “Do you have any objections?”
I had so many objections.
Now that he shared his reason for avoiding having a relationship with me, I thought we’ve moved passed a hurdle and can make it work.
I quietly shook my head, although internally I desperately wanted to object. I’ve always had big pride, but now it seemed like my pride had increased since the discovery of my true rank.
He held my gaze with so much intensity and passion as he said, “Are you sure?”
I nodded at his question quietly, not trusting myself to talk. I took a deep breath in and plucked the courage to say something.
“So that’s it then? After you’ve finalised the paperwork, everything will go back to normal?” I asked, keeping my voice neutral.
Theo eyed me curiously before looking away into the distance. “You say you have no objections, huh?”
My heart-rate increased as he said that, had he seen through my façade? He suddenly laughs humourlessly with hurt flashing across his handsome features.
“It’s weird because I was hoping you had objections.” He continued, catching my startled gaze with his intense one. “I don’t want everything to go back to normal, Elisia.”My breath hitched in my throat as I had a loss for words. Theo spoke before I could say anything.
“You may not object to leaving my side, but I am.” He expressed, facing me with determination. “I want to be your man, your mate.”
I opened my mouth to say something, but stopped when I realised he wasn’t finished. He swiftly stood up from his position and picked a blue flower that was blooming beside me. Was it possible that that simple action was charismatic in itself?
There were four other colours to choose from, did he specifically choose blue because it was my favourite colour? I watched him in curiosity and anticipation as he lowered his height to talk to me.
My eyes widened as I realised what he was doing; he was kneeling on one knee and facing me. I gasped, bringing my hand to my mouth in shock. My gaze fell on his face, taking in his expression. It was the first time I’d ever seen this much emotion dominating his features – I could see how passionate, nervous and determined he was.
He reached for my left hand, and started to tie the beautiful flower around my wrist before holding it tenderly. He looked up at me with warmth and endearment, like I was the most important person right now.
“I know I have not been the best mate to you and I promise you, it is and will always be, the greatest regret of my life. I can’t imagined ever being paired with anyone else, I truly believe you are the woman for me. I haven’t ever felt like this about anyone and because of you, I finally believe in love. As cheesy as it sounds, you make me want to be a better person, better leader and above all, a better lover. I don’t think I could ever let you go. You’re addicting – I’ve had a taste of you and your kindness, care, love and warmth, and I need more.”
I took a sharp intake of breath, trying to stop my glassed over eyes from overflowing with tears. I was so touched by his words, he said every word deliberately and with raw emotion- I felt his sincerity.
“I’m falling for you deeper and deeper every single day. I hadn’t completely realised how much I wanted, and needed you until you left my territory this morning. I felt so empty inside, the manor felt desolate and void of sun without your presence. You are so important to me in ways that I can’t even express, but know that I will spend the rest of my life trying to be the best mate to you. So Elisia Knight, will you accept me as your mate?” He asked, dropping the big question.
The tears overflowed just as he said that, making him lean forward with a chuckle and embrace me. He adjusted himself so that he sat beside me, gently brought my head to rest on his chest and then kissed the top of my head.
“It’s a lot to take in, huh?” He murmured against my hair. I heard him take a sniff and then sigh in contentment.
I left his warm embrace as I regarded him in amusement, even through my tears.
“Did you just sniff me?” I asked, half laughing and half crying. God, I was a mess.
“Yeah.” He responded shamelessly, pulling me back into his arms. “You smell good, so what?”
I shook my head at him and said, “You weirdo.”
We stayed like that for a while as I try to process what had happened. He asked me to verbally accept him as a mate, the next step to establish the mate bond. As soon as we accept each other, we’ll be more in tune with each other – we’ll be able to reach each other’s emotions and finally be able to telepathically communicate.
I pulled out of his comfortable embrace and looked up at him with a shy smile. I had made my decision.
“Theo Hunter, I accept you as my mate.”As soon as the sentence left my mouth, my body began to feel warm and pleasant with happy emotions. I watched Theo’s expression turn from relieved to surprised by the sensations he was also experiencing.
He laughed in delight at my answer and proceeded to hug me tight. “If only you could feel how happy I am right now…wait.” He jumped back in excitement, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. “You will be able to!”
He took both my hands in his, joy painting his attractive features. “Elisia Knight, I accept you as my mate.”
As soon as he finished saying that, bursts of euphoric feelings lit up inside of me as I started to feel his clear desire to be the best mate to me. I smiled as I felt the telepathic channel between him and I bloom into a strong connection; his mind was filled with happiness and relief. He smiled back, also being able to feel my emotions.
“Wow.” He breathed in awe.
Wow indeed.
“We can mind-link each other now.” I chuckled through the telepathic channel.
“This doesn’t feel like any other telepathic connection, it’s so different. I love it.” He retorted.
I watched him curiously, he seemed to be a lot more care-free and expressive then usual. I wonder if it’s because he opened up about his past with his mum and abusive dad and all…
“I feel like, now that I’ve bared my deepest fears and concerns to you, I don’t need to be as guarded anymore.” He replied out loud thoughtfully. I gasped, not used to someone being able to read my emotions and feelings.
“I guess a weight, a heavy weight, has been lifted off my chest and shoulders. Now that I’ve shared all the stuff that makes me vulnerable, I’m not afraid to express myself around you anymore. Thank you for being my rock. Of course, I’m always here for you.”
“I like seeing you this free and expressive.”
We stayed like that for a while, simply enjoying each others presence and admiring nature.
“The emergency meeting.”
I sat up, and turned to face him completely. “What about it?” I asked.
“The meeting will about The Rogue Force and their recent activities.” He replied. “Magnus and Kaitlyn will mention that they are targeting you, everyone will be wondering why.”
I nodded, understanding what he was getting at. “I should come out to the world about my true rank, for the sake of the greater good. The leaders can’t afford to be in the dark about why the rogues are targeting me, it would be selfish of me to keep quiet about it any longer.”
“I agree.”
“But there’s one thing I wanted to accomplish before I came out as the child of Alex and Lily Gray.” I mused. I needed to tell him about the plan Leona and I had been wanting to put into action. There’s no reason for him to be against it.
“Oh, what is it?”
“I wanted to clear my father’s name.”
He let out a low whistle as his eyebrows raised at my comment. “That would be hard…”
“I know, but I think there might be a way.” I responded with hope.
“What is it?”
“I was hoping Alex’s belongings have survived and was transported to your territory along with the rest of the members.”
“How can his belongings help us?”
“Hopefully, the hostage letter is somewhere in his stuff.” I suggested, waiting for his reaction.He took a double take at my plan in surprise. “That…could actually work. There would be an official BlackShadowed seal on the letter for authenticity, and it clearly outlines Maxwell’s intentions.”
I nodded, glad that he’s getting the picture. “That letter alone is enough evidence for an investigation and re-opening of the case. I was hoping to accomplish this before everyone knew who’s child I am.”
“I understand.” He noted, his brow furrowing a little. “Well, we may have time to do it before the meeting.”
“We do? When is the meeting being held anyway?”
“I’m guessing several days from now.”
“You would think an emergency meeting would take place today or tomorrow.” I muttered.
Theo chuckled at this and said, “That would be ideal, but bringing all the leaders together in one place, and at the same time, is a lot harder than it sounds. A couple days is actually pretty good considering how busy all the Alphas and Lunas are. Calling a Code Nine meeting, however, would make all the leaders drop everything they’re doing.”
“Code Nine?” I repeated, frowning because it sounded familiar.
“Yes, it means when there is immediate and high level risk to the werewolf population that needs to be addressed immediately.”
“Ah, right.” I said in realisation.
“Since I haven’t finalised your departure papers, legally it would be fine if you left with me today. If we stay for lunch and leave straight after, we could make it in time for dinner and get started with the plan.”
“Or…we could stay here the night and leave tomorrow morning.” I suggested innocently. I had only come here, no way was I leaving so soon.
Theo was about to object before he saw my face. “Okay, if that’ll make you happy.”
I smiled widely, letting him know it already has.
“So…what had happened to The MoonKnight Pack’s territory? All those abandoned houses, schools and hospitals?” I asked curiously.
“They’re currently being inhabited by warriors in training, who are being equipped with the skills to defeat an invasion.”
I pulled a face and laughed at the absurdity. “An invasion? From what?”
“Rogues. Werewolves from other countries. Human disruption. Anything.” He responded with a shrug. “They’re basically back up if anything crazy was to happen, like a Code Nine, and they serve all the US packs.”
I nodded, thinking that was pretty cool.
“Shall we head back? Your family might be wondering what’s taking us so long.” He laughed, checking the time. It was already lunchtime and, surprisingly, no one has mind-linked me yet.
“Yeah, let’s go.” I agreed. We stood up and dusted off the grass that was clinging onto our clothes before leaving the beautiful grassland. I glanced at the pretty blue flower that was tied around my wrist and smiled; what a day it’s been.
We made our way back to the Alpha House, already smelling the delicious scent of food; specifically lasagne. I squealed and fist pumped the air in excitement, recognising it was Kaitlyn’s version. Lasagne was my favourite dish ever.
“Smells really good.” Theo commented.
“It tastes even better!” I called back over my shoulder. I was way ahead of him already, I couldn’t wait to eat it.
I was heading towards the kitchen where I thought Kaitlyn was, but then saw her setting the food on the table in the dining room. I rushed in and hugged her from behind.
“Lasagne! Lasagne! Lasagne!” I chanted, my stomach already growling from hunger.
“You better feed me after your lunch!” My wolf reminded me.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be hunting soon!” I reassured her. I sat down at the table, waiting for Jay and Magnus to arrive. Theo pulled the chair next to me and sat on it before thanking Kaitlyn for making lunch.
“Not a problem dear.” She replied with a nice smile. “Will you be staying here until the leader’s meeting or are you planning on going back to your pack?”
“I have plans to return to my pack, but I was hoping you’d be fine with me staying the night before leaving tomorrow.” He replied, asking for permission.
“Of course, that’s completely fine!” She responded in surprise. “In fact, I was ready for you to stay for the next few days.”
Jay strolled in, changed out of his smart clothes and in casual clothing. He stopped at the doorway and glared at Theo.
“Welcome to my territory.” He said with hostility, clearly not meaning it. “This is my pack, so it’s your turn to adhere to my rules.”
The tables have flipped.


So they’ve finally accepted each other as mates!!

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 36

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5 years ago

An happy for Theo and Elisia, they are finally mate.


5 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Where is Jay’s mate. I think it should be Emily. Who alerted the rogues of Elisia’s existence. Beautiful story

5 years ago

I wonder how Jay will take it when he realize that this two are mate

5 years ago

Wow! This story is amazing

5 years ago

Wow so happy for them