The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 35 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 1 by Yasminne

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 35 by Yasminne

Theme : The Mad Alpha

I let out a frustrated sigh and closed my eyes in worry, of course there was a reason Killian looked so smug when he left. He brought family into the equation, a weakness of mine. Theo, who was standing behind me, quietly reached for my hand and held it reassuringly.
I opened my eyes and watched everyone’s crestfallen expressions as they processed the situation. My gaze fell on the black box strapped to Jay’s neck, I knew that it was my fault that there was a gamble on his health and life. If only I hadn’t let my temper get the better of me, Irene and Kobi wouldn’t have found out my true rank; supposing that it was them who contacted Killian.
My stomach turned at the thought of facing Killian again, his creepy smile with those golden teeth kept flashing in my mind. Staring at the black box, I finally came to a conclusion that I knew no one would like.
“Maybe we should give him what he wants?” I suggested, shrugging a little. This made everyone recoil back in shock and alarm as they shook their heads.
“No.” Magnus said firmly. “That is not an option.”
“Well, do any of you have any better ideas?” I retorted, crossing my arms over each other.
“I’m going to call the best engineer I know to look at that box.” He replied, taking his phone out and dialling a number. “Hopefully, he’ll be able to get rid of it or at least refer us to someone else who can.”
He walked away as soon as the person on the other line picked up.
“We’ll make sure he doesn’t get a hold of you.” Kaitlyn said reassuringly. She sighed and rubbed her temples; the stress evident on her face. “Now I’ll have to arrange an emergency meeting with the other leaders to talk about the rogue problem.”
“They were able to conceal their lifeforce, making it extremely hard for anyone to detect them.” Theo spoke up, his brow furrowed in thought. “They were able to slip past your border warrior forces and you, the Luna, couldn’t detect the trespassers even with your ability. This is not something we can take lightly, it’s a problem.”
“This is a different level of problems.” Kaitlyn agreed, sighing. “The downside to ‘keeping out of the rogues’ business’ is that we never know what they’re working on, which means their plans have a higher chance of working out.”

Jay frowned as he took in Theo. “Why are you here?”
Kaitlyn also frowned and looked at Theo for an explanation; she probably hadn’t processed that Theo was trespassing until now. My heart rate increased as I panicked about what excuse Theo could give for trespassing, is this how everyone will find out? I wanted Magnus and Kaitlyn to build some kind of relationship with him and dismiss the preconceptions they may have about him.
Just then Magnus finished his phone call and joined us with a grim expression, thankfully everyone’s attention fell on him.
“I managed to convince him to fly over here, and check it out.” He told us, putting his phone away. “He’s in Australia right now, and is currently doing a project.”
Kaitlyn sighed in relief and asked, “Is it Matt?”
He nodded in response and looked at Theo with a wary expression. “Why have you come all the way here? What is your business?”
Just when Theo opened his mouth to explain, a loud cry erupted from the crowd; making us look to see what was happening. So many distractions…
“It’s… a wolf!” A student cried, trying to run away but ended up tripping on their gown. I looked to what her panicked gaze was on, and reeled back in shock; two large rogues was slowly making it’s way towards the crowd.
“what the fu*k” Theo spat.
Magnus start to approach them probably wanting to fight them off.
He stopped in his tracks as Theo in front of him, “Pls allow me” he said bowing his head slightly yet again. Theo is not the type used to asking for permission but he knew if was to do anything on this territory he needed it. “Alright” magnus sighed.
Theo sprinted to the scene and stood right before the two wolves, they looked up at Theo as they made to run for their dear lifes, they must have sense in Alpha aura coming from Theo, they knew there was no way they are gonna beat an angry Alpha, they were fast in taking to their heels but Theo was faster, he jumped unto the back of the first fleeing wolf then immediately twisting it’s neck. He stood up, took the injured or probably dead wolf, then swinged it in the air, aiming it at the other wolf on the run. He got his target right as the two wolves went crashing to the ground.
He walked close to them and after confirming the status of the swinged wolf to be dead, he plucked is hand in the chest of the other wolf ripping out his heart. He cleaned his messed hands in the fur of the dead wolf before walking back to us.
I’ve never seen him that dreadful and scary. I admitted.
“Let’s get out of here.” Magnus said, still visibly angry
We all hurried into his car, locked the doors and drove away. Looking out the window,
We were on the road towards the Alpha House, sitting in stunned silence. I hadn’t ever imagined Jay’s graduation going south like it just had. Jay, Theo and I were sitting in the back, with me in the middle. Jay was looking out the window, facing away from us while Theo was looking at Jay.
He looked… worried?
I raise my eyebrows at Theo, showing how surprised I was, and flashed him a small smirk. He noticed this, shrugged and mouthed, “I feel bad for him.”
My smirk faded as I really took him in at that moment; he felt some kind of sympathy for Jay even though he clearly dislikes him. I didn’t mention or show it, but my respect for him had just increased.
“We’re here.” Kaitlyn said tiredly, opening the car doors and stepping out. I looked out, saw that we had arrived at home and waited for either of the boys to get out.
Theo opened the door on his side and left the car first, leaving Jay and I in the car. Theo held the door for me, expecting me to come out too, before he saw my face and understood I wanted to talk to Jay. He reluctantly closed the door, but not before he sent me a reassuring smile.
I turned to look at Jay and found him absently touching the black box strapped to his neck. I bit my lip in effort to stop tears from over flowing; I felt so bad that he was in this situation.
“I’m so sorry.” I whispered, guilt rushing through me.
He looked at me with surprise written on his face. “Why? You didn’t do this.”
I shook my head at that and said, “If only I hadn’t trusted that woman and gone down a different path…you wouldn’t have gone back in for me.”
He tilted his head in confusion. “What woman?”
“The professor who did the first speech today was working with The Rogue Force.” I said, putting my head in my hands. “A human was working for rogues…”
Jay’s eyes widened at that and ran his hand through his hair. “No fucking way! Ruby is working for rogues? She was like my favourite lecturer!”
I stared at him before laughing at his train of thought. He shook head and closed his eyes. “What are the rogues up to, and what do they want with you?”
He reached to touch the black box again and muttered, “I wonder if Matt can get rid of this…?”
“I heard great things about that engineer, I’m sure he’ll be able to do something.” I responded, rubbing his arm in reassurance. “Let’s get into the house, I’m sure it’s hectic in there.”
He nodded in agreement, opened the car door and waited for me to hop out. We made our way inside just to find Theo and Magnus walk down the staircase, talking to each other. Jay and I exchanged startled glances and looked back up at the pair; what a sight to see!
“He doesn’t feel like a trespasser anymore…” Jay murmured beside me, voicing my thoughts. “Dad must’ve given him permission to stay on our territory.”
“My wife is currently alerting the other leaders about this emergency meeting, and since you’re already here, what better way to formally introduce you to the other leaders.” Magnus remarked, giving at pat on Theo’s back. Jay rolled his eyes and headed towards the kitchen
It had been about two years since Theo had become the Alpha of his pack, and due to the way his father had been running it, Theo hadn’t had the chance to introduce himself and interact with the other leaders in the country. This might be his chance to create allies, develop good relations as well as expel the rumours that surround him and his pack.
“So everyone is coming here, to your pack, for the meeting?” Theo asked, reconfirming what he was told.
Magnus nodded as they both made it at the bottom of the stairs, where I was. A lot was on my mind, and the person I wanted to confide in, was actually Theo. I needed to talk to him, in private, but I didn’t think anyone will let me out of their sight.
“Why don’t you show Theo around the pack?” Magnus suggested, making me gape at him in shock. Had he just said that? Woah.
My mate smirked and added, “Yeah, give me a tour.”
I looked between them for a few more moments, before shaking myself out of shock and nodding. “Alright, let’s go.”
We headed out, with me leading the way, and found ourselves in the forest part of the territory. Now that I was stomping on familiar grounds, I felt confident in navigation and went down my usual route to my quiet place.
It wasn’t much of a trek, but it’s a spot that is pretty hidden behind large trees and bushes. I had accidently come across this spot when I was out hunting in my wolf state, and a deer had jumped into what had looked like a wall. It was just, in fact, a wall of leaves covering the path to a grassland filled with wild flowers. Scarily similar to his own spot in his pack, but without the waterfall.
I stretched my arms outward as we stepped into the grassland. “Here is one of my favourite places ever!”
Theo’s dark, blue eyes scanned the area with curiosity and appreciation. “I get it, it’s so beautiful and peaceful.”
I smiled, glad that he can see that, and looked out to appreciate the view. I knew I couldn’t have this entire place to myself, and that someone would come across it one day, but at least I got to share it with Theo. Just like how he shared his special place with me…
“How did you find this place?” He asked, walking deeper towards the centre of the grassland.
I chuckled before answering. “I was chasing a deer while I was hunting, and it led me here.”
Theo laughed out loud, his dimple making an appearance. “That’s sounds about right!”
I sat down on the thick grass which felt cushiony beneath me. Theo followed suit and then leaned on his right arm. A topic came to mind making me open my mouth to talk about it, but he beat me to it.
“Can we talk about yesterday?” He asked, holding my gaze with seriousness. “We didn’t really get to talk.”
I nodded in response, agreeing to what he said. “Can we start with the night of the party, what you told me when I got drunk?” I proposed, thinking that it was best to start there.
He took a sharp breath in and then nodded. “I think that’s fair.”
I stayed quiet, waiting for him to begin whenever he was ready.
“So as you may remember, I mentioned that my mother was domestically abused by my…father.” He started off, cringing at the word ‘father’. “He was in love with your mother, and when she left him, he obviously lost it. He started to have sociopathic tendencies, really not caring about anything. He wanted more power and became money hungry, he wanted to be the best of the best in everything.”
“That’s probably when the nickname, The Mad Alpha, began to be used.” I added quietly.
He nodded and carried on. “He probably did everything he could to distract how much Lily’s departure had affected him, and made his pack the most powerful in the country by being dishonest and working with The Rogue Force. He was good friend.
I shuddered, imagining Killian’s father being worse then Killian himself…
“At that point, he realised how angry he was at Lily, and how much he hated Alex, her real mate, for taking her away from him. That was when he began thinking about the details of his revenge against Lily, Alex and their beloved pack. He was mentally unstable, but no one dared to speak up about it.”
“It was then when he met your mum…” I said in realisation, shaking my head sadly. It was all a matter of timing, maybe if Maxwell had met his mate first, everything would’ve been different.
“My mum was ecstatic to have found her soulmate, but Maxwell couldn’t care less. He let her live with him, but he barely acknowledged her existence. The first time he ever held a conversation with her, was to talk about having kids. He needed an heir, a child of his own blood, to carry his name and rule the pack one day.”
I shook my head, feeling so bad for Ella. Theo looked significantly more comfortable referring his dad by his first name, rather than calling him dad, or father. Very understandable.
“So they mated, not out of love, but out of necessity. My mother agreed to try for kids because she believed that if she couldn’t gain love from her mate, she could from her children. Once I was born, Maxwell was satisfied with his first born being a male and refused to have any more. So I grew up an only child, in a household where relationships were fucking toxic.” He snarled, his eyes darkening. I put my hand on his worriedly, which immediately calmed him down.
“He couldn’t stand the sight of me one day, yelling about how he hadn’t imagined his kid being the son of a women he didn’t love. He
did not love his mate. That day he tried to hurt me and I shifted into my wolf state in fear. He managed to make an incision on my back with a silver knife he had in one of his office drawers.”
I gasped and smacked my hand against my mouth in alarm. I suddenly remembered the long scar that was on his wolf’s back when mine and his wolf were playing and bonding many weeks ago; although weirdly enough, he didn’t have the same scar in his human form. “Silver knife? You survived that?”
He chuckled humourlessly and replied, “Just barely. My mother couldn’t bare seeing me get hurt, and begged him, behind my back, to lash out on her instead whenever he needed an outlet for his anger.”
Oh, no…
“He beat my mother black and blue every single day, claiming that he was angry all the time. I couldn’t do anything against him back then, I was only a pup – not even a teenager. I kept asking the people around for help, but no one had the guts to do anything. Cowards.” He growled, his eyes flashing in resentment.
“One day, I went off on a trip to New York city with my classmates. It happened to be on my birthday, so I considered the trip a present from the universe. If only I knew what the universe also had in store for me that day…” He trailed off, staring down at my hand that was resting on his. He moved his from under mine, and held mine tenderly.
My eyes felt prickly, unshed tears forming in my eyes; I had a feeling where this was leading to.
“I was fourteen, having fun with my classmates in a skate park, before my teacher pulled me aside and told me I had to return home as soon as possible. I had only been in that city for a couple of hours before I was on the next plane ride back home. I learned that my mother had died- no, been murdered by Maxwell when I had arrived.”
“Oh, my God.” I whispered, not sure what to say. He had a rough childhood.
“Everyone had played it off as a ‘natural death’ because their Alpha claimed it was. Everyone secretly knew what had happened, but said nothing as they didn’t want be the next person to be killed by him. He had members of The Rogue Force examine her body and bury her instead of his own members.” He spat out, shaking his head. “If it wasn’t for the love and care my mother brought me up with, I would’ve been a fucked up person today.”
He blinked hard and sighed before he faced me seriously. “There’s a reason why I’ve talked about my childhood and it is so that you could somehow understand how it affected the way I perceived things. One of those things was the concept of mates, I simply did not believe in it. My parents were matched to be soulmates, and to love each other; but it ended up being the exact opposite.”
I nodded in understanding. “I guess it’s hard to believe in love when your parents didn’t display it to each other. They must’ve been…an anomaly.”
“Exactly. Years ago, I promised myself that if I had ever found my mate, that I would not claim her as a lover and would reject her on sight.” He admitted, glancing at me sheepishly.
I raised my eyebrows at him. “But you didn’t do that.”
“I didn’t.” He nodded. “It may have not seemed like it, but the first time I saw you…fuck, you took my breath away. I couldn’t bring myself to talk to you, let alone reject you.”
I blushed, glad that I had the same effect on him.
“The thought of rejecting you was painful, even when I barely knew you. So instead, I opted for a dickhead method and used Irene to hurt you.” He said regretfully.
I nodded and glared at him. “Yeah, you were a dickhead.”
“I know.”
“Like…you were an asshole.” I added, remembering his actions.
“Okay, I get it.”
“You better.” I shot back. “Because I forgave all that.”
His face softened as he regarded me with so much fondness. “I promise to spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”
Was that…lowkey a proposal?
Nah, I’m reading into it too much.
“I forgot to tell you one thing about Maxwell.” He added, frowning a little.
“What is it?”
“When the MoonKnight Pack was attacked, Maxwell was aiming to kill their baby as well as capture Lily and trap Alex. He had achieved two out of those three, he wasn’t able to kill the baby aka you.”

“Woah.” I gasped. If I hadn’t been taken out that house, I probably wouldn’t be alive today – like the others who lived there.
“When your parents passed away, he went on a mission to find you. He searched everywhere for Lily and Alex’s baby, it was the product of the women he loved and the man he hated. All those years growing up, I always saw him in his office and never out of it. All my mum and I knew about ‘his work’, was that he had some crazed obsession about a baby and that he needed to find it.” He explained, his expression darkening with displeasure and resentment. “He died before he could find you.”

He looked up at me and said, “I think The Rogue Force is trying to finish Maxwell’s unfinished business.”

The Female Warrior And The Alpha Episode 35

Bum bum buuuummm!!
Well, well!

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5 years ago

I can’t hold my tears on this life experience.But looking at things, God brought Maxwell child and Lily child as soulmates.what do we call that?

5 years ago
Reply to  Deborah


5 years ago

Wow! What a story!

5 years ago

Am speeches! Will she survive it? I hope nothing happens to Jay.

5 years ago

pls Let Jay and Elisia be safe

5 years ago


Adeyemo Funmilayo
Adeyemo Funmilayo
4 years ago

Wow! Wow! Wow! Life in a story?