SAVE MY MOTHER Episode 14 – Samlex LOP

SAVE MY MOTHER (True Life Story) - Samlex LOP

SAVE MY MOTHER Episode 14 – Samlex LOP

SAVE MY MOTHER 14 (True life story)

I pray everything work out as planned, if not am doomed.

“Who is there,” I asked when I noticed movement around me.

“It’s me,” replied a voice from my left.

“How many people are here,” I asked out loud.

“We don’t know, we can’t see ourselves,” replied the same voice.

“Let’s take a head count, I will go first, am number one,” I said.




And it went on till “eleven.” and no voice was heard again.

I kept quiet and waited patiently, I don’t know how long I waited but it sure seems like forever.

I could here ticking of crickets and insects and I know it was night, I kept praying over and over again that the plan works accordingly, I could hear voice and noise from afar, they left us tied up in the cage.

I don’t know how long i waited but I could hear footstep coming our direction and the door open slowly, the person came inside but was quiet.

“Matthew,” said the person, and I recognised the voice to be that of John.

“John am here,” I replied.

He immediately came to me and open the bag covering my face, he untied me, and pulled my up.

We got to work untying the others and pulling them up, we lead them out quietly as John lead the way.

We walked for sometime till we got to where the car was parked, we quickly arranged them inside the bus and I picked a gun as we headed back.

We all went back to get the others 15 in the others cage leaving Michael to handle the buss.

We broke the lock and the shook in fear.

“Calm down, we are hear to help,” I said untying one of them.

When we finished untying them and was about moving out, we heard a shout, we turned to see one of them looking at us, he ran back calling the rest out and that minute we could here footstep running towards our direction.

“Plan B, Go! Go!! Go!!! Go!!,” I shouted as John lead the way and they ran follow him while I and Peter stayed back to buy them time.

They opened fire at us but luckily the victims have all taken a curve so the shot couldn’t hit them while I and Peter use tress as cover.

I and Peter also Opened fire at them shooting at random bring down some of them.

All of a sudden they stopped shooting and every where was quiet,

“P, cover me,” I shouted to Peter and he started shooting at their direction, I brought out my head to take a look and I could see movement towards where Peter was, the moved out of the direction Peter was shouting and where going towards his direction from behind him.

“P !!! duck!!!!” I shouted and he immediately laid down flat and I opened fire at them bringing them down, “let’s go!!” and we move.

We could hear footsteps behind us as the where running after us, due to the darkness we couldn’t see each other, we got to where the cars where parked and the buss was gone, that was part of plan B, they should leave immediately they get them into the buss, we immediately jumped into the car and drove off.

After about five minutes of driving, a car light shawn behind us, there were after us, it became a car chase but it was difficult racing due to the road.

They opened fire at out car breaking the back glass and Peter fired back at them aiming for there tyres, fortunately he hit one of the tyres and unfortunately they also hit one of ours, driving and I hit a tree by the road side.

We jumped out of the car and ran into the bush not having a knowledge of where we are, when we have given them distance I stopped and turned to Peter who also stopped.

“We can keep running, let’s lay an ambush for them,” I said breathing heavily.

Due to the help of the moon light which just came out, we location two different tree and climbed it while waiting for them to come that way.

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