PIA Episode 21 – 24 by Amah’s Heart

PIA Episode 21 by Amah's Heart

PIA Episode 21 by Amah’s Heart

“I didn’t plan for you to find out the way you did, wanted it to be a real surprise, i never knew you will meet Felicia, I’m sorry Pia,

I looked from my dad to the face of the woman that gave birth to me, she was standing a little distance away from me, wiping tears off her eyes, I was feeling indifferent, Felicia has being dismissed to go and attend to customers but I know she is probably hiding somewhere, watching, listening and gathering things to talk about, I wonder why she talks so much,

” can we go to somewhere to talk about this, let us go to Helen’s house, let’s not create a scene here, here is an open place..please… people are watching… Please Can we…

All I could do was to nod my head, and head outside, while dad and Helen follows behind, I have to turn when I heard Felicia running towards us, she called her mom who didn’t pay much attention to her,

“Mom, please can I come along, is she the elder sister I over heard you talking about with dad one day, I know she’s the one, can’t you see she share resemblance with you except she is way taller than you, mom I so much wish is really true, I want her to be my big sister, please let me come along…I promise I won’t talk much… Please don’t leave me behind…I’m also part if the family..

“Felicia, will you go back and watch things in my absence, what do want to come and do, to talk, I have being warning you on this your too much talk, real girls don’t talk much, they comport their selves and only speak when necessary and when they are asked a question, talking out of proportion is not a Lady like…stay back here and work….there are things to keep you busy….

I have already gotten to the car and couldn’t hear them again,
Helen came and sat at the back while Daddy drives, none of us said a word, it was as if dad knows the rout, he knows the way to their house, as he drives on, he later got to a building with a brown gate and stopped and we all came down,

Helen was ahead as she entered the gate and we followed behind, I guess this is where they live, Helen went straight to an apartment and knocked a voice answered from inside, and the door was opened in a second,
a young man in his early twenties whom I guess was Felicia’s elder brother, who’s name was Bright, and he stays with the father at home sometime if he is not in school, that was what Felicia told me,stood by the door staring at me,

He looked at me and smiled and i returned back the smile, he greeted my dad very well as if they are best friends, my dad gently tapped his shoulder before going inside,

Inside the living room a man was sitting on the cushion, watching news on TV, that must be Mr Anthony, Felicia’s father, his walking stick was laying beside him,

on seeing my Dad he struggled to stand up with the walking stick to greet but dad asked him to sit and not stress him self in standing, he looked at me and smiled before greeting, I replied calmly, Helen was standing at one corner looking at me, she is scared and doesn’t even know what to say, Bright was also looking like he was seeing a goddess, they offered us a drink but we both said that we are fine, my dad spoke first

“This is my daughter, Pia K Brown, all through the time I was coming down here she was away like I explained before now, she was schooling abroad, and before she traveled out for study… we both had a long talk, and she told me she will love to meet the woman that conceived and gave birth to her someday…

I saw Helen from the corner of my eyes as she held her chest with one hand and the others hand on her mouth, I tried not to look at her because she has never stopped looking at me since I came in, I wonder what she is thinking right now on seeing me sitting with my dad in her house after over twenty years, she was probably thinking that I wouldn’t be able to forgive her after what she did, my Dad continued speaking

….So when she was away I decided to dig and search for Helen, I send my men to all corners of the country with few details of her, I did my own search until she was found, and it was like being in the right place at the right time, I came just in time to be used by God to help Anthony with his health, to help Bright and Felicia to return back to school and to help Helen in becoming an entrepreneur, a CEO of her own supermarket, I was glad to be used, but all I did was because of my daughter who led me to it, she set the track for me by wanting to see her real mother and I wanted to surprise her, I never told her any if this things I did, I didn’t want to distraught her in her studies, so I kept all my meetings with Helen her family a secret, Anthony you and Helen were eager to meet her and I know she was also eager to meet her real mother, I promised that I Will bring her over when she returns from abroad, one other important thing I wanted to add is that we all wronged Pia, I’m not exceptional, in truth I was the cause of the whole mess, I abandoned Helen when she was pregnant of her, I denied the pregnancy, I started the mess and regretted it for years until destiny found us both, Helen on your own side, you gave birth to her and after weaning her, you left her with your mother and moved on with your life….

Helen silent cry turned in to a sob, the TV was already off so Anthony’s head was bent, while Bright was looking from his mother who was sobbing then to me with my plain face staring at nothing in particular, then back to my Dad the narrator

“…Anthony you aren’t left out in this mess either, when Helen wanted to bring her little girl who was two years already then according to what Helen told me, she wanted to take her along after you got married to her, you refuse and said you don’t want another man’s child under your roof, you said she was going to be a liability and you just don’t want that, so Helen have to abandoned her baby with her mother, and she never looked back again, I know all this things happened in the past and we have learnt from our mistakes, we are better off than we use to be, but our negligence could have caused Pia her life, we wouldn’t have come to know this kind soul, my beautiful princess if she had dyed, Helen even after your mother died and she was buried you never bother to ask or look for the child you carried for complete nine months suffered and gave birth to her, i know we all shared in this unfortunate part…

” I did…I asked of her Ken, but I was told she was living with a rich couple in the big city, with that information I thought…I thought she was living fine..i know I’m a terrible person, then I thought God was punishing me with Anthony’s sickness, when he suddenly fell ill and the whole burden was shifted to me, i was almost going crazy until you showed up three years ago, I have no excuse for what I did, I pray and cry everyday for God’s forgiveness and a chance to meet my girl again, I constantly prayed for God’s protections over her…I know that’s not enough, is not an excuse for my terrible act, words without action is useless, everyday I feel that I don’t deserve to be forgiven or to get all this turn around in my life right now…I can’t just explain how sorry I am…I know sorry can’t bring back the lost years or difficulties she passed through, I can do anything to show how sorry I am, I am deeply sorry, I have suffered for the consequences of my actions, I totally regretted it…

I was looking at her now as she speaks and cry at same time, I felt pity for her, indeed she must have suffered so much, having to care for her two kids and a sick husband can be cumbersome, I’m glad Dad located them and extended a huge helping hand to them.. Anthony spoke

“I’m deeply sorry for all we did, I was self centered and asked Helen to leave her baby behind, maybe God kept me alive for a moment like this to see the beautiful face of the rejected child who brought good luck to our home, if not for her Ken Brown Will never have located us in my dying minute… We all regretted our action and I plead with you to find it in your heart to forgive us, please forgive me because I could have taken and cared for you as my own child, I could have being a Father figure to you but I was only thinking about myself, I know your growing up must have being terrible, I’m more glad that God kept you safe… I’m sorry Pia…

Anthony was still speaking when Helen came and fell before me, I quickly stood as i tried to pull her up, she cried and pleaded,

” I know I’m not worthy to be called your mother, I don’t deserve that title from you, I’m a terrible person, i allowed anger, bitterness, unforgiveness for Ken to keep us apart, and when I realized how stupid I was, when I realized I abandoned my innocent baby girl because of her father’s sin or fear of my husband it was already late, and looked forward to seeing you during your grandmother’s burial but you didn’t come, you did not show up, and I wept not just because my mother was being laid to the cold earth but also because some part of me was gone with her, I may never get to meet my daughter again, I couldn’t even ask my mother where you were taken to, is over twenty five years now and I’m seeing my baby girl again, fully grown into a very beautiful Lady, I can’t still believe you came from me because you look perfect, I’m deeply sorry, if not that Ken told me that you were brutally maltreated from the rich family and you even have to run away and God used a little girl named June and a kind hearted young man called Jerry to reunite you and your father, I wondered what would have happened to my girl out in the cold street alone, I cried, I wish I know that Woman or her husband that almost destroyed you, Ken also told me that her name was Koh, I wish I know who she is, I Would have fought her with my last blood, she doesn’t even deserve to own a child, she is a wicked soul, I’m so sorry Pia, I know I’m not different from Koh, I’m equally a terrible person, I feel terrible inside and out, I’m deeply sorry, will you ever forgive me…can you find it in your heart to forgive us for al…

Before she could complete her word I drew her into a tight warm hug, it was a loving reunion with my mother, we all have cried and suffered too much, is time to laugh, God has wiped our saddened tears and replaced it Joy,

let the past remain in the past but I still have unfinished business there, I need to pay Aunty Koh a visit, and I feel so happy because Lano and midi works for my mother, it will be easy locating June

I’m not going home today or tomorrow, Dad can go and come for me later, I want to spend time with my mother,

I will miss Jerry for the few days that i will be here, he has being calling to check up,

I know Felicia will never stop talking through out the period I will be here, she has so much energy for words, I’m not much of a talker myself, it Will be fun having a sister who talks like a parrot,

Mum doesn’t know yet that Aunty Koh’s children works in her supermarket, she may even sack them if she finds out,

But she doesn’t really have to know now, I wouldn’t want Lano and Midi to loose their Job because of their mother’s past sin, even though they were both like their mother, but that’s in the past,
but not withstanding I will like to make them know what it feels like to be ill treated, I need to let aunty Koh understand the fact that is a Small world we live in and nobody knows what tomorrow holds for everyone, wickedness is not a good way of life because whatsoever you sow same you or your children Will reap someday,

My Joy is overfilled because I finally met my mother,
If my body is filled with mouths is not even enough to thank God.

PIA Episode 22 by Amah’s Heart

Today I was at my mum’s supermarket, Felicia was sticking to my body like super glue, she tells anybody that cares to listen that I am her sister, I’m already use to her too much talk, I saw Midi and Lano, they both came to greet me with other staffs as their madam’s first daughter who studied abroad, Felicia made sure she filled them all in very well,

I wondered why they didn’t recognized me, it was same face but restructured, is no more poverty stricken face but chubby beautiful face with height like my father, probably I changed too much for them,
I left their house when I was just seventeen years, I was looking so thin like broom stick, unkempt and malnourished, even in seventeen I was looking like nine years old, I was older than Lano with a year and Midi with three years, but Lano was looking as if she was my Aunty then, she was bigger and no one will ever believed I was older with a year, but just within three years under my boss care who turned out to be my father, I grew into my real self, I added up so quick, body and height, if I was given opportunity to take picture back in aunty Koh’s house and compared it with myself after few years working for Kennedy Brown it will be unbelievable, the wide difference will be huge, but today they are probably thinking I have ended up like my harlot mother and had another bastard child for a hooligan, a street boy like they thought my father was, but to God be the glory that all the plans of the enemy have being rendered useless,
My mum was away, so I was the new Madam on ground as everybody reports to me, I have planned with Felicia who was ready to do anything I ask of her, I planned with her to stage a drama for Lano, Felicia was very excited to tag along, Felicia went to the staffs lock room and hide a very expensive perfume in Lano’s bag, and after the close of the day i instructed Felicia to go and stand with the two security guard on duty, she should tell them that an expensive perfume was missing and they should search every staff before they cross the gate, so everybody was searched including Midi who was in line with others and when it got to Lano, who never knew the plan on ground, I watched with a smile from the camera as the security searched her bag and saw the perfume, she opened her mouth in shock as she kept saying she doesn’t know how the thing got into her hand bag

I sat at the cashier and watch from the surveillance camera as Felicia accused Lano of stealing, and threatened to tell the mother, Lano and midi was brought to me, I dismissed other staffs to go home, I watch as Lano cried and pleaded that she doesn’t know how the thing got in to her bag, even her brother pleaded on her behalf, now it was up to me to determined what will happen, and I started my own drama

“Why will you take such an expensive Cologne, do you know how much it Worth, this small item you stole can pay your three months salary, I wonder why my mother Will employ people without proper background check, is this your brother… So you planed with him to steal, how long have you both being stealing here, you know how the surveillance camera is stationed here that was why you think you are smart, stealing anything you like, you know that general saying that everyday is for the thief but one day is for the owner of the house, today is your doom because I’m more shrewd than my mother, I will dismiss both of you, I will personally sack you and your brother, and employ more better workers, I don’t need thieves working for my mother, Helen Pear supermarket just opened not up to two years and we already encountering thieves, no…this is just two bad, I think you need to be locked up…so that you will serve as a warning to others and those who had such evil motives…

I was already enjoying myself with this drama, sounding so convincing in my ears and to everyone present, Felicia too became scared for them due to the way I was reacting, I needed them all to believe that this was real, I watch as Lano knelt and begged, midi also pleaded, midi pleaded while the sister cried..

“Please ma, we are begging you in the name of God, please don’t sack us, my sister did not steal…I’m not saying you are lying ma, please even if she did I’m on my knee begging you to please forgive us… Don’t sack us or call the police, we are graduates and have being looking for better job to assist our parents before this opportunity came and me and my sister applied, the salary here is okay, the work is not too stressful and we don’t spend much on transport because our house is not far from here, we moved in to this area few years ago after graduating and we have try to make a liv….

” hey… Hey I don’t need your life details, spare me all that and save it for the police… Take a good look at me, do I look like I care, I don’t care Mr man, you and your sister are thieves, I need to see the Woman that gave birth to two of you, let me know if she’s a good mother or not…or she was the brain box behind the thief, take me to her, after meeting her, it will determine if I should call the police or not, but just be praying to whatever God you believe in because you will need lots of prayer to be save from this…

“I did not do it, I didn’t know how the perfume got into my bag, I swear to you ma, please ma, I’m on my knees, please tamper justice with mercy…I’m innocent ma, we don’t have any bad record in my family, my parents are good people, my mother is a kind woman…she

” are you sure your mother is a kind woman, well, I will love to find out for myself, take me to your house, quick.

They were surprise but I was serious, this was my own way of meeting Aunty Koh, Felicia was trying to follow

” stay back, call Mom to come pick you, or you go home but make sure you don’t say anything to anybody, if you do you won’t be my sister again, I will just change sister, do you understand me,

“Yes, I do, I understand you clearly big sis, I won’t say pin to anyone, I will just tell Mom you took a walk round the neighborhood,

I smiled and hugged her before leaving with Lano and midi.
We walked from street to street they were still begging but I ignored them until we got to their house, it was three apartment in one compound there’s was the second,
When we got in, I looked round the house, it wasn’t bad, but one can see that life hasn’t being so pleasant as it was before for them, looking at the old worn out chairs, the same old television, old curtains, there was nothing new around the house but it was clean enough, I guess they have adapted to such low life, their mother came out, still big in size, but something has changed about her, I didn’t see June as I waited, the woman on seeing her children worried and tearful look became worried, they both started explaining about what happened, Aunty Koh looked at me with worried stricken face,
I acted unconcerned as I Sat at their worn out chair and crossed my leg in fashion style, even Aunty Koh couldn’t recognize me, which was very unfortunate for them, she looked at me with a pleading look and called me “ma” but I corrected her immediately, I switched in to my America accent immediately after she finished speaking,

“Please ma, they are my children, they are not thieves, I didn’t bring them up that way, I’m begging you in the name of God to please have Mercy, their father is out to work, they are just doing this job to support me and their father and to also save for their future since there’s no much job in the country, and we are new to this area, we couldn’t afford our former place anymore, it was under mortgage, my Hus…

” enough, I’m not here for those details Madam, that’s your personal life and is non of my business, stop calling me ma” I’m not older than you, why will you call a Small girl like me ma, is my height deceiving you, I was told by your children that you are a kind woman… So are you kind Madam…your truthful reply Will determine if I Will take up this your children’s stealing case or drop it and let it slide…so Madam is up to you now, think well before you answer me, because policemen are Phone call away from here,

“My daughter, I am a kind loving woman, even in my former house everybody speaks of it, please my daughter I beg of you to drop the case because I know is the Rich and famous that rules the world, we don’t have anything or anybody except God, and God knows my daughter is innocent… Your mother is a wealthy woman, by owning such a big supermarket, you can choose to deal with us whichever way you want and nobody will question you but I beg you to have Mercy and please don’t sack my children, please…

“Madam Koh, you are very funny, oh you are surprise that I know your real name, I can dismiss your children and still frustrate their lives and yours too, because the rich rules, my both parents are well to do, I am well to do also, so I rule over you and your children, is unfortunate you don’t even know who’s standing before you, where’s is June by the way, guess she’s your errand girl now, if I ever have a change of heart it will be because of her, you are just realising that is the rich and famous that rules, like you were once ruling, forgetting that the table can turn at any time, and we live in a very Small world, you never know Who you will meet tomorrow, you are never anything close to being kind, madam, prove me wrong by telling me the story of Pia and Cecelia, your once upon a time house girls that you almost destroyed their lives because you had the powers to, so many others you wanted to render useless because the rich and famous rule, you never know the table will still turn, it may not affect you the iron woman, it may be your children, you were storing up curses for your children, and Right now they are at my Mercy, my father is the popular wealthy Kennedy Brown, my harlot mother is the owner of Helen Pear supermarket where Lano and Midi works, yes, I’m the supposed bastard child who Will someday end up like her harlot mother, well reverse is the case here, Aunty Koh, I’m not a bastard or a nobody that you could easily kill and no one will question you because you thought My life and death was in your hand, my name is Pia K Brown, the useless maid Who summoned courage to stand up to you before running out in to the cold lonely Street only to discover who she really was, God led me, he directed my footsteps to meeting with my both parents, do you remember Cecelia another of your maid, I rescued her from your wicked claws, Cecelia is soon to be Mrs Brown, yes, she’s getting married to My father, aunty Koh don’t cry because is of no use, I’m not planning to pay you back in your own coins, Even if I ever had such plan but because of June I will forgive and let the past remain where it belong, just to let you know that wickedness is not a good way of life, sometimes what goes around comes around, like a roller coaster, is indeed a Small world aunty Koh, be really kind because tomorrow is Pregnant who knows what it will bear, I need to see June, when she comes back tell her to visit me at Helen Pears tomorrow, Lano and Midi you two can resume work tomorrow, my mom and My Dad doesn’t know any thing about this, so don’t be scared, is between us, be Free and do your works as you are required, I just want you all to understand that wickedness is not a good way if life…

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PIA Episode 23 by Amah’s Heart

Bright hardly talk unlike his sister, but he is always happy to be around me, after he dropped me and Felicia that day, he asked me to wait behind and after Felicia was in, he engaged me into an intimate conversation about his own life, he told me about how we have not had time to talk because of Felicia and mom who was always around me, he has wished to have a personal conversation with me but the opportunity didn’t present itself, he talked about finishing school next year, he was going to be a medical doctor, and he asked me what I think of Lano, he told me that Felicia told him about the drama with the perfume, he asked if I don’t like Lano he may probably have a change of mind of asking her to date him, Lano like him too but he has not said anything to her yet, Bright wanted my judgement as his big sister, he needed my opinion, and I asked him to proceed with his plans, if he really want to date Lano then nothing should stop him,
Lano has changed, I guess she knows better now than before, and has withdraw from following the mother’s bad footsteps long time ago, even aunty Koh was a changed person, life was indeed the greatest teacher, after talking with Bright that morning he was very happy as he hugged me like a brother will do to sister,

My mum got me some cloths and shoes, most wasn’t my size and have to give it to Felicia to amend to her size, Mum later took me for shopping I was able to get few things for myself, she was so happy taking me round and introducing me to her big friends,, mum can drive, so she drove all through our outing, the security told her about what happened with Lano and the perfume, she wanted the person sacked but I told her it was a misunderstanding, I was playing a pranks on the staffs and hide the perfume on one of the staffs bag, she smiled and dropped the issue, because if my mum finds out that Aunty Koh’s children are working in her supermarket she will not only sack them she will also frustrate their lives and that of their mother, Aunty Koh, so I have to put off the fire I started so that it will not out burn those I have already forgiven, my mom agrees to whatever I say, she was doing all she can to please me, even after I made her to understand that I hold no unforgiveness or bitterness for her or anyone, whatever happens remains in the past, without she abandoning me at a tender age and Aunty Koh maltreating me, without all the bad things of life happening to me at my early stage of life I wouldn’t have a story, there’s no story without my mother or Aunty Koh in it, I’m glad I can look back and smile because my present and future is assured,
I wasn’t trying to pay anyone back the evil they did to me, no, that wasn’t my intention, and despite forgiveness doesn’t come so easily for some, me for a example, forgiving aunty Koh took me a long while to do, it didn’t come so easy for me, it was difficult at first, but with the help of God, Jerry and remembering my little friend June, I just have to let it go, June paved the way of forgiveness for her mother and siblings, I forgot what pain feels like because God gave me reasons to always smile, I still have scars I sustained from aunty koh, which will always serve as a reminder, but my scars shows that I walked through fire and water before I discovered myself, my scars shows that I really live, hurt, healed and live again and finally laugh, I was only trying to teach Aunty koh and her children a lesson, I passed my message to them and I know they got it sound and clear,

Lano and Midi didn’t resume work on the second day which I didn’t bother to know why, I guess they needed time to download and understand all the recent information I left with them, they need time to understand what they are really into, which practically means that they were at my mercy, they need to come to realization that I was actually the real Pia K Brown, the girl they saw on television many years ago but couldn’t believe she was the one because they thought I was good for nothing, I was a nobody and can’t amount to anything, if they have known better they would have tried to be nice, because it actually cursed nothing to be kind, God has destined my life in the way it should go, without leaving their house I wouldn’t have located my path of destiny,

Lano and Midi resumed work the third day, with their mother, I wondered why Aunty Koh came with them, but I was at the supermarket on time before my mum, who I asked to stay home with my step father while i foresee things on her behalf for the few days I will be around, she gladly agreed, so on seeing Aunty Koh, Lano, Midi, and my Favourite, June, who ran to me before I can even get close and I held her into a tight hug, I was happy to see her, June was gradually growing into a real beautiful African lady, I hugged her while her mother and siblings watched, Aunty koh has this sorry look plastered on her face, I was eager to know why she was around, after the hug with June, I approached them, Aunty Koh knelt down, while Lano joined her, Midi too was pleading, I wondered why they were pleading because i made it clear that Lano and Midi can resume work again, I had nothing against them, she was pleading asking to be forgiving of her past sins, her past sins that I have already burn to ashes, I have even forgotten most of her deed mostly because of her little girl June made it easy for me,

people were watching as they knelt, crying and pleading, it was very embarrassing, I begged her to get up, and she kept weeping, as tears poured from her eyes, I asked Lano and Midi to go inside and continue with their work, nobody will stop them, of which they thanked me and ran inside, I reassured aunty Koh again that I hold no bitterness again for her, and I believe life the greatest teacher has thought her humility and kindness in a way she never expected, so there’s nothing else I can say that she doesn’t know already, i smiled at her and told her all over again that without her I won’t have an interesting story, she also told me that the husband who is managing one work around also plead to be forgiven and I sent my kind greetings to him, she begged me to take June Along with me, that she isn’t doing much around the house, she only goes to a tailoring school, three times in a week because she want to become a fashion designer and there’s no much money for her to go to school, and I willingly agreed, it will be my pleasure,

The next day i drove down with my mum’s car to see Aunty Koh’s husband, he was sober, but we acted cool like we didn’t have any bitter pass, after spending few time with them of which I make sure that they were comfortable and happy again, I also gave them money to support their selves, they were very happy, I told them not to be scared for June, they maybe thinking I may probably do to her what aunty Koh, her mother did to me, I assured them my name is Pia not Koh, but such will never happen, June was my angel, my sister from another mother and a good friend I will never allow harm to come to her and theirs enough room in my father’s house to accommodate as many as possible.

My dad came for me, he drove down with Jerry, and Cecelia, and I was so happy to see them, Jerry especially, he was telling me how much he missed me, although I was occupied with lots of activities I still missed my best friend, the love of my life, after spending time with my mum, who came to love Jerry after learning who Jerry was, I told Cecelia about Aunty Koh and her Kids working at Helen Pear, my mum’s supermarket, one of the biggest supermarket in that area, she was shocked, she couldn’t still believe until she saw Lano and Midi, they came as I called them, they both greeted Cecelia, and Cecelia sent her kind greetings to their mother.

When God elevated you unexpectedly, forgiveness comes natural, you have nothing to hate anymore, and all you can do is to smile, because God has given you a thousand reasons to do so.

It was a great gathering in my mom’s house, I introduced June to my dad, my dad was very happy to meet the little girl who gave me her lunch money to escape from her mother and with a note to let me know she was praying for me, the little girl who risk herself for me, lied for me, covered my flows so that I will escape from her mother’s beating, she will go hungry to see me eat, June was and will always be close to my heart, she is very special to me, and her parents knows that already, that was why they asked me to take her along, June was very glad to finally be close to me.

We later drove back home, after promises of coming to visit and hugs from mom, Felicia, Bright, Anthony my step dad, from Lano and Midi, I waved them all good bye and told Felicia she can come visit me, or I will come get her on a good day, she was sad that I was leaving but I promise to come for her or send for her, I hugged my mother who cried as I waved them goodbye.

my dad drove me, June, Jerry and Cecelia back home, I felt fulfilled, like a burden has been lifted off my shoulder after seeing my mother and Aunty koh again, and paying aunty Koh back in a different unexpected coin, I felt good with myself.

June told me that her mom sold the smart phone I sent for her when I was studying abroad, because there was nothing in the house then, so somethings in the house were sold, they sold the two dogs they had, and also the cars, they needed to go far away from their former area after everything came collapsing, June said her mom didn’t want anybody to know what happened that was why she asked their father to go get house very far away from their former place and from people who knows them before so that they will not become a laughing stock.

June said she never thought she will see me again, that it was God that sent me at a time when they needed help, because her dad’s small job was not bringing much to the table again, and her mom is not doing anything, so with the help from Lano and Midi they were able to cope with life, she was so happy as we lay on my bed that night and talk, she said she never thought I will forgive the mom, and she was glad that I did, because the mother would have died of guilt, I was also happy I did, God is always on time, God’s time is indeed the best, his ways are never the ways of men, his plans and purpose for me was coming to past gradually,

Richie and Sonia got Married, it was a beautiful wedding, Jerry proposed during the family thanksgiving, and of curse I said yes, he already know what my answer will be, so it wasn’t really a big surprise, he was the only man I want to spend the rest of my life with, i thank God the day he splashed mud on me, it was a sad day for me back then but today as I looked back all I can say is thank God, he brought such a cute, God fearing, loving, positive thinker and caring man on my way, he was too much of a blessing to me.

I’m glad he came into my life when I needed help and a friend, he led me to my father, that is why he will always be my dad’s best friend, I love him too much already, my life is just empty without Jerry in it,
Dad wedding with Cecelia was coming next and mine will follow suit, I planned to relocate to America to set up my fashion school, which was my big dream, right now i want to live everyday at a time while other things fall in place as God as destined it all to be.

PIA Episode 24 by Amah’s Heart


I was the Chief bridesmaid for Cecelia, my dad was very happy, he has lost hope of ever getting married after so many unfortunate happenings,
Cecelia has given up on love, and she was just contented of having a job and a roof over her head, she has never expected the way her life turned out,
My dad love Cecelia and Cecelia sees my dad as her hero, while I was away they found solace in each others arm and fell in love
Love could be found even in a strange and unexpected places, sometimes we don’t really need to go far, all we need to do is to look closely,
I watched them say I do to each other in a small gathering of people, they both agreed that they don’t need a luxurious wedding and it was strictly by invitation, despite it wasn’t a elaborate wedding but it was lovely one and i watched my dad kissed his bride, I was so happy for them, I’m glad to be part of their love stories, my dad found a wife and a friend in Cecelia, Cecelia need not worry about anything because my dad’s assurance covers her.
Love indeed is a beautiful thing when you are with the right person. sometimes it takes years to get the right one, no matter how Long it takes to be with the person our heart feels at peace with it worth the wait. being with a wrong partner kills faster than one can imagine.
My dad went on a honey Moon with Cecelia, I went ahead planning with Jerry on our own coming big day,
No day passes I don’t think of how to bring my dream to reality, my dream of owning a fashion house, which will be more of African prints, June is a fashion lover like me and she also has idea of sewing, having being practicing after leaving high school, my planned for her is to work with me in the future, she will be my model and also a designer, my Dad already made arrangements for her to travel out for studies just like I did, my Dad knows how much I loved her and how much impact she made in my life, it was his little way of saying thank you to her, the news got to her parents and siblings and they couldn’t contend their joy that June was traveling out to study abroad, their Joy knows no bound, my dad already knows she was aunty Koh’s daughter but for the sake of June he let the past remain where it belong,
My dad said if I can forgive them who’s he not to do the same, after all he also played a bad role in the beginning of my life and I still calls him dad, all his happiness was that they didn’t disfigure me or destroyed me, it was only their scars that is left on my body which is not life threatening, he thanked God for that,

I later informed my Mom about aunty Koh and speak to her deeply about love and forgiveness, all hidden secret was coming to light, I don’t want to keep anybody anonymous, my mom will definitely know someday who Aunty koh was, so it was time for everyone know who is who, and anybody without sin should cast the first stone, my Mom was as much guilty as aunty Koh was and she doesn’t have right to point finger at anyone, I came to know my Mom after twenty five years if my life, the only details I have of her is what my grandmother told me, which was her name and how much I looked like her, that was all, and that’s all I carried on me till I met her twenty five years later,

Everyone played their role perfectly well in my life, even the crazy men I encountered under the bridge and I almost got raped and one was kind enough create way of escape for me, the woman that saw me eating one day after Jerry gave me money and took the news to aunty Koh which landed me into a serious beating and another day of starvation, Mr Puff colleague, the young security man who refused me entrance because I was looking like a street beggar and Mr Puff stood up for me, Ben the Butler who’s word still rings in my head on the second time of meeting me after my cold night in the street, “I’m happy to see you Pia” my boss has being looking out For you… ” those where his exact words to me and I felt like I was somebody again, my first night of sleeping over and he brought me cloth and shoe, the shoe was over size and i stuck it up with tissue so that it will be my size, it was a sneakers, I disposed my own wretched cloth into the dustbin, I cleaned and washed off anything that will remind me of Aunty Koh, i have said within me I will never forgive but I eventually did because forgiveness does more good to me than to her, that first night at my boss house was too much of a blessing and I wanted to tell God how much grateful I was and i fell asleep while still on my knees, awoken the following morning only to find myself on the bed, well covered up with duvet, Jerry’s kindness speaks volume to me then and even now, I have not forgotten how I ran inside from the staff quarters to the main building, and my boss asked me to go back to sleep and promises to get me better wears of which he did, my boss was kind to a stranger not knowing she was his daughter, the way he shouted at Richie his brother who wanted to lay with me not knowing I was his niece and he was my uncle, my boss made me feel protected and cared for, for the very first time in my life I felt like I was visible, I felt like I Worth something, Jerry played the most important role in my life, he was always there for me, he did everything without asking for anything in return, not knowing he was building me up in a positive way, not knowing I was someday going to be his missing ribs, and he will be my husband,
Thinking and remembering all this made me flash back to the people who acted as a hindrance to my success story and those who were a blessing in disguise, whichever role any one of them played, either good or bad, it was the little or big part they were suppose to feature in, they all played their role perfectly well,
and as God was leading me home to my father, devil was busy setting obstacles just to make sure I don’t get to my destination, I’m glad he didn’t succeed, I am exactly where God want me to be, I’m glad I made it, I never hate those who played the negative role in my life, devil was just behind their scripts without them knowing but he is a loser, what the enemy meant for my downfall did not only make me stronger but also turns out to be a multiple blessing for me.

Writers always say that life is a journey now I understand,
my Dad and Cecelia came back from honey Moon with a magnetic Smile and I knew they had a squeal time, it was obvious they had lots of fun. I can’t wait to fly out on a yacht with Jerry, go cruising on the Bahamas, lodge in the open night island, have lots of fun,
Jerry couldn’t Wait to fully have me to himself, it has being a long road for us, patiently waiting for the right time which was in a few weeks time.

Invitations has being sent out, my Mom was mostly around, helping me to put things in order and Cecelia wasn’t Left out, Bright was coming with Lano, they were already in a relationship, Lano and Felicia was among bridesmaid, June was my right hand lady, we are sending a bus down to get aunty Koh and husband with Midi and whoever Mom was inviting, Bright Will also drive my step Dad, Anthony down,
Everybody was busy for my big day, my dad and Richie were not left out, Jerry’s people all arrived safely, I met those I haven’t met before
My dad and Mom planned a big wedding for me, it was going to be on televisions magazine and blogs, Ken Brown’s daughter, Pia was getting married, it was the news in town, dad’s big friends were coming, paparazzi were already on ground capturing anything that they Will turn into an interesting gossip, for people,

And when the day finally arrives, I was looking like a true princess in my wedding gown, and before dad walked me down he spoke to me with a smiled and a clouded eyes filled with tears,

“I never know I Will live to see this day Pia, is like a dream come true for me, I don’t know that God will be kind enough to let me have my charming daughter back to me and to be privilege in giving her out to a good Man in marriage, my daughter, my true princess, my first fruit, my own flesh and blood, if my Mom and dad, your grandparents were to be alive they would have loved you so much, it was their wish to meet you before their untimely death, I know they are smiling down on us right now, uhhh… I’m speechless, words fails me to express how I truly feel, all I can say is i love you my daughter, without you there’s no Kennedy Brown, without you i wouldn’t have met Cecelia, and without your approval I wouldn’t have gotten married to her, thank you for accepting me as your father and for calling me Daddy even when I don’t deserve that title, I promised you before and promise you again, all I have is yours and no matter how old you are Pia… you Will always be my baby girl…always, I’m glad is Jerry that you Will be spending the rest of your beautiful life with, my mind and soul is at peace, I know marital journey is not all blissful as seen on magazine but yours Will stand out for good and with Jerry beside you it will be worthwhile, you Will always find reasons to smile and the children you will bear with him Will sing your praise, God bless your union and may he Always give two of you reasons to smile…you will bear sons and daughters and your children Will be a blessing to you and your husband…

I was already shedding tears as my dad kissed my forehead, June gently cleaned my eyes so that my tears will not spoil my makeup, she was shedding few tears of her own as she listen to my dad speak to me, she was the only one I allowed to stay behind during the talk with my dad.

My Dad walked me down and handed me to Jerry,
And we were pronounced as husband and wife, reception followed, drinking eating dancing, pictures and congratulations.

Me and Jerry left for our honey Moon, then the news came that Cecelia was expecting and later gave birth to another beautiful baby girl for my dad, he was so excited as he spoke to me over the phone, Cecelia called and said I have got a baby sister who can’t wait to meet me,

all I could do was to laugh, I was so happy,
I was later based in American with Jerry, where I finally set up my fashion school, my dream came true, June was with me all through, she was very helpful during my expecting period.
my Prince charming came a year after my wedding,
he was so cute like his Father, we both name him after my dad, Kennedy, Jerry was so happy that he is a father, he was going to be called a Daddy, he cried when he held our little boy for the first time. I was so happy that forgot what labour pain feels like,

While I nursed my baby, Kennedy, June was foreseeing things in the fashion school on my behalf, June was very royal and was gradually becoming a fashion icon,

Keisha and Moore do visit us, they were already engaged and was about getting married in Moore father’s church, the Baptist church where me and Jerry with June worship,

I’m so blessed having a man like Jerry, he is selfless, so forgiving, so supportive, so loving and very teachable, I can’t ask for more than what God has blessed me with.

I speak with everyone back home, my Dad, Cecelia, my Mom and step siblings, I also speak Aunty Koh, who sometimes call to check up, she remain grateful to me and my dad, for showing her kindness, having and taking Care of her daughter June, my dad is sponsoring June’s education here in America, and she is learning fashion in my school, June is turning out beautiful, she love making statement with her design just like I thought her, business is growing, Jerry is doing well for himself over here and My Prince charming, Kennedy is growing so fast, I’m expecting my princess in four months from now,
Kennedy who is already a year will have a sister soon.

My life sound like a fairy tale because it was designed by God.

I have come to understand that a simple act of kindness can create an endless ripple.

PIA Episode


Thanks for always reading our stories, please no matter what, encourage the writer Amah’s Heart with comments (Shes BLESSED) , One Love ❤.

Read One Of Her BEST Story > TAMAR

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4 years ago

My joy knows no boundary?
I’m so proud of you Pia ??
Happy for you , because you got to find happiness at long last?

Thank you so much @Amah’s ? you’re the best!
God Bless your handwork.

Gracias amigo Mr Oprah ✊

4 years ago

I am blessed with this, Amah,’s heart, more greese to your elbow

4 years ago

I love the happy ending between everyone. More inspiration to the writer and blessing to operadre

4 years ago

Lovely story
I enjoyed every bit of it
And I learnt from it.
Thanks Amah’s Heart, more grace

Asibor Oluwatoyin
Asibor Oluwatoyin
4 years ago

Wow…..what a happy ending
Kudos to the writer

Atitebi Hannah
4 years ago

Love this
Nice one
More grace from above

Rabiat Yusuf
Rabiat Yusuf
4 years ago

I am so so happy write now. Thank you Boss of all Boss opradre and our wonderful writer amah’s heart may happiness locate you wherever you are. Ayo ni ooooo

4 years ago

I love this story.
Every individual we come across in life has a role to play in our life whether good or bad.
Thank you so much for this wonderful story

Khethi Ndlovu
Khethi Ndlovu
4 years ago

Wow in God grace this story gives me joy and also tears Amah God bless you much love dear ??????

4 years ago

Amah I love your stories. Inspiring and educative

4 years ago

Interesting piece ?

11 months ago

Best story I ever read

Omotoyosi nofisat blessing
Omotoyosi nofisat blessing
11 months ago

I’m so happy at the turn out
I love you so much authoress
I learn a lot and I hope I’ll be able to impact kindness everywhere I go
I’ll love to see more of your stories
God bless you Amah