MY PAINS Part 55


Ibrahim, was shocked on seeing Bayo, because we were on the same attire I guess.
“What’s wrong?” Bayo asked, looking confused.
I didn’t say a word. We kept on looking at each other, as I flashed back to the day I parked my things to
leave. I felt the pains again.
He walked closer to me, with is mom by his side.
“I’m sorry”, Ibrahim said, on his kneels pleading.
Sorry, who are you? I asked him.
“You don’t know him?” Bayo asked.
I didn’t say a word.
“Please, forgive me I’m sorry”, Ibrahim pleaded.
His mom was pleading also.
“Oko mi jhor, we know we have wronged you but please forgive my son, your husband. Please……his
mom kept on pleading.
I’m so sorry, I don’t know both of you. I don’t understand what you mean, I said, walking far away from
Ibrahim and his mom both turned to look at each other surprised.
“What’s going on?I don’t understand”, Bayo said looking at me.
I looked else where.
Johnson, ran out.
“Daddy, open the phone, it has locked “, Johnson said.
Ibrahim and his mom, were shocked on seeing Johnson. Ibrahim kept on looking at Johnson. He and his
mom were very surprised, their mouths were wide open, like they were speechless.
Bayo, opened the phone and gave it to him.
As Johnson turned about leave, he stopped and stood still, looking at Ibrahim and his mom.
“Ahmed!”, Ibrahim yelled out, like he had actually confirmed he was the one.
“Daddy!!”, Johnson yelled out in surprised running up to him.
Blood is thicker, than anything I said in my mind.
Ibrahim, opened his hands wide as Johnson was running up to meet him.
I walked faster and held Johnson. I carried him.
Ibrahim and his mom, were surprised at my action. Tears almost filled Ibrahim’s eyes.
“Leave me! I want to go and meet my real daddy. You lied to me that my daddy has died!”, Johnson
cried out.
Ibrahim and his mom were shocked at Jonson’s statement.
“Haa, dead bawo?” His mom said, and started pleading.
I carried Johnson into the car and locked it.
He kept on hitting, the glass of the car crying and shouting, ‘Daddy.’
“Mommy, you are wicked, you lied to me”, Johnson said. I felt hurt, as more tears filled my eyes. I was
trying hard to hold back my tears.
His mom walked in, talking to Johnson through the glass of the car.
Bayo, sighed like he knew what was now going on.
“Please, I know I did a lot to hurt you badly. I’m sorry, I didn’t know what came over me, I didn’t know
what happened. Please forgive me”, Ibrahim said, on his kneels.
I kept on looking at him, as tears the tears that filled my eyes rolled down. I whipped the tears off
immediately with my hand.
Ibrahim, got up walking closer to me.
Don’t dare come closer to me, I said to him.
He stood still, looking at me surprised.
“Please, you are hurting me more. Have been looking for you for the past three months, please forgive
me. I still love you, please”, Ibrahim pleaded, as tears were rolling down his eyes.
Ibrahim, kept on pleading and pleading.
His mom walked outside.
“Please my daughter, forgive us we still love you. We are sorry please my dear”, his mom pleaded.
I stood still, looking at both of them.
“We don’t know how you found Ahmed but thanks to Almighty Allah”, she said raising her hands up
thanking God.
“I know we made you go through a lot, but please my daughter forgive us so you, my son, and my
grandson can be back together and be one happy family again.”
“Yes”, Ibrahim said, nodding his head as his mom was talking.
He still kept on pleading.
He and his mother, still kept on pleading seriously.
Hmmm, I said and sighed. After more than a year now.
“Please, it’s a long story am no longer with her. I don’t just know how it happened, I don’t know what
came over me. Please forgive me. Even though you not going to hear me, please consider that of mom
that’s pleading also”, Ibrahim said on his kneels.
His mom nodded her head.
” Yes, my daughter please.”
Consider, your mom indeed, I said.
“Please, it’s a long story my mom wasn’t the one that introduced me to Aliya, I’m sorry for lying to you.
Please forgive me. Please let’s solve things and be back together”, Ibrahim said.
Wow, I see but your mom was in support of you marring her, I asked him to really know the truth.
He and his mother both looked at each other.
” Yes, because she’s a Muslim that was the only reason. I don’t know how it happened please forgive
us”, Ibrahim pleaded.
His mother gave him an angry look.
“Please, oko mi jhor. I understand how you feel but please you are his wife please forgive us”, his mom
Well it’s late now, I said.
They were surprised at my statement.
Yeah, as you can see this man here is my husband, I said, holding Bayo closer to me. And he has legally
adopted Johnson as his own son.
Ibrahim and his mom were shocked.
“Tell me you are lying”, Ibrahim said as the tears that rolled down his face increased the more.
He walked closer to me and held me.
“Get your hands off me!! I yelled at him at the top of my voice angrily.
He couldn’t believe it. His mom was surprised.
I’m now happily married ok, go enjoy your life with Aliya. Ohh, you said she’s is gone, go beg her back
use the time you are wasting here to go plead on her to come back. I beg you do not come into my
marriage and destroy it ok! I said to him, not minding how he felt.
“Please remember the love we shared together”, Ibrahim said, with a shaking voice.
And you think I still remember all that, I said and laughed out as my mind flashed back to the good,
lovely times we had together. Tears almost rolled down my eyes again, but I stayed strong.
Bayo, looked at me.
I am sorry, it’s late now, I said to Ibrahim.
“At least please allow me to see my son”, Ibrahim pleaded.
“Yes his son. Please my grandson”, she said pleading.
You can’t , I said.
“Please, I can’t believe you have suddenly changed. I know I hurt you badly but I didn’t know how it
happened please forgive me and let me see my son at least.”
His mom still kept on pleading.
Get out! I yelled at him.
Let’s leave, I said to Bayo.
“Please don’t go, I promise to make it up for you. You can’t be married, I didn’t marry Aliya, you are my
wife, and you locked up our only child in that car crying”, Ibrahim said as his tears didn’t stop rolling
down his face.
His mom still kept on pleading.
It’s like you don’t understand me, I’m married ok, I said to Ibrahim.
“No you can’t, you are my wife and we have a son”, Ibrahim said.
Sweetheart, let’s leave, I said to Bayo.
Ibrahim walked inside the compound, talking to Johnson through the glass of the car.
Johnson, was seriously crying, hitting the glass of the car. I knew his temperature must have been high
Open the gate now! I commanded the gateman, who had just stood still watching the whole scenario
like a movie, without saying a word or doing anything.
“Ok, madam o”, he ran to open the gate.
“Na wa o, things they happen for this world o. If person watch am for film, person go say na film, na wa
o. God make you help us o”, the gateman said, as he opened the gate.
Sweetheart, why are you still delaying? let’s get in, I said to Bayo.
“Please, don’t go”, Ibrahim said and held my hand.
I withdrew my hand from him quickly.
“Please, at least please let me see my son”, Ibrahim pleaded, trying to stop me as I was about to enter
the car.
I pushed him with all the strength I had in me. He couldn’t believe it, i had never treated him in such
manner before.
“Mommy, you pushed my daddy away. I do not love you anymore”, Johnson cried out like he had never
in his life.
His mom walked up to Ibrahim, calming him down, that all will be okay.
I entered the car, and Bayo started the engine to leave.
“You are my wife weather you like it or not and I will make sure I fight legally to have my son back”,
Ibrahim shouted angrily as Bayo drove out.
Tears were rolling down my face, I couldn’t hold my tears back any longer.
“Mommy, you told me is not good to lie, and you lied to me daddy is dead. You don’t want me to see my
daddy. I hate you, you are a wicked mother”, Johnson said angrily, crying.
Johnson, statement hit me hard I broke down crying the more.
Me and Johnson were both crying in the car.
Johnson, later slept off at the back seat.
Bayo, drove silently without saying a word.
To be continued.
The next morning, on a sunday, we didn’t go to church. I prepared breakfast for us to eat. When I gave
Johnson is food to eat, he threw it away angrily saying, he won’t eat unless I take him to see daddy. He
went into the room crying.
Bayo still kept on talking to me to forgive Ibrahim.
“I understand you but he is your husband, you are married to him”, Bayo said.
Stop it okay! I yelled at him.
“Just look at Johnson at least he has refused to eat, he keeps on crying, please consider him also and
forgive him”, Bayo said.
It’s like you don’t understand what i have really been through. You want me to go back to that family
that hates me because I’m Christian? I asked Bayo in tears.
” I understand more than you think i do, but I think they now have a change of mind now”, Bayo said.
What if they suddenly change towards me. Only God knows what they are up to wanting me back, I said.
I couldn’t hold back my tears.
“You see in this life, sometimes we make mistakes and later come to realize it. We are human, we are
not perfect. He is the father of your son. Marriages clash sometimes, and when one realises his or her
mistakes and come to beg and the other is ready to forgive, things start to go well. I’m sure he is back to
his right senses that’s why he is back begging you and I’m very sure he will cherish you more than ever
this time. No good man would want to lose a woman like you”, Bayo said.
Please, just stop it ok. You are hurting me with all you are saying. I never expected you to be saying this
Bayo, I said, crying.
“Yeah, but the truth remains the truth. I won’t want you not to forgive the man you married because I
love you, no. I won’t do things for my selfish reasons. Please… “, Bayo pleaded.
I have forgiven him a long time ago if that’s what you want to hear, I said to Bayo.
“Yeah i know that. What i mean is that i want you to go back to him and i will know you have truly
forgiven him”, Bayo said.
I’m not going back to him ok! Have learnt my lessons, I said, still crying.
“Consider Johnson, he won’t be happy with you, in truth he hates you right now”, Bayo said.
I don’t care. He doesn’t understand anything, he will get over those attitudes with time, i said to Bayo.
He sighed.
Bayo, please stop it, your words are hurting me. You the one i love, i said, crying the more.
He sighed again.
“I love you too, but we can’t go on anymore”, Bayo said, with a teary eye.
Please, don’t say such. I believe God has answered our prayers.
“I will die anytime soon”, Bayo said, as the tears began to roll down his face.
You won’t die! Don’t say such.
“One has to just accept the truth in life”, Bayo said and sighed.
Bayo, please stop it please. Go for a test again, i know God has heard us please, i pleaded, still crying.
“Have heard you”, he said whipping my tears and petting me.
Just then Johnson came to the sitting.
“I want to drink caprison”, he said.
“He must be very hungry now, since he didn’t eat dinner yesterday and he threw away his breakfast this
morning”, I said in my mind.
I looked at Johnson and sighed. Bayo looked at him also.
Johnson, i will get it for you later, I’m not in the mood now, I said.
He started crying.
Johnson, get away from my sight now! I yelled at him angrily. I poured out my anger on him, like he was
the cause of my pains.
“Let’s go and get it”, Bayo said, petting Johnson.
He refused to eat, so let him be, I said to Bayo.
Bayo, still got up to go get it for him.
Rest, i will go myself, I told Bayo.
It’s caprison you want? Let’s go, i said, to Johnson.
When we got to the gate, I opened the gate, then I realized I didn’t take my purse with me. We walked
back to the house, Johnson waited for me in the veranda.
“What happened?” Bayo asked.
I didn’t take my purse along with me, I said, walking to my room.
“Seems Johnson loves caprison drink a lot?” Bayo asked.
Yes, very.. I said.
“Why don’t you get the carton of it at home?” Bayo asked.
His mid term break his over, am supposed to have taken him back to the house he loves to stay, I said.
I heard Johnson’s footsteps running.
Johnson! Wait for me, I’m coming! I yelled out.
“Even though, how much is the carton of the drink?” Bayo asked.
I don’t know. Ibrahim was the one who used to get it then, I said and sighed.
“It shouldn’t be one more than 4k.”
It shouldn’t be up to that, I said, as I tried to calculate how much it may cost.
He took his wallet and counted 4k out.
“Get it for him and make him happy”, Bayo said, giving me the money.
It’s well, I said and sighed.
“We still have a lot to discuss”, Bayo said.
When i walked out of the house to the veranda, I couldn’t believe it. Ibrahim and his mom were at the
front of the gate. Ibrahim carried Johnson tight to himself.
I stood still for a while, looking in surprise. Me and Ibrahim maintained eye contact looking at each
“How did they get to know here?” I asked myself.
Leave my son! I yelled at him angrily, from where i was standing.
Bayo, opened the door and came out.
“What’s happening?” He asked.
He looked towards the gate, he saw them and kept mute.
I walked up to him angrily, to pull Johnson from him. I hated seeing him because of what he did to me,
but I still had feelings for him. Before, I got to gate, they walked outside the compound. Johnson was
already in his car with his grandmother.
I looked at him, angrily.
I walked up to the car, pulling the handle of the door but it was locked.
Open this door now!!!! I kept on shouting at him, forcing the door to open with teary eyes.
“Please, calm down. Take things easy”, he was on his kneels pleading.
Look! Am not going to take it easy unless you let my son out now! I shouted at him, as tears rolled down
my eyes.
“Please, he is our son, our son. Not your son alone. Please, calm down we can solve things calmly. I
know you still mad at me that’s why are acting this way”, he pleaded, begging me.
I didn’t listen to him, i still kept on shouting at him to let my son out. I started hitting the glass of the car
angrily crying, I wished the glass could just break at that moment.
I got so angry the more as he still kept on pleading.
Get out! I yelled at him angrily than ever.
It’s seems you want your car to be destroyed, I said to him angrily.
” I don’t care. I love you and i want you back. You all that matters to be now”, Ibrahim pleaded.
I will never come back to you, never!
I took stones from the ground and started throwing it at the glass of his car, angrily.
His mom started pleading inside the car.
“Please, just stop acting mad. What if the glass gets broken and injures our son, you will regret it and we
will both suffer it”, Ibrahim said, still pleading.
“That is true.” I stopped, i broke down crying the more. Johnson, was silent.
Free my son now!!!! I kept on yelling at him angrily, forcing the handle of the car again.
He still kept on pleading.
People gathered around asking me what was happening.
This man here kidnapped my son before I came out of my house.
They all looked at their selves.
“But your son you say is kidnapped isn’t even crying or saying anything”, one of them said.
I don’t understand too. You all know how people now kidnap this days, i am very sure he must have
charmed my son that’s why he is just keeping quite, i said, hoping they will help me.
They all looked at their selves. Some brought out their phone to start recoding.
Ibrahim stood surprised with his mouth wide opened. Bayo too stood surprised at my statement.
“Young man, release her son now!”, a man shouted at him boldly.
“Do you know who you are talking to? You don’t know what’s going on! You just come here to shout at
me!”, Ibrahim yelled at him angrily.
The man stood still.
“He is my daddy! My mommy is lying! She doesn’t want me to be with my daddy. She lied to me that my
daddy is dead!”, Johnson said, inside the car.
They all looked at their selves and fixed their eyes on Johnson.
Johnson! I said loudly in my mind, as tears kept on rolling down my face.
“Madam, why na?
What did his father do?
Na wa o women wicked o.
Madam what ever he has done please forgive me.
So if this small boy no talk now we for believe this woman.
I fear her lie, her lie strong “, I heard different of them say. Some later left. Some still kept on recording.
Ibrahim, stood like he now had rest of mind.
Bayo stood still, without saying a word.
“Please ma, i don’t know what he might have done, please forgive him he is still your husband. Such
things happen in marriage, please forgive him”, a woman pleaded.
You don’t know what have been through…. I said, crying as i flashed back.
People started pleading for me to forgive him.
Ibrahim, walked closer to me.
Stay out of me!! I yelled at him angrily.
“Ha madam e done too much na”, a man pleaded.
“Na wa o, even as all of of us still dey beg, “, one of them said.
Ibrahim, walked closer to me and held my two hands, pleading.
Leave me alone! I yelled at him angrily, crying. I was forcing myself from him, but his strength is far more
than mine.
Two people went closer to car, talking to Johnson.
Leave me alone! I kept on yelling at him angrily. I was hoping one them would come help me but they
didn’t. They were still pleading for me to forgive him, that he is my husband no matter what he had
His mom sat in the car, like all she cared for was her grandson and she had gotten him.
“No, am not going to let you go never not this time”, Ibrahim said.
Leave me! I’m not going back with you. Get your hands off me! I hate you.”
“Please baby, forgive me i know you are still mad at me that’s why you are acting this way. Calm down
please. Let’s settle things and leave like one happy family again. I’m sorry. I love you and i can’t live
without you.
I’m married! I told you ok! I shouted at him, forcing myself from him, crying.
Ibrahim, turned to look at Bayo angrily.
Bayo stood still calmly. I could feel his pains also.
“Look i don’t care, i am not taking that. You are my wife and that’s our son there”, he said.
I don’t love you anymore, he is the one i love, i said, still forcing my hands from him.
He looked at Bayo again as if he should just destroy him immediately.
“So because of this man here, you want …. I cut him off.
Yes! He is far more better, he can’t even be compared to you. I hate you! I shouted at him angrily at the
top of my voice.
“Oh i see!”, Ibrahim said, as he got angry the more.
“I can see he has done something to you! You were never like this.
Now listen to me! Ibrahim said angrily than ever….
“You are going with me today weather you like it or not.”
I looked at Bayo, his eyes were already filled with tears.
People, still kept on pleading.
Bayo, walked closer to me. Ibrahim, looked at him angrily than ever. He was panting like he should just
destroy him.
“This is when you have to show your true christianity, to forgive. He is your husband and the father of
your son. Christ forgave us so we are to forgive our fellow human”, Bayo said.
Ibrahim looked at him surprised. Some, nodded their heads to what Bayo said.
I looked at Bayo quietly. His words hurt me the more, as tears still kept on rolling down my face.
Bayo, walked in. Later he open the gate. He entered his car and started the engine.
” Bayo! Bayo! Bayo! Bayo!…I screamed out crying, forcing my hands from Ibrahim.
Bayo, drove out he parked and came out from his car.
I calmed down a bit, i thought he was leaving.
Bayo, walked closer to me.
“I don’t think we are meant to be together with the way things happened”, he said and sighed.
Don’t say such, you are hurting me the more, I said, crying.
Bayo sighed again.
” Dear, things that happen in life, some are just meant to be temporary some are meant to be
permanent. Ours was just temporary I guess. But everything happens in life for a reason we may know
later or may never know.”
I looked at him quietly, as my tears kept rolling down my face.
“I must confess you one of the best woman i have ever met in my life. I just have to go now”, Bayo said,
as the tears in his eyes rolled down his face.
Bayo walked up to his car, he started the engine and drove.
No…Bayo! No..No..No..Bayo! Bayo! Bayo! I screamed out crying, forcing my hands from Ibrahim with all
my strength than ever.
Haaaaaaaaa…..haaaaaa…..haaaaa…haaaa, I screamed out in pains crying as Bayo drove out of sight.
That was how Bayo left.
“Now you see, he has left you”, Ibrahim said.
Get out! Leave me! I hate you! You made him to leave! I shouted at Ibrahim crying, the pains came back
People, still kept on pleading for me to forgive him, some were still recording.
“Mommy, forgive my daddy and let’s go home”, Johnson said, crying.
I still kept on forcing myself from him crying.
“Am not going to let you go. I love you”, Ibrahim said.
With people that were pleading, Johnson that was also crying, that’s how Ibrahim forced me to go with
Ibrahim’s mom didn’t say a word she held Johnson close to herself, looking at me.
“Bayo, Bayo why”, I said in my mind, crying.
As he kept on driving, I couldn’t stop crying.
To be continued.
Though Ibrahim had forced me to go with him, i followed him too because of my son Johnson he hated
me, because i didn’t let him go near his father and that hurt me the more. Johnson’s cry pierced my
heart that’s why I followed him, you know that motherly affection for a child.
“This is our house!” Johnson shouted happily when we all came out from the car.
He still remembered.
He and his grandmother went in.
I stood still crying, as I flashed back to the day we first moved in into the house, the day I slapped
Johnson, the day the harm robbers came, how Johnson got lost, how Ibrahim had brought Aliya in, the
day I left the house. I felt the pains the more as i remembered.
“Please, let’s go in”, Ibrahim said.
He wanted to hold my hands, but i didn’t allow him too.
“Please, i am sorry. Let’s go in please”, Ibrahim pleaded.
I hesitated for a while, before i quietly followed him in.
When we got in, i flashed back to Bayo and what he said…
“Dear, things that happen in life some are just meant to be temporary, some are meant to be
permanent. Ours was just temporary i guess. But everything happens in life for a reason we may know
later or may never know.”
I broke down the more crying. Ibrahim, kept on pleading and petting him.
His mom was in the kitchen, preparing food.
When the food was ready they ate but i refused to no matter how Ibrahim begged me to eat.
Later his dad arrived. Am sure they had told him Johnson was found.
Johnson, stood still, looking at his grandfather. He walked up to him and carried him. Johnson, still kept
on looking at him strangely, am sure he didn’t recognize him again.
His mom sat beside his dad. His dad kept on talking to us, to settle things between us.
They asked me how i found Johnson and i narrated the story to them.
His mom didn’t really say much, I still noticed that look on her face that she didn’t still like me due to the
fact i am christian, or may be it was just my thought.
Ibrahim said Aliya had a man who she was engaged to, she lied to him that the man is her elder bro.
Ibrahim, said he helped him get a job through his connection. He said they also traveled out of the
country and the day they were supposed to come back to Nigeria, before he woke up Aliya had left to
live with a friend of hers there. Later after some months she helped the man she called her brother to
travel to come meet her. He said, Aliya later confessed all that to him one day when she called him.
“So it’s because of what Aliya did to Ibrahim that’s was why his mom followed him to come look for me
pleading”, I said in my mind.
“They are married and doing very well. Please, forgive me. I was very stupid. I didn’t know what came
over me am sure she must have charmed by her. Please, I love you”, Ibrahim said to me, as tears rolled
down his face.
His father sighed.
“That’s how it happened. I was never in support of that when i got to know. When i came here he told
me you had left, I tried my best to reach you but your lines weren’t going through. We are very happy,
Almighty Allah brought Johnson back to us. Please, forgive our son so you can now live as one happy
family, and I and my wife will be happy too”, His dad pleaded.
I sighed.
Johnson, had slept off since on his grandmother lap.
His dad talked to us till 1:45am.
“I’m very happy, you have forgiven our son”, his dad said smiling.
” Thanks baby. I am so happy. I love you so much”, Ibrahim said, on his kneels holding my hands.
It’s okay, i said as tears rolled down my eyes.
“It’s late now, I think we should all go to bed now”, his dad said.
We both hugged each other, crying.
His mom and dad smiled, looking at both us.
“Baby, you haven’t eaten”, Ibrahim said.
“She will eat now”, his dad said.
“Your food is still covered in the kitchen, let me go get it for you”, Ibrahim said.
He fed me on the dining table and i managed to eat. His mom and dad kept on looking at us smiling and
As we walked to our room, i stopped to open the door of Johnson’s room it looked so dusty. I flashed
back to the times we lived happily.
“C’mon “, he said as he carried me like a baby to our room.
Jonson’s, slept in the same room with his grandparents.
When we got to our room, he opened the door and switched on the light.
I stood, looking all around. It was still the same, only that my things were no longer in his room as I had
taken all. The room was filled with only his things like that of bachelor’s room.
He came closer to me, i looked at him.
To be continued.
He walked closer to me the more.
Hey! Don’t you dare take a step again, i said in anger.
He looked at surprised.
I laughed at him, mockingly.
I thought you were smart? You truly think i have forgive you? I asked him.
He stood still, looking at me. He couldn’t believe it.
“I thought you have forgiven me”, he said.
Yes, i had forgiven you right from the day I left your house ok.
I just acted like I had forgiven him, just to respect his parents, so it won’t be like elders are begging me
and am still refusing to forgive him. You know as a Yoruba lady, i have to show respect to them.
“Then why are you still behaving like this to me?” He asked.
Look, am done with you since over a year now, i said.
He went on his kneels pleading.
Ibrahim, stop wasting your time pleading, ok!
“Please, like i said i didn’t know what came over me. You the one i love and no one else”, he said, still
I want you to just know one thing in that brain of yours that i didn’t follow you back because i love you, i
did that because of my son Johnson. It hurt me as a mother to see him cry. I acted like i have forgiven
you just because of your parents.
He looked at me surprised again.
He still kept on pleading.
He came closer to me to hold my hand.
Ibrahim, don’t you dare come closer to me, have warned you.
He still did.
I raised my hand and slapped him on the face.
I looked back immediately, to be sure his parent didn’t hear, so they won’t come. I respect his dad so
much, he is so nice, that is the more reason i acted like i had forgive him.
Ibrahim, got up looking at me surprised, with his hand on his face i slapped him.
He walked to the door, and opened it.
Where do you think going? I asked him quietly.
He paused and looked at me.
Mom’s pet, I said mockingly.
You are going to report to her right?
If you do, i swear the next day you found Johnson and i, and if you try to do anything i swear you will
regret it. Don’t think you putting security guards or whatever like you did then will stop me, I said to
him, seriously in anger.
He locked the door and came to sit on the bed.
I stood still looking.
He later spoke.
“Won’t you come to the bed to sleep, it’s late please”, he said.
On which bed? With who? Who isn’t my husband, no i can’t do that with a man who forcefully took me
away from the man i am married to, i said
He looked at me surprise again.
“Please, do you know what you said, how it hurt me now? ” He asked.
Who cares? I said, without caring a bit how he felt.
I sat down on the sofa chair in the room to rest.
He bowed his head, with his two hands on his face.
I had almost slept off, when i felt someone touched my shoulder, i got up quickly. The lights were off.
“I’m the one”, Ibrahim said.
Who? I asked him pretending not to know.
” Me”, he said.
Haven’t i warned you not to ever touch me with that hand of yours again, I said angrily.
“Yes you did. Please, I’m sorry”, he said.
I hissed and laid down on the chair.
“Please, let’s talk things out this night”, he said pleading.
I got up again.
Ibrahim, or whatever you call yourself there is noting to talk about again. I’m only here because of my
son, just to make him happy and noting more.
“I know. Please, i want you to be here for me also. I love you please, i can’t live well without you. Please,
i was just so stupid. I didn’t know how it happened. I promise to do anything to that will make you
happy with me again. I love you”, Ibrahim said, as tears rolled down his eyes.
Even if you die now and come back to life for me to accept you i don’t care, i won’t accept you. We are
done since ok. Don’t you get!
I am tired of you begging me, ok! Leave me, or don’t you understand english anymore? Fi mi le ha! I said
in anger, and hissed.
He still kept on pleading.
I got up angrily and walked to the sitting room. He followed me still pleading.
No… no…no, Ibrahim what’s all this? I am tired of your pleading o ti sun mi , I said quietly, angrily. I
walked back to the room, he followed me back.
You are frustrating me ok, i said, as we entered the room.
He still kept on pleading.
Please, Ibrahim just leave me ok. Go back to your Aliya or whatever. You cherish her na.
“Please, don’t ever mention her name again.”
I looked at him.
I’m so sorry i took you for granted. You the only one who is everything to me more. Am noting to you
right now but i am just noting without you, my life is just noting without you. When i realized myself
since three months ago i couldn’t live without you. I had to beg a guy to follow you up the day you left
with that man. I had no cash on me I had to give him one my most expensive phone, just for him to
agree to follow you up. Please I’m sorry. You have all the rights to me mad at me but please forgive me. I
deeply regret hurting you, i deeply regret making you leave, it’s the greatest regret I have in my life right
now. Please, forgive me. I’m sorry for destroying our marriage. Please, i love you. I’m deeply sorry. You
can see the pains in my eyes”, he said, on his kneels facing me.
Uncontrollable tears kept rolling down his face.
Leave me. Just get out, I said, and pushed him away.
“Please, i am not going to leave you. You are the one i love”, he said, pleading holding my hand.
If you don’t leave me now, you will regret what i will do in the next second, I said angrily.
He took away his hands from me.
” No matter how long, i am ready to wait till you forgive me”, he said.
He whipped his tears away with his hands, as he went to sit on the bed.

The next morning,
he woke up before me. We both sat down staring at each other, it was really crazy.
Later Johnson walked in, he stood looking at the both of us. Ibrahim, walked up to him and carried him.
Johnson, kept on looking at me.
His mom prepared breakfast. We sat down, eating on dinning like one big happy family who just
They kept on talking, i managed to flow in the discussion. Jonson too was talking.
I kept on putting on a fake smile. I gave Ibrahim a different look, anytime he glanced at me as we were
“Why are you looking that?” His mom asked when she noticed me.
No ma. I’m trying to tell him something, he understands, I said, smiling the more.
His mom turned to look at him.
“Yes, i understand her”, Ibrahim said, smiling.
Good… I said in my mind.
“E fi le o. They both understand each other”, his dad said, smiling at the both of us.
“Ha, e ma bi nu o. Mo ti gbo”, his mom said and continued eating.
“It’s a lie”, Johnson said.
We all turned and focused our attention on him. I gave Johnson a angry look. I knew Johnson knew i
hadn’t forgive him.
“What’s a lie?” His mom asked.
He kept mute, looking.
I knew he didn’t say a word because of the look i gave him.
I paused, when i had managed to eat half of the food.
Please, excuse me. I’m coming, I said, and got up smiling.
“Okay my dear”, his dad said.
His mom kept on looking at me.
“Where are you going to?” Johnson asked.
I’m coming, i said walking away.
Ibrahim, got up.
“Kilode? Ni bo le lo?” (What happened? Where are you going?) His mom asked him.
“Mo bor.” (I’m coming), Ibrahim said.
He followed me to the room.
No, can you just tell me what’s your problem. Must you follow me like we are tied together? I asked
him, looking at him angrily.
“I’m sorry. Why did you get up as we were eating?”
And how as that got to do with you? I asked him angrily.
“I’m sorry. Can we go back now?” Ibrahim asked me.
Did i ask you to come with me? So why must we go together?
He sighed, looking at me.
My phone rang. It was Joyce, she had been calling me since.
I picked up the call, and told her i will call her later.
Ibrahim looked at me, like to know who called me.
His mom called him, and we both left the room immediately.
I held his hand smiling, as we walked down the stairs. He didn’t say a word.
After all, his parents left in the afternoon.
It’s time to show Ibrahim, i said in my mind.
I was walking out of the house to sit outside, when Johnson ran up to me and held me. He started
What’s it? Why are you crying? Did he do anything to you? I asked him.
“Mommy, you are going”, Johnson said.
I sighed. I thought it was something serious.
I’m not going dear, i said, petting him.
“Okay. Let’s go inside”, Johnson said.
Let’s go, i said and carried him.
Later Joyce called, i explained everything to her. She was surprised. She talked to me to forgive him that
God has brought him back. She was so happy saying..God has restored my marriage, that i should be
“God has brought him back” I kept on recalling Joyce’s statement.

MY PAINS Part 55

To be continued.

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4 years ago

You have to forgive and forget dear. Kudos to the writer

4 years ago

She should forgive him. That’s the best thing to do and move on.

Bakare Temidayo
Bakare Temidayo
4 years ago

If it is me I would feel too embittered to have anything to do again with such a man. She even try to follow him home

4 years ago

Let him suffer small. Thanks for updating

Egunjobi Omolola
Egunjobi Omolola
4 years ago

I’m sorry to say it I will not forgive him bcs if Aliya didn’t hurt him,he won’t come back

3 years ago

I can’t tell you to forgive him, I also hate ibrahim at the moment ????????