MEANT TO BE Episode 17 – 18 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 4 by Azeemah Salami

MEANT TO BE Episode 17 by Azeemah Salami

Zeemah writes?

? Mig’s POV cont’d?

I stopped immediately I heard the front door open,the attic is soundproof but this house has been built for long..I mean decades so i wonder if the soundproof has not weaken,I can’t risk that so I had to stop playing the piano immediately.

I checked my wrist watch..’4:20′.
Wow I’ve been here for hours without even realising it.
I quickly covered my piano and hurried out of the attic.

I stepped into the living room to see Fleur looking worriedly at,who sat on the couch with her two palms in her hair.. groaning.
“What’s wrong ?” I asked.
“I don’t know but I think it’s her memory swing..we entered the house and she just suddenly sat on the couch groaning.

“Mig ! where the hell are you coming from,you are looking dirty” Fleur said.
“Uh..uhm” I said.
Elva suddenly stopped groaning.

“Elva did you remember anything ?” Fleur asked.
“When we came in,I heard the faint voice of someone singing and playing piano…I just felt weak and had to quickly sit down then it just came as a flash..I saw myself singing and playing piano” Elva narrated with.

Fleur gave a deep breath before turning to look at me,she already knows i was the one singing.
“Wow,you should be thankful. That means your memory has started coming gradually” Fleur said.

“It just came as a flash after i heard the piano and the voice” Elva said.
“Could it be that if you hear more of the piano and song,your memories will come flowing in cos it seems it’s a bit related to your past”.

“The voice was so amazing and i can tell it’s a male’s…Even if i heard it faintly,I love it but who was singing?..You don’t have neighbors” Elva said and i shifted in guilty.

Fleur looked up at me and i signaled her not to say anything.
“We don’t have neighbors but I think it’s from the next street”Fleur said with a sweet smile.

“Wow the person’s voice is amazing..I feel like listening to it all over again” Elva said and I blushed a little.

If only she knows i was the one

“So welcome ladies..Elva how was work?” I asked.
“It was great. I love the work already i can’t wait to get back to the children tomorrow” She said happily.

Awwn…she must love kids a lot.
“Bro your little sis is starving” Fleur said.
“I Know your hospital provides breakfast and lunch..why don’t you eat at work ?” I asked.

“The meal at the hospital is not as tasty as yours, i also couldn’t eat much” Elva said.
“Yes Elva is right” Fleur said.
“Well…I remained some rice and chicken for you guys, it’s in the refrigerator you can mic…” I haven’t finished talking when they both ran off to the kitchen.

Gross !!

I walked to my room to freshen up,i truly looked dirty,I have to clean up the attic tomorrow because I’ve decided that’s where i will be using for now.
I just don’t know…I felt real good after singing and playing the piano.

Of course that’s how i always feel after doing that.
I need to freshen up” I said walking to my bathroom.

? Elva’s POV?

Fleur and i sat on the dining chair eating hungrily.
I now understand why Fleur always come home complaining of hunger.
“The children are so smart” I said in between the meal.

“Yes they are…hope you had no problem in coping with them?” Fleur asked before biting into her chicken.
“Not at all even though they talk a lot, i like it anyway.. it’s a lot better than doing nothing” I said scooping the last spoon of rice in my mouth.

Now I gotta deal with the chicken ?

“Mig is a very good cook” I said biting into my chicken.
“Sure he is. I prefer his meals to mine.
“Thanks for the clothes and shoes Fleur” I said.
She bought some work clothes and shoes for me while we were coming back home.

“You are welcome Elva,so how is our hospital?” She asked.
“It’s very nice and beautiful,the workers are also very nice,they came to introduce themselves to short;the hospital is perfect. The only that isn’t perfect is their meal and I guess it’s because the cook is getting old” I said with a mouthful.

“Yeah…she kept begging doc not to replace her, promising to improve but she kept on doing the same thing” Fleur said.
“Ohhh” I said with pity.

I perceived the scent of shampoo and immediately know Mig is near.
I looked up from my meal and saw him coming towards the dining room.

He has changed into a black singlet which did little in covering up his broad chest..The black curly hair on his chest are visible.
My gaze went to his sexy muscles looking attractive and finally I gazed up..I gasped.
His hair is dripping wet, scrolling all over his cute face,and he kept using his small red lips to blow them off.

I swallowed hard with heat rushing to my cheeks.
His silver eyes blinked twice and I wasn’t aware I had dropped my chicken.
“Fleur where is your hair towel? mine is in the laundry” He said without even sparing me a glance.

I faced my chicken back in embarrassment meal.
“It’s on the bathroom cabinet”Fleur said.
“Ok,start preparing dinner once you are done eating” He said to Fleur before walking away.

Why does my heart beat faster anytime Mig is around?
Why does my heart feel funny?
And who is he? to make me feel this way ?.


Fleur and i finished preparing dinner,after we finished eating.
It’s night already,we just ate little of the dinner cos we just finished eating.
Mig ate a lot, claiming he didn’t eat lunch.
We kept the remaining in the refrigerator and planned to microwave it for breakfast tomorrow.

We headed to our rooms after exchanging goodnight.
I slipped under the blanket after bathing and changing into my pyjamas.
I tossed on the bed as i kept thinking about the amazing faint voice I heard earlier.

Who could own such a voice?
I can do anything to hear it again.
My mind trailed back to Mig… Where was he coming from looking so dirty?
Well..he might just be cleaning up.


(Being Elva)

Episode 18

Zeemah writes ?

? Elva’s POV?

I walked out of my room after dressing in a simple black gown with white shoes and white shoulder bag. Elva bought all for me yesterday.
My hair is in the normal ponytail and my olive skin shone with the help of the body lotion.

I walked to Fleur’s door and knocked but there was no answer. I opened it…she isn’t in.
I closed it back and walked to the living room… No one was there,i heard some sounds from the kitchen and hurried there.

Fleur is in the kitchen backing me, she’s clad in a purple mini gown with black shoes,her bob is well arranged and her light skin glowed softly…She has a nice body.

“Fleur” I called and she turned..her face dissolved in a smile.
“Good morning Elva” She said.
“Good morning Fleur, I’ve checked you in your room”
“Oh…I quickly came into the kitchen to microwave yesterday’s leftover so we can have a little breakfast before we leave” She said.

“Ok Fleur and besides you look good”I said.
“Thanks Elva,you also look great, your body fits in any cloth you put on” She said.
“Quit the teasing Fleur” I said.
“I’m freaking serious Elva,you have an amazing body together with a beautiful face” Fleur said and i smiled.

“Thanks” I said and carried the tray containing our breakfast to the dining room.


We finished eating, carried our bags and said Goodbye to Mig.

We got to the hospital and entered,said ‘hi’ to the nurses at the reception before going our separate ways.

“Good morning cutie pies” I said loudly entering the ward.
“Good morning Elva” They chorused.
I dropped my bag on the desk and walked back to their beds, asking them how their night went.

I finished doing that and walked back to sit.
“Elva I’m hungry” Mitchell said..
“Your breakfast will soon arrive,just hold on okay” I said and she nodded.
“Elva can you sing us a song before breakfast arrives” Daniel said and i smiled.
“ ?” I asked.
“Yes please” They chorused and i sighed.

“Mrs Morgan normally tells us stories and also sing” Mitch said.
“Ok, uhm…how about we leave the song till tomorrow but I have an interesting story to tell you” I said
“Really?” They asked.

“Yes,now you all should sit quietly on your beds and listen” I said and they obeyed immediately.

They must love stories a lot..

I began… telling the story.


“Wow” They exclaimed after I finished telling the story.
“It’s interesting” Dan said.
“Tell us more please” Mitch begged.
“Yes Elva please” They chorused.

“Ok..ok but that will be after your breakfast”
“I have some questions about the story Elva” Mitch said.
“Ok go on Mitch” I said but the door came in and the cook came in with their breakfast including mine, i know I’m not gonna eat it.

“Good morning ma’am” I greeted.
“Good morning Elva” She said,handed the basket to me and turned to leave, walking slowly to the door.

“Why does your meal always taste sour ?”
“Your meals are not always delicious” The children muttered and her face went pale.

Gosh…This kids !!

“Come-on kids,that was rude. Apologize right now” I scolded but they hesitated.
“We are sorry ma’am” They finally said.
She nodded before walking away.
I shook my head and began dishing out their breakfast…I distributed it to them and they started eating.

I left mine untouched and started reading the novel I stole from Mig’s libary?


“It’s time for lunch” I announced after checking the wall clock…I just finished telling them another story but they kept pestering me for more..

“Arrgh…we gotta eat that woman’s meal again” Dan complained.
“Just manage in for now, I’m sure she will improve soon” I said and they nodded.

The cook brought in their lunch and and I dished it out for them.. they started eating.
The door opened and that guy came in..Ben.
“Hey children” He said waving.
“Hey doc. Ben” They chorused before resuming their meal.

He walked towards my table with a smile.
“Hey Elva”
“Hey Ben” I replied.
“How are you?” He asked.
“I’m fine thanks”
“Ok..then,have you had your lunch ?” He asked.

“No, I will. When i get home” I said.
“I don’t really like the meal here” I said.
“Same goes to me, so why don’t we just go out for lunch” He said.

“Thanks but i don’t think I can” I said.
“Why?” He asked with a little frown.
“I can’t leave the children all alone, I’m employed here to look after them” I said.
“Oh….that?” He asked and smiled.

“Nurse Claire will come stay with them” He said.
“Nurse Claire isn’t employed to do so, I’m the one who is.” I said realizing I’m damn hungry.
“Please..I just don’t like going out to eat lunch alone and I’m starving right now” He pleaded.

“What if Doc finds out that I neglected my work just because of lunch”
“He isn’t going to do anything,he is my uncle and besides I’ve told him” He said.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yeah” He said with a wink and I smiled.

“Ok i will go with you but..” I said.
“What?” He asked.
“Fleur is gonna come with us”I said.
“Fleur is attending to a labour in the emergency ward but if you want me to let her stop, then I will” He said .

“No.. just let her be,i don’t wish to disturb her from work. Where is nurse Claire,i have to make sure she’s here before i leave with you” I said.
“Oh.. she’s here already” He said pointing to the door. Just then Nurse Claire walked in.

“Ok…Mitch,Dan and others,I will be back soon okay” I said and they nodded.
I walked out of the door with Ben heading to the cafeteria down the street.


“Thanks for the lunch Ben” I said while we were walking back to the hospital.
“It’s nothing” he said.
Lunch with Ben was great,he made me laugh hard and I also get to know more about him, he’s jovial and fun to be with.

We got to the hospital and I thanked him once more before we departed.
I walked to my ward,thanked Nurse Claire before she went back to her duty.

I sat down and checked the time; 3:58 pm.just two minutes to my closing time.
I have to start packing up,Fleur will come call me soon.
I started packing up.

Fleur came in few minutes later and i stood up carrying my bag.
“Bye children” I said.
“Bye Elva” They chorused.
“And don’t forget you promised to sing a song for us tomorrow” Mitch said and I sighed.

Gosh..I have to start searching for a song.

“Ok children Bye” I said walking out with Fleur.
We signed out and bid the staff ‘good bye’ before walking home.
“Fleur, Ben asked me to lunch” I said on our way home.
“Yes, I actually told him you should go with us but he said you were attending to a labour.

“Yes that’s true,hope you enjoyed your lunch?”
“Yes, Ben is really fun to be with” I said.
“Of course”…

? Mig’s POV?

I started cleaning up the attic immediately Fleur and Elva left in the morning..
It took me hours…I swept,mopped,dusted,cleaned,scrubbed,arranged and all but I’m satisfied with the way the attic looks now.
It’s sparkling clean with no trace of dust,I arranged the luggage carefully to a side.

My piano is now placed beside the window,I sprayed some air freshener after I’m done and ‘wow’..I can’t help but appreciate my efforts.

I quickly went to have my bath,changed into a new set of clothes,cooked and ate before going back to the attic.

I sat on my piano stool and smiled,I checked the time; 3:30.
Wow,time is far spent, they will be home soon and i have to be done before they get home.
I began singing and playing my piano.

I felt excitement bubble in usual.
I sang with more desire and it felt great.. I was lost in the song that I didn’t heard the front door open.
I stopped when I heard Fleur saying ‘we are home’. I quickly covered my piano and hurried out of the attic.

I stepped into the living room and saw Fleur and Elva.
“Welcome” I said.
“Thanks Mig” They said.
“I can swear I heard the same voice singing just now” Elva said and I bit my lips.

“Really?” Fleur asked feigning ignorance.
“Yes,the voice is amazing”She said.
“Yes i also heard it” I lied.

“Leave that for now, I’m starving” Fleur said.
“Your lunch is in the kitchen” I said.
“I think i will just go freshen up,i’m full already” Elva said.
“Did you had lunch at work?” I asked.

“Yes, Ben took her for lunch” Fleur said and I felt anger rose in me.
“Ben ?..
Who is Ben and why the hell will he take her to lunch” I yelled in anger before I could stop myself.

MEANT TO BE Episode 17


Awwn it seems Mig is angry right now..
Now let’s discuss, should Elva have accepted to go to lunch with Ben?

Don’t hesitate to drop your comment ?

MEANT TO BE Episode 17

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4 years ago

Sweet story

4 years ago

Miguel is f*cking jealous……?
Been should just leave Elva alone ?

Oni Kikelomo Priscilla
Oni Kikelomo Priscilla
4 years ago

Lover boy

Atume Damian
Atume Damian
4 years ago

The thing is Mig is yet to make known of his intentions so Elva is not to be blamed yet

4 years ago

Elva shud nt HV accepted the offer of going to lunch with Ben

Mrs A
Mrs A
4 years ago

Mig’s intentions are yet to be clearly spelt out so why not, his jealousy though is funny ?

Grace Nambeye
Grace Nambeye
2 years ago

I love guys who are a bit jealous 😂😂And yes she should have accepted