MARY Season 3 Episode 1 A DRAGON QUEEN By Danny Walker

MARY Season 3 Episode 1 A DRAGON QUEEN By Danny Walker

MARY Season 3 Episode 1 A Dragon Queen By Danny Walker

By: Danny Walker…08166781946 (call or whatsapp) [email protected]

Read MARY Season 1 by clicking > HERE

Sometimes the dark side wins but certain circumstances can change things… “What do we do with the body?” Maria asked Lucifer “Allow me deal with that” he said “So what now?” she asked “Go home to your husband” he said smiling and she was a little surprised but she disappeared. Lucifer walked over to Yvonne’s lifeless body and squatted beside it, he then stared at her for sometime

“What a beautiful waste” he said beside her, he then brought out a large tube from his suit, about 3cm wide and 10cm long, he then signaled the blood with hand to rise from the ground and some quantity of the blood came up like there was no gravity and it entered the test tube, he covered it and put it in his coat. He then stared at her for some time again “You lucky bastard; it’s a pity I can’t let you die now”

he said and touched her head and her blood flowed back into her body and the knife cut disappeared but she didn’t wake up; he then carried her in his arms and disappeared…

Metatron and Bazel stood facing each other “Brothers do not kill brothers” Metatron said “I have reasons to kill you” Bazel said “Bazel!!! Leviathans don’t take orders from Angels” Metatron said “I take orders from no one!!!” he said loudly “You cannot live on Lucifer’s words, I had plans to let you out” Metatron said “Lies!!!” Bazel yelled and threw a lightning bolt at him but he moved his shoulder backwards and it missed him

“Metatron doesn’t lie” he said and Bazel looked at his left and saw a body on the ground; the body of Uzor.

He stretched his hand towards him and some electric charges went into him and he came back to life but was under Bazel’s possession; his eyes were shining with white light “We don’t need to do this” Metatron said and Bazel sent Uzor to him.

Uzor ran towards Metatron and threw a lightning bolt but he dodged and Possessed Uzor jumped up into the air and was descending with fire in his hand and as he came close Metatron caught him by the neck and slammed him on the ground and quickly placed his hand on Uzor’s head and removed the strange energy and fortunately Uzor was back to life “Metatron?” he said as he lay on the floor “Run away now” he yelled and Uzor ran out

“You don’t need him” Metatron said “Enough guys” Lucifer said as he appeared beside Bazel with Yvonne in his hand “Who are you to give me orders?” Bazel said angrily

“Come on, am not giving you orders? If you kill him our plans will fail, I will explain to you later” Lucifer said “What did you do to her?” Metatron said “Actually, I used her as a portal to bring in Bazel so don’t worry she’s alive because if she dies Bazel dies and if you kill Bazel she dies” Lucifer said ad dropped her on the floor “You are taking advantage of an Arch-General” Metatron said “No?

We work together” Lucifer said “Father will destroy you, his wrath will fall brutally” Metatron said “Your Father not mine!!!” Lucifer yelled pointing to Metatron “He can’t do anything; he’s just hiding in heaven. He doesn’t even care about you, he sent his toys to destroy you and here you are calling him father; what a shame” Lucifer said and Arnold was silent “You are not Worthy to be a Leviathan”

Bazel said and disappeared with Lucifer. Arnold quietly walked to Yvonne and carried her in his arms and went out the church…

11:00pm same night… Arnold walked out the church with Yvonne in his arms “Hey, over here” Uzor said loudly waving his hand and he walked to Uzor “Where’s Rachael?” Arnold asked “In the car, crying” he said and they walked to the car Uzor opened the door and Arnold dropped Yvonne at the back with Rachael “O my God what happened to her?”

Rachael said holding Yvonne “She’s fine” Arnold said Uzor drove off through their magical projection They arrived at their home and Arnold placed Yvonne on the sofa in the sitting room “Is she dead?” Rachael asked “No” “What happened to her?” Rachael asked as she sat beside Yvonne “Lucifer used her” “My God, will she be fine?” Rachael asked “Yes, but she is linked to Bazel” Arnold said “What does that mean?” she asked “If Bazel dies she dies and vice versa” Uzor said

“Did Maria do this?” Rachael asked “She was of assistance” Arnold said “O God, what is all these? How did all these start? When did Maria develop this strange powers? This is all crazy, I don’t get it or am I going insane because I saw Maxwell today” Rachael cried “Wait, you saw Maria’s husband?” Arnold asked “Yes for real” she said “I see, that means Maria made a deal with Lucifer” “Deal? What deal?” Rachael said “Lucifer is very subtle;

he used that to make her work for him” “Work for him? What job could anyone do for the devil other than kill” Rachael said

“yes kill; Lucifer wants my powers but since Yvonne had already given them to me, he decided to use her blood to bring Bazel here” Arnold said “Why on earth would he choose Yvonne?” “Because she has traces of my powers in her which is enough to draw all the Leviathans to the earth” “No no no no no, I believe am in a bad dream” Rachael said “No its real” Uzor said “Hello there” a voice said and they turned to see Lucifer at the door “Who are you?” Rachael asked “He’s Lucifer”

Arnold said and Rachael quickly moved behind Arnold “Why should a beauty like you be scared of me” Lucifer said “What do you want?” Uzor said and Lucifer looked at him “Who are you to speak to me” Lucifer said “What do you want?” Arnold said “Is there anything you can offer?” Lucifer said mockingly “Then why are you here?” Arnold said “Yvonne wont wake up” he said “And why is that?”

Arnold said “Because Bazel lives so she will sleep and if you attempt waking her, she will die and I know you don’t want that”

“You Satan” Rachael said behind Arnold and Lucifer looked at her “When you die I will be waiting for you” Lucifer said to her and she was silent “I know you are very manipulative to humans but not a Leviathans” Arnold said “(Chuckles) You think this is manipulation?

Well then go ahead and do it” he said “What do you hope to achieve with all these?” Arnold asked “I can’t believe you’d ask that… Bazel will stay and with him working with me, I will crush you to nothing and ascend above the most high(your father) and I will sit on his throne and make him bow to me and I shall be proclaimed God” he said with pride “You must be a fool to think Bazel will serve you” Arnold said “Let me worry about that” Lucifer said and disappeared “Am sorry but if that’s Lucifer then he’s more stupid than I thought, how can he think of taking God’s position,

well I might not be a cool fan of Gods’ but Lucifer probably wouldn’t fit in the throne” Rachael said “Angels are not small” Uzor said “Are they as big as God?” Rachael asked “Let me tell you something” Arnold said “Angels and Leviathans are way too bid to fit into the earth but we have the ability to go smaller than our normal size but in our original size, we can’t fit into your universe” “What? Did you say Universe?” Uzor said

“Even in our original size we are not as big as our father so if Lucifer wants to defeat God he would have to grow as big as God which is impossible but he has this believe that he can and I don’t know where he gets his encouragement from”

Arnold said “That’s the point, he’s just full of empty dreams” Rachael said “Wait, you said something about Angels being as big or bigger than our universe, am sorry but I find that hard to believe” Uzor said “Come on Uzor, why worry about that?” Rachael asked “Your universe is like a molecule, your solar system is the atom and your planets are the electrons with the sun being the nucleus but in order for us to come into your world, we have to less sub-atomic” “Waw interesting, one more thing please”

Uzor said “No no no, please you guys should return to earth ok? We have Yvonne here who needs our help, what do we do?” Rachael said “You guys should get some rest, I will come up with something” Arnold said “I wanna stay with her” Rachael said “No I will be here” Arnold said “Get some rest” he added…

NEXT DAY, 10:15am… Max had left for work, Maria was home alone, she was busy with her laptop and working on her blog. Sorry I failed to mention Maria owns one of the richest and most popular blog in Nigeria and she has administrators who manage it for her and she makes a lot of money from it.

There was a polite knock on the door “Am coming” she said and stood up with a glass of juice and walked to the door and opened it and as she did she was surprised “Lucifer?” she said with surprise “No call me Damien” he said smiling and walked in “What are you doing here? Wait, why did you knock on the door?” she asked :”What, I thought that’s a polite way of coming into people’s houses” “Yes it is but you never come through the door, you always creep up on me” she said “Yeah but am trying something new” he said as he sat down and crossed his legs “something new?

Am interested please gist me” she said and sat on an arm chair “I don’t want you to be scared of me because I want you to work with me” he said “(chuckles) I thought the devil has demons working for him” she said mockingly “You should consider yourself lucky am talking to you” he said “(Laughs) I should consider myself lucky for talking to the devil?” she asked “You are the first human I have spoken to personally and physically in a long time” he said “Really?

Tell, me who are those you have spoken to a long time ago” she asked “very few” he said “I want to know those you have manipulated like myself” she said and he smiled “Well, your mother Eve was a quick catch, then Cain was lost and helpless but I found him and and gave him a life like am about to give you” “You forgot to mention Jesus” “Forget I never liked him anyway” “Yeah, because you failed to manipulate him” “That is not for us to discuss”

“So what is? And by the way, what do I offer you since you came in politely” she said “Am here for something different” “Am interested” she said “I revived Yvonne” he said “What?!!” she almost screamed “I have plans” he said

I have plans” he said “Are you crazy?” she said and he looked at her angrily and she started choking and coughing out blood from her mouth, she fell on the floor still coughing and was seriously vomiting blood out her mouth for the next 60secs “Wha… what are you do… doing to me? Pl… please stop!!” she begged as she almost chocked and suddenly it stopped; she had almost vomit half the blood in her and her clothes were all messed up and her mouth and blood filled the floor

“You will show my full respect from this day forth because I am your God and Master, I am the reason you have a happy home and henceforth you must never question my authority and never ever use abusive words on me or next time I’ll make you vomit your heart” she was on the floor in a pool of blood and was scared “Am sorry” she said cleaning her mouth “Now sit” he said to her and immediately her strength was restored and all the blood on her dress and the floor all disappeared like it never happened,

she was in shock as she looked around “I said sit” he repeated and she sat down “You almost killed me” she said “I could have made it worse” “If you kill me, who will work for you?” she said with fear “Like I said, consider yourself lucky” he said and she was silent “Now back to our topic; the reason I revived Yvonne was because I knew Bazel wouldn’t kill Metatron”

“But I taught he was under our control” she asked “(chuckles) Angels cannot control Leviathans, he is stronger than we are but I hold the key to his freedom and his imprisonment. And let me warn you, you must never trust him”

“And why is that?” she asked and he looked at her with an angry face “Sorry” she quickly said “He is not as emotional as Metatron and he is nine times more dangerous than the devil” he said “why bring him here when you know he is this powerful?” she asked “He may be dangerous but I am the most intelligent and wisest” he said “So now Yvonne is with Metatron, what do we do?” she asked

“Well, don’t be worried I know you want her dead but I can’t do that yet because if I do Metatron will definitely gatecrash my party in hell and ironically, all hell will break loose; he would slay my demons and beasts and am sure he will free souls and that wouldn’t favor me” “I see” she said “Well, that is not the reason am here”

he said and she was silent for some time “Then what else” “I am here to offer you a position in my kingdom” he said “No thanks, I don’t think I want a position in hell” she said and he laughed “If you die today, where do you think you’ll be?

Do you think you’ll be in heaven? You know that can never happen because you will be in hell burning and I will personally make sure you suffer, I will have my lesser demons chain your soul with red hot chains and wipe you with scorpions, they will pierce you with hot spears and pour hot lava down your throat… stop”

she interrupted him “Please stop, I know I won’t go to heaven but I also cannot survive those tortures but what position in hell could possibly be good” she said “Am not talking about hell” he said “Then where?” “here on earth” “On earth?” “I want to make you the Mother of all women on earth, the Queen of fashion and entertainment and the Goddess of World’s Pleasure (sex) “ “That doesn’t sound so good” she said

“It doesn’t because God has blinded you all to see it as horrible when its not, he has caged you all from seeing your world the way it is suppose to be, he doesn’t want you all to enjoy those benefits and that is why I want you to join me and bring freedom to mankind and bring shame to him”

“I can’t fight God” she said “Lies, all lies, he has made you believe he can’t be defeated, he hides himself from you all, he is not as powerful as you think. I have lived billions of years with him, he can be brought down and all I need is your support, you are the only person I need now to beat him” “Me?” she asked “Yes you, why do you think I came after you? You have great gifts and powers” “Why should I help you fight God?” she as

Why should I help you fight God?” she asked “Because if he wins you will burn in hell but if you win you will rule earth and heaven” She was silent for sometime; he had successfully gotten into her head “Ok I’ll join you and I will take the position” “Good but you must earn the position” he said “Earn? How?” “You have all it takes, you are a good writer, a good spokesperson, you have charisma” “Yeah I think I do”

“I want you to open the biggest club house in the country” “What?!! Where do I get such money?” “Money is not a problem, I can give you all the money in the world. You will build strippers clubs, hotels, sex clubs, you will organize orgies. You must invest your money into movie and music industry and you must promote sex movies because the people love it” “Alright I can do that, once I have the money” she said “I will show you how to manipulate rich and powerful men”

“Waw, am already loving this” “You must do something before we start” “What” she asked “We have to seal the agreement” he said “How do we do that?” “Let’s go to your room” he said and she understood “Again?” “Yes” “My husband, what would he say about all these?” she asked “With all the powers you have, you can make him dance to your music” he said and pulled her up and they walked upstairs…

Arnold is sitting on the sofa with Yvonne’s head resting on his thigh; he closes his eyes and remembers how Lucifer came to him in the forest and lied to him about God and it led to all these, he then knew that definitely he is up to something again. He opened his eyes and looked at Yvonne, he then placed one hand on her stomach and the other on her head and some energy pulse flowed from him into her and she opened her eyes.

As she opened her eyes, he gave out a genuine smile, she looked at him and smiled back; she didn’t get up just yet “Arnold” she said smiling “It is I” he replied touching her hair “I died?” she said “No you didn’t” he said “yes I did” she said getting up “Maria slit my throat like I was nothing” she said “You are awake now” he said holding her hand “No, I will kill Maria” she said angrily “Revenge holds dangerous consequences and how do you intend to kill her? She is more powerful than you” “You will help me” she said

“am sorry I can’t be a part of that” he said “Am so angry right now” “You are so angry now that you didn’t even thank me for bringing you back after Lucifer locked you in your sleep” “Am so sorry” she said “Look, I will protect you and that’s why we mustn’t fight yet” he said “So what do we do now?” Yvonne asked “Let’s live a normal happy life” he said “Can we?” “Yes we can; the reason I came to earth is to seek happiness once again”

he said “I don’t think our world can give you that” she said “I don’t need your world to give me that when I know you can” he said and she hugged him in happiness of those words Rachael and Uzor entered the house to see Yvonne awake

“Yvonne!!” Rachael said loudly and hugged her “Are you alright? How do you feel?” “Am fine dear” “I was scared you’d never wake” “Am awake now” “Welcome back” Uzor said “Wait, how did you do it?” Rachael asked Arnold “Energy transfer” he said “But I thought Lucifer said if we did anything she’d die” Rachel said “He’s a liar” “And now that she’s awake we must go after them” Rachael said “No we’re not” he said “And why?”

Uzor asked “I won’t endanger your lives for the sake of a hateful revenge, let us lay low for now and live a peaceful happy life” he said “Is that the solution?” Rachael asked “Yes it is, let us make them think we are cowards but rather we are strategizing” “I think I agree” Uzor said

“Good” Arnold said “Alright if that’s the plan” Yvonne said “Let us all live here together” Arnold said “No, this house is horrible” Rachael said “Yeah thanks” Uzor replied “How about we buy a house” Yvonne said “Or we buy a land and we build a house” Rachael said “I don’t have money to build a house” Uzor said “I do”

Yvonne said “Me too” “So we work together” Arnold said “I have a land on the eastern part of this forest and it’s actually 5 plots big” Uzor said “Awesome” Yvonne said “I’ll sell my house in Lagos because it’s a bad memory” Rachael said “What type of house do we plant” Uzor asked “A duplex; a 10 bedroom duplex” Rachael said “10 what? What should we do with ten rooms” Uzor said “(Laughs) that’s too much” Yvonne said “No it’s fine” “So when do we start?” Uzor asked “As soon as possible” Yvonne said “Even right now” Rachael said “we should start by gathering the money”

Uzor said “The money is not the problem” Yvonne said “Lets get an Architect who can plan the structure” Rachael said “I will get that one” Uzor said “I’ll clear the land” Arnold said “No way, why would you do that?” Rachael said “I can do that before you blink your eyes” he said “yes he can” Uzor said “Lets go to the land and I’ll do it”

“After we do that, how about we go to the river with some wine and good stuffs to celebrate this union” Uzor said ‘I love this guy” Rachael said smiling “Alright, lets hit it” Yvonne replied…

Mary Season 3

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4 years ago

This Season 3 seems hilarious ?