BLOODLINE Part 2 Episode 2 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain
One week later in Easthill.
10:40 a.m, monday morning at the Western lane cafe. It was business as usual in one of Easthill’s well known outdoor cafe. And with the city’s dry season cool weather looking perfect with alot of sunshine, the place was filled with it’s regular and new customers.
Some where company representatives in their immaculate suits and closing a business deal with their clients. A few writers trying to get inspirations for what they intend to put on paper. The rest were either sitting alone and reading the dailies or browsing the net with their laptops and mobile devices over a cup of the finest coffee brew.
Nina lowered the newspaper she was reading on her laps and reached for the cup on the table after adjusting her black suit jacket. She gently took a sip of the black coffee and looked around the place. Taking a quick glance at her gold wristwatch and setting the cup back to it’s former position, she went back to the news she was reading in the papers. Her eyes kept going back and forth as she read the fine prints. And didn’t raise them to the young man who just came over to her table.
The man is about 24 years of age. Tall, well built and quite handsome with strong facial features. He wore a black casual leather jacket that was unzipped with a grey turtle neck shirt underneath. Black straight jeans with black and brown loafers.
“Hi mom”, he began. He bent down and gave Nina a peck on her right cheek before dropping his weight on one of the two seats opposite Nina.
Nina didnt respond. She just turned over to the next page of the newspaper and continue reading while the young man stared at her, trying to get her attention. Then a waitress came over to their table and took the man’s order with a smile.
“Alex you are late”, Nina then said with a firm voice without looking at him as the waitress left. “And so is your brother. You boys’ downright disregard for punctuality is beginning to get on my nerves”, she continued, still not looking at him.
“Aww come on ma…”, Alex began with a smile.
“Don’t ma me young man!”, Nina interrupted irritatedly and gave Alex a stern look.
Alex smile slowly fades on seeing the look on his mother’s face.
“I gave both of you a specific instruction. To meet me here by 10 a.m sharp!”, Nina continued. “What time is it now?, do you boys think i dont have other important things to attend to?”, she asked.
“Mom am sorry…..”, Alex apologised. “But you know how it is with this business……i woke up late this morning and yesterday night was one hell of night”, he sighed.
“Yeah right……hell inbetween the legs of those two girls you took home with you”, Nina scoffed. “I warned you several times about messing around with your clients”.
Alex reclined in his seat and tried not to look at his mother with a surprised look and a faint smile. Last night, he thought he had escaped the prying eyes of the paparazzis or anyone when he sneaked in two members of an upcoming female R&B group into one his several “hideouts”. This wasn’t the first time he had done it with his female clients that were mostly in the entertainment industry. And this wasn’t the first time his mother had caught him.
“These careless behaviours of yours could put them in an unwanted situations……scandals for heaven sake”, Nina warned.
“Mom, isn’t that not my job?”, Alex asked.
“To sleep with every female client?,
“No not that…….To take care of unwanted situations and scandals. You dont have to worry about that. Besides it wasnt my idea… had never being my idea to….you know…..sleep with any of them. The last clients even said that it was their own way of closing the deal and you know very well that alot of money is involved”.
“And the word ‘No’ is nonexistent in your dictionary when it comes to females you idiot”, Nina retorted.
Alex lips parted open as he was about to say something. Then he saw his twin brother alighting from a taxi.
“Eric is here”, he said to Nina as he stared at Eric in his three piece black suit approaching them. But he was just trying to divert Nina’s attention.
Nina looked over her shoulder and saw her other son coming over to their table. She shook her head with a pursed lip and continue reading her newspaper.
“Pssh……just look at him”, Alex chuckled. “Just look at the way he is carrying himself…..the gentleman’s gentleman”.
“Hello mother”, Eric began when he came over and gave Nina a peck on her left cheek. Then he sat on the other chair and eyed Alex like he heard what he just said. “How is everyone doing?”, he asked.
“Not so good and you are late…….Mr Butcher-man”, Nina replied and flipped to the next page of the newspaper.
Alex chuckled. Eric eyed him again.
“What does that suppose to mean”, he asked with indifference and looked at his mother.
Then the waitress arrived with a cup of coffee on a tray. She saw the twins and stood there staring at them with alot of confusion written on her face.
“Let me guess…..double expresso right?”, Eric asked her.
She looked at Eric and nodded.
“Its for him”, Eric then said to the waitress and jerked his head at Alex. “He had been working hard overtime last night……..on one of his clients”.
“Screw you”, Alex muttered at Eric and accepted the coffee from the waitress with a bright smile. “So….how long have you worked here?”, he asked her, still smiling and trying to start a conversation with the beautiful girl.
The waitress was about to say something. Then Nina said, “Leave us…”, with a quiet, cold tone of voice. The waitress did exactly what Nina said and Alex stared at her backside as she left.
“So, what’s up with the new nickname?”, Eric asked Nina with his arms folded and relaxing on his seat.
Nina took her eyes off the news she was reading and gazed at Eric. Then she folded the newspaper and dropped it infront of him.
“Tell me what’s the meaning of this?”, Nina demanded and pointed at the paper on the table.
Alex immediately grabbed the newspaper and flipped through the pages as he scanned the stories. He stopped at a particular page and read the prints with alot of interest.
“You were sent to perform a rescue operation”, Nina said
“Yeah that’s right”, Eric replied.
“So can you give me a good explanation for what you did”, Nina demanded again and crossed her long legs.
“Oh my lord”, Alex whistled. He looked at Eric and then back to the paper. “I’ll be damned”, he murmured as he continue reading the news. “Dude, is this what you call a rescue operation?……..this is a freaking holocaust grade operation. And what’s up with what you did to Jacques?”, Alex asked without looking at his brother.
“Did what?”, Eric asked with less concern.
Alex looked at him surprisingly and said, “You f@cking cut off his manhood and nailed it to his head and you are asking me ‘did what'”.
“What?”, Eric grabbed the newspaper from Alex and read the news with his eyebrows furrowed.
“I know Jackboy was a beast in human skin responsible for boosting the war rape and atrocities statistics. But do you have to take it that far?”, Alex asked. “You should have just put a bullet in his skull and be done with it”.
Eric dropped the paper on the table and laughed.
“You think it’s funny huh?”, Nina asked irritatedly. “Do you know the kind of diplomatic sh!t-storm this could bring?……every goddamn press thinks it was the peacekeepers who did that to him”.
“It was an unavoidable situation”, Eric answered.
“What do you mean by it was an unavoidable situation”, Nina frowned. “All you had to do was rescue the subject and do it silently. Not go Jason Voorhees and Rambo on his captors……especially that horrifying thing you did to Jacques.
“Well first of all, i didnt kill Jacques”, Eric began as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table. “Secondly, the person who suppose to take the blame for the rescue operation getting loud and nasty is the subject himself. The man decided to start playing games……and left me with limited choices”.
Nina stared at Eric and said nothing.
“That crazy guy literally walked back into his holding room after making it clear to me……”, Eric continued. “…… to free every hostage in the camp and end Jacques and his Congo boys reign of terror for triple the amount being paid……or go report a failed mission”.
Then Eric paused. He took a deep breath and looked away as he rubbed his neatly cut 360 waved hair with his right palm. He exhaled gently, drumming his fingers on the table and taking quick glances at the customers in the cafe
Then he said, “So….you can see that i only had two options. The first meant killing a rebel commander and giving his men the taste of their own medicine. The second meant giving alot of explanations as to why the subject is still being held captive”, Eric looked at Nina. “So…..i chose the not-so-very hard option”, he shrugged.
“And the not-so-very hard option also involved castrating Jacques and nailing his junk to his head?”, Alex asked with disgust.
“Like i said, i didnt kill Jacques”, Eric countered. “I just tied him up and left him for those women in the camp to do whatever they want with him. I didnt know they were that mad at him”,
“Anyway……”, Nina sighed and looked at Alex as she reached for the slim black leather briefcase under the table. “There is something i want you to do”.
She opened it and brought out a file.
“This is a new client”, Nina said and dropped the file infront of Alex. “She is an aspiring musician and an actress. Young and very talented. But she seems to have made a bad deal with the entertainment company she is signed to and wants to leave.
But the company had made it clear that even if hell freezes over, they wont let her go”, Nina paused and looked at her manicured nails murmuring, “young people these days….. they dont look before they leap….all because of wanting to be a star or be famous”, then she looked at Alex and said, “Everything about the company is in that file, so i want you to go through it and look for a way to make them sign her release documents”.
Alex opened the file and glanced through the documents. Then he looked at the pictures in the file. It had the smiling face of a beautiful girl in her early twenties. Alex stared at it for sometime and nodded with a smile. A mischievous smile.
“Who is she?”, he asked his mother.
“Daughter of a friend”, Nina relied. “Make sure you do exactly what i tell you…….and dont play that silly game of yours”, she warned.
“Mom i told you that……”,
“Do you want to be the next person in the newspaper who had his junk nailed to his head?, cos i have no qualms doing it to you myself!……if you dont want that to happen, then do what i say!”.
Alex kept quiet and closed the file while trying to avoid Nina’s stern gaze. Eric glanced at him and murmured, “i dont mind doing it to him either”. Alex replied, “i dont mind breaking this coffee cup in your ass”, to him. Then he finished his coffee and got up. He smiled at Nina and left without saying a word.
Nina watched him leave before turning her sight to Eric. The both of them stared at each other for sometime before Nina lowered her eyes. Then she picked up the newspaper and continue reading. Eric stared at her for a few seconds and reached for the smartphone in the inner pocket of his suit jacket.
A long silence settled between them as his mother read the paper, page by page, while Eric kept himself busy with his smart device. Even though he seemed occupied with he was doing, Eric knew very well what Nina was thinking; that no matter what she say or do, he is not going to change his mind. That operation in Congo was the last one for him. And the last operation Nina will ever assign to him.
“So this is it”, Nina said, finally breaking the silence that seem to go on forever.
“Yeah……this is it”, Eric murmured.
Then Nina folded the newspaper and place it beside her coffee cup.
“Is it because of that woman?”, she asked and looked at Eric.
“Well, that woman is Esther……and i am not doing it because of her”, Eric replied. “Maybe she is also part of the reason……..but the thing is….i have seen alot of things and done alot of things that i never thought i was capable of doing…….and i have had enough”.
“Son…”, Nina began quietly with a rather sad voice. “…..i know you think you have had enough. Maybe its because i pushed you too hard, made you do alot of terrible things……made your life become something else. But i do all these things for some reasons. Reasons you may not see now but sooner or later, you will understand”.
Eric listened but said nothing.
“Esther is the one that raised you…..i know and respect that”, Nina continued. “And i know you rather be with her because of the way she treats you…..the way she makes you feel good and feel proud, no matter the situation or what you do. Of course everybody want that…..and thats the problem am having with her because such treatment will make you take things for granted”, then she sighed with a downcast gaze.
“Son, you cant deny what you are and neither can you get away from it. But i have to tell you this……”, Nina looked up and pointed at Eric. “…….trouble always have a way of finding people like us. And those that we call family……those around us that have nothing to do with it will end up being drawn into it. So if you really love Esther and her husband and their kid, you have to stay as far away as possible from them”, she warned.
“I know”, Eric said. “That’s why i want you to also stay as far away as possible from us”.
After their discussion, the both of them got up and gave each other a tight hug. After being like that for some seconds, Eric broke away from the hug that Nina was still unwilling to release him from and turned to leave. Then he paused and looked at his mother.
“That Congo operation……”, Eric began as Nina picked up her handbag and the newspaper. “It was a set up…….somebody wanted to get you through Jacques”.
Nina stared at her son in disbelief.
“We didnt tell him who was coming to deliver the guns”, he continued. “Only a few people in the Family knew about the operation and thought that you are the one going there to rescue the White man. You and i are the only ones who knew i was the one going to execute the rescue mission”.
Nina nodded thoughtfully.
“Jacques was more interested in the person delivering the weapons than the weapons itself”, Eric added. “Mother, you have to watch your back. I have the feeling that something aint right in that Family”.
Then Eric patted Nina on her back and turned his back on her and left the cafe. Nina stared at her son as he left and had only one thing on her mind; She needed him more than ever.
Sitting on the expensive black leather sofa in the plush office, Alex glanced at his wristwatch and stared at the man who was taking his stance and positioning the golf club head close to the golf ball. Everyone in the office, including the two body guards standing behind Alex remained silent. Even the hurting man lying on the office expensive rug.
His hand and legs were bound together with a duct tape. And his face was swollen and bleeding with his mouth also duct taped.
Earlier, as Alex was being ushered into the office of the head of ACE entertainment company, he saw himself walking into a violent meeting that was going on in the room. A man was being held down on the floor by the two bodyguards while the head of the company meted out a “golf club to the back” beatdown on him with some vicious kicks to his face and other parts.
After what seemed to be the man taking an unending torture, the head of the company stopped and looked at Alex with some delight on his face.
He took off the gloves he was wearing and shook hands with Alex as both men introduced themselves to each other and sat down. Not wanting to interfere in whatever business the head of the company had with the man who seems to be getting its short end, Alex went straight to the point and stated his reason for being there while the bodyguards duct taped the man with a few punches to minimize his struggle.
“Yeah baby!”, the head of the company smiled after making a putt into the hole of the mini golf he had set up in his office. “Dont you think i will make the PGA tournaments?”, he elated as he raised the golf club to his shoulder and glanced at his bodyguards and Alex.
The big men nodded approvingly while Alex smirked and looked away, trying to hide his disgust for the slightly overweight man who seems to be in his late thirties. But it was the look on the man’s face that disgusted him more. He had a facial expression that leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
“I think you would have won it”, Alex sighed. “So Mr Harris….. concerning that business of ours……”, Alex continued and looked at Mr Harris, the head of ACE entertainment company.
“Oh…..that”, Harris murmured and placed the golf club on top of his black chrome finished mahogany desk. “By the way, who do you say you are again?”, he asked as he sat on the swiveling chair behind the desk.
“Just a mediator in the contract dispute you are having with one of your female artists”, Alex replied.
“I see”, Harris nodded his head with a pursed lip. “So you think this artist don’t like staying in my company?”, he asked.
“Well, if she had no problem with your company, she wouldn’t want to leave…..nor contact us for our services”, Alex replied and looked at the man lying on the floor. “I don’t mean to interfere but i think this man need some medical assistance…..shouldnt he be taken to the hospital?”, Alex asked.
“Don’t worry about him, he is fine……”, Harris replied, waving his hand. “…..besides, soon he wont be needing any medical assistance at all”.
“What is the misunderstanding if i may ask?”.
“He came into this office uninvited, just like you did”, Harris smirked. “He was asking for money. Payment for the renovation work he did in my office”, he scoffed. “I told him i don’t have money……you know……with the slow economy and whatnots. But he kept insisting, saying that he need to pay his sick wife’s hospital bills”.
“Anyway”, Alex sighed with indifference and opened the file he had with him. “I have the copy of the document you sent to us about your demands if my client wants to…….”,
“You mean my artist”, Harris interrupted.
“Your demands if ‘your’artist wants to be released from your company”, Alex continued as he looked at the document. “It says, ‘pay ten times the signing fee’…..”, he glanced at Harris and looked back at the document. “Even though it wasnt clear to us and seems kind of outrageous, we are ready to make the payment into your account”.
Then Alex closed the file. He took out his smartphone and said, “I believe the artist is being held against her will in this building. So i will appreciate if you bring her to your office so that both parties can sign the release document while i transfer the fund into your account sir”.
Harris stared at Alex for some seconds with an expressionless look on his face. Then he leaned forward from his relaxed position and rested his elbows on the table, steepling his fingers as he stared at his bodyguards. Suddenly he burst into a fit of laughter to the surprise of everyone in the office including the man lying on the floor.
“So……”, Harris then began as he got up and picked up his golf club. “Your employers sent you to take away my artist, my employee away from me huh?”, he asked, pointing the golf club at Alex.
“Well, i wouldn’t see it as taking something away from you sir”, Alex replied. “We are only trying to render the service our client…..or rather your employee requested of us”.
“Anyway young man, ten times the signing fee is not the amount to be paid for her release”, Harris said as he paced toward Alex. “It is the amount to be paid for us to have a discussion about the conditions for her release”, he concluded and stood infront of Alex, tighting his grip on the golf club.
Alex stared at the man standing infront of him and smiled despite the seemingly tense atmosphere taking over the office. One bodyguard had quietly went over to the door and manned it.
“Sir i think we must have misunderstood the demand”, Alex said quietly and then got up. “I will have to go tell my employers what the message really meant”, he continued.
“Nope…… we have already started the discussion, young-man”, Harris chuckled. “So i want the money transfered right now”, he continued with a sinister tone of voice”.
“Well i cant authorize the payment sir”, Alex said coolly and glanced at the other bodyguard who was now standing behind him. “I have to meet my superiors and let them know what you really meant and about this new……situation”.
“Oh you mean my message……”, Harris smiled and nodded at his bodyguard.
The man immediately grabbed Alex from behind and held him tight. Alex didnt put up any struggle. He remained calm and stared at Harris as the man gripped the golf club with both hands.
“…….I think i will send more messages to them for daring to send an idiot to come tell me what to do with my artists”, Harris continued and raised the golf club.
Alex stomped the bodyguard hard on his foot and threw his head backwards. The headbutt landed squarely on the man’s face and busted his nose open, making him to release his grip. Then Alex spun around and made the man lose his balance with a left punch to his jaw. A right hook to the chin sent him sprawling on the floor.
The other bodyguard came rushing at Alex as he was sending Harris crashing into sofa with a front kick to the gut. The man threw a punch that caught Alex on his jaw. Another punch to the gut and another to the rib that made Alex to double up. Then the man grabbed Alex, lifted him off his feet and slammed him hard on the glass center-table in the office, shattering it in the process.
As they struggled with the big man on top, Alex grabbed a broken piece of glass and jammed it into the man’s face. The man groaned painfully. Alex face-stabbed the man multiple times with the broken piece of glass and then put the man in a reverse arm-lock. And snapped his elbow.
The other bodyguard got up and came at Alex wildly. but the duct taped man on the floor moved his body and tripped the incoming man, sending him crashing to the floor. Alex got up immediately and grabbed the broken glass piece.
He got on top of the fallen man and stabbed him repeatedly in his neck. The man groaned and grabbed his neck as a red fountain spurted out from the holes in it. Alex held him down on the floor and stabbed him more till the man remained motionless. A pool of blood started forming underneath the body.
Then Alex grabbed the golf club Harris had dropped and felt his jaw. He went over to the other bodyguard he had crippled and swung it at the man viciously. The blow landed on his face and cracked his cheek bone. He swung another vicious blow and opened up the man’s skull. Another blow and the golf club head got stained with brain matter.
“I wonder how Eric do this performance without getting hurt”, Alex murmured as he felt his hurting jaw again and winced.
Then he looked at Harris who was lying on the floor and staring back at him. He had alot of fear written on his face after witnessing the brutal killings of his men. Alex picked up one of the broken glass and cut the bounded man on the floor loose.
“Thank you sir”, the man said to Alex happily after taking off the tapes including the one wrapped around his mouth.
“What’s your name?”, Alex asked the man.
“John”, the man replied as he felt the injuries on his face.
“Okay….john why dont you take a sit”, Alex said as he brought out a handkerchief from his pocket. “You should take a sit too”, he added and looked at Harris.
John sat down and stared at Harris with alot of anger and a look that seems to be making a thousand promises of unending pain to come. Harris slowly got up and sat on the opposite sofa, trembling uncontrollably.
“So….”, Alex began as he straightened his shirt and wiped the blood stains on it with his handkerchief. “……about that business of mine and this man’s payment”, he continued. “What’s your say?”, he asked and looked at Harris.
“I…..i will do whatever you want”, Harris stammered with fear. “There is money……money in my drawers….please take it”.
Alex handed the golf club to John and said, “If he moves, use it on him”.
John accepted it with a smile and watched Harris keenly as Alex crossed the room to the table. He looked at Harris who immediately told him which of the three drawers that contained the money. Alex opened the third one and took out thick wads of cash. All of them.
How much is he owing you?”, Alex asked John.
“A hundred and fifty thousand naira”, John replied.
“Okay…..”, Alex began and started calculating. “Hundred and fifty for his job……fifty for delayed payment……fifty for insults and…..”, he looked at the injuries John had sustained. “……and three hundred for injuries inflicted”.
Alex looked at Harris and said, “you are fifty thousand short in his payment….how do you intend to pay up?”, he asked.
Harris remained mute.
“Anyway lets leave that for another time”, Alex murmured, gathering the whole cash and putting them in a paper bag he saw beneath the table.
Handing over the bag full of money to John who was over-delighted , he picked up his file and opened it. He took out a document and dropped it on Harris’ laps. Then he picked up a pen and offered it to Harris. Both men stared at each other as Alex waited for Harris to accept the pen.
After a few seconds of waiting for the man’s signature, Alex sighed and stepped aside.
Then he looked at John and said, “left kneecap”.
John immediately got up and swing the golf club at Harris left knee. The man groan in agony and grabbed his leg after the metal met his kneecap. John added a right thunderclap punch that knocked Harris to his side.
“Okay…..okay”, Harris squealed painfully as John was about to swing the next punch. He immmediately took the pen and put his signature in the release form.
Alex put the document in the file and handed it to John. Then he grabbed Harris and heaved him up.
“Show me where she is”, he said and dragged Harris out of the office with John following them.
The employees made way for them in the corridor with a baffled look on their faces as Alex dragged their boss to where he told them the actress was. They entered another corridor that was dimly lit and Harris stopped infront of a door with a sign that says “Studio C”.
“Here”, Harris gasped as he tried to remain standing on feet despite the pain on his left knee.
John opened the door and the men saw themselves in the scene of a porn movie shoot going on in the room. The camera crew and production team saw them and froze. Some stared at their bleeding boss with shock.
Alex and John looked more surprised as they stared at all the nude girls and guys performing all kind of sex act in what seems to be a group sex scene. Some actors stared back with their erect manhood while holding the waist of the women they were about to penetrate.
“I’ll be damned”, Alex managed to say and shoved Harris away, making the man to crash into the cameras and other movie shooting equipments. “Alright!…..everyone its a cut!….take a break!”, Alex barked at them.
“Who the hell are you”, one man barked back at Alex. He seems to be the movie director.
“Where is Candice?”, Alex asked the man
“I say who the hell are you and why interrupt my movie shoot?”, the man asked again.
Alex grabbed the man roughly by the collar of his shirt and said, “Mr man, i just killed two men working for you boss and you can clearly see how shaken he is….so if you dont want to join the list of the people who died working for him then you better stop wasting my time and tell me where Candice is at”.
“She…..she is being propped for her own shoot”, the man said fearfully after the look in Alex’s face convinced the man that he meant what he was saying.
Then the director signalled at one of his men who entered an inner room. Seconds later, the man came out with a girl who wore only underwears and what looked like a dog collar around her neck. From the way she was walking and blabbering as she was being lead towards Alex, she was probably high on drugs.
“Is it time?”, she asked the man holding her. “Where are the men at…….let me take all of them”.
Alex got hold of the girl and ordered the rest to leave the room. Some managed to put on some clothing while the rest left bare naked.
“Hey…”, Alex tapped her face he recognized from the picture he had seen earlier. “Candice, you have being released from your contract, let’s get out of here”, he said to her.
“Why are you still in your cloths”, she slurred. “Take them off……am ready and very wet……wet like the rainforest”.
“Yeah i know….but i have been warned not to get lost in your forest”, Alex said breathlessly as he tried to keep the girl on her feet. “Get a hold of yourself and lets get the hell out of here”.
“Give it to me big boy”, the girl murmured into Alex ears as she pressed her hips against his. “Give it to me hard”.
Then her feet got weak and she started passing out. Alex struggled harder to prevent her from collapsing to the floor
“The girl seem drugged up….why dont you take your time in reviving her”, John then said to Alex. “I want to collect the rest of my payment from this fool”, he continued and looked at Harris.
“How do you intend to do that?”, Alex asked as he carried the weak girl in his arms.
“There’s a way we collect payments when i was in the big house……in prison”, John replied. “I think this fucker deserve to make the payment that way”.
Alex stared at John while Harris wondered what he meant. Then he gently took Candice to the bed in the studio and laid her on it as she closed her eyes and passed out.
“Well……go ahead and do your thing man”, he said to John as he covered her with the bedsheet and sat beside her.
Then John went over to where Harris laid and roughly grabbed the confused and protesting man. Saying, “Time to give you some stimulus package to make you change your bad attitude”, he dragged him towards a table that had all kinds of intimacy gadgets, lubes and condoms.
He banged in a few hard blows into Harris’ guts and bent the hurting man over the table and got behind him. John held the man down on the table and viciously pulled his trousers down, almost ripping it apart. Then he grabbed a lube and a condom.
Alex brought out his smartphone and started playing a game of car race while Harris cried in agony as he got violently r@ped by John.

BLOODLINE part 2 Episode
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This is scary ?
Eric has become this brutal