BLOODLINE 2 Episode 7 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 3 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 7 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

2:06 am

Alex brought the car to a screeching halt close to the lawn of the single story building in what seems to be an upper middle class neighborhood. He jumped out of the car and raced toward the front door without even closing the car door. He was frantic and breathing hard as he banged on the front door. The door opened and Eric came out, his hands holding a sawed off shot gun.

“Dude what the f@ck happened?!”, Alex bawled at Eric with alot of fear in his eyes.

Eric took a quick glance around the neighborhood and dragged Alex into the house and locked the door.

“Where is mother?!, where is Suzanne?!”, Alex demanded frantically.

“Dude calm down”, Eric said and dropped the weapon on the table.

“Where are they?!”, Alex asked again.


Alex turned and saw Suzanne standing near the door to a bedroom. She looked quite tired with some bloodstains on her jeans. She also held two semi automatic pistols on both hands.

“Aunty Nina is in the room”, she continued wearily and leaned on the door frame.

Alex rushed into the bedroom and saw Nina lying on the bed with some hospital equipments and a machine she was connected to, standing beside the bed. Alex heaved a deep sigh of relief when he saw the machines indicating that his mother is alive and well. Then he sat on the bed and wiped off the sweat on his forehead.

“I saw the breaking news on t.v”, Alex began weakly. Then he looked at Suzanne. “How did you escape from those killers?”, he asked. Then he looked at Nina. “How did you even get her out of the hospital?”.

“She killed three men and wheeled Nina out of the hospital”, Eric replied the question. “She single handedly put the woman in an ambulance while the entire hospital was in chaos and drove all the way to this place”.

Alex sighed and shook his head. “But how did they know that mother was in the General hospital”, he asked, spreading his hands. “She was even admitted under an assumed name…..something aint right”, Alex murmured and looked at Eric.

“Well i don’t know”, Eric said. “But those people had made their intentions known……to kill our mother by all means, even if it means posing as policemen and shooting up a hospital. And they aint gonna stop”.

“Then we have to stop them”, Suzanne said and dropped the handguns on the bedside table; a .380 ACP Llama pistols. “We have to put an end to this threat”,

Alex stared at his sister with alot of admiration. He still cant believe the feat she pulled off in the hospital. 

“How did you even know those men were coming for mom?”, he asked her.

“I sensed something fishy when one of the men told the receptionist that he was an inspector”, Suzanne replied. “Then i saw his i.d……it was fake…..and so was the police uniforms his friends wore. Beside, some detectives had came earlier to ask questions about aunt Nina’s shooting, so why would the police come again to the same hospital and be asking which floor she is at?”.

“They are not professionals”, Eric murmured and looked at Alex. “If she could detect those things, then those guys arent professionals……they are just thugs with lots of guns……probably gangsters. And someone is giving them informations about Nina”.

Then Alex looked at Nina. “I dont care whoever or whatever those bastards are, we have to take them down”, he muttered with alot of anger in his voice as he stared at his mother. “Eric, i think we have to do it your way”.

“Well you know my own way can make things go real messy and loud”, Eric said.

“F@ck it!…….lets make it real messy and loud for those fools”, Alex murmured and held Nina’s hand. “And also instill FEAR to any other individuals thinking of making any move on mother. Time to show those assholes that we are the sons of this woman”.

“Well then…….”, Eric began and paced towards the big wardrobe in the bedroom. “You need to pack heats because it seems those guys got alot of it”, he said and opened the wardrobe.

Alex watched as Eric pushed some cloths aside to reveal a switch that was well hidden inside the closet. He stared in amazement as the entire wardrobe closet automatically opened like a door when Eric hit the button. 

Suzanne smiled brightly as the three of them stared at what was behind the cabinet; an inner room filled with guns, lots of guns.

“Wow”, Alex murmured as they entered the inner room. “Look at all these hardwares”, he said and stared at all the automatic rifles, sub machine guns, semi auto pistols and even matchetes.

Suzanne placed her hand on a sniper rifle and rubbed it’s long barrel gently. Alex stared at the gun; it was the biggest rifle he had ever seen.

“What is that?”, he asked his sister as he studied the rifle. 

Suzanne looked at him and smiled.

“Dude, what are you doing with this……..artillery or anti-aircraft gun…..or whatever the hell it is?”, he asked and looked at Eric. “You dont intend to shoot down airplanes”.

“This baby right here…….”, Suzanne began as she felt the barrel of the gun. “….is a Barret M107 military grade heavy sniper rifle. One hell of a monster rifle. Maximum range, six thousand metres. Maximum effective killing range, one thousand eight hundred metres”. Then she picked up a bullet and showed it to Alex. It was quite a big bullet, the biggest he had ever seen. “It fires this bullet…..a .50 BMG calibre round”, she continued. “It pierces through a light amoured vehicle, can damage the engine of a vehicle…..and chop off any human limb it hits”. 

“Hm, it looks like you know alot about this……Zeus lightening bolt”, Alex noted.

“She practiced alot with that weapon in our field training”, Eric murmured. “She enjoyed killing wild hogs with it even though it made an awful ungodly loud noise when fired”.

Alex nodded and picked up two semi auto handgun and examined it. “I think i will just carry light…….something i can conceal and not make me go deaf”, he said to Suzanne and tuck both weapons in his belt. Suzanne gave him a weak smile and proceed to check other weapons.

“Dude i dont know what you have done to my lil sister but i kind of like it”, Alex whispered to Eric.

“You guys help yourselves, am gonna go make some calls…..Meet me in the living-room if you guys are done”, Eric said to them and left.


“We need to know who those guys are”, Eric said as he drummed his fingers on the dining table. “We need to know what’s the deal and who is calling the shots”, he continued and glanced at his brother and sister sitting beside him. Then he looked at Suzanne. “Did you notice anything about those men before you killed them?”, he asked.

Suzanne thought for a few seconds and looked at Eric. “I didnt have much time to search them…..”, she began. “…..but two of them had the same tattoo on their chest….. crossbones, but crudely drawn”.

“Black skulls”, Alex muttered and pursed his lips. “They are prison gang”.

“Are you saying that a prison gang is after our mother’s life?”, Eric asked.

“No. I think they are members of a prison gang that got employed by someone else because the black skulls only operate in prison and not in the streets”, Alex replied

“How are we gonna find out who that person is…..i mean, their employer?”, Suzanne asked.

“Well i know who am gonna ask”, Alex replied. “He runs a strip joint downtown and also a sneaky f@cking rat bastard. He gives jobs to ex convicts, fugitives and shady characters”.

“Then you have to go meet this…..rat bastard and see if you can find out who is employing those men”, Eric said to Alex. “I will go check on those dead men to see if i will recognize any of them”.

“What about me?”, Suzanne asked. “What will i do?”.

“Those guys probably dont know about you so you have to stay invisible”, Eric replied. “Besides the police would probably be looking for you to ask you some questions about the shootings”.

Suzanne pursed her lips with a little bit of a frown on her face. She wants to take part in the action.

“Those men are dead because you got lucky”, Eric continued. “So don’t get too excited. Next time you might not be around to discover that some men posing as the police are coming to kill you. Always bear in mind that this is not a game”, he said to her sternly.

“Okay”, Suzanne murmured with a downcast gaze.

“Then they heard a knock on the front door. Alex looked at the door and reached for the handgun tucked in his belt.

“It’s okay”, Eric said and went to the door. He opened it and a smallish and mousy looking man stepped in. He was carrying a big brown leather bag on one hand and what looked like a medical kit on the other.

“Hi……”, the man began almost immediately and glanced around living-room.

“Hello doctor Dickson…….i hope no one followed you”, Eric asked the man.

“No…..i did exactly what you said”, Dickson said breathlessly. “Park the car a hundred metres away and walk to the house…..but it wasnt easy walking that distance carrying these”, the man continued and set the bag and medical kit on the floor. “So where is Nina?”, he asked.

“She is in the room”.

“Did you connect those wires the way i told you?”.


“Is the machine showing that her vital organs are working normal?”.

“I think so……why dont you go check for yourself”, Eric pointed at the bedroom.

“Who is this man?, can we trust him?”, Alex asked as the doctor went into the bedroom.

“Yeah….he is my doctor and a very good friend of mine”, then Eric glanced at his wristwatch and saw it was almost 4 am. “You need to get some sleep”, he said and pat Alex on his back. “And you too”, he continued and looked at Suzanne who looked very sleepy. “We have alot to do in the morning”.


“So you are saying that those men went to the hospital to kill Nina?”, Esther asked with wide eyes.

“Yeah”, Eric murmured and worked the steering wheel of the car, guiding it along the road.

“What kind of people are they?,…….oh God!”, Esther shook her head and stared ahead thoughtfully.

Esther had seen the news of the shooting on t.v in her hotel room. But she wasn’t sure if it was Nina’s room the men had gone to until Eric confirmed it. And also told her how Suzanne saved Nina’s life.

“Thank God that girl is smart and brave”, Esther continued as the car diverted from the street to the parking lot in the basement of a big building. “I hope she is not in a state of shock……i mean…..killing those men. I hope it didnt affect her emotionally”, Esther asked.

“You know Suzanne”, Eric replied as he parked the car. “That girl has zero emotions”.

Then Eric unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door to get out of the car. But Esther held his arm and gently pulled him back in. Eric looked at her small hands holding his arms and then looked at Esther.

“Mom what is it?”, he asked.

Esther glanced around the parking lot. “Son, this was where you were born”, she said with a weak smile. “The hospital had being rebuilt, but i can still see the old structures……where Ernest used to park his car”. 

Esther turn her eyes to a particular spot and stared at it for some time. Then she brought out a tissue from her handbag. She blew her nose with it and looked away. Eric noticed that she was trying to hide the tears on her face.

“Me and Ernest once hid there during our lunch break”, she murmured with a smile and still staring at the spot.

“I wouldn’t want to ask what you guys did there…..”, Eric said as he took out Nina’s cellphone and switched it on. “But am sure it was memorable…..but mom, we have to go now”, he continued after checking the cellphone and tossed it into the car compartment box.

Esther unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car. She followed Eric to the elevator that took them to the twentieth floor of Easthill Severance Hospital. The largest hospital in the country and the place where Esther once worked as a nurse; the place where Ernest died trying to save Eric.

“Esther, since you left Easthill city, you didnt even bother to contact any of your old friends and co-workers”, said the excited burly looking man in his mid fifties with a well trimmed beard and sideburns . He is the chief medical doctor. And quite a jovial looking man. 

“It is more than two decades when i saw you last, but it seems as if you haven’t aged abit”, the doctor continued as he lead Esther and Eric into his office. “Still the eye candy that i used to know”, he grunted as he dropped his weight in the swiveling chair and motioned at them to seat on the chairs infront of him.

“Ha!….Edmund, after all these years you are still flirting with me”, said Esther with a smile. “Are you still trying your luck with me?”, she asked and looked around the clean office with the well organized cabinets.

“Every man will definitely wanna try their luck with a woman like you, so why wouldn’t i?”, the doctor smiled mischievously and reclined in his seat.

“Well it’s too late……i am old and happily married. And my husband is doing a very very good job as a man”, Esther said.

Eric turned his head slowly and looked at Esther. Then the doctor burst into a fit of laughter that irritated him, but he let the emotion remain unexpressed. They are here to get the doctor’s permission to look at a couple of dead bodies in a morgue and he is wondering why his foster mother is busy playing catch up with this mischievous looking man infront of them. And it’s really making him get quite impatient.

“Anyway, why are you here?”, Edmund asked. “You want to come back and work here?”, he smiled

“Of course not……”, Esther furrowed her eyebrows. “I came here to ask you for a favour and you know that……..”.

“We are here to check some dead guys”, Eric interrupted. He had had enough. “The two dead guys the police left in this hospital morgue for investigations this morning”.

Edmund stared at Eric thoughtfully and then looked at Esther. “And who is this young man?”, he asked her.

“A friend of hers”, Eric replied before Esther could say anything.

“Why do you want to see those dead men?”, the doctor asked again.

“Well……”, Esther began, not sure of what to say, and glanced at Eric. “…….a friend of mine was assaulted some time ago……..she wants me to check if those guys are one of them”.

Edmund sighed and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the mahogany table and staring at the file on his table. He remained silent for a few seconds and then looked at Esther. 

“Well if you have watched the news recently…..”, he began quietly. “……you will know that those men were involved in the shooting that happened at the General hospital. Words are, they went there to kill a woman but had themselves blown away by someone else. The woman in question was shot a few days ago and recovering in that hospital. The funny thing is when the police arrived to the scene, they found out that the security guards were also killed and the hospital CCTV recordings stolen……perhaps someone is trying to hide something”.

The doctor took a deep breath and exhaled gently. “Those dead guys are suspected to be among those responsible for shooting that woman…..and the violent murders that happened two days ago”, he continued. “So due to the nature of the crime and the police investigations, an order had being given not to let anyone near the bodies till they complete their investigations”.

Esther sighed. “So we cant see those men?”, she asked.

Edmund stared at Esther thoughfully and smirked. Then he took out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it.

“Lets just say you are the nurse sent to check on something”, he said and handed the paper to Esther. “Show this to the Coroner and he will allow you and your….friend to see those men……but bear in mind you owe me a favour though”, he smiled.

Esther almost snatched the paper and got up immediately. “Oh thanks Edmund, i will be back to pay you back the favour”, she said and gave the man a bright smile.

“You are welcome……i’m waiting, dont disappoint me”, Edmund said and sheepishly watched Esther and Eric leave his office without saying any other word to him.

“My husband is doing a very very good job as a man”, Eric snorted and looked at Esther as they got out of the office and made their way through the brightly lit corridor, heading towards the elevator. “I didnt know that Dave was working that hard”, he murmured.

“Aw shut up…..what do you even know?”, Esther teased with a smile.

“Of course i know…..what else is there for me to know”.

“Believe me there are still alot for you to know”.

They reached the elevator and Eric pushed the button. He stole a casual glance at the two sturdy men who came over and stood behind them. Both men wore a hospital E.M.T cloth and one of them glanced at Eric a few times with a faint smile and started checking his cellphone. Eric pursed his lips and looked at Esther. She was staring at the paper the doctor gave her and nibbling her lower lips; what she does whenever she is thinking too hard. 

Eric stared at his mother for a while as they waited for the elevator to arrive and then looked at her cloths. She was casually dressed; she had a short sleeved white blouse on top and a fairly tight fitted blue jean trouser with a flat sole shoe. She looked comfortable in her cloths……and Eric thought that it was perfect. Perfect for what was about to happen.

“So how was it”, Eric asked Esther as he turned his gaze at the men behind him and casually glanced at them from head to toe.

“Huh?”, Esther looked at her son.

“How was it when you were working here?”, Eric asked again and looked at her.

“It was so so……sometimes i enjoyed it and sometimes i hated waking up in the morning to go to work”, Esther replied coolly.

“Alot of male patients must have loved it when you were the nurse attending to them”.

“What makes you think so?”.

“I saw the look in the doctor’s eyes when he stared at you….all your male co workers were probably lining up to ‘try their luck with you’….”.

Esther’s lips curved into a smile. She nudged Eric playfully. Eric smiled and glanced at the CCTV camera above them. Then the elevator arrived with a ‘ding’ sound and the stainless steel door opened. Eric and Esther stepped into the empty elevator and the men followed suit and stood behind them. Esther pressed the second basement button and looked at the men.

“We are going there too”, one of them said with a hoarse voice.

Esther nodded and turned her back on them. Then the elevator started making the descent smoothly with the indicator showing the number of the floor they have reached and passed. Eric mumbled a song as he slowly looked around the elevator and rested his eyes on the shiny stainless steel door. He could see the faces of the men behind him. He saw the man with the cellphone slip the device into his pocket and moved the hand close to his chest. The other man unfolded his arms and brought his right hand closer to his waist. Both are now staring at Eric and Esther keenly.

Eric keep mumbling inaudibly and casually looked at his black sneakers. Then he slowly raised his eyes and glanced at the CCTV camera above them in the elevator. He smiled and looked at his mother. He held her hand, gently pulled her closer and stood her infront of him.

“Mom i want to ask you a question”, he then said to Esther.

“What is it?”, Esther asked.

“Do the hospital E.M.T workers also carry weapon?”, he asked.

“No they don’t”, Esther shook her head.

“Then why are these men behind us carrying weapons?.

One of the men made a move. Eric immediately push Esther away and spurn around in time to grab the man’s hand that was pulling out a handgun fitted with a silencer and redirect the muzzle of the gun to the other man.


The gun let off two shots and the other man groaned painfully after the bullets hit him in his thigh and kneecap. Esther shrieked. Eric held the man’s hand with his left hand and swung a vicious right hook at him. The blow caught the man in his jaw and thumped his head hard against the elevator. Eric hit the man again with a right uppercut and worked on the handgun. In a matter of seconds he dislodged the gun clip and ejected the bullet in it’s chamber. Then he threw a left hook that knocked the man to the side like he got hit by a wrecking ball, making him to stumble over the other man who was on the floor, groaning and holding his bleeding thigh.

The man who got shot made a futile attempt of reaching for the weapon tucked in his waist belt. And got punished when Eric saw the movement.

Eric dazed the man holding the gun that had been rendered useless with a fist to the face and went for the man on the floor, kicking the hand that was reaching for the gun and then stomping the man on his face, busting his lips and dislocating his jaw. The elevator jolted violently as Eric ferociously stomped the man again and again. His neck bone snapping under Eric’ crushing stomp made Esther gasp fearfully. Then Eric hit the elevator emergency stop button when it reached the fifth floor. He dazed the other man again with a hard punch as the man tried to get up and then pulled out the handgun tucked in his dead partner’s waist belt.

Eric straightened up and looked at his mother to see if she was okay. “Do you know how to use this?”, he asked her and showed her the pistol.

Esther shook her head fearfully with her mouth open as she stared at the dead man lying in the elevator, neck twisted with blood and mucous dripping from his mouth and nose. Then Eric took out the clip and the bullet in its chamber and dropped everything on the floor.

“Mister, now you have two options”, Eric began and looked at the man as he slowly got up after shaking off the concussion he had received and wiping the blood trickling down from his nostrils. “Either you tell me who is sending you guys”, he continued. “Or……”, Eric pointed at the dead man. “You suffer the same fate”.

The man cursed out loud and pulled out a knife.

“Oh God!”, Esther gasped and stepped behind her son. “I think he is going for the third option”.

“A damn bloody fool”, Eric sighed and balled his fists.

The man growled and came at Eric, trusting the knife forward. Eric moved in, caught the hand bearing the knife with his left hand and at the same time wrapped his right hand behind the man’s head. Then he tugged the man closer and threw his head at the man’s face.

The headbutt hit the man squarely in his face and stunned him. Eric delivered another headbutt and Esther heard the man’s nose bone crack. It made her shudder. But she kept watching as her son took on the man.

After a brief struggle, Eric pushed the man hard against the elevator with his left hand still holding the man’s hand that held the knife. He swung a powerful right hook to the man’s jaw and sent blood flying from his mouth. Another devastating right hook and the man grunted in agony. Then a vicious right elbow that further condemned his already damaged and profusely bleeding nose and lips. Eric tugged the man and rammed his knee into the his groin and made him double up painfully. Grabbing the hand holding the knife with both hands, Eric put the man in an arm-lock and snapped his wrist. Then he put the man in another arm-lock and dislocated his elbow. 

The knife slipped from the man’s mangled hand and dropped as the man groaned painfully and crumbled to the floor, face down. Eric kicked the knife away and bent over the man. 

“I told ya…..didnt i?”, Eric said to the man and wrapped his arm around the man’s head. And snapped his neck with a sharp head-twist. “That’s for Rogers my friend”, Eric murmured to the dead man and straighten up.

“Oh my God!”, Esther shrieked. She covered her mouth and looked away. “I think am gonna be sick”, she said with a throaty voice and clutched her tummy, trying not to throw up. 

Eric bent over the first guy he had killed and searched his pockets. He took out the man’s wallet and cellphone. He went through the wallet first, taking out the i.d card, a few piece of papers and some business cards. Unable to find anything useful, he dropped the wallet and checked the phone.

“What are we waiting for?”, Esther asked after watching Eric check the phone and glanced at the dead bodies. “Let’s get out of here”.

Eric straighten up and gave Esther the phone. Esther reluctantly accepted the dead man’s phone and looked at the screen.

“Your picture?……”, she gasped surprisingly and stared at the picture in the phone. “How did they get your picture?”.

“No that is Alex picture…….and it was sent to this phone about ten minutes ago”, Eric said. “These guys are tracking us and i still dont know how”, he murmured.

“Lets get out of here and go make a report……we have to tell the police”, Esther said and handed the phone back to Eric.

“No we are not going to the police”, Eric shook his head.

“Why?, we better do that because they will be looking for the person who killed them….and….and that camera”, Esther pointed at the camera in the elevator. “It must have recorded the footage of you killing these men”.

“The camera is not working…..”, Eric said and looked at it. “You can see that the red light is not blinking…..i noticed it when we were about to take the elevator. Someone must have switched off all the cameras in this building”. Then he looked at Esther. “There are more of these guys out there”, he said.

“What are we going to do?” Esther asked with some concern.

“First, we get rid of these men”, Eric said and hit fourth floor button. “The fourth floor is being renovated…..i saw the sign earlier”.

“Then what?”.

“Then we leave”.

“Aren’t we going to the morgue to go check on those men?”.

“No need for that……”, Eric waved the cellphone at Esther. “I already got all that i need”.

The elevator came to life and started descending to the fourth floor.

“But wont someone see us leaving these bodies there?”, Esther asked.

“It is twelve forty-five…..lunch break time. The renovation workers are probably in the cafeteria by now”, Eric replied after glancing at his wristwatch.

The elevator reached the fourth floor and the door opened. Eric peered into the corridor. Nobody was there and alot of renovations equipments was lying all over the place. He hauled out the dead bodies one by one and dragged them into the corridor while his mother held the elevator door.

“I can’t believe this is happening”, Esther sighed and shook her head as Eric got into the elevator and hit the first basement button.

“What do you mean?”, Eric asked as the elevator began the descent.

Esther looked at him. “Son, i just saw you kill two men……two men!”, she said.

“Better than them killing us”, Eric said quietly and with less concern.

“Dont you have any remorse for what you have just done?, for what you did to them?”.

Eric looked at his mother. “Mom, you have known me since my childhood. You know very well what i am….and what i am capable of doing…….especially when someone very close to me is threatened”, he said to her. “Its just that you havent seen me doing it”, he continued as he looked at the elevator indicator. They are about to reach the parking lot in the first basement.

Esther sighed with a downcast gaze while Eric smirked at the thought of what her reaction would be if she had seen what he did to Jacques’ men in Congo. Or even to others that Nina had sent him to eliminate. He didnt even go too rough on them, just for the sake of not making her have nightmares.

They reached their destination and the door opened. Eric got hold of Esther’s arm and walked her through the parking lot as he casually glanced around, checking for anything unusual. As they approached their car, he noticed a black van parked a few metres away from their car. He could see the faces of the occupants in its front seat and the men seem to furrow their brows on seeing them approach.

“Just act natural”, Eric whispered to his mother when she noticed his suspicious glances at the vehicle.

“Is it them?”, Esther asked with a whisper without looking in the direction of the van.

“Just keep walking”, Eric whispered back.

When they got to the Hyundai Genesis, Eric heard the engine of the black van come to life. He gently but steadily opened the front passenger door for Esther and then went over to the other side and slide into the driver seat.

“Fasten on your seatbelt……”, he said to his mother as he fastened his and adjusted the rearview mirror. “We might be going for a very rough ride”, he continued and this made his mother to quickly fasten her seatbelt and whisper a silent prayer.

Eric pushed the start button and the engine of the sedan car roared. Then he hit the gear and gas pedal and rolled the car out of the parking lot. The black van followed as they came out of the basement of the hospital building to the main road.

“Are they following us”, Esther asked eagerly.

Eric glanced at the rearview mirror and said, “yep…….they are, as expected”.

Eric accelerate the car and diverted to the road leading to the highway. The van followed suit and seemed to be gaining on them. Eric increased the speed of the car but the van had gotten so close that from the rearview mirror he could see the man in the front passenger seat doing something. He was loading a clip in an automatic rifle and cocking it.

Eric immediately gripped the wood-grained steering wheel with one hand and quickly put the other hand on Esther’s shoulder and pulled her closer to him. Fast enough to prevent her from being hit by the hail of bullets that shattered the car back screen and ripped through the side of her seat. Esther screamed and gripped Eric’s shirt as more hail of bullets coming from the van hit their car, ripping holes in it and destroying the passenger side view mirror.

Eric hit the car “sports mode” button and hit the pedal. He swung the car from side to side as it roared and raced faster along the empty highway. He could still hear the gunfire coming out from the van behind them but the person shooting seems to be having a hard time getting a good aim. Then the driver of the van accelerated the vehicle and started rear ending the sedan. 

“Oh my God i dont wanna die!”, Esther shrieked as movement of the car made her body bounce from side to side.

As the hot pursuit continued, the two car approached the intersection at a high speed. Eric looked ahead and saw it was a redlight. And also saw a heavy duty semi truck approaching from the adjacent highway. He glanced at the rear view mirror to see how close the van was following them and looked at his mother. He smiled at her and then hit the gas pedal. The car screamed and headed toward the intersection at a neck-break speed. The van behind followed suit.

“Eric what are you doing?!”, Esther screamed at him when she saw how fast they are approaching the intersection and truck coming from the other direction. 

Eric remained mute with his steady grip on the steering wheel as the car raced closer and closer while the truck loomed closer to the intersection. They reached the intersection the same time the truck did and Esther screamed.<

The truck missed them. But the black van behind them wasnt lucky and exploded into huge chunks of flying metals and shards of glasses when the semi truck impacted it with a loud boom. Eric hit the brake and the car came to a loud screeching halt. He got out and stared at metals, glasses and some human flesh scattered all over the highway with a smile. The tyres of the heavy duty truck had also flattened what was left of the van before its driver could bring it to a halt. Still smiling, Eric slided back into the car and looked at his mother. Her arms was wrapped around her chest as she stared at her son with a petrified look on her face. 

“Good riddance”, he said to her and she nodded involuntarily without even knowing it.

Eric fastened his seatbelt and paused. He reached for the pocket in his jacket and took out the dead man’s cellphone. It was vibrating an incoming call. Eric pressed the answer button and held the phone close to his ear.

“Hello?!…..hello?!!”, a deep voice rasped out of the phone earpiece. “Joe?!…..what is the status of the operation?!, have you neutralized the subject?!”, the voice continued. Esther heard it and stared at Eric with her mouth open.

Eric glanced at her and decided to answer the call.

“Well…..the status is a huge failure”, he grunted as he moved his weight in his seat.

“Who is this?!…..who the hell are you?!”, the voice barked.

“It is the subject speaking…..”, Eric replied. “…..and the last time i saw Joe and his crew, two of them took a rough ride to hell in an elevator while the rest had a semi truck with a caterpillar engine, rammed up their asses”, he continued.

“Who the f@ck are you?!…..some kind of a comedian?!”.

“I already told you but that doesnt matter anyway…….the point is you should do better than sending errand boys who cant even make it past the elevator nor get out of the way of an eighteen wheeler truck”.

Then Eric took a deep breath and exhaled gently. “You have made your own moves”, he continued. “Now it’s time for me to make mine. And when i find you, you gonna wish you never existed….got that?”.

Eric ended the call as the voice barked out something he didnt hear. He slipped the phone back into his pocket and stared ahead thoughtfully. Then he furrowed his eyebrow and leaned over to the car compartment box and opened it. He took out his mother’s phone and stared at it for some time before taking out his own phone. 

Eric dialled Alex’s phone number and waited as the line ringed.

“Alex…..where are you now?”, he began and listened. “Okay…..i wanna see you immediately….come to the usual spot and bring Suzanne with you”, he concluded and ended the call.

“What is the matter?”, Esther asked as Eric slipped his phone back into his pocket.

“I think i have just found something”, Eric replied and brought life to the car engine. “But first, i have to go check it out”, he continued and smoothly guided the car back to the road.


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4 years ago

This story keeps me on the edge of my chair

4 years ago


4 years ago

Am enjoying it next pls

Adebayo Tolulope Elizabeth
Adebayo Tolulope Elizabeth
4 years ago

Hmmm…suspect too much…please one episode is so small nah…since two days ago… Biko, cant die of hypertention o

Marian iremide
Marian iremide
4 years ago

Nice story…. but it taking too long before u upload another episode pls

4 years ago

Sooooo interesting… Keep it rolling

4 years ago

Next pls, am begging u

4 years ago

Am right on edge for this story…..

4 years ago

Ohhh i hope i won’t die of imagining the outcome of operations like this

4 years ago

Interesting… Next pls

4 years ago

Nice one but the interval between the next episodes is much don’t kill us with suspense

4 years ago

I’m back reading…… Next pls ?️