BLOODLINE 2 Episode 6 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 3 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 6 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

11:05 am the next day.

The cloudy and windy morning weather that rustled the leaves of the trees in Easthill cemetary gave the quiet graveyard an eerie kind of feel. The place looked gloomy and dreadful with all the gravestones that seem infinite in their number. Some were either tumbled, broken or had their inscriptions worn out. The place smelled of decaying leaves and death.

Eric and Alex stood under a tree, aloof from the funeral going and watched the priest conclude the burial rites. The reverend father closed his bible and the casket got lowered into the ground; the deceased being laid to rest. The living relatives, all dressed in black, shook hands and hugged one another before heading towards their waiting cars.

Alex sighed as he watch them leave and shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he glanced around the cemetary. He was feeling quite uneasy being in that kind place. It gave him the creeps. Eric stood still with his hands in the side pockets of his black jeans and wore a black grey cardigan over a white tee shirt to keep himself warm. Alex was also casually dressed in an all black outfit.

“So what is the old man’s game huh?”, Alex asked Eric with uneasiness in his voice as he kept glancing around the cemetery. “Is he trying to tell us that this is where we gonna get relocated if we try to play games with him?”.

Eric didn’t answer the question. He just keep watching the cemetary grounds-keepers covering up the casket that just got put in the ground with dirt. Then Alex dug his hand into the inner pocket of his black jacket and took out a pack of cigarette. Eric stared at him as he took out a stick and a lighter.

“I thought you quit smoking”, Eric said as Alex lit the tobacco and took a drag.

“Dude i’m stressed out right now”, Alex murmured and blew a cloud the wind redirected to Eric’s face. “And this f@cking place is not helping either”, Alex waved the cigarette bearing hand at the gravestones.

“Still on that sh!t too?”,

“You mean marijuana weed?, no man am done doing that…….why do you care if am still using it or not?, by the way it was you who introduced me to it”.

“You were about to lose your virginity and came to me for something to boost your confidence”.

“And i almost got addicted to it”, Alex muttered and took another drag.

“Well i thought it would be a one-time experience”, Eric sighed. “But i didnt know you would make the wrong decision of relocating your brains to that organ inbetween your legs…..and want to use more because according to you, it makes you get the best feelings”.

“Well it’s still make you get the best feelings……dont you think so?”, Alex asked and smiled weakly. “Beside that was how that rich girl in Metrocity made you lose your virginity to her……why dont you try it and go meet your ex……am sure she wouldn’t mind letting you hit it one more time”.

“Yes but now there is a high possibility of us getting relocated to this place……and i don’t think p@ssy and getting high should be the things on our mind”, Eric said and trying not to think about what Liz did to him on his seventeenth birthday.

Alex took one more drag and dropped the cigarette on the ground. After stepping on it to extinguish it’s flame, he looked up and saw a man approaching them. He looked quite built and in his mid forties. He wore a well ironed expensive black suit with eye glasses. He had a friendly look on his face.

“Good day boys…..”, the man began with a friendly voice as he approached. “…..i hope we didnt keep you waiting”, he continued with a smile.

“It’s them”, Eric whispered to Alex who stared at the man as he approached and cautiously glanced around the cemetary. “First, they come with the smiles and friendliness…….then they give you hell if you disagree with them”, Eric continued with an expressionless look on his face.

The man stood infront of the brothers and stared at them for a while.

“It’s good to finally meet you boys….”, the man then said. “…..and i……wow you boys really resemble your mother…..and stare like her”, he continued with a smile.

“Who are you?”, Alex asked him.

“Well i am……”,

“Mr Bernard……”, Eric interrupted the man and looked at Alex. “He is known as Number two…..and the asshole who replaced mother after the Sosai kicked her out”, he continued and looked at the man.

The man stared at Eric. “Your mother taught you well”, he said calmly and nodded. “But your beef is not with me…..i am just working for the big guy….and obeying his orders…….the thing that Nina, your mother failed to do”. Then he got closer to Eric and Alex. “If she had told me what was going on, i might have helped”, he whispered. “By the way, how is she?”, he asked.

“Getting better….and a good reminder that the Sosai has failed miserably”, Eric answered rudely. Alex nudged him and told him to keep his cool. “So where is the ‘big guy’?”, he asked.

The man smirked. “Follow me”, he said and started walking. “Oh by the way i hope none of you is carrying a piece”, he asked as they walked.

“No we are not armed”, Alex replied.

“Neither do i need one to f@ck him up……even though he is armed”, Eric whispered at Alex.

“Is he?”, Alex asked with a whisper.

“A hand gun….probably a semi-auto…… a holster on his left side”, Eric answered. “The suit looks slightly uneven on that side”.

The man lead them through the cemetery to a grassy empty plot of land with some trees. Eric could see several cars park ahead and sensed something around them, something moving. But he calmly followed the man.

As they approached the cars, several men dressed in black suits with darkshades came out from behind the trees and followed them. Alex saw them and got extremely nervous. The men where quite hefty and Alex counted ten of them. He kept glancing at Eric as they followed Bernard to see if he could get any clue from him about their situation. Eric already knew about those men and where each and every one of them was hiding. And also knew that if they remained calm, nothing is going to happen to them. Unless the Sosai decide that today is their last day on earth.

As they approached the cars, he fixed his gaze on one of them, a black Rolls Royce phantom parked in the center with the rest, three black Chevy suburban suvs, surrounding it.When they reached a few feet away from the Rolls Royce, Bernard stopped and looked at them.

“Wait here”, he then said to them and walked towards the Rolls Royce.

Alex and Eric watched as Bernard went over to the car and said something to the man standing near the back door. The man nodded and opened the door. He extended his hand to help the old man coming out of the car but the old man waved it off.

The old man got out and glanced around the place. “This place brings alot of memories”, he said and took a deep breath of the air with his eyes closed. Then he looked at Bernard. “I witnessed alot of people get killed here, Mr Bernard…….Even where we are standing right now once had it soil made muddy with people’s blood…..alot were friends and alot more were enemies”, he smiled.

Then he inhaled the air again and turned his eyes at the twins and gave them a condescending smile. Bernard handed the old man his walking stick and followed him as he slowly walked towards Alex and Eric.

“Please do keep your cool man”, Alex murmured at Eric. “And let me do the talking”.

Eric said nothing. He was busy staring at the old man as he approached them.

The old man stood infront of them and studied each of them from head to toe. He had his eyes mostly on Eric who didnt shift his gaze from the old man at all.

“Hm….this is interesting”, the old man began in his soft voice as he stared at Eric. “It is very hard to tell who is who from the both of you……though i never had the time to study your pictures to see if i can see any differences……anyway since you are the sons of my enemy and whose mother is my daughter, what the hell am i suppose to call you boys?”, he asked.

“Try grand enemies”, Eric replied. Alex sighed and looked at him. “Yeah……especially for a man who wants to kill his own daughter and the father of her own children”, he continued. “What i dont understand is why do you want to hurt every other persons they have had contact with?, those people are all innocent of whatever Barry’s father had done to you.

The old man smiled and looked around the place. “Your mother didn’t tell you that she was the one who brought it upon herself”, he asked Eric, still looking around. “She made a promise not to meet your father and i promised not to harm him. She broke her promise…….i broke mine too. So young man, am i in anyway a bad man?”

“Perhaps it is because you are an old timer that’s why you dont know that there is something called ‘moving on’….”, Eric sneered.

“Eric…..”, Alex began nervously.

“Anyway……”, Eric continued and ignored Alex. “……maybe it’s because you have gotten lost somewhere in world history… let me keep you up to date……first my mother is no longer nineteen years of age…..she is almost in her mid forties, Mr Sosai. A decade past the age she can make any decision without giving two f@cks about what anybody thinks, especially you.

Secondly, we are in a millennium where humanity hardly frown at same sex marriages. So getting all riled up because your daughter is seeing the son of the man whom you had problems with as far back as during the ripe young age when boys begin their quest of wolfing down countless beers and banging queefs out of as many Love Peddler as the number of times they had brushed their teeth, is just laughable……and quite embarrassing”.

Alex stared at Eric; his mouth had run dry. He just stared at his twin brother and waited for the Sosai to give the order to have them blown to kingdom come and relocate their bodies to the cemetery. The old man just stared at Eric with a smile on his face while Bernard keep glancing at the old man with a furrowed eyebrow.

“But that doesn’t mean you should send some men to have my mother gunned down”, Eric said with a frown on his face. “Or send them to shoot up Barry’s house and kill those innocent people”.

The old man’s smile slowly faded away. He glanced at Alex and stared at Eric again. Then Eric dug his hand into his jean pocket. All the men immediately drew out their weapons and pointed it in his direction. Alex slowly raised his hands as he stared at all kinds of automatic weapons pointing at him.

Eric gently pulled his hand out of his pocket to reveal the small pouch he was holding.

“The diamonds…..”, he began and showed it to the old man. “It may not be the one Barry’s dad took from you but these ones are the rarest and there is a considerable amount…….enough for my mom and dad’s freedom”, he continued.

The old man nodded at Bernard who then went over and looked at Eric before collecting the pouch from him. He dipped his fingers in it and took out the gem stone. He studied it carefully before putting it back into the pouch that contain about ten of them and handed it to the old man.

The old man held the pouch away from his face and stared at it for a while. Then he looked at Eric with a smile on his face and handed it back to Bernard.

“Give it back to him”, he ordered Bernard.

Bernard glanced at the old man and went over to where Eric stood. He examined the diamonds again and looked at Eric with an expressionless look on his face. Then he face lit up with a forced smile and he handed the pouch back to Eric. The old man shook his head and motioned at the men who started entering the chevy SUVs.

“Arent you gonna take it?”, Eric asked as the old man was about enter the Rolls Royce.

The old man paused and looked over his shoulder. “You just wasted my time……and i could have killed you for that”, he said to Eric. “But i know better than doing that…….what you showed me is not diamonds. Go get my diamonds……and now you have only six days”, the old man concluded and handed Bernard his walking stick to enter the car. Then he paused again and looked at Eric. “I didn’t order the hit on your mother. I never ordered any hit on anybody. Ask your mother who shot her. She was in the habit of carrying out unauthorized hits and made alot of enemies”.

Eric stared at the old man with a surprised look on his face when he heard what he just said. The Sosai slided into the car and the convoy rolled out, leaving the boys and a cloud of dust behind.


Alex dropped his weight wearily on the drivers seat and slammed the door. He stared at Eric as he sat on the passenger seat beside him and heaved a sigh.

“Dude i just feel like punching you in the face till i break my knuckle bones on it”, Alex began as Eric shut the door and buckled up his seatbelt. “Are you out of your f@cking mind?……..yes i know you are out of your f@cking mind 26 hours a day…….but you have taken it too far”.

“It is 24 hours”, Eric corrected.

“I said 26 hours because even if God decides to add two more hours to see if you will act normal for just two f@cking hours, you will end up disappointing Him!”, Alex retorted. “Thank heavens that we are still alive after all those sh!ts you said to him”, he sighed.

“Why do you say so?”, Eric asked with indifference.

“What?, dude that man is one of this continent biggest black mob!!”, Alex said out loud.

Then he placed his hands on the steering wheel and rested his head on it. After a few seconds he raised his head and looked at Eric.

“Anyway are you thinking what i am thinking?”, Alex asked his brother.

“Yeah……some f@cking foul play going on here”, Eric replied. “Atleast we now know that it wasn’t the Sosai’s doings, even though he still got dad. Someone else wants mother dead. Someone who knows about her and dad……and us too”.

“Well…….”, Alex brought life to the car engine. “…….we have to find out who that person is”, he murmured and hit the gas pedal.

The old man stared out of the window of the black Rolls Royce in the convoy heading to the destination he had ordered them to go. He was lost in thoughts. The distant gaze in his eyes confirmed it. And he looked quite bothered, no matter how he tried to hide it from his men and from his number two.

Mr Bernard, the number two man in the organization and the person in charge of their operations overseas is in the front passenger seat. He was reading the financial report of one of his companies from a file. But the old man didn’t hear a single word of what he had being saying.

The old man sighed and looked at the handle of his walking stick; a golden lion with one of its paw on a globe. He studied it as he slowly ran his thumb back and forth on it.

It was a family symbol; his family symbol. A family once known for breeding warriors, both heros and villians. Warriors that were hunters and served as the king’s guards in the old times to fearsome soldiers and war mercenaries in the modern times. A family with a long line of men and women who had spilled blood, guts and wasted countless lives throughout history.

And also a family of people who lived short lives. Most died in a horrible and violent way, either by the hands of an enemy or that of a fellow relative. The family curse.

None of the family member lived a long normal and peaceful life. From being in the frontline in a battlefield, bringing death to the enemy during conflicts to hunt monsters or protecting people from them in time of peace. Generations after generations got wasted, but some lived long enough to have offsprings who grew up, only to continue the family business. And the cycle continued.

But it was the civil war that was fought in the country about fifty years ago that totally decimated the family. The conflict divided the family and sides had to be taken.

By the time the peace accord was signed, after more than five years of a protracted bloodshed in an enormous scale, only one member survived. A teenage rebel soldier. And if the history of the war was written correctly, he was the one that planned and lead the attack that changed its outcome. But as usual, it was the top brass in the rebel army that took all the accolades.

It made the boy swore never to serve any man again just aa his father and forefathers did. So he broke out and started a local street gang. One that used the type of viciousness his family was known for. And as the years went by, the gang grew to become the biggest and most powerful mafia in the continent.

That teenage rebel soldier is the old man sitting in the Rolls Royce phantom. And now one of the wealthiest man in the country. He could have being the president of the country. But he chose to be the kingmaker, the power behind the throne. He had installed two heads of states and brought one down like it was nothing.

Now, sitting in a luxury car specially made for him, he is staring at the handle of his walking stick. And asking himself what’s the point for this kind of cruel and deadly lifestyle the family had chose to live and keep on living.

“……so thirty percent increase in profits in the third quarter shows that the oil company is doing very well”, Bernard concluded. He closed the file and looked at the old man. “I think the company board of directors are doing a very good job”, he continued. “I think they took the ultimatum you gave them quite serious”.

Then the old man sighed. “Do you think am being too hard on them?”, he asked, still staring at handle of his walking stick.

“Sir you mean the board of directors?, of course not!”, Bernard replied. “They are not being paid to sit around doing nothing and attend every party the company sponsors”.

“No……”, the old man looked at Bernard. “……i mean Nina and that her……man friend or whatever he is”, he said. “Do you think i am being to hard on them?”, he asked.

Bernard closed the file and placed it on his laps. “People might say you went too far……especially Nina being your own daughter”, he began quietly. “But to command respect, you have make sure that everyone follow the rules that you make. And also make an example of whoever breaks any of them……even if the person is your daughter.

Bernard paused to take a deep breath and exhaled gently.

“Nina disobeyed you sir……and i think she deserves whatever punishment you gave her”, he continued. “Besides she did something you forbade her to do……which is having interaction with an enemy. Sir, if the Family under bosses know that you are having second thoughts about your decision on her, how much more you making the decision to be lenient on her, then they will think you are getting weak. With time you will start losing your control over them and the organization in general”.

The old man sighed and stared out of the car window.

“What that brat said to me…….”, he murmured and stared at the scenery that flashed by as the car cruised the road. “……i hate to admit it, but he got a point…….maybe am holding on to this grudge for too long”, then he looked at Bernard. “But i just cant let go…….not after what that man’s father did to me”.

“Sir you should have taken care of that fool right there and then”, Bernard said. “He disrespected you infront of your men…….do you want me to take care of him?”, he asked.

“No”, the old man waved it off. “Besides, what i had expected to see is not what i saw”.

“What do you mean sir”, Bernard asked.

“I thought i would see two fools who would probably wet themselves on seeing me. Apart from the other one who seemed scared because he saw they were out numbered, that one that spoke to me…….he is something else. And that look in his face…….”, the old man sighed thoughfully. “……it reminded me of what i saw each time i stared in the mirror, during my youthful days……those bloody days”, he murmured. Then he looked at Bernard. “I need more bodyguards…..the best in this country”, he ordered.

“Sir, i suggest we eliminate them immediately if you……”, Bernard began.

“Just do what i said!…..i dont need your suggestions now!”, the old man interrupted irritatedly.

“But sir, our men are the best in this country…..we train the best security in this country”, Bernard said.

“Then train more!……and make sure they get the best and hardest training”.

“Yes sir”

“And i want you to get all the informations on those boys, especially that one that was talking tough…..i want to know every goddamn thing about him…..where he eats, the people he had being with, even what he is thinking. I want everything”.

“I will be on it immediately sir”.

The old man pursed his lips and exhaled gently while Bernard made a call with his cellphone. Then he picked up the book lying beside him and started reading. It title says “MY SUPER VILLIAN”, written by Lisa Richard.


9 : 45 pm.

The elevator reached the thirteenth floor and the door slide open. Eric and Alex got off with two nurses and they walked along the corridor of the General hospital private ward with the twins following the nurses behind. The nurses were talking in a low tone and going through their files. While the twins casually but cautiously monitored every activities going on in the corridor and everyone that passed them. Then the nurses entered a room and closed the door. Eric and Alex continue walking, heading towards another room.

“This place is safe”, Alex began when they stood infront of the door of a private. “I dont think she gonna need that”, he said and pointed at the black duffle bag slunged on Eric’s shoulder.

“We still have to take every necessary precautions”, Eric murmured as Alex knocked on the door and quietly opened it.

They entered the room and saw Suzanne and Esther sitting beside Nina and discussing quietly. Both of them turned to the boys when they entered the room.

“How is she doing?”, Alex asked and stared at his mother lying in the bed.

“Her condition has improved alot”, Esther replied. “But yet to wake up from her coma…….the doctor said it is better she remained in a coma to help her heal faster……and also not to experience the pains because there’s alot of it, especially for someone with multiple gunshot wounds”.

Eric unsling the bag and gave it to Suzanne. She felt its content and nodded at Eric. He did the same and stared at Nina in silence.

“So how did it go with your grand father?”, Esther asked as she glanced at the bag Eric just gave to Suzanne.

“The old man said what we gave him are not diamonds”, Alex sighed.

“But……you gave him diamonds right?”,

“Of course they were real diamonds and among the rarest. But he didn’t take it……..he didnt even look at it. Now we have only six days…..and dad’s situation getting worse”.

Esther sighed. “So what are we going to do?”, she asked and looked at Eric. “Are you sure that man is talking about diamonds or something else?”, she asked again.

“That, we are still trying to find out”, Eric said. “But there is another problem we have”.

“What problem?”, Suzanne asked.

“It wasnt the old man that sent those men who shot mother…..and the people that killed Rogers and our house helps”, Alex replied. “Someone else is doing that and we still dont know who that person is”, he continued.

“Oh God”, Esther muttered and rubbed her head. Then she looked at Nina. “What kind of people was she dealing with?”, she asked, still staring at the woman in the bed.

Then they heard a knock on the door. Eric glanced at Esther and Suzanne and cautiously went to the door. He opened it and saw Lisa standing infront of him.

Eric stared at her for a few seconds with a furrowed eyebrows and then looked at the rest in the room, with a look on his face that demanded for an explanation as to why his ex girlfriend is standing before him.

“Hi Eric”, Lisa began as both of them stared at each other.

“What are you doing here?”, Eric managed to ask.

“I called her”, Esther put in and got up. “I had to let her know what was going on. That’s why i called her”.

“How is she?”, Lisa asked and peered into the room.

“Recovering as much as she can”, Eric replied and motion at her to come inside.

Lisa entered and gave both Esther and Suzanne a hug. Then she stood beside Nina’s bed and stared at the wounded woman with a sad look.

“Oh my God”, she murmured and looked at Nina from head to toe. Then she looked at Eric. “I heard what happened to Rogers… is Nancy doing?”, she asked.

“Heart broken”, Eric sighed and bowed his head. “And she is carrying his baby in her womb”, he continued with a downcast gaze.

“Those animals”, Lisa muttered and wiped the tears welling up in her eyes. “Why all these violence?”.

Alex hissed and quietly head towards the door.

“Where are you going”, Eric asked.

“I wanna go get me a drink”, Alex replied and shook his head. “This diamonds that the old man wants…….trying to figure out what it is or even where it is, is giving me alot of headache”, he muttered and reached for the door knob.

“Wait!……”, Suzanne picked up Nina’s cellphone that was being charged and waved it at Alex. “You have to take aunty’s phone”.

“Give it to Eric”, Alex said wearily as he opened the door. “Check if there is anything in that phone that will help us”, he said and left the room.

“I had to charge it because the battery just keep running down fast”, Suzanne said and handed the phone to Eric. “Maybe the phone developed some kind of a fault”.

Eric glanced at the phone and switched it off before sliding it into his back pocket.

“Suzanne, you will have to stay here with Nina. I take mother to a safe place where she will spend the night”, he then said.

“No i can stay here with Suzanne”, Esther protested.

“Mother, i insist…….you look very tired and i want you to get alot of rest”, Eric said.

“Aunty, Eric is right”, Suzanne added. “You should rest……i can handle it alone”.

Esther sighed and nodded. Then Lisa went over to Eric.

“Can i speak to you in private”, she asked Eric.

Eric glanced at Esther and Suzanne. And said, “Okay……lets go out”,

Both of them remained silent while sitting on the chair outside the hospital room. Perhaps waiting for who should be the first to say something. Lisa decided to be the person after the silence seemed to be getting longer.

“So how are you doing?”, she asked Eric without looking at him.

“Am okay…..except for this situation we are having now”, Eric murmured his response, and also not looking at her.

Lisa sighed. “How long has it being now?”, she asked again, looking at Eric this time.

“What do you mean?”.

“I mean……how long has it being since we broke up”.

“Well, six months……by the way, is this why you wanted to talk to me in private?”, Eric demanded impatiently and still not looking at Lisa. “I thought i made it clear to you”.

“Yeah you made it clear……that you were done with me”, Lisa said quietly.

“And i gave you my reasons… can see one of them in that room”, Eric jerked his thumb at the door of Nina’s hospital room. “It is very dangerous for you to be hanging around with me. I wanted you to be safe that’s why i broke up with you”.

“I understand……but…..”.

“But what?”.

“I…..i really miss you alot Eric”.

Eric sighed uncomfortably and looked a Lisa. She looked prettier than the last time he saw her. She added a little bit of weight, her curves had gotten lovelier and her bossom seems to have gotten a bit bigger. Her face is strikingly beautiful as ever with her hazel coloured eyes that could make words to flee from any man’s mouth if they stared at the person.

Eric looked at her and somehow, deep inside him, he felt a little bit of regret breaking up with her. Looking at that her “body to kill for” kind of made him want to drag her into one those private wards and have her one more time. Lisa would probably be thinking the same and even wishing for it to happen. But he knows it will only set off a series of irreversible chain reactions that will lead to only one outcome; getting back together again. But he values her life and safety more than anything else. That’s why he wants her to stay as far away as she can from him.

“I thought you would have moved on by now”, Eric said. “I know how you feel……believe me, i know. But there are things you cant have…..all you have to do is let go and move on”, he continued.

“What about you?, have you moved on?”, Lisa asked.

“It was one of the toughest choices i had to make…..and like i said, it was for a reason”, Eric replied. “And those reasons made me to be able to move on”.

Then silence settled between them. Eric glanced at the nurses walking past them in the corridor while Lisa stared at her feet.

“Anyway i read your book”, Eric decided to be the one to break the silence this time. “I loved it…….MY SUPER VILLIAN……was it a story about us?”, he asked and looked at Lisa with a faint smile.

“More like a story about you”, Lisa corrected and feeling happy that Eric smiled at her.

“I like that definition you wrote….the definition of a super villian….what was it again?” Eric asked.

“One who is well skilled in destruction, as well as building”, Lisa reminded him.

Both of them laughed.

“I heard it was a bestseller… are on your way to becoming famous……and rich. So what are you doing these days?, travelling around the world and having fun?”, Eric asked.

Lisa laughed. “Well i am still working as a reporter for The Easthill Times newspaper”, she then said.

“Really?, i thought by now you would have resigned”, Eric said. “So as to enjoy your success and perhaps have enough time and space to write another book to be published”

“Actually i enjoy working there….especially after we….broke up”, Lisa muttered with some sadness in her voice. “It’s just a way of keeping my mind occupied”,
“So for the past eight months you havent gotten a new boyfriend?, not even a casual male friend?”, Eric asked.

“Well……”, Lisa pursed her lips and tilted her head abit. “Recently, this new guy in our office is making alot of effort”, she said.


“We had lunch a few times”.


“Actually i am keeping it platonic……i am still not yet ready for any relationship”.

“So you want to tell me you haven’t…….”, Eric looked at Lisa in a funny way.

“Havent what?……no i havent had sex since we broke up”, Lisa shook her head.

Eric kind of felt relieved. But he just dont understand why he felt that way or even why he suppose to have that feelings.

“What about you?”, Lisa asked.

“Me?……well i have being too busy accomplishing Nina’s tasks to even think about it”, Eric replied.

“And what are those tasks?”.

“Lisa stop pretending like you dont know what’s going on…….you know what i do”.

Lisa stared at him and sighed with a weak smile.

“Anyway the reason why i want to talk to you in private is because of your mafia grandfather”, she then said. “He contacted me”,

“What?!”, Eric exclaimed. “Why?”, he demanded and lowered his voice as he stole a quick glance around the corridor.

“He read my book”, Lisa replied. “He said he loved it and wanted to meet me…….he wants a biography about him written and he chose me to do it”, Then she looked at Eric. “I think i might be of some help”.

Eric sighed and shook his head. “This could be a trap…..i can’t let you do it”, he muttered.

“I think i can…….”,

“I dont want you to get involved!”, Eric interrupted Lisa quite rudely. This made her to frown and look away.

Then Lisa looked at him. “By the way this diamonds he is talking about, do you even know where it is or how you will find it?”, she asked irritatedly.

Eric stared and said nothing.

“Do you think you are the only one scared of losing someone?”, Lisa continued. “I am also scared of losing someone too…..i am scared of losing you!”, she almost barked at Eric.

Then Lisa took a deep breath and exhaled gently. Eric gazed at her thoughtfully for a while and looked away.

“I am a reporter and investigative journalism is also my line of work”, Lisa continued with a calmer voice. “Dont you think it is better to have someone like me in your team?… help find out why he wanted that diamonds and what they really meant to him……and perhaps where to find them?”.

Eric pursed his lips and nodded thoughtfully.

“Meeting him could be an opportunity to get all the answers”, Lisa added. “And if we can get some answers, then this problem is as good as half solved……atleast we will know what we are looking for and where to look for it”.

“But i dont want you to get hurt”, Eric said with some concern in his voice. Then he looked at Lisa. “What do you want?”, he asked.

“I made some investigations on both your paternal and maternal grandfathers. And found out they fought on the opposing sides during the civil war fifty years ago”, Lisa said.


“I am searching for more info on Barry’s father but am kind of hitting a brickwall……there isnt much about him…..all i know is he later joined the police force after the war”.

Eric thought for a while and looked at Lisa. “There are some old files…..i mean, really old files Barry kept in a cabinet in his bedroom”, he said. “The man said the file belonged to his father……i dont know if it is still there because he said he wanted to dispose it”.

“Oh good!…..i would like to have those files”, Lisa said eagerly. “Am sure there are some clues on what happened between Barry’s father and the Sosai…..and how they crossed path”.

Then Lisa’s cellphone ranged.

“Oh hi Kelvin, i am abit busy right now. I will call you back later”, she answered the call and ended it.

“His name is Kelvin?”.


“I mean your co worker… his name Kelvin”, Eric asked again.

“Yeah”, Lisa murmured as she put her cellphone back into her handbag. “His name is Kelvin”.

“Anyway i will tell Suzanne to get those files for you. When do you need it?”,

“Please bring it as soon as possible because i will be interviewing your mafia grandfather by the end of this week”.

“Okay i will let Suzanne know”, Eric concluded and got up.

“Are you still using the same number?”, Lisa asked as she got up too.

“Yeah”, Eric replied. “But please call me only if it is very important, okay?”, he said sternly.

Lisa smiled. “Dont worry, i will”.

“Seriously i mean it…..”, that was all Eric could say before Lisa threw her arms around his shoulder and gave him a tight hug, her bossoms pressing hard against his hard muscled chest.

“See you later”, Lisa whispered to him and gently let go. And head towards the elevator that opened immediately as she approached. She still had a few seconds to look at Eric one more time before entering the elevator with the few people going inside it.


12 : 45 am.

“…….thanks for the information you gave me”, Suzanne said with a smile to the tall and somewhat skinny female receptionist at the front desk in the lobby of the hospital ground floor.

“Excuse me”, one of the three men in black suit that came over to the receptionist desk said and almost shoved Suzanne aside.

“Excuse me?”, Suzanne protested and looked at the men that were quite hefty. One of them gave her a wicked look and then proceed to talk to the receptionist.

“This is inspector Peters of Easthill police department”, the man began and showed the receptionist an i.d card. “We are here for this person”, he dropped a picture on the table. “Can you tell us which floor she is in?”, he asked and then looked at Suzanne who was trying to get a glimpse of the face in the picture. “Young girl can we help you?, or do you want to get involved in police business?”, he asked and glared at her.

Suzanne smirked and quietly left the receptionist desk. She glanced at the three other men wearing police uniforms and standing near the building exit. One of them held a black bag and seemed abit agitated as he glanced around the lobby and at every person that walked by, despite the place being quite empty.

Suzanne gave them a weak smile after looking at their uniforms and head towards the elevator.

“She is in the private ward”, said the nurse the receptionist had called to help identify the face in the picture. “Fourteenth floor……room 1408”. Then the nurse looked at the black bag one of the men also carried. “What is that?”, she asked.

“Police investigation equipment”, the man replied indifferently and headed towards the elevator with the rest following him.

Suzanne stood infront of Nina’s room. She took out her cellphone to make a call and paused. Then on a second thought she slipped the smartphone back into the pocket of her blue jean and adjusted her black hoodie sweater and zip it up. Then she entered the room and gently closing the door.

As the door closed, the elevator reached the floor and opened. The hefty men got out and immediately started checking every door in the private ward corridor. They stopped infront of one door. The number on the door is 1408, the door to Nina’s room. Then the man carrying the black bag dropped it on the floor and unzipped it. The three men bent over the bag and started taking out automatic weapons; Uzi, Mac-11s and glock 17s with extended clips.

“Lets do this……lets finish this f@cking job this time”, their leader said and cocked the hammer.

Then he kicked the door open………and loud gunfires filled the corridor.


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4 years ago

This story is fascinating….. I’m enjoying it to the fullest ?

4 years ago

OMG! This is getting out of hand.
I hope Suzanne can handle this.

Alaka Moses
Alaka Moses
4 years ago

Eric the beast thinks like a computer and Sosial fears him.
Well done

4 years ago

I am following it seriously, thanks for been faithful with posting these episodes

4 years ago

This study is fascinating

4 years ago

Eric is a younger version of sosai

4 years ago

Who will save them?

4 years ago

Getting scared…… Oh please

4 years ago

So fascinating ?

4 years ago

wow! this story is so interesting

4 years ago

It’s glaring that Bernard is greedy. Who wants to kill Nina

Mabel Osuji
4 years ago

This is fascinating. Little Suzanne? Wonderful!!