BLOODLINE 2 Episode 3 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 3 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 3 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

Three months later.

Dante gently wiped his wet face with the clean white towel while standing infront of the bathroom mirror. He dropped the wet towel on the floor and parted his lips open to inspect his front teeth. Feeling satisfied with their clean white colour and his clean gum, he picked up a cologne bottle and applied its content on his body while whistling a tune. When he was done, he unwrapped the wet towel around his waist and went into the bedroom, towards the underwears and the neatly folded cloths on the bed. He picked up the remote and switched on the flat screen t.v facing the bed. And gave the woman lying on the bed a bright smile.

Dante…..Dante’s full name is unknown. He is a hitman and an international contract killer. One of the best in the field and he only accept jobs that involves high level individuals. In the underworld, he is known as the “Dead-ringer” because of his uncanny ability to impersonate anybody, which is one of his many talents. Due to how efficient he is in carrying out and completing his killing tasks, the nickname got mispronounced alot. Some called him Deadbringer, Deadstinger and even Deadfinger. Some have gotten confused on which one that was actually his nickname. But they all know one thing for sure. He is one of the coldest killers alive.

Dante gently buttoned the cuffs of his white long sleeve shirt as he watched the news and turned his eyes at the woman in bed. The woman’s n@de body was partly covered with the bedspread. Her youthful bossoms that looked irresistible despite being stuffed with implants, were exposed. And covered with blood.

There was blood on the pillow beneath her head and on the side of the king size bed she laid. The distant gaze in those unblinking cold eyes of hers showed that she was dead. The agonizing pain she must have had before life slipped away from her body was still written on her somewhat beautiful face. Her red lipstick painted lips parted open, as if she’s waiting for a kiss.

Dante buttoned up his grey coloured suit jacket as he stood beside the woman’s body and stared at her face. Then he bent over and gave her a kiss on her cold lips. He glanced at her slitted throat and the several stab wounds on her tummy.

“Thanks for the file baby”, he whispered into her ears and straighten up.

Dante picked up the usb flash drive on the bed-side table and proceed to wipe everything he had touched with his handkerchief.


The elevator reached the ground floor and slided it’s flowery designed stainless steel door open. Dante stepped into the brightly lit hotel lobby and took casual glances at the few people hanging around the pristine place. Humming quietly to himself and nodding with a smile at whoever cared to look at him, he headed towards the front desk with steady strides.

“Good morning”, Dante began, smiling at the male receptionist.

The friendly looking receptionist left the computer technician he was talking to and attended to Dante.

“Good morning sir”, the man began politely. “Checking out sir?”, he asked Dante.

“Yeah….”, Dante replied and handed the key card to the man. He looked at the computer technician who was typing on the keyboard and glancing at the monitor on the table. “…..Is the computer having some problem?”, he asked.

“Yeah……the cameras in the tenth floor are not working”, the receptionist replied with some concern in his voice and glanced at the monitor that had some blank windows. “Probably a problem with the software”.

“Maybe….anyway have a nice day”, Dante smiled. He glanced at the blank screen, his handiwork, before heading towards the hotel revolving door.

Dante paced around the hotel premises and watched the taxis and car drive in and drive off. He took out a pack of cigarette, he lit one for himself and looked at his wristwatch. Five minutes had passed and he was still waiting for the car that will pick him up. Dante sighed and took another drag from his cigarette. He blew a cloud of smoke and paced towards the smoking area after seeing one of the hotel attendant politely motioning at him to go over to the place.

Then a grey 2012 Mercedes S 500 rolled into the hotel premises and grinded to a halt in front of Dante. The driver and another man sitting on the front passenger seat scrutinized him for a few seconds before they got out of the car.

“Good day sir”, the driver began indifferently while the other man quickly opened the passenger door for Dante. “We are here to pick you up sir”.

“You are five minutes late”, Dante began as he glanced at his wristwatch and stubbed the cigarette in the ashtray. “Why are you five minutes late?”, he asked and stared at the driver.

“I had to pick up my breakfast”, the driver replied and stared back at Dante.

They stared at themselves in silence for a while before Dante lowered his eyes and patted the driver on his back with a grin.

“A man gotta eat before going to work for sure”, he said to the driver, still grinning. He glanced at the other man who was still holding the door and slide into the back seat.

Then both men hopped into the benz after glancing around the hotel premises. The driver hit the gear and the gas pedal, making the benz to roll into the light traffic on the main road.

After about ten minutes of a smooth ride in silence, Dante shift his gaze from the screen of his smartphone he had be staring at, to the scenery flashing by outside the car. They were now outskirts of the city and cruising in a sparsely populated area at a steady speed. Dante glanced at his smart device again and looked at the rearview mirror infront of him. He could see the driver’s hard eyes watching the road keenly as he worked the steering wheel and drove the vehicle.

“Stop the car”, Dante suddenly said.

“For what?”, the driver asked surprisingly and looked at Dante through the rearview mirror.

“Stop the car”, Dante said again as he gently placed his phone on the seat and took off his suit jacket.

“Why?”, the driver was baffled. He then glanced at the other man sitting on the passenger seat beside him “The boss said we should drive to the villa and make no stops at all”.

“I want to take a piss”.

The driver scoffed and glanced at the man beside him again.

“Just pull over”, the other man sighed.

The driver gently decelerated the car, murmuring, “Why didnt he take a piss in his hotel room”.

Dante gently placed his suit jacket on the seat, making sure it didn’t get rumpled and got out after the benz halted beside the road. He walked around the car and stood infront of the driver’s door. He stared at the driver for a few seconds and then knocked on the winded up door window. The driver stared at him and then hit the wind down button.

“What is it now…….”, was all the driver could say before a blow from Dante’s left fist landed squarely in his face, sending spit, blood and some teeth flying out from his mouth. Dante grabbed the man’s head and slammed it viciously on the benz wood grain steering wheel, busting his lips and making the car horn to blare out loud. Dante slammed his head on the steering again and knocked the man out. Then he opened the door and dragged the unconscious driver out of the car.

The other man got out of the car and watched in silence as Dante laid the driver on the ground and proceed to punch him in the face with some stomping and kicking. This went on for some time and the man did nothing but stare at Dante savagely beating up his colleague.

After exactly five minutes of a callous beatdown meted out on the driver, Dante bent over the man. He brought his wristwatch close to the bloody mess that used to be the man’s face.

“That is for the five minutes you kept me waiting”, Dante said quietly and tapped the face of his wristwatch.

Then he straightened up and zipped his trouser open. He brought out his manhood urinated all over the unconscious man.

“That’s for making me hold my piss”, Dante said when he was done and zipped up. “Put him in the trunk and drive”, he ordered the other guy and opened the back door. “Make sure am in your boss’ villa in the next fifteen minutes”, he continued as the man opened the car trunk to do as he was told.


“Thank you”, Dante said kindly to the big and gorilla looking man who ushered him into the spacious living-room. He made a quick survey of the place with his eyes as he walked in, glancing at the painting and portraits hanging on the cream coloured walls.

The living-room had a high ceiling and a large sliding glass door that gave a good view of the mansion’s front lawn. The furnitures were modern design and expensive. The rich lush black sofas were perfectly positioned in the right places. The place smelt of money, alot of it. And Dante was sure that a ton of it was stashed in a hidden safe somewhere in the villa.

“Good day gentlemen”, Dante began at the three men present in the living-room as he approached them, the heels of his shoes clicking audibly on the polished marble floor.

The men who were sitting on the sofa regarded Dante with disdain when he came over. One of them who seems to have an air of authority gazed at him with an expressionless look on his face.

“Sorry am abit late. I had to deal with some issues”, he continued and took a sit on one of the sofa.

The three men stared at him in silence for a while.

“I heard what you did to my nephew”, the man with an air of authority then said with a sigh.

“Well, i wanted to instill some respect in the boy”, Dante replied. “Gus, you know very well that we all need to have that…….especially in this kind profession”.

“And your way of doing it is to have him almost beaten to death like he was nothing?”,

“Maybe that’s what he is……nothing”.

“Maybe i should just kill you right here, right now in my house”, Gus was trying to control himself from making an outburst.

“And we dont mind that happening”, another man put in. He was quite built up and looked mean with a deep scar on his chin. He was sitting next to the third man who stared at Dante with a funny look on his face.

Dante shift his stare at the man with the scar. “Santos …..”, he began and looked at the man sitting next to him. “……and you Hector. I heard that you and those uncontrollable animals you called your men are still into robbery and kidnaps. So when are you guys gonna stop wallowing around with the dregs of the underworld?”, he asked.

Both men were highly insulted. Santos made an attempt to get up. But he was held down by Hector. Dante stared at both of them with a sneer.

“You should have allowed your associate to make his move….”, Dante dared Hector. “…..and watch me kill him right where he is seated”.

“Do we even need this punk?”, Hector asked irritatedly and looked at Gus. “This job could be done without him”.

“Of course we need him…..even more than we need you and your entire men”, a deep voice came out from the speakers of the telephone on the center table in the living-room. All the men focused their attention at the phone in silence. “Good day Mr Dante, i’m glad you honoured the invitation”, the voice continued.

“Good day sir”, Dante began cheerfully and crossed his legs as he rested his back on the sofa back cushion. “Last time i heard your voice, we were on the opposing sides…….it was quite a pleasant surprise to hear that you of all people wanted my services”, he smiled.

“Well in some situations, we have to turn an enemy into an ally”, the voice said.

“Hm…….this must be some serious desperate situation you got in your hands”, Dante rested his clasped hands on his thigh.

“Don’t flatter yourself Mr Dante….you know very well how things could go in this profession”,

“Yeah……always a dog eat dog situation in our world”.

“Correct Mr Dante”.

“And since you know me very well, you would have known that i always work alone”, Dante grunted and glanced at the other men.

“I know you always work alone Mr Dante”

“Then……why the f@ck!…..are these two piece of sh!ts here?”,

“Hey f@ck you man you aint sh!t!”, Santos retorted angrily and got up from his seat.

“You gonna be the first to get killed if i happen to have a change of attitude….so shut your mouth and sit your ass down little man”, Dante said calmly to the angry man without looking at him.

“Motherfucker you gonna be the first to be killed after i’ve chopped your legs off and shoved the severed limbs up you own ass”, Santos barked back.

“Gentlemen…..gentlemen!….”, the voice boomed out of the speakers as Santos took a seat while Dante stared at him with a sneer. “…….we here for business and everyone have their own part to play in it, nobody is gonna be working with nobody. So let’s put our differences aside for now and get down to the business……Gus, i want you to hand the men their respective files.

Gus sighed and got up. He picked up the two files lying next to the telephone on the glass table and handed Dante and Hector each. They opened their files and stared at the documents and the pictures in it.

“So gentlemen , these are your subjects”, the voice continued. “Now the question before we start talking business is, can you get the job done?”, the voice asked.

Hector and Santos studied the three photographs in their file keenly and nodded several times. Then Hector looked at Gus and gave a faint smile.

“Just tell us when and where you want it to be done sir”, Hector replied.

Dante remained silent. There was only one picture in his file. And he kept staring at the face in the picture with an expressionless look on his face.

“What about you Dante, what’s your answer to my question?”, the voice asked him.

Dante sighed and closed the file. Uncrossing his legs, he leaned forward and dropped it on the center table. He move his body back to its former position, back resting on the sofa back cushion and making the leather of the furniture to crinkle. After a few seconds of staring at the file thoughtfully, he glanced at the other men with a smile that seem to irritate them and looked at the telephone infront of him.

“Can you get the job done”, the voice asked again, abit firmer this time.

“As long as there wont be any interference from you or those wild animals from any so call gang”, Dante replied.

“Ok then…….So gentlemen, do we all have an agreement?, any question?” the voice then asked and the men in the room remained silent. “Alright then……you will be paid the amount of money you all requested….. half now and the rest after you have completed the job”, the voice continued. “Tell Gus the bank you want your funds to be transfered. And he will notify you if i want to make contact with any of you”.

Then the men hear the line click. Hector and santos got up with Santos holding the file. Both men straightened their three piece black suits and looked at Dante who was sitting and still staring at the file given to him with an expressionless look on his face.

“What is the matter boyo?……did he give you the job only done by the dregs of the underworld?”, Hector asked intently and smirked. “You can pass it on to me and my associate to do it for you……we would even be more than glad to do it if your picture is also in that file”, Hector and Santos laughed.

Dante got up slowly and picked up his own file. He opened it and took out the picture in it. Dropping the file and sliding the picture inside the inner pocket of his suit jacket, he glanced at the other men with his lips curving into a faint smile.

“It a pleasure meeting you guys”, he bowed respectfully to the men and headed towards the living-room door.

“That guy is quite odd”, Santos noted after Dante left the room.

“Anyone who goes by the nickname “dead-ringer” is definitely an odd fellow”, Gus smirked as he went over to the mini bar in his living-room. “And the kind of fellow who would willingly accept that job given to him”, he continued as he poured some shots in the three glasses he had set on the bar table.

“What do you mean by that?”, Hector asked Gus as they accepted the glasses he handed to them.

“Only the craziest son of a b!tch in this planet would wanna do that job given to Dante”, Gus said and gazed ahead. “And the guy that just left us is the only guy who can succeed in completing that task because he is the craziest son of a b!tch in this planet”.

Santos and Hector glanced at each other and stared at Gus thoughtfully. Then Gus turned his gaze at Hector.

“So how many men do you have?”, he asked.

“How many do you need?”, Hector replied the question with another question.

How many do you have?”.

“Well, we have alot of fresh recruits……very efficient, county jail big bodies……real no nonsense men with no conscience and only understands violence”.

“And more than enough to go to war with any group”, Santos added.

“How good are they in handling weapons?”, Gus asked.

“Quite good. Most are robbers with some years of experience”, Hector replied. “Some are just muggers and stick up kids. Fairly good with guns….unless when they are up and close. But very good when it comes to any ‘heavy-lifting’ to be done without weapons”.

“Gus pursed his lips with a nod and raised his own glass. “A toast to a new era that is about to begin in the underworld……..more money to our pockets and positions being elevated higher”.

Even though Hector and his associate didnt know what Gus meant, the word “money” made both of them to make a toast with the leader of one of the crime families in Easthill. Money was also the only language they understood and they have just gotten a contract that will give them money. Alot of money

They made a toast and swallowed their hard liqour. Gus proceed to pour another round of shots and then started another discussion with the men.


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4 years ago

Interesting next pls

4 years ago

Very interesting….. Next pls ?️

Egunjobi Omolola
Egunjobi Omolola
4 years ago

Nina you shud watch your back