BLOODLINE 2 Episode 13b (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 13 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 13b (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

Detective Allen stopped staring at the papers and numerous photographs on his desk and rubbed the bridge of his nose with some uneasiness. The swivelling he was sitting on made a low squeaking sound as he reclined in it and folded his arms. Heaving a deep sigh, he pursed his lips and looked at the photographs again.

For over an hour, he had been going through the documents. The police reports brought to his desk. Reports about the recent dead bodies discovered in an alley and shopping mall; victims of a violent death. The photographs on his desk were the pictures of the gruesome killings. They were all men who are believed to be members of a gang……or mafian foot soldiers.

Allen leaned forward and picked up one of the pictures that seems to get his attention more than the rest. He held the picture up to his face and gazed at it for a while.

“Damn you Eric”, Allen muttered under his breath and dropped the picture on the table. “What kind of a man are you?….never had a problem taking a butcher knife or an axe to the bad guys and leaving one hell of a gory scene”, he sighed.

“One hell of massacre going on huh”.

Allen looked over his shoulder and saw his partner Zack, leaning on the door post of their office and staring at him. He also held a copy of the police report.

“Yeah”, Allen replied and looked at the pictures on the table, wondering how long he had been standing there. “One hell of a gang massacre”, he muttered and looked at the picture he had dropped. The picture of a dead man with an axe imbedded in his skull.

“And that’s one hell of a stunt you pulled in the conference room”, Zack snorted and walked into the cozy and well lit office that has two separate desk facing each other. And a fairly big pin up board on the front wall with alot of papers and coloured thumb tacks.

“Haven’t spent a week in the job and you are already walking out of a meeting called by the state police commissioner”, Zack continued.

“You guys have an imbec!le running the affairs of the police in this city. That’s why i had to leave”, Allen said coolly and looked at Zack. “The man was too busy looking for someone to take the blame for his balls not being properly massaged than listen to what we have to say about this case…..or what we think should be done”.

Allen’s words amused Zack as he stood infront of the pin up board. “What do you expect from the superiors?”, he said and stared at the pictures and clues both he and Allen had pinned on the board. “We are dealing with a serious case of gang related killings and murders. They want us to put an end to it as soon as possible”, he muttered.

“Then he should have listened to me when i said he should issue an order to bring in some persons of interest to the police department for questioning”, Allen protested.

“And who are these persons of interest huh?…….Gus?”, Zack asked indifferently as he kept staring at the pin up board. “We have nothing on him. And i personally dont see how he is connected to all the killings going on”.

Allen opened his mouth to say something but closed it on a second thought. He knows that Gus is connected to the killings, if not the guy ordering it. And very sure because one of the dead men in the picture was in Gus place when he paid the man a visit…….an unofficial visit. A visit the police department and Zack are not aware of because he didnt put it in his report.

“According to the police report, the man seems to be running a legitimate business”, Zack continued, interrupting Allen in his thoughts. “Even though he is suspected to be the leader of the mafias in Easthill”.

“He IS the leader of one of Easthill mafias”, Allen corrected and picked up one of the papers of the police report on his desk. “This dead guy named Santos, is the right hand man of another guy called Hector”, he continued and waved the paper at Zack. “Hector is one of Gus closest friend and affiliate. And since this Hector is nowhere to be found, then Gus is the guy we need to bring in for questioning because he might have some informations or heard something about this…..gang war or whatever the f@ck is going on and the reason for it”, Allen stated. “If we can get something…anything from him, then we might be able to know what we are dealing with and where to begin”.

Zack turned and looked at Allen.

“As of now we have nothing”, Allen continued as he got up and gathered the papers on his desk. “I have to know how and why these thugs were killed in a shopping mall”, Allen muttered to himself. Then he glanced at his wristwatch and started walking out of the office.

“Is there something that you are not telling me?”, Zack then asked as Allen headed towards the door.

Allen paused. “Something like what”, he asked intently and looked at Zack.

“Well…..”, Zack sighed and casually paced towards his desk. “Anything that has to do with this case we are trying to solve”, he said and leaned on the edge of the desk. “Like informations you might have stumbled upon…..”.

Allen gazed at Zack.

“….Perhaps informations given to you by a unanimous source……or someone you know very well. Informations you are yet to share with the police department and me your partner”, Zack continued with an inquisitive look on his face.

“What makes you think i have other informations about this ‘Easthill gangs gone out of control’ killings?”, Allen asked. “Even if i do, what makes you think that i will withhold from the department?”, he asked again and then smirked.

Zack thought for a while with his hands in his pockets. “You know…..”, he began and walked around his desk. “…..You seem so convinced that this Gus got something to do with the killings going on in this city”, he dropped his weight on his chair and rested his elbows on the desk. “So i’m wondering if you might have come across any info…..or know something”,

“Well i’m still in the dark…..just like you”, Allen smiled and took out his cellphone. “It’s just my instincts that i’m following”, he concluded and walked out of the office.


The automated voice told Dante for the fourth time that the recipient of the number he was calling is not answering after the line rang for over a minute. He pressed the End button and slipped the cellphone inside the inner pocket of his suit jacket. Heaving a sigh, Dante raised the wine glass to his lips and gulped down its content. He gently set the glass back to its former position beside the bottle of Barbaresco red wine he had ordered and rested his elbows on the table, clasping his hands together.

The guests in the restaurant applauded as pianist bowed gracefully at them. He then took a seat and gently placed his fingers on the piano keyboard to entertain the guests again with another tune.
He started playing a romantic piano song called “Liebestraume”, also known as Dreams of love. A song that Dante had requested to be played because he had hoped it would be a perfect night. But with the dull expression on his face and the incessant checking of his phone, he was having a somewhat bad night. And even though the pianist seemed to play the song quite well, he didnt play it to Dante’s taste and this made Dante to stare at the man with some distaste.

Dante sighed again. He picked up the half empty bottle of wine and refilled his glass. As he raised the glass to lips, he looked at burly man’s table and saw the woman the man was talking to, staring at him. Dante smiled and winked at her. Then he glanced around the restaurant for a while as he sipped his wine and noticed that the girl was still staring at him when he turned his eyes in her direction. He winked again and waved at her.

The woman stared at Dante for a while after seeing his gesture at her and gave him a smile. She gave the burly man a brief stare as he continued with his rants and then looked at Dante with a mischievous smirk on her lips. Then she leaned forward and whispered something into the man ear and pointed at Dante.

“Not only an overpriced hooker, but also a Delilah”, Dante murmured quietly when the burly man looked over his shoulder and stared at him.

One moment the burly man was staring at Dante curiously. The next moment his face turned into a frown when he recognized him. Dante took a sip from his glass and relaxed on his seat as the burly man got up and threw his napkin on the floor. The man adjusted the collar of his shirt and came over to Dante’s table with a mean look on his face.

“You again…..”, the man began and pointed at Dante’s face.

“Nice to meet you too sir”, Dante replied coolly with a smile on his face.

“So what is your f@cking problem?…..are you trying to f@cking ruin my evening or what?”.

“Sir i dont know what you are talking about?”.

“You f@cking well know what i’m talking about you asshole!”, the man blurted out loud at Dante, startling some of the customers and attracting the attentions of the waiters. “You were flirting with my wife!”.

Dante glanced at the customers that are staring at him. And at the waiter that were now coming towards his table. Then he looked at the burly man, slowly running his eyes from his expensive shirt to his angry face.

“Sir dont take it the wrong way”, he said to the man, maintaining his smile and positive attitude. “Your…..’wife’ is a very beautiful woman and i was just complementing her beauty”, Dante gestured his hand at the woman who was staring at him with a condescending sneer.

“Well thank you very much. But she doesnt like the way you are staring at her”, the man said sarcastically. “And if you turn that dog face of yours in her direction again, then you and i gonna have a big f@cking problem right here!”, he warned and poked his fat right index finger on Dante’s chest.

Dante looked at the burly man’s finger and hairy hand. “My apologies sir”, he apologized.

“Sir is there any problem?”, the waiter politely asked Dante and glanced at the burly man.

“Oh no…’s just a slight misunderstanding”, Dante said to the waiter.
“Yeah he is right”, the man began quietly and picked up the bottle of wine Dante was drinking. “He can never have a problem with me”, he continued and spilled its entire content on Dante’s laps. “Try that sh!t again and i will whack you right here, right now”.

The burly man smirk at Dante and dropped the empty bottle on his table. The waiter protested but Dante gestured at him to stop. Then burly man went over to his table while the waiter hurriedly picked up a table napkin to help Dante wipe his suit and trouser.

Dante glanced at the other guests who gave him a curious and a somewhat awkward stare. He nodded at them with an “everything is okay” look on his face and stared at the burly man as the man went over to his table.

The woman was now staring at Dante mockingly and laughing. The burly man dropped his weight on his seat and she got up and gave him a long kiss.

“What a bad evening”, Dante muttered to himself and looked at his wet trouser and suit jacket. “Please get me another bottle”, he said to the waiter who had left and came back with more napkins for Dante.

“Okay sir”, the waiter replied. “Please do accept my apologies for that guy’s unruly behaviour”, he added.

“Oh its okay……things like this do tend to happen sometimes”, Dante smiled at the waiter.

But Dante failed to tell the man the kind of repercussions that comes if that kind of behaviour is exhibited towards him.


“So what did you find out?”, Alex asked as he glanced at Hector’s cellphone and glanced at screen of Chris laptop.

“Well……”, Chris began as he worked his fingers on the keyboard. “I got Gus cellphone number from his phone……and did a little trick of mine”, he continued with a smile and looked at Alex.


“I sent a spam alert message to Gus cellphone…….and as what people usually do when they get alerts, he opened it and therefore enabling me to hack into his phone”.

Then Chris clicked on a window in laptop screen and showed Alex Gus entire cellphone call history and numbers stored in the contact list. Alex stared at it with a smile and scrolled through the list.

“But it doesn’t prove anything though”, Alex muttered as he glanced through the numbers and the names.

“That’s not all……there is something else”, Chris muttered. He moved Alex hand away from his laptop and worked his fingers on the keyboard and opened another window on the screen. “I was able to hack into the cellphones of the numbers in Gus contact list”, he said and opened another window in the screen. “All…….except one”, he continued and looked at Alex. “Your mother’s cellphone is the only phone i couldn’t hack into……but…..”, he pointed at a number in the screen. “…….this is not the number of your mom’s cellphone…..unless she is using two cellphones.

Alex stared at number with a thoughtful gaze.

“After that debacle of trying to hack into your mom’s phone, i wrote some kind of computer program”, Chris said. “A program that gives me feedbacks on the security level and loopholes of any computer or cellphone i intend to hack into. Just like checking how high a wall is before deciding whether it is possible to scale over it”, he smiled and looked at Alex.

“So the program told you that the cellphone of this number cannot be hacked”, Alex said with his eyes still staring at the number on computer screen.

“Cannot be hacked is an understatement man”, Chris said. “Hacking into that phone is like trying to empty the Atlantic ocean with a teaspoon. I thought your mom’s cellphone got the best security. But the one in this cellphone is a freaking nightmare to a god hacker. I’m talking about something even……the federal government cant penetrate”.

Then Chris sighed and reclined in his seat. He rubbed his eyes with his index fingers and shook his head.

“The owner of this cellphone is definitely someone heavy”, he muttered. “Like the president of this country”, he muttered.

“Or someone more powerful than the president of this country”, Alex said.

Then silence settled between them.

“I thought you said your grandfather is not behind all these sh!ts?”, Chris then asked with some concern in his voice after a few minutes of them staring at the laptop screen in silence.

“Maybe he wants us to believe that he is not the one behind all the sh!ts”, Alex replied. “Are you sure of what you just told me about this number?”, he asked.

“Very positive”.

“Then lets go ask mother and see if Hector is willing to talk”.

Suzanne wiped the sweat on her body and armpits with her shirt and dropped it on the floor.

“That’s one hell of a strong fist you got there”, Nina said and glanced at Suzanne’s bloodstained knuckles as she handed the plastic bottle of water to her. “I’m impressed”.

“Impressed?”, Suzanne accepted the bottle of water and raised it to her lips. “I’m just warming up”, she said after a few gulps.

“Warming up?”, Nina snorted with a furrowed eyebrow and then chuckled. “Well your warm up seems to have left him half dead”, she said and jerked her head at Hector.

Hector looked terrible. There’s alot blood on his shirt and trouser. His right face that took most of the blows from Suzanne’s powerful left fist was totally destroyed. The other part was covered with horrible bruises and massive lumps that rendered him unrecognizable. His head tilted to the side with blood and saliva dripping from his mouth that hung open due to the multiple factures he had sustained in his jaw.

Suzanne corked the bottle and dropped it on the floor. She unwrapped the bloodstained piece of cloth wrapped around her right fist and looked at Hector.

“Sir, are you sure you wanna keep holding out till we begin the main event”, she asked him and dropped the piece of cloth. “You have to know that the longer i do this, the higher the level of my rage”, she muttered and slipped the metal knuckle brace she took out from her pocket, on her left hand. “So if you have anything to say…….especially the answer to that question we asked you, then you better spill it out”, she concluded and balled the left hand into a fist with metal knuckles.

Hector battered lips muttered something inaudible and coughed with alot of pain.

Suzanne glanced at Nina and looked at Hector. “What did you just say?”, she asked him.

Hector raised his head weakly and looked at Suzanne. “The…….invisible one”, he muttered.

“The invisible one?, is that a name or a password?”, Suzanne asked.

“The name…..of the man”, Hector gasped and bowed his head.

“What did he just say?”, Nina asked Suzanne.

“The invisible one”, Suzanne replied.

“What?”, Nina furrowed her eyebrows.

“The invisible one”, Suzanne said again and looked at Nina. “He said the name of man who put the hit on you and Alex is ‘The invisible one’….”.

Nina stared at Hector for a while and slowly got up from her chair. She sighed and quietly paced around the room thoughtfully with a downcast gaze.

“Does it mean anything to you?”, Suzanne asked when she saw the look on Nina’s face. Nina looked at her and nodded.

That name……nickname, meant alot to her. The name that so much got her interest when she was a teenager, that it ended up changing the course of her life. And like most delinquents of that time that had a very rough and dirty childhood, the name made her have dreams. Dreams to have the triple beams of life; money, power and fame. Dreams to be someone who controls and puts fear in the hearts and mind of others. Dreams that soon became reality when she found out that the man called “the invisible one”, was her father. Her biological father.

“Do you want me to make him give us an excellent description of what this ‘invisible fucker’ look like?”, Suzanne asked, interrupting Nina in her thoughts and raising the fist with a metal knuckle brace to pound Hector’s already damaged face.

“No”, Nina replied with a sigh and slowly dropped her weight on the chair, still bearing the thoughtful look on her face
Then the door open and Alex and Chris stepped into the room with Chris carrying his laptop.

“I think we got something”, Chris began as they stepped into the room. “There is a…….”, Chris paused with his mouth wide open when his eyes met Hector’s face. “Mother of God…”, he managed to utter as he stared at the man with a horrified look on his face.

“Wow……what the hell happened to you?”, Alex chuckled at Hector. “Is my kid sister too hot for you to handle, big man?”, he asked and placed his hand on Hector’s shoulder.

Hector’s body trembled when the hand touched him and he groaned out with alot of pain. This made Alex to surprisingly and immediately withdraw his hand.

“Hm…’s like someone came with the thunder in this less than….20 minutes orgy”, Alex sneered and looked at Suzanne.

Suzanne wiped the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand and eyed Alex.

“So what were you saying?”, Nina demanded and looked at Chris who was still staring at Hector with his mouth open.

Chris went over to where Nina was seated and showed her the laptop screen. “Do you recognize this phone number?”, he asked.

Nina stared at the number for a few seconds. “Where did you get this number?, she asked Chris.

“From Gus cellphone”, Chris replied.

“Gus cellphone?”, Nina furrowed her eyebrows and glanced at Alex.

“Yeah…..i hacked into his cellphone and got it from his call list”.

Nina nodded her head slowly and stared at the number thoughtfully.

“Chris tried to hack into the cellphone of that number and encountered a ‘never seen before’ type of security”, Alex added. “We are talking about a high level security…….something possibly beyond the federal government”.

Nina sighed. “What day is it today?”, she asked.

“Friday”, Suzanne replied.

“Give me your cellphone”, Nina demanded from Alex.

Alex took out his cellphone and handed it to Nina and she dialled the number.

“Mom we called the number, but the response was it doesnt exist”, Alex said to Nina.

“I know…..”, Nina muttered as she dialled the number. Then she pressed the send button and put the phone on speaker mode so that everyone in the room can hear it.

The automated voice informed them that the number doesnt exist, just as Alex had said. But Nina waited until five seconds ticked away in the call time. Then she punch in a series of numbers and waited. After about five seconds, an automatic voice told her to press the caller identification number. Nina thought for about a few seconds and punched in a series of numbers.

Then the line ringed.

Alex and Chris glanced at each other surprisingly as the line rang five times before it was answered.

“Hello?”, a voice answered from the cellphone speakers.

Nina heard the voice and immediately end the call. She heaved a deep sigh with her face in her palms. Alex who also recognized the voice rubbed the back of his neck. Then he cursed under his breath and he paced around the room with a troubled look on his face.

“What’s wrong?”, Chris asked Suzanne with a whisper. “Is it the…..”,

“Yeah it’s him……it’s the Sosai”, Suzanne replied before he could finish. “That’s his voice”, then she looked at Nina. “So he is the invisible man huh?”, she asked.

Nina nodded her head.

“What do you mean by the invisible man?”, Alex asked and looked at Suzanne.

“Well our good friend here…..”, Suzanne pointed at Hector. “……said that Gus is getting his orders from someone called the invisible man”.

“That was what your grandfather was called a very long time ago”, Nina muttered and looked at Alex. “Because no one really knew his real name, his identity…..or where he could be found. But he never liked that nickname…..and stopped people from calling him that”, she continued. “But as the Family organization grew bigger and bigger, he decided to take the title, ‘The Sosai’….”.

Alex sighed with a downcast gaze. “I f@cking knew it”, Alex began irritatedly. “That crazy oldman is the one behind all these sh!ts”, he said and glanced at the others. “But why didnt he just come out and boldly say that he is the one behind it…..than be a….a smooving lying motherf@cker?”, he asked angrily.

“What the hell is ‘smooving’?”, Suzanne snorted.

“He meant to say smooth moving”, Chris replied.

Then Nina’s cellphone ringed and interrupted the conversation. Everyone in the room, including Alex who took the cellphone out from his pocket, stared at the cellphone as it kept ringing and glanced at the others as he held the phone away from his body. Then Nina gestured at him to bring the cellphone to her. Alex did so and Nina stared at the number after the phone was handed to her.

“Bernard?”, she muttered with a furrowed her eyebrows. Then she looked at Chris.

“Dont worry…..they can no longer track us through that phone”, Chris said to Nina.

Then Nina put the phone on speaker mode and answered the call. “Hello Bernard…..”, she began coolly.

“Nina?…….my God is that you?”, Bernard’s voice came out of the phone speakers. “I heard you were in a coma after what happened……when did you wake up?”, he asked.

“I woke up when you were busy being my father’s lapdog……as usual”, Nina replied.

“Still having problems with my loyalty to your father?”.

“I never had any problem with your rather extreme ‘loyalty to a fault’ to my father. But the reasons for it…..which seems kind of suspicious to me”.

“Aw come on Nina… are making it sound like we are having some kind of a sibling rivalry.

“Well to me it feels more like hatred because you had in many occasions tried to convince the Sosai to bring me down”.

Bernard deep sigh was heard and he paused for a few seconds. “Nina all these years i worked for your father, i always did my best to give him the best advice on how to handles situations, especially like the one you are having with him”, he then said.

Nina scoffed and looked away.

“That’s the truth”, Bernard continued. “And we all know you have this nasty habit of doing things not approved by him or the family. Things that if someone else did, he would eliminate the person, no questions asked. Nina your father already knew of your meetings with that man before you even started thinking of him catching you two. He asked you several times about it didnt he?. But you denied it. Being the man he is, he had wanted to take a quick action and bring down the sledgehammer on you and that man. But i was the one who convinced him not to go that hard on you. And in order to make him not to think that i am in support of what you are doing, i had to recommend a punishment. A punishment though severe but also gave you some time to decide on what you gonna do”.

“And what was your recommendation?, to have me go look for something that probably dont exist while he orders ordinary criminals to hunt me and my loved ones like animals?”, Nina asked indifferently.

“Well……that’s why i’m calling you”, Bernard replied. “So are you willing to listen to me or keep talking about your distaste for me?”, he asked.

Nina stole quick glances at the others in the room. “Go ahead…..i’m listening”, she then said.

Bernard sighed. “Nina, i dont know where to begin…..but all i can say is the Sosai is losing it”, he began quietly. “He is into something crazy”,

“Well he had been into crazy things from day one”, Nina chuckled. “So why are you surprised?”.

“No…..i mean….way off the map crazy things”,

“Well…..enlighten me on this new crazy things?”.

“I think he intends to bring down the president of this country. You know the Sosai had been complaining how the man seems to be disregarding him”.

“Well he had done that before”.

“Yeah but it is the way he intends to do it this time. I havent been able to get the full plan yet, but his recent moves and people his is in contact with suggests something bad. I’m not a supporter of politicians but the last thing i want is this country been plunged into turmoil”.

Nina remained silent as she listened with alot of interest.

“These days he is having secret meetings with strange individuals and figures he forbade us to meet”, Bernard continued. “None of the other members are aware of this. Nina, your father is becoming something else and i personally dont like it. I also found out another thing”, Bernard sighed again. “Your are right. He sent ordinary criminals to have you eliminated……some leader of a killer squad named…….”.

“Yeah i already know that”, Nina interrupted and looked at Hector. “His name is Hector. But it’s okay because my sons had been thinning the herds in the so called killer squad”, she continued. “Infact we have Hector here with us and he did say something quite interesting”.

“Good to hear they are being taken care of”.

“So why did you call?, it cant be about this new level of my father’s craziness”.

“It’s your boyfriend. The truth is the Sosai will still kill him, no matter what you do. You and i know that very well. That’s why i called”.

Nina looked at Alex and he nodded at her. “So what do you have in mind?”, she asked.

“I can get him out for you….. safe and sound, no hassles and gunfights involved. But i want something in return”, Bernard replied.

“What do you want?”.

“The diamonds…..i want some of it….like half”.

“What diamonds?”, Nina asked and stared at Alex with a confused look on her face.

“The one you got from that operation in Congo”, Bernard replied. “The diamonds one of your sons offered to the Sosai for their father’s release”.

Nina looked at Alex with a more confused look on her face. Alex immediately gestured at her to continue.

“Oh those diamonds……”, Nina said as she tried to continue the conversation without letting Bernard to find out that she knows nothing about the diamonds he is talking about. “Hm……even the most loyal member is willing to take a bribe to go against the family”, she chuckled.

“I dont see it as a bribe”, Bernard differed. “Lets just call it my retirement money. Especially now that the Sosai is making moves that will eventually make the organization to implode at some point”.

“Retirement?, do you intend to leave the organization?”, Nina asked.

“Well you referred to me as your father’s lapdog……and i’m done being in that position”, Bernard replied. “I have been doing alot of savings and the diamonds will greatly help me in achieving the dream vacation i intend to take”.

“So what’s the deal?”.

“Good. Your son said that there was enough diamonds to buy your freedom and that of your man. So i want the half that will buy your man’s freedom. You bring it to me and i will bring your man. It’s just a simple exchange”.

“How can i trust you?, how will i know that this isnt another sick plan of my father to get me”, Nina asked.

“Maybe you dont like me, but after years of working with me, you already know that i’m a man of my words”, Bernard replied.

“So…..when do you want this exchange to happen?”, Nina asked.

“Tomorrow your father will be going for an interview with some writer who will be writing a book about him…..autobiography”, Bernard replied.


“So this gives us a window of opportunity for me to get your man out of his holding cell and deliver him to you. And after the deal is done, you can do whatever you want, while i will be on the next available flight leaving the country”.

“Where and what time do you want the exchange to happen?”, Nina asked.

“Twelve noon….at the processing plant in Renard industrial estate”, Bernard replied.

“Okay then……but Bernard, dont try anything funny”, Nina warned.

“Aw come on Nina, you know me better than that”, Bernard laughed. “Anyway i will call you tomorrow. Oh one more thing…’s about the interview”, he added.

“Yeah what about it?”, Nina asked.

“It gonna happen in the executive office of your father’s building located in Ivory square”, Bernard informed her. “The security wont be tight as usual because tomorrow a national holiday and the building will be empty”.

“So why are you telling me this?”.

“I just want to let you know… take care of yourself my dear”.

The call ended.

Nina sighed and shook her head with a weak smile.

“Do you think we can trust him?”, Alex asked her intently.

“I don’t know”, Nina replied. “But if this is the only way to save your father, then i am willing to take the risk. By the way…..”, she looked at Alex. “…….what diamonds is he talking about?”, she asked him with a furrowed eyebrow.

“The day we met grandfather, Eric brought a pouch of diamonds with him”, Alex replied. “He offered it to the oldman and…..”.

“Did he say where he got the diamonds?”, Nina interrupted him.

“He didn’t say…..and neither did i ask him”, Alex replied.

Nina pursed her lips with a thoughtful gaze. She remained like that for about a minute and looked at Alex. “Where is Eric?”, she demanded.

“He is with his girlfriend”, Alex replied.

“With all these thing going on, he chose to stay with his girlfriend?”, Nina asked irritatedly.

“Actually he went to save her from Gus men…..and also the one who got Hector’s location”, Suzanne said.

Nina heaved a deep sigh. She quietly got up and headed towards the door in silence. The she stopped as she was about to open it and looked at Alex.

“Tell you brother about the new plan and also tell him to bring the diamonds”, she said to him.

“What about this thing we just found out about Sosai?”, Alex asked. “Is it a go ahead for Eric?”.

Nina stared at her son for a while and gave him a nod. And then left the room.

“Well…..”, Alex took out his cellphone and glanced at Chris.

“Well what?”, Chris asked.

“Gotta call the butcher-man….”, Alex replied as he dialed a number. “…..To tell him that it’s time to take his beef straight to the Man”, he muttered and started heading towards the door.

Chris glanced at his wristwatch and followed Alex behind.

“Guys where are you going?”, Suzanne asked them as they were about to leave.

“Somewhere not meant for girls like you”, Alex replied and Chris laughed.

“What about him?”, Suzanne asked and pointed at Hector.

“Finish what you started”, was the last response before they left, shutting the door quietly. Suzanne stared at Hector as the man moved his head with a painful moan. Then she pursed her lips and took off the metal knuckle brace. She dropped it on the floor and quietly paced towards the handy tools that were neatly hanged on the wall. She stared at all the tools for a while as she hummed quietly.

“I kind of liked you better when you talked tough”, Suzanne began as she stared at the hammers, drilling machines and hacksaws. “Especially when you boasted about how you killed Rogers, our chauffeur…..”, she picked a hacksaw with a rusty blade. “……what you gonna do to my young ass……”, she felt the rusty blades that was abit blunt with her fingers. “……and what you did to some young girl while her father watched”, she smiled.

Then Suzanne went over to Hector with the hacksaw and stood infront of him. Hector slowly raised his head and looked at Suzanne. He stole a few glances at the hacksaw she was holding and his lips began to tremble.

“It’s like you enjoy seeing others getting hurt, enjoy seeing them in pain huh?”, she asked and slowly caressed Hectors right arm. “I used to ask myself what kind of a sick f@ck would enjoy seeing others undergo alot of pain”, she continued. “Until i myself made another person go through alot of pain”, she smiled and touched the veins in the arm. “The guy wasnt the baddest of the bads, he was just a sick pervert who raped a twelve years old girl. I jammed a metal chopstick in his pee hole and heated the other end with a lighter. But it wasnt the genital check up that got to me, it was the way he screamed when the metal rod started heating up. Quite addictive i must confess”, she smiled again and looked at Hector. “Seeing a guy like you all tied up in a place like this makes me feel like a drug addict locked in a room with a ton of heroin”, then the smile on her face faded. “So that means we gonna have alot of fun”.

Hector stared at her with his lips still trembling. He was trying to say something, but the great pain he was undergoing made it difficult for the words to come out. Then Suzanne bent over and held down his right arm that was tied to the arm of the chair. She made some measurments on his arm and positioned the blade of the hacksaw on it. Hector saw it and started shaking his body violently.

“No…..please”, he managed to mutter out.

“Ah ah……stay still will you”, Suzanne held down the arm firmly and looked at him. “And let me know if it hurts”, she said with a cold look on her face.

Hector’s bloodcurdling scream could be heard as Suzanne started working with the hacksaw to chop his arm off. And other limbs.
Eric tapped the ‘End’ button and dropped his cellphone on the table. He slowly reclined in his seat and drummed his fingers on the table with a thoughtful gaze.

He just had a phone conversation with Alex and was told that the Sosai, his grandfather, was indeed the man behind the attempts made on the life of his mother and brother. But that wasnt the reason why Alex called him. The call was to inform him that Nina has given the go ahead for him to make his move on the Sosai; to kill his grandfather. To take out one of the most powerful man in the country.

Eric reached for the Smith and Wesson semi auto handgun lying next to his cellphone and loosely gripped the cold black steel handle of the weapon. He stared at the pistol, sighing at the thoughts of the weapon’s next victim.

His grandfather.

Eric wanted the oldman dead. To him, it was the only way to ensure the safety of every other members of his family, especially his biological father and both mothers. But carrying out the task of ending the oldman’s life himself wasnt what he had in mind. And deep down in his heart, he doesn’t want to be the person to do it. He never wanted to be the person to do it. He has his reasons.

Eric is well aware of how almost impossible it is to accomplish the task. Many men had tried. Most of them were highly experienced killers with a long list of successful hits and body counts. But they all failed and quite miserably. And none of them lived to tell the tales of their misadventure in trying to eliminate the Sosai. Even the families of some of the men who made the attempt, were not spared from the oldman’s wrath. The wrath was one of Eric’s reasons for not wanting to be the guy to go after his grandfather. And from the stories he had heard about the oldman from Nina, he doesnt want the people very close to him to suffer that wrath, if he happens to fail in the mission.

But the situation at hand with the limited time available, left him with no other choice but to take on a man who was being regarded as a force of nature.

Eric gently placed the handgun on the table and slowly slided it an arm length away from him. He reclined in the chair he was sitting on, rested an elbow on the table and turned his attention to the documentary program being shown on the T.V. Then he glanced at Lisa’s cellphone that was lying on the bed and noticed it’s lamp was blinking; probably a missed call or text message. Eric turned his attention back to the T.V. He watched it for a while and looked at Lisa’s cellphone again. The sound of the water running in the bathroom meant that she wasnt done taking her shower. So he could just take a look at the phone. Perhaps take a quick sneak peak.

Eric stared at the phone. “Aww…to hell with that, man”, he muttered to himself, waving off the thoughts about engaging in that adventure and turned his attention back to the T.V program.

A few minutes later, Lisa stepped out of the bathroom. Wrapped in a white towel that barely covered her thighs, she paced into the room, gently rubbing her long hair with another towel. She gave Eric a smile and glanced at the program being shown on the t.v.

“Please hand me the hairdryer”, Lisa said to Eric without looking at him. “And stop staring at my legs”, she smiled.

“How do you know i was staring at your legs”, Eric said as he got up and picked up the hairdryer on the table.

“I have been learning some of your moves. Knowing what’s going on without looking”.

“I see…..”, Eric nodded and stood infront of Lisa with the dryer held up. “I guess you were learning it in the shower, that’s why you were in there longer than usual”.


“Yep…. five minutes more than the average time you spend taking a shower”.

“Hm….”, Lisa stared at him keenly. “Are you always calculative of everything going on around you”, she asked and moved abit closer to him.

“Most of the time”, Eric replied, still holding up the hairdryer and waiting for her to take it.

“Then……”, Lisa moved away his hand that held hairdryer inbetween them and got abit more closer. “…..can you tell me how many men you have killed so far?”, she asked and stared into his eyes

“A hundred and fifty five”,

“That’s alot of men”.

“There are alot of bad guys and groups out there”.

“And….who were these guys….or groups ?”.

“One was a rebel commander and sixty-two were his men”.

“Hm….what about the rest?”.

“Six dangerous serial killers, ten professional assasins, eight member kidnap gang, one drug cartel boss and his six bodyguards…….”,

Lisa stared at Eric with her hand caressing his chest as he gave her a run-down on the stats of the jobs he had done and the resulting human wreckages. But she wasnt interested in the battlefield stories of the killer standing before her, or his unfortunate victims. She just wanted to enjoy every moment she is having with him. Especially now that everything seems to be right and she being in the mood for some quality time.

“…..ten member armed robbery gang and several terrorist organizations”, Eric concluded.

Lisa stared at him with a weak smile on her face. “So how many times have we made love since we met”, she asked and slowly caressed his chest.

Eric thought for a while. “I’m sorry…..i dont know”, was his reply.

“Why?”, Lisa asked with furrowed eyebrows

“Because i wasnt counting”


Eric sighed with a downcast gaze. Then he looked at Lisa in her face. “Whenever we are together,…….you in my arms, nothing else matters……that’s why”, he replied.

“I see”, Lisa rested her head on his chest. “Well… can still start all over again”, she muttered.

“Okay….but you have to know that I’m very poor at counting when it comes to that”, Eric said.

“Really?”, Lisa looked at him. “Then i will have to meet you to remind you”.

Eric stared at her for a while and smiled. He opened his mouth to say something but Lisa placed her finger inbetween his lip. A way to tell him not to say anything. Then she leaned forward and gave him a long kiss.

As the kissing got longer, Eric withdrew his head and turned his face away from Lisa.

“Lisa”, he began quietly. “This wont change our situation”, he said without looking at Lisa. “You have to know that”.

“I know”, Lisa whispered and kissed him on his nape. “Let’s just pretend like there is no situation between us”, she whispered into his ears.

As if those last words flipped a switch inside him, Eric grabbed a handful of Lisa’s hair and pulled her head back. Then he planted his lips on hers and kissed her. Lisa responded with alot of passion, frenziedly crushing her lips against his. She wrapped her arms around his broad steely muscled shoulder and pushing her waist against his. Eric slided the other hand under the towel, grabbed her behind and pressed her against his body.

After about a minute of tongue kissing that got more ecstatic by the seconds, Lisa moved her hand to the towel she was wrapped in. She untied it and it slipped from her body and dropped on the floor. Her breath quickened and soft moans escaped from her lips as Eric’s lips moved to her neck. Her fingernails dug deeper into Eric’s shoulder and her body trembled as Eric’s lips teased her erogenous zone. Then Lisa ecstatically grabbed her bossom and pushed Eric’s face on it. His lips made contact with it’s tip and it drove her wild. And had her whispering words……..dirty words into Eric’s ear as she caressed his low cut 360 waved hair.

Soon Eric’s cloths was lying on the floor next to the bathroom towel and two n@de bodies lying on the bed. Eric was on his back and Lisa on top of him; her favourite position because she likes being incharge. After more passionate tongue kissings, Lisa brushed her long hair aside and stared at Eric. Then she bit her lips and moved her hand inbetween his legs. She moved her hip closer as she did so, giving Eric a seductive look that says it’s about to go down.

It has been long since the both of them had sex. And Lisa knows it’s going to be a long intense night filled with her moans that might disturb the other guests in the other hotel rooms. But what she didnt know, as she let Eric’s manhood slide inside her that made her gasp out loud, was her hand had accidentally touched the “Answer” button of her cellphone that was ringing. And the name in the caller i.d was Kevin.


Dante tightened his grip on the cellphone and clenched his teeth as he listened to the sound rasping out of the phone’s earpiece. His face had the expression of a man who heard something highly insultive. He listened to the sound for a while and slowly moved the cellphone away from his ear and held it infront of his face. He stared at it and then hit the end button. He dropped the device on the table and recline in his seat with his eyes closed.

After staying like that for a short while, he face brightened up abit with a weak smile and he opened his eyes. Then Dante reached for the bottle of wine infront of him. He poured the little amount that was left in the bottle in his glass, smirking with a deep sigh and slightly shaking his head as he poured the wine in his glass. After emptying the content, he stared at the empty bottle for a while before setting it on the table slowly with his lips pursed.

The pianist finished his performance and bowed as the guests applauded him. Then he left the stage for a jazz group to take over the entertainment for the evening. Dante nodded at the pianist who glanced at him with a delightful smile as he left the stage and took a sip from his glass. The man had been told that Dante was the one who requested the piano song he had just played. And the generous tips he gave.

“Sir, are you ready to take your orders?”.

Dante finished the wine in his glass and looked at the cheerful looking waiter standing beside him. He was angered by the question. But he didnt show it and didnt blame the waiter for asking it. He had earlier told the man that he would take his orders later. That was three hours ago.

“Sir do you need any other thing?”, the waiter asked again as the thoughts of why Dante was just staring at him and saying nothing, made the superficial smile on his face to start fading slowly.

“Oh…..”, Dante began with a smile on his face and reminding himself to stay focused. “I was just about to leave”, he continued and took his cellphone. “I’m feeling abit nervous….and you know what it does to the appetite”.

“Oh is it because of that unfortunate incident you had earlier with one of our guests”, the waiter asked as Dante got up. “Sir we are sincerely sorry for the inconvenience”, he apologised.

“It’s okay”, Dante glanced at the empty table where the burly man and woman had their dinner. He saw them leave the restaurant about two hours ago. “Is he a regular here?”, he asked and picked up his tab.

“No sir…….but the woman is,……with different guys”, the waiter replied with a mischievous smile.

“Okay”, Dante muttered and took out a hundred dollar bill from his wallet. “Thanks for the information”, he said and handed the bill to the waiter.

“Thank you very much sir”, the waiter said cheerfully and accepted the tip.

Then Dante nodded at him and headed towards the receptionist desk to pay his bill.

The taxi slowed down and grinded to a halt infront of Dante. Dante neatly folded his suit jacket around his arm and slided into the backseat.

“Where are we heading to sir?”, the driver asked after Dante slammed the door shut.

“The Ritz hotel at Johnson boulevard”, Dante replied.

“Okay sir”.

The driver hit the gas pedal and steadily guided the car into the traffic. Dante stole a quick glance at the driver’s face through the rearview mirror and laid his suit jacket beside him.

“A lovely weekend evening……”, the driver began as he worked the steering wheel and accelerated the vehicle. “…..with a moderate cool breeze and temperature. A perfect evening to go on a date. Dont you think so sir?”, he smiled and glanced at his passenger through the rearview mirror. He was trying to start a conversation with Dante.

Dante didnt respond. He was staring at his suit jacket and slowly running his left fingers back and forth on the part of the cloth that was soaked. The part that took most of the wine that burly man dumped on him.

After a short while of doing that for with an expressionless thoughtful gaze, Dante looked at the driver. The man was still trying to have some conversations.

“I want you to somewhere else”, Dante said to the driver and reached for his wallet in his back pocket.

“Where sir?”, the driver asked.

“I want you to take me to the Presidential hotel”, Dante replied and pulled out a fifty dollar bill. “But before you take me there, i want you to take me to a shop that sells hardwares”, he said and dangled the note at the driver who stared at him curiously through the rearview mirror.

The driver extended his hand backwards and Dante handed him the money. Then he worked the steering wheel and the taxi made a sharp U-turn.

“Changed your mind on which hotel you intend to spend the night huh”, the driver smiled and slipped the money into his breast pocket.

“I prefer you just keep quiet and drive”, Dante said firmly to the man and turned his eyes to the well lit street and the activities that flashed by as the taxi headed towards the new destination. The expressionless look on his face turning into smirk as he thought about one thing; Burly man and his ‘wife’.

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 13b

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Alaka Moses
Alaka Moses
4 years ago

Bernard’s plan may work if Nina don’t properly inform Eric onher conversation with him. Dante is after Eric and Lisa, intriguing.
It is getting to climax.

4 years ago

Oh Lisa dnt die pls because Dante is after Eric

4 years ago

I’m very curious about this Dante of a Guy ???

4 years ago

This is bad o