BLOODLINE 2 Episode 13 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 13 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 13 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

“Dude, this places gives me the f@cking creeps”, the driver of the parked black suv muttered to the man sitting in the front passenger seat.

“Yeah me too”, the man muttered as he looked around the abandoned dock yard and the rusts that have taken over the desolate place. “You should have told them to bring her somewhere else other than this rotten place”, the man said and looked at another man sitting at the backseat of the car through the rearview mirror.

The man at the back seat gave him a quick glance and ignored him. Dangling a toothpick inbetween his lips, he keenly stared at the dusty road ahead of them. The only road leading in and out of the old dockyard.

“What is taking them so long?”, the driver asked impatiently after taking a quick glance at his wristwatch. “They suppose to be here by now”, he sighed.

“St Mary convent is about an hour and half from here……probably still on their way coming here”, the man in the front passenger seat replied.

“Well it is almost two hours now for f@ck sake”.

“Dude chill out, they will be here. Maybe it is the traffics……and the guys wouldn’t wanna be in a rush and end up attracting the cops attention”,

The driver sighed and made an inaudible mutter. Then he look at the rearview mirror.

“Mr Hector…..any words yet?, have any of your boys called you?”, he asked.

Hector turned his head away from the road and stared at the driver. The man behind the wheel could see the cold look and anger in Hectors eyes through the rearview mirror. But he was unfazed, and even scoffed at the facial expression.

“Did you hear my f@cking phone ring or have you suddenly gone deaf?”, Hector asked the driver irritatedly .

The driver looked at the man beside him and chuckled. Then he turned and looked at Hector.

“Hey assh@le, first of all, wipe away that look on your f@ckface……you dont scare me at all”, the driver scoffed. “And be reminded that i dont take any motherf@cking orders from you because you are not Gus. Maybe you are his friend, but you are not him….i’m here because he said we should come here”, he pointed at the man in the front passenger seat.

“Do you even know who the f@ck you are talking to?”, Hector blurted out and gave the driver a murderous glare.

“Do i look like i give a flying f@ck?”, the driver blurted back at him.

“Guys…..”, the man in the front passenger seat interrupted their heated word exchange. “Check that out”, he pointed a car that just drove into the dockyard.

Hector and the driver glared at each other for a few seconds and then turned their eyes at the car as it approached slowly.

“Thats not Jay and the crew”, the driver muttered as they studied the vehicle. “Are we expecting someone else apart from them?”, he asked and looked at the man beside him.

“Nope”, the man replied with a curious look on his face.

Then the driver looked at Hector.

“Why the hell are you looking at me?”, Hector scoffed at the driver.

“Then who the f@ck is that?”, the driver muttered and turned his gaze at the car.

The car parked several metres away from their Suv. The three men glanced at each other and slowly reached for their guns. They cocked it as they watched the car and waited.

After a few minutes of them watching and nothing happening, the car driver door suddenly opened and a masked man stepped out. He glanced around the place as he hurriedly went over to the backdoor and opened it. He paused when he saw the Suv and stared at it for a short while. Then with alot of eagerness, he pulled a girl out of the car back seat and dragged her body away from the car.

The men in the Suv saw what masked man was doing and exchanged baffled glances. The driver opened the car compartment box and grabbed the binoculars.

“What the f@ck is going on there?”, Hector asked as the driver took a closer look at the activity with the binoculars.

“It’s like someone is getting rid of a dead girl’s body here”, the driver muttered as he watched the masked man drag the girl away from the car. “Or maybe not…….i think she is still alive”, he continued when he saw the girl’s legs and arms move abit.

The masked man roughly left the girl on the ground and dropped a handbag that probably belonged to the girl beside her body. Then he rushed back into the car, hit the gas pedal and screeched out of the dockyard. The three men in the Suv glanced at each other again and stared at the girl lying on the dirty ground.

“You said she is still alive?”, the man in the front seat asked driver.

“Yeah…..”, the driver raised the binoculars to his face again to take another look at the girl. “…..very alive and……”, he viewed the girl’s torn blouse that slightly exposed her bossom and her tight mini skirt.

“And what?”, the man asked when he saw the driver’s lips curve into a mischievous smile.

“Good looking”, the driver muttered as he slowly lowered the binoculars.

But he wasnt answering the man beside him. All his attention was focused on the girl. He handed the binoculars to the man who took a look at the girl and told Hector what he saw. Then the driver glanced at his wristwatch again and intently stared at the girl as she moved her body slowly and started making a weak attempt to get up.

“I’m gonna go check it out”, the driver muttered under his breath and tucked his handgun in his waist belt. Then he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door.

“Hey!”, the man in the front seat grabbed the driver’s arm.

“What?”, the driver demanded.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?”.

“I wanna go check her out”.

“Yeah… wanna go check if her ass is tappable”.

“Whatever man”,

“Boss said we should be very careful……and always be on the lookout for anything unusual”, the man reminded him.

“Yeah…….so?”, the driver asked with indifference.

“What the hell do you think that is?”, the man jerked his head at the girl who was still trying to get up.

“What the f@ck is unusual about that scene over there?”, the driver asked irritatedly. “She could be some club b!tch whose drink got spiked…..and dumped here after the boys are done with her”, he chuckled.

“So…..what do you wanna do?……go give her a helping hand huh?”


Hector scoffed. “The guy thinks with his f@cking d!ck”, he muttered and looked away.

“Says the man who brought us to this f@cking rotten place because he wants to run a train on some b!tch”, the driver responded to Hector with a sneer. “Maybe we should tell Gus what you intend to do to that girl”, he added with a murmur.

Then the driver stepped out of the car and took a careful glance around the place. Keeping his hand close to the handgun tucked in his waist belt, he cautiously headed towards the girl.

“Give me one reason not to blow his f@cking brains out”, Hector said to the man in the front seat.

“What do expect?”, the man smirked. “He is one of Gus’ cousins…..and they all have this shitty f@cked up attitude. Being a member of his family make them think that Gus got their back”, he chuckled. “But they dont know that Gus doesnt give a shit about anybody”, he sighed

Hector sighed too.

“So is it true?”, the man then asked and stared at Hector through the rearview mirror.

“True about what?”, Hector asked as he reached for his cellphone in the right pocket of his jacket.

“About what happened to your man and the rest of the other guys who were with him in the massage parlour?”, the man asked.

“Hector sighed again. “It was just an unfortunate situation”, he replied indifferently.

“Unfortunate situation…..”, the man muttered thoughtfully. “But what i heard says otherwise”, he said and glanced at Hector. “Seven…….eight big men. Three of them had guns. Yet, not a single shot was fired when they were being taken out”.

“Like i said, it was an unfortunate situation”, Hector said with some anger in his voice. “And those guys that attacked them were lucky”.

“Guys?”, again the man stared at Hector through the rearview mirror. “Words are,……one of the masseuse in that massage parlour said that an individual stepped into the place and everyone else ended up having a very bad night”.

Hector slipped his hand out of his pocket and looked at the man.

“Just one individual”, the man sigh. “If it is true, then whoever he is…..or rather whatever it is, is not normal…..and definitely some kind of a killing machine”, he continued. “One that is rolling around with an evil state of mind”, he added with a bit of worry.

“So what are you saying?, that some f@cking rumours and gibberings of a massage wh@re got you scared and your ass all shook up?”, Hector scoffed.

The man turned and looked at Hector with a ‘dead serious’ look on his face. “I aint scared”, he said with a cold sinister tone of voice. “And i fear no fucking man”, then he turned away and watch the driver pick up the girl’s handbag. “All i’m saying is, i hope who we are looking for is a man, and not the f@cking……Predator creature”.

“They are men like us, not beasts. And we gonna get them”, Hector said and also looked at the driver. “We gonna f@cking get them”, he muttered slowly and nodded with a cold look on his face.

“Do you think the girl will talk?”, the man asked.

“Oh yeah she gonna talk”, Hector replied with an evil smirk. “When i show her the kind of hot daddy i am, she gonna spill every goddamn words about that f@cking woman and everyone rolling with her”.

“And then what?,…..kill her?”.

“That’s up to you boys”.

The man chuckled with a mischievous look on his face as he stared at the driver who was now bending over the body on the ground.

Hector also stared at the driver as he did so. Thinking of why Gus would let fools work for him because they are his cousins, he remembered how one of them got killed. The incident in the night club. This made Hector to get suspicious of the girl lying on the ground. He made a careful glance around the empty dockyard, checking for anything unusual.

“Just look at him”, the man in the front passenger seat smirked as the driver bent over the girl. “That b!tch on ground would probably be thinking how lucky she is that some white knight happens to be in this junkyard to save her. After whoever it is in that car, dumped her wh@re ass here”, he chuckled and glanced at Hector. “What she doesnt know is she is about to encounter a psycho sex maniac”.

Hector scoffed. But he still had the suspicious look written on his face as he kept a steady gaze at the girl on the ground. Then he leaned forward.

“Give me the binoculars”, he said to the man in the front seat and the man handed it to him.

Hector took a closer look at the girl as the driver moved her body. Then he got interrupted by a beeping sound coming out from his pocket.

The man in the front seat heard the sound and where it was coming from. “At last”, he smiled and glanced at Hector. “I told you that Joe would be here soon”, he said.

Hector sighed and dropped the binoculars. He reached for the cellphone inside the right pocket of his trench coat. Then he paused with a confused look on his face. His right pocket contained his cellphone. But the beeping sound was coming out from the left one. Then he dipped his hand in the left pocket and took out an electronic device; a tracking device. And on its screen, a red dot was blinking and moving towards a green dot; the green dot being their present location.

“What the f@ck….?”, Hector muttered and stared at device screen with his mouth open.

Hector held up the device and glanced ahead and at both sides. “This is not possible” he muttered again as the red dot keep moving closer and closer to the green dot. Then he quickly looked over his shoulder and saw a man approaching the suv from behind, carrying something. An automatic assault rifle.

“It’s a f@cking setup!”, he bawled at the man in the front seat and docked down as the assailant raised the weapon and took an aim at the car.

The man stroked the trigger and unleashed gunfire from the Ak47. The tinted back screen of the suv shattered as the bullets rattled the vehicle.

Hector docked with his hands shielding his head as shards of glass rained all over his body, bullets whizzing in and ricocheting inside the car. The man in the front seat got hit as the bullets penetrated the back of his seat, leaving holes in his chest and shredding some ligaments in his shoulders as they made their exit.

The sudden explosive situation startled the driver as he was busy checking on the girl lying on the ground. He looked over his shoulder and immediately reached for the handgun tucked in his waist belt. But a hand grabbed his arm as he was about to do so, preventing him from reaching the weapon. The driver turned and saw himself staring into the cold eyes of the girl.

The girl swung her right leg and stunned the man with a hard kick to the face. Then with a quick move, she yanked out the gun in the man’s waist belt, cocked and jabbed the barrel into the man’s guts. And pulled the trigger.

Bullets ripped holes on the back of the driver’s jacket as they made their exits from his back. The impact of multiple bullets going into him as the girl blasted the gun, knocked him backwards. The girl got up and made sure he was dead with two slugs to his dome.

With his eyes shut tight as pieces glasses and fragments rained on him, Hector managed to pull out the glock 19 tucked inside his coat. More bullets from the assault rifle whizzed in and destroyed the interior of the Suv. His eyes caught the slumped body of the man in the front seat when he opened them. Then he raised his hand without moving his body from its position and let off shots through what was left of the car back screen, growling out loud as he did so.

When the gun magazine got spent, Hector immediately withdrew his arm. Dislodging the empty magazine, Hector frantically slapped in a fresh one with shaky hands and remained in his position.

And waited.

Then a creepy silence took over the once loud situation. Everywhere remained quiet like nothing had happened. Except for the gun smoke and strong smell of gunpowder in the air.

Hector could hear the sound of his heartbeat that was racing and thumping hard against his chest. He held his weapon tight as he tried to control his quick breath. He glanced at the dead man in the front seat again, wondering whether to move from his docking position to take a look or remain like that a little bit longer. He decided to do the former, and with the handgun held close to his chest and pointed, he slowly raised his head. He cautiously looked through the shattered back windscreen of the car. He saw nothing and nobody. He turned his head to the front screen and saw the body of the driver on the ground. And that of the girl missing.

“Son of b!tch!”, he cursed under his breath and began to make a quick exit out of the Suv.

Hector got out of the car and made a run towards one of the dilapidated buildings to take cover. He had made a few steps before something hit him on his thigh; like a blow from a sledgehammer. Then followed the echo of a gunshot as Hector wobbled. He groaned and immediately spun around to point his handgun at the direction where the bullet came from. But another one hit him again. The slug ripped into his right shoulder and knocked him to the ground, making his right arm to go out of action and the handgun to slip out of his sudden weak grip.

Gasping with alot of anxiety, Hector crawled to the fallen weapon and reached for it with his left hand. Then he saw the girl he had earlier seen lying on the ground approaching him with a gun in her hand.

The girl saw his desperate move. She pulled the trigger again and sent a slug that knocked Hector’s handgun a few feet away from his reach. Then she stood over the man on the ground with the gun pointed at his head. Hector ran his eyes from her thighs that was half covered by her mini skirt to her expressionless face. He gave her a weak smile and spat on the ground. Then he heard a sound behind him. He turned around and the butt of an assault rifle gave him a hard and brutal kiss on his jaw. And knocked him into oblivion.

“Why dont we just blow his f@cking brains out”, Suzanne’s voice said.

“Nope……”, Alex voice said and the sound of the rifle being reloaded and put on safety mode followed. “I dont want him to go so easy”.

Then a car rolled over and screeched to a halt. “Guys, hurry up!……this place feels like zombie land”, it was Chris’ voice.


Alex roughly took off the blindfold from Hector’s face and dropped it on the floor. Hector’s eyes squint to the bright light of fluorescent bulb and bowed his head to let them adjusted to it. After a few seconds, he slowly looked up and stared at Alex who was standing infront of him. He glanced at his arms that was firmly tied to the arms of the metal chair he was sitting on and at his feet were bound together. He made an attempt to move the chair but it was bolted firmly to the floor. Heaving a sigh of desperation he bowed his head and remained like that for a while. Then he looked up and turn his gaze at Nina who was sitting on a chair and staring him. He recognized her face and smirked. And looked at Suzanne who was standing near a table, facing away and eating quietly.

Hector smirked again and looked around the room. The place looked like some kind of a workshop with a work table that has alot of tools on it and some handy electric equipments hanging on the wall. The place was probably a basement because it had no windows.

“Hm……”, Hector began and looked at Nina. “….We finally meet face to face huh?”, he said with a smile. “So did you all bring me here so as to watch while i finish the job?”, he asked and glanced at the others. Then he looked at the bullet wound in his shoulder and thigh. “Why dont you guys give me a fighting chance by untying me, so that i can go have some proper rest after i’m done killing you all”, he said.

Suzanne made and audible scoff and continue eating in silence. Then Hector’s eyes turned to her position.

“I kind of liked you better when you wore that mini skirt”, he said to her as he stared. “Because those legs of yours reminds me of one b!tch i nailed a long time ago”, he smiled mischievously. “Probably the sweetest piece of ass i have ever tasted. The little b!tch screamed while her father watched helplessly and cried like a baby. That’s why you gonna be the last person i will kill…….after i’m done f@cking your young ass to my heart desire”, he sneered.

Suzanne heard it and paused for a few seconds with the fork carrying the fruit salad she was eating, held close to her mouth. She shook her head and continue eating without saying a word.

“What about those house-helps and the chauffeur”, Alex began coolly and resisting the urge to bash in Hector’s face. “Did you and your men give them any fighting chance?”, he asked.

Hector looked at Alex and smiled. “We were so much in a hurry that we didnt think about that”, he said. “Not that they even mattered anyway…..but i gotta say the chauffeur impressed me. The old fool was bold enough to disarm one of my men and even put up a good fight. But you should have seen how he reacted when the bullets hit him”, then Hector laughed. “And the way he stared at the fat lady that held him when he was hit”, he continued. “I could have finished him and that wailing cow of a woman. But the cops always have a rude way of showing up whenever the show start getting interesting”, he laughed again.

Alex sighed and looked at Nina. Nina glanced at him indifferently and looked away. Then he looked at Suzanne who had her back on him and didnt seem bothered at all. Alex sighed again and wished that Eric was there with them.

“Anyway we have some questions for you”, Alex continued coolly as he walked around Hector.

Hector scoffed and pursed his lips.

“I want you to……”.

Alex got interrupted by Esther footsteps as she descended into the basement room of the house. She was carrying a First aid box as she stepped into the place.

Esther closed the door and glanced at everyone in the room with and inquisitive look on her face. Then she looked at Hector and furrowed her eyebrows when she saw the wound on his shoulder and the bloodstain on his shirt.

“What are you doing here?”, Nina began irritatedly at Esther. “I told you to stay in your room till Eric come back”.

“Well i have been waiting in that room for long and Eric is yet to be back from where ever he had gone to”, Esther replied and dropped the First-aid kit box on the work table. “And i have to check on you”. She went over to Nina to check her bandages. “Is he one of them?”, Esther asked Nina with a whisper as she inspected her bandaged arm.

Nina nodded. “But you dont have to be here”, she whispered back. “Things could get really ugly and someone like you shouldn’t be around to see it happen”.

“I have seen enough already”, Esther sighed. “So i don’t think there is any other thing else too horrifying for me to watch”, she murmured and nodded her head after checking the bandages.

“Not this one”, Nina muttered and looked at Hector with a determined look on her face. “It’s a pity i’m too incapacitated to do it myself”, she continued.

“Well, being a nurse who had worked in a hospital for a long time, i wouldn’t mind watching the ugly things that will happen to the man who sent a gang of killers to shoot up a hospital”, Esther said and looked at Hector too.

“Anyway, like i was saying……”, Alex continued. “……I want you to tell us what you know about the man paying Gus to have us killed”.

Hector sighed and bowed his head for a while and then looked up at Alex. “I will tell you everything you want to know”, he said.

Alex glanced at Nina and got closer to Hector.

“But i have a request”, Hector added.

“What is it?”, Alex asked.

“Well…..”, Hector relaxed on the chair and looked at Alex who listened attentively. “Since i’m being tied up and cant make use of my hands, i want you to help me unzip my trouser. You will see a hard good looking meat in my pants”, he smiled. “Take it out and suck on it”, he continued and sneered at Alex. “If you are very good at it, maybe i might decide to tell you what you want”.

Alex took a deep breath and gently exhaled the fire of anger in his chest as he tried to maintain his calm composure.

“Well… know that can’t happen”, he said to Hector and forced a smile as he paced around the bounded man.

“Well, then tell your young wh@re friend to do it”, Hector jerked his head at Suzanne.

“Will you shut your mouth!”, Esther suddenly barked at Hector, startling the others in the room. “Dont you ever feel remorse for those poor people you killed?”, she asked angrily. “What kind of a man gives an order to go to a hospital and shoot someone who is in a coma?……what kind of a man are you?”.

Nina smirked at the question. “He had already answered the question from the way he is proudly flaunting that ‘murderers hatchet face’ despite the situation he is in”, she muttered.

Hector turned his cold eyes to Esther. “Oh we also have a loud mouth here”, he smile. “Do you know how easy i kill weak people like you?”, he asked. “But in your own case…..”, Hector lustfully ran his eyes from her head to her waist. “……it’s gonna be a long honey moon for me”, he smiled and looked away.

Esther stared at him for a while and shook her head. “Well…..”, she began and quietly paced toward Hector. “…..I have a son….who kills people like you for fun”. She tapped Alex on the shoulder and he stepped aside. “Infact, i was there when he killed two of your men in an elevator”, she continued and stood infront of Hector. “And also witnessed how the others got turned into a beautiful work of art on the freeway by a truck”.

The smile in Hector’s face starts to fade.

“I heard he did something after that”, Esther looked at Suzanne. “Suzi dear, could you please remind me”, she said to Suzanne.

“He hit a massage palour that night and killed eight more men”, Suzanne replied as she munched her fruit salad.

Esther smiled and looked at Hector. “I also heard that one man in particular, who always thought he was a very dangerous and fearless man because he had men with guns, was beaten to death”, she said and slightly tilted her head to the side as she stared at Hector. “Well i hope it ended quickly for that poor man because my son is very good with his hands. It would be unwise for anyone at the receiving end of those fists to try to survive it for long”.

Hector’s smiling face turned into a frown. “You better hope that i dont leave this place”, he said quietly to Esther with alot of anger in his voice. “Because if i do, i’m gonna f@cking kill everyone you cared for…..even your kids and that f@cking son of yours. Then i will cut your f@cking head off and f@ck your corpse till it starts to rot”, he almost barked.

“Wow”, Nina chuckled and looked at Esther. “You must have touched some nerves……You really do know how to piss someone off for sure”.

Esther didn’t respond to what Nina said. Infact she didn’t even hear those words. She was staring at Hector with the anger that was welling up inside her, visibly seen on her face after hearing Hector’s threat.

Hector stared back at her and smirked. “So what the f@ck you gonna do b!tch?”, he scoffed. “Call that f@cking son of yours to come help mama?”.

Then Alex reached into his pocket for his cellphone that just notified him of a new text message. “Hm….Chris just found something in his cellphone…….and wants me to come see it”, he said after checking the message.

Then he slipped the phone back into his pocket and rubbed his palms together. “My job here is done so i gotta take me leave”, he said to the others with a smile and start heading towards the door.

“Wait..what?….what do you mean your job is done here?”, Nina asked him. “Arent you suppose to make him talk?”, she asked again and pointed at Hector.

Alex looked over his shoulder as he reached for the door handle. “Mom, i’m a negotiation guy…….i negotiate and that’s my specialty. I dont know how to make people talk”, he replied to Nina. “Besides you all heard what he said. He wants Suzanne to….work on him before he will tell us anything. So let her do it”, he concluded and left the room, telling them that he had had a long day and wanted to go catch some sleep.

Nina sighed and looked at Esther who was still staring at Hector. “So what are we gonna do with him?”, Nina asked her.

Esther turned her face away after giving Hector a long and unblinking hateful stare. She took a deep breath and exhaled gently as she bit her lips. Then she quietly went over to the First-aid kit box she left on the work table opened it. Nina watched her as she noisily dumped the contents on the table.

“Suzanne, when will Eric be back”, Esther asked Suzanne and ripped out a cloth covering and revealed a secret compartment in the box.

“Aunty i don’t know”, Suzanne replied quietly.

“Did he give any specific instructions on what to do to this…animal if you get him?”, Esther asked again as she took out the syringe and vial of injection stored in the secret compartment.

“Nope”, Suzanne replied. “As a matter of fact, we were suppose to kill him where we got him”,

Esther took the vial and syringe and went over to Hector. She stood infront him and pushed the syringe needle into the vial rubber cap. And began to draw the pink coloured liquid in the vial. Esther filled the syringe halfway, stared at Hector for a few seconds and then filled it up. Then she walked behind Hector and stabbed the needle of the syringe into the back of his neck.

“What the f@ck did you just inject me with”, Hector growled after Esther emptied the content of the syringe inside him.

“Oh it’s just something my son helped me to create….He also works as a chemist”, Esther said coolly and dropped the syringe on the floor. “We are yet to give it a name so i will just call it…….’Esther’s cure’…”, she smiled.

“Esther’s cure?”, Nina snorted with furrowed eyebrows. “So what does this….’Esther’s cure’ do?”, she asked.

“Well…..”, Esther stood infront of Hector who stared at her with a confused look on his face. “It is some kind of a chemical inhibitor”, she said with a faint smile. “When it gets into your bloodstream…..”, she placed a hand on Hector’s shoulder. “… will travel to your brain and hit your pituitary gland……”, she slide the hand from his shoulder to head. “There it will interfere with the endorphins secretion and re-wire your entire opiate receptors”, she concluded and tapped Hector on his forehead.

Hector cursed Esther under his breath and shook his head angrily to get her hand off him. Esther smiled at him again and stared at her wristwatch for a while; for almost two minute. Then she slapped Hector across his cheek. Hector’s entire body shook like a jolt of electric current passed through his body.

Seeing Hector reaction to the slap, Esther nodded with satisfaction. “It elevates your perception of pain by a thousand times”, she then said. “Even a slap from a ‘weak person’ will make you feel like you got hit by a hammer”.

Beads of sweat started forming on Hector’s forehead as the effects of what Esther had injected in him start taking over his body. Then he gasped and looked at the bullet wound on his thigh, and then at the one on his right shoulder. He stared at the wound like it was his first time of seeing it as the throbbing pain he felt there started becoming something else. Like he was being cut with a chainsaw with blunt blades. Within a minute, the boldness on his face turned into the look of a man with alot of excruciating pain.

Nina was short of words. She just stared at what was happening to Hector in amazement. Suzanne continue chewing her food like she was oblivious of what was going on.

“I knew it”, Nina then said to Esther with smile. “I knew deep down inside that heart of yours, there is something cold.

Esther ignored her and went over to the table to packed First-Aid kit box. “One ml of that stuff is required”, she said as she closed the box. “Anything above that dosage and your body temperature will start to rise after one hour. It will keep on rising and rising, till your internal organs start to get cooked. I hope you are aware that i used a ten ml syringe”.

Then Esther picked up the box and glanced at Hector as she headed towards the door. “Suzanne you have an hour with him…..i hope you guys enjoy yourselves”, she said and left.

Suzanne stopped eating and gently dropped the fork on the plate. She heaved sigh and slowly turned and look at Hector for the first time. After staring at the man for a while, she glanced at Nina and unbuttoned her shirt. Taking the shirt off and dropping it on the floor, she quietly went over to Hector, taking the plate of salad with her.

“My dear, are you sure you can handle this one?”, Nina chuckled at Suzanne.

“We will soon find out”, Suzanne murmured.

Hector raised his sweaty face and ran his eye from Suzanne’s black jeans covered legs to the black sport bra she wore on top. He stared at her impressive tight abs she had gotten from years of hard training and only managed to smirk after trying hard to laugh.

Suzanne stared down at him as she shoved the salad into her mouth with the fork and chewed noisily. Then she bent over Hector.

“This salad tastes so good”, she began, staring at the forkful of salad she held infront of Hector’s face. “The woman that just walked out of here made it”, she gestured at the door with the fork.

Despite the burning pain in his shoulder and thigh, Hector stared at Suzanne with a disgusted look on his face. He glanced at the fork and managed to smirk again, making his thick lips like he was about to spit at Suzanne.

“I wanted to ask her if she could make another one for me”, Suzanne continued. “Too bad i can’t do that because you have spoilt her mood”.

Then Suzanne shoved the salad in her mouth and viciously stabbed the fork into Hector’s shoulder wound. Hector screamed in agony as she sanked it deep inside his flesh and twisted it. Then Suzanne stepped back and watched Hector’s body tremble from the overwhelming spasm of pain.

“You f@cking b!tch!”, Hector managed to whimper and bowed his head.

“Yeah i’m b!tch”, Suzanne muttered indifferently as she took out a piece of cloth from her pocket and wrapped it around her left fist. “And you are about to get started with this b!tch”.

Nina smiled and made herself comfortable in her chair. And watched delightfully. Soon the room was filled with Hector’s painful gasps, groans and squeals. And unending rhythmic sound of Suzanne’s fists landing ferocious blows on his face. The chemical injected in his system was working hard on him. But Suzanne’s fists worked harder.


BLOODLINE 2 Episode 13

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4 years ago

Wow! I love this

Alaka Moses
Alaka Moses
4 years ago

Hector is gonna
But hope Dante won’t hurt Eric
Well done

Alaka Moses
Alaka Moses
4 years ago

This is getting interesting but how safe is Eric with Dante’s attack unknowingly now. I trust the guy is always sensitive.

4 years ago

Ironkurtain ur story is so interesting, thrilling and suspenseful that u dnt need comments to motivate u. Pls do me a favour and drop all the episodes already jor…

4 years ago

Next pls it’s so interesting

4 years ago

Suzzane is brutal oooo

4 years ago

This story is just like me watching Tom cruise in mission impossible

Mayowa temitope
Mayowa temitope
4 years ago

Suzi dear……… Show Hector the beast in you

4 years ago

Oh yeah… had it coming Hector!!!

4 years ago

Suzzy babe hector must to feel the terrible pains oo

Marian iremide
Marian iremide
4 years ago

Well done ironkurtain ?

4 years ago

Wawu, weldone

4 years ago

Goodbye Hector…. Out of the way?
Nice one Suzi, Alex & Nina✊
Gus here we come ?
Welcome on board!!

4 years ago

Hector is down, next is Gus…