BLOODLINE 2 Episode 12 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 17 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 12 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

Chris sighed and slowly took a sip from the white ceramic coffee cup. He set it back to its position on the dining table and reclined in his chair as he stared at the screen of of his laptop computer. He did so for about half a minute before leaning forward to work his fingers on the laptop keyboard. He looked up and saw Suzanne trudging towards the dining room with her cellphone in her hand.

Suzanne took a seat, dropped her cellphone on the table and gave Chris a quick glance as she rubbed her somewhat sleepy eyes. Then she picked up her phone and focused her weak eyes on its screen with her thumbs working on the buttons.

“Did you sleep well?”, Chris asked after a few minutes of watching her keenly.

Suzanne nodded her head and continue doing what she was doing without saying a word.

Chris looked around the quiet dining room and to the cozy living room. The television is on but put on mute mode. Then he turned his eyes to Suzanne who seem uninterested in him as she kept rubbing her sleepy eyes and staring at the screen of her mobile device. Then he turned his eyes back to his laptop screen with a deep sigh.

About five minutes later, Alex walked into the dining room. He sat heavily beside Suzanne and rested his elbows on the table as he glanced at his sister.

“I hate staying at home all day”, he sighed with a frown and looked at Chris. “Why would mother tell us not to go anywhere?, i suppose to be somewhere else……perhaps someplace conducting some business deal……or raising hell”, then he looked at Suzanne. “Dont you think so?”, he asked her and placed an arm on her shoulder.

“I’m in no mood to talk about your life, so take your hand off my shoulder”, Suzanne replied quietly but firmly without looking at him.

Chris laughed.

Alex looked at him. “Dude what’s so funny?”, he asked with a scoff.

“No….i’m not laughing at what she just said…..even though it’s funny too”, Chris replied.

“Then what?”.

“Well…..”, Chris began and moved his weight in his seat. “Looking at the both of you i always say to myself, if someone had said to me about five or six years ago that you guy would be like this, i would have laughed it off and said it is impossible……even bet my life on it”, he chuckled.

Alex said nothing and stared at screen of Suzanne’s cellphone.

“Alex you were my best friend in high school”, Chris continued. “And we were known as the wimpy boys…..the class cowards. Those known to be miles away from any kind of situation and if it happened to be a bad one, we dont come to school for about a day or two…..”, then he looked at Alex. “……or even two weeks”, he added and stared at his friend.

Still not responding to what Chris said, Alex took out his own cellphone from his pocket and started working his fingers on it.

“Suzanne here was the quiet and soft spoken girl”, Chris looked at Suzanne. “Our principal, Mr Donald, even labeled her the model student of Rock Valley high school”, he chuckled and shook his head as he turned his gaze to his laptop computer screen. “Now here i am, sharing a ton of money among the orphanages across the country”, he sighed. “Money stolen from one of the most dangerous men in the Easthill after Suzanne here killed four bodyguards that were guarding his book keeper….and tortured the said book keeper into giving up the passwords for the bank accounts”.

Alex sniggered and continue getting busy with his cellphone.

“My high school best friend here had killed people too…..probably alot”, Chris muttered with his eyes still on the laptop screen. “He has a twin brother who had killed more people than the number of times he had brushed his teeth. And their real mother is something else. A very thin line is what separates her from being a worldwide most wanted terrorist”.

Then Chris rubbed his eyes and started working his fingers on the laptop keyboard. A long silence settled in the room as they all focused their attentions on their electronic devices.

Suzanne kept rubbing her braided hair that was neatly packed behind her head with a few yawns as she scrolled through her phone.

Alex was replying all the text messages he had gotten from his friends and clients……mostly the female clients. They are all asking what happened after not seeing or hearing from him for some days.

Chris…….Chris was doing nothing important. He was just surfing the web and checking out some computer science forums. A way to keep his mind off the situation he is in; he helping Nina to bring down a dangerous mobster.

After a few more minutes of silence, Alex raised his eyes from his cellphone and glanced at Chris.

“Dude, i wanna ask you a question”, he began and dropped his phone on the table.

“Unhuh go ahead”, Chris said to him with his eyes still on the laptop screen.

“If someone happen to attack you , how are you gonna defend yourself”, Alex asked with an intent look on his face.

Chris slowly turned his head and looked at Alex. He thought his friend wanted to ask him questions about what he had said earlier.

“What do you mean?”, he demanded.

“I mean, if someone else is sitting on this chair……”, Alex gestured at the empty dining chair beside him. “…..and he said he doesnt like your face…..and for that reason he gets up with the intention to attack and put a merciless beatdown on you. What are you gonna do?”, he asked.

Chris took a quick glance at Suzanne and looked at Alex thoughtfully. He was wondering why Alex asked him that question. And neither has he ever given such kind of a situation a thought nor how he will handle it if it happens.

“What are you gonna do?…..or what will you do to that person?”, Alex asked again.

“Well…..i will fight that person of course”, Chris replied indifferently.


“Fight the way people fight… know……throwing fists”,

Alex sighed with a weak smile and looked at his cellphone. Then he looked at Suzanne. “Suzy…..if Chris attacks you, what are you gonna do?”, he asked her.

“Smash his coffee cup saucer in his face, knock his teeth out with the coffee cup, dislocate his knee joints with his laptop and strangle him with the extension cord the laptop is connected to”, Suzanne replied without looking at any of them.

Alex smiled and looked at Chris. “She even said it in details how she gonna f@ck up your life if you make a bad move on her”, he said to Chris.

“So…..what’s the reason for this strange discussion?”, Chris asked.

“Well…..from what you said earlier, i know you are probably wondering what happened to us; me and Suzanne”, Alex began and folded his arms with his gaze fixed on Chris. “You know how it was for me during our high school days. The mental tortures that i went through in the hands of our fellow students and even my adopted mother. And also being on the verge of committing suicide”, he continued.

“Yeah”, Chris muttered with a downcast gaze.

“Well….Suzanne saw it all. That’s why she met Eric my twin brother and learned how not become a victim. As for me, my real mother took me out from that side of the fence where losers, cowards and sorry-ass people are seen……the side of the fence i dwelled for too long and made to think that that’s where i belong. She introduced me to the other side of the fence. And i like it there because those dwelling in that place are never good at being a victim……and so do i”.

Chris stared at Alex and shrugged. As he opened his mouth to say something, Alex cellphone ranged.

“It’s Eric”, Alex sighed after checking the caller number.

Then he answered the call.

“Dude!, where in….republic of Sambama land are you?”, Alex began as he reclined in his chair.

“I’m in the southern part of the city not in Sambama land or whatever f@ck country name you can come up with”, Eric replied.

“South of the city?, what the hell you are doing there?”, Alex asked. “We have being waiting for you to tell us about the meeting with that man and how it went”.

“How is mother doing?”, Eric replied the question with another question.

“She is asleep in her bedroom……and gave a no movement order”, Alex sighed. “The old lady told us to remain indoors and not to make one step out of this house”.

“Well, you guys will have to disobey that order because i want you and Suzanne to do something for me”, Eric said. “Is Chris also there in the house?”, he asked.

“Yeah he is here”.

“Good. Now write this number down”.

Alex snapped his fingers at Suzanne and gestured at her to hand over her cellphone to him. Suzanne gave it to him with an inquisitive look on her face. Alex took the number that Eric gave him and saved it in the phone.

“I want you to give Chris that number and tell him to track it”, Eric said.

“Okay…..”, Alex muttered and placed Suzanne’s phone on the table. “Whose cellphone number is this”, he asked.

“Hector’s number”, Eric replied.

Alex heard it and took a deep breath with anger slowly building up inside him. He exhaled gently and glanced at Suzanne who saw the expression and knew that something is up.

“That piece of sh!t sent some goons to get Lisa”, Eric continued. “I dont know how they found out about her, but those guys have been following her”.

“Is she alright?”, Alex asked.

“Yeah….. and that’s why i’m here”, Eric replied. “I have to watch over her and make sure that she is safe”.

“How did you know that Hector and his men were following her?”.

“The guy that mother sent me to meet. He told me that Gus had being watching her. After the damages we inflicted on him, he gave Hector the order to get her so as to use her to find Nina. But Hector also had some scores to settle so he too wanted to use her to get to us”.

Alex sighed. “I dont like innocent people getting drawn into this sh!t situation bro”, he said.

“Yeah…..that’s why we are taking Gus down tomorrow”, Eric said.


“That guy i met told me that Gus under-bosses want him out of the way because of the sh!t-storm that is about to swallow their organization. The sh!t-storm that Gus started. So they are giving us a window of opportunity to do the job of getting rid of him ourselves”.


“Tomorrow Gus will be calling a meeting at one of his houses. But none of the under bosses will show up and they will also give their own men a stand down order. Then we move in and take care of Gus and his men”.

“Sounds like a good plan to me. But what if it is a set up?”, Alex asked with some concern in his voice.

“Don’t worry…..even if it is a set up, Gus is still going down tomorrow”, Eric replied. “For now i want you to find Hector’s location and go get him. One of those goons said he will be waiting at the Victoria bay loading dock. But i want you to track his location to be sure that he will be there”.

“We can track his location…..but i’m not sure we can go get him. Mother gave a strict order and you know how she reacts to any disobedience of any order she gives”, Alex sighed.

“F@ck her order……”, Eric barked. “If you gonna listen to her orders, then give me steady feedbacks on his location let me go get him myself”.

Eric ended the conversation before his brother could say any other thing. Alex stared at his cellphone for a while and dropped it on the table. He folded his arms and reclined in the chair with a thoughtful gaze in his eyes. Suzanne pick up her cellphone and checked the number Alex save. The number that Eric gave him. Hector’s cellphone number.

“Rogers was a very nice man”, she began quietly as she stared at the number. “He was very kind to all of us and cared alot for everyone when he worked as our family chauffeur. This is the number of the guy that took away that man from us……and also killed those househelps”, she continued and looked at Alex.

Alex looked at her for a while and pursed his lips. “F@ck the order”, he muttered and looked at Chris as he got up. “Dude, quit whatever sh!ts you are doing with your laptop. You have a number to trace”, then he looked at Suzanne. “Are you good to go kill some niggas?”, he asked her.

“All day everyday”, was her response.


“I think this room is good enough”, Eric said to Lisa as he dropped the keycard on the bedside table and glanced around the hotel room. “And very clean”, he continued and went over to the bathroom to check it out.

Lisa dropped her weight heavily on the bed soft mattress and spread her arms apart as she laid on it face down.

“Oh i’m so tired”, she moaned and closed her eyes. “And also need a shower”, she murmured.

She opened her eyes and looked at Eric as he slightly pushed the window drapes aside to see the activities going on outside the fifth floor hotel room they had booked. Then she turn over and laid on her back.

Eric pick up the remote controller and switched on the flat panel t.v on the wall facing the bed. Lisa stared at him as he took off his jacket and neatly hanged it on the cloth rack. Eric glanced at her as he pulled out the Smith and Wesson semi-auto handgun tucked in his waist belt and dropped the weapon on the table standing next to the window. Then he proceed to unbutton the grey tee shirt he had on.

Lisa stared at Eric as he hung the tee shirt on the cloth rack and ran her eyes all over his body. He was handsome, that was obvious, but she was more focused on his lean and mean muscular body. The tight fitted white singlet he wore, showed the features of his hard and well built chest and abs. And with every movement he made, the steely muscles in his arms and biceps seems to tell tales of the works it had put in, and the kind of hurt it could bring; the one she had witnessed a few hours ago.

Lisa smiled faintly with a distant gaze in her eyes as she fondly remembered all the good times they had when they were together. There was never a dull moment between them; always so much fun. Even during one of the missions he was sent to accomplish. She didnt know what was going on, and thought they were on a memorable date. Until Eric came into their hotel room, bleeding quite badly from a knife wound.

But her feelings for him was unfazed when Eric told her everything; the mission and what he was doing for Nina. Infact she even got crazier for him. And after treating the wound, they had the best mind blowing sex they have ever had. Perhaps it was the testosterone that was still in his system after killing a drug cartel leader and his six body guards. Or maybe it was the thoughts of her in bed and in the arms of a man who just did something dangerous. Whatever it is, it made them go hard on each other till they were too exhausted to even lift a finger.

But they still broke up. Eric reasons for breaking up were genuine and she understood and had no choice but to accept it. He didnt want to put her life in danger because of what he was doing, or make her have those looks he had seen in Esther’s eyes whenever she looked at Ernest’s picture because seeing the next day sunrise is not guaranteed for him.

Now it’s just the two of them in a hotel room. It has being long, infact almost seven months, they had seen each other…..or stayed together in a room. Eric standing a few feet away made her wish that they could have one more time together as couples. Even if it’s just for the sake of getting the feel of what they once had. And she hoped that Eric feels the same.

“So what took you to St Mary Convent?”, Eric interrupted Lisa in her thought and sat on the chair next to the table.

Lisa blinked a few times when she came back to reality and heaved a deep sigh. “Something that had to do with both of your grandfathers”, she said.

“My grandfathers?”, Eric asked and looked at her.

“Yeah…..Andrew and Cantona”, Lisa replied. “Both men really had deep hatred for each other, especially Cantona. Throughout their lives, both of them had being on the opposing sides on almost everything”.

“Okay”, Eric nodded and started disassembling his handgun.

“They fought against each other during the civil war”, Lisa continued. “One was a lawman the other was an outlaw and always tried to kill each other”.

“Okay”, Eric muttered with a look of indifference and closed one eye as he peered into the handgun barrel.

What Lisa said wasnt new to him because he knew everything about his paternal and maternal grandfathers.

“So… is St Mary Convent connected to them?”, Eric asked.

“There’s this young woman by the named Diane. She was very close to Cantona when he was young and she was also his partner in all the things he did back then, Lisa replied. “And somehow she is responsible for Mr Cantona wanting to have your father killed”.

Eric opened the eye slowly and looked at Lisa. Perhaps he didnt know everything about both his grandfathers because it’s his first time of hearing that.

“Who is she……and how is she responsible for the Sosai wanting to kill my father”, he asked.

Lisa was glad that she has gotten his attention. She turned over and her elbows sank into the bed soft mattress as she rested her chin in her palms.

“Do you know that Andrew used to be the agressive and no nonsense guy while Cantona was the cool one, even though he was crazy and the most dangerous of the two men?”, she said to Eric who was listening to her attentively.

Eric shook his head and said, “Nope”.

“Well, after Diane was supposedly killed, both men changed”, Lisa continued. “Andrew retired from the police force and led a quiet life, while Cantona became an out of control aggressive and ruthless gangster, out to control everything he puts his mind on……the reason why he is what he is today”.

“Wait…….”, Eric placed the gun barrel next to the other gun parts on the table. “……what do you mean by Diane was supposedly killed?”, he asked.

“At what seemed to be the height of their ‘cat and mouse’ games, Cantona gave himself up when Andrew and the other detectives got hold of Diane. He promised to cooperate with police in exchange for a lighter sentence for Diane. But Diane tried to escape and died in the process. Andrew was the one who shot out the tires of her getaway vehicle and she ended up crashing into the river and drowned”.

Eric stared at Lisa thoughtfully.

“Andrew was the only one on the scene during that incident and the person that filed the police report”, Lisa added.

“So he lied and falsified Dianes death”, Eric muttered.

“Not only that”, Lisa smirked and sat up on the bed. “Diane was never caught by the police. Infact she was the one that met Andrew and somehow convinced him to help her fake her own death”, Lisa said excitedly.

“My guess is this Diane now stays in St Mary convent”, Eric said.

“Yeah that’s what i thought”, Lisa sighed with a downcast gaze. “I thought she changed her name and identity to Diviana Cruz. But when i met this Diviana Cruz who happens to be a Nun in the convent, i found out she was just another person who resembled Diane. She even showed me the files and photos”, she smirked again. “Your paternal grandfather really did a good job hiding Diane. That’s why he took her to the convent because If anyone who knew her very well spotted her there, Diviana would be presented and the person would be told that it was a case of mistaken identity. If the authorities got involved, different thumbprints will close the case”.

“But what about Diane…..where is she?”, Eric asked.

“She is dead”, Lisa replied.

“What?……how?”, Eric was baffled.

“Diviana told me. She also revealed something else……Diane was pregnant when she came to the convent and died while giving birth to the baby. The baby itself also passed away”.

Eric sighed and bowed his head. Then he picked up another part of the handgun and started inspecting it. Lisa remained silent and looked at the well manicured nails of her right hand with pursed lips.

“I thought i was very close to finding the diamonds that your maternal grandfather wants”, Lisa then said to Eric after about a minute of silence. “Because i strongly believe that Diane is the one who took it. That’s a very good reason for someone to fake their own death, especially if it belonged to a very dangerous person like Cantona”.

Then Lisa got up from the bed and went over to where Eric was seated. “Eric i’m sorry if i disappointed you”, she apologized and placed her hand on his broad shoulder. “But i will take these documents and present it to your grandfather during our interview tomorrow. Perhaps it will convince him to free your dad”, she said and rubbed his shoulder gently.

“Oh it’s not in anyway your fault, and you dont have to worry about convincing the old man”, Eric said and started assembling the gun parts.

Lisa thought for a few seconds and glanced at the gun that was coming together, part by part. “Why do you say so?”, she asked nervously.

“I’m gonna kill him tomorrow”, Eric replied and looked at her as he slapped in the handgun clip and cocked back the hammer. “Why dont you go take your shower and also take a rest. You will probably have a long day tomorrow.


Dante adjusted his necktie with his eyes fixed at his image in the mirror of the men’s restroom. He rubbed his well trimmed hair and reached for the tiny bottle of cologne in his pocket. He put a few drops in his hand and rubbed his palms together as he stared at his image in the mirror, making a few facial expressions to see the one that best fit for the occasion.

As Dante applied the cologne on his face, a man walked into the restroom. He was burly looking, quite tall and dandily dressed in a bright coloured Hawaiian tee shirt and black designer jeans with gold chains around his neck and wrist. The man whistled a tune as he stood beside Dante to check himself in the mirror and glanced at Dante with a funny look on his face. A funny look that was quite belittling and condescending.

Dante noticed it. But he returned the glance with a friendly smile on his face and continue patting his face with his palm.

The burly man ignored Dante and kept whistling the tune as he checked his face and well trimmed sideburns. Then he dipped one hand inside his jeans side pocket and took out its content; a hotel room keycard and a credit card. He dipped the other hand inside the back pocket and took out his wallet. He pushed Dante’s cologne bottle aside, almost spilling its content and dropped the cards and wallet on the table.

Dante paused with his hands infront his face and looked at his cologne bottle. He glanced at the man’s wallet and hotel keycard. And then looked at the man through the mirror infront of them. The man seemed less concerned. He tucked both cards inside his wallet and reached for the water faucet to wash his hands while Dante sighed and quietly adjusted the collar of his black suit jacket.

The burly man continued whistling after he was done washing his hands and waved them carelessly, sending water droplets that fell on Dante’s suit jacket. Then he wiped his hands with the restroom tissue and dropped it carelessly. And it ended up falling on Dante’s shoe before reaching the floor.

“Excuse me sir”, Dante began as the man turned to leave.

The burly man looked over his shoulder. “What?”, he demanded.

“I dont mean to be rude, but you suppose to drop the used tissue in the trashcan. Not on the floor”, he said to the man quietly and politely.

“Oh really?”, the man began and faced Dante. “So what are you, the f@cking janitor of this shitter?”, he asked, gesturing his hand around the restroom.

“No…..i’m just saying that it is improper and untidy to leave tissues lying around the floor”, Dante noted.

“Well if you dont like it there, then pick it up and put it in your f@cking mouth”, the man said and left the restroom, muttering some inaudible curses at Dante.

Dante turned his face to the mirror and continue adjusting his suit with a faint smile on his face.

“Sir would you like to take your orders now?”, the man dressed as a steward asked as Dante adjusted his chair and opened the menu book.

Dante took a quick glance at the menu book and looked at the man with a smile. “No. I’m waiting for someone who will be here soon”, he said and closed the menu book. “I will let you know when i’m ready”.

“Okay sir”, the steward nodded and left to attend to another customer.

Dante smiled and glanced at the other seated guests in the upscale restaurant and the white gloved waiters waiting on them. The place has an expensive and well detailed decor with a relaxed and romantic ambience by the lighting and the man playing a beautiful and soft note on the piano.

What Dante loves most about the place is their exquisite cuisines, being a man with a good taste for food and wine. The place topped his list of his favourite restaurants in Easthill and he always goes there whenever he is in town, sometimes in the company of a client, and a few times with his target. But the restaurant management that usually give out a v.i.p card to its regular customers are not aware of his regular visits. They wouldn’t know because he had never being there as the same person that came last time. But today he is not wearing a disguise because he had being working on the contract given to him by Gus without any.

Dante glanced at his gold wristwatch and took out his cellphone to check for miss calls.

There was none.

Then he placed the phone on the clean white cloth covered table beside the cutlery. Resting his clasped hands on the table, he looked to his side and saw the burly man. The man was sitting with his back at Dante and talking to a beautiful woman who wore a tight fitted blouse that showed her surgery enhanced bossoms.

The woman seems to have all her attention on the burly man with a superficial bright smile on her face as he spoke to her. The burly man was holding her hand with one hand as he spoke, and made gestures with the other hand.

Dante looked at their table and saw the remnants of the expensive lobster and seafood dinner they had eaten and the bottle of expensive wine they were chilling themselves with.

‘Escort’, Dante thought with a faint smile as he stared at the woman. He had dealt with alot of them and know very well how they operate; specialist in draining a man’s pocket. And she was probably fleecing the man of all his worth because alot of good money would have been spent to make a woman like that to put an unending smile on her face for the burly fellow who was quite ugly. And to patiently listen to probably some garbages he is spewing as the stories of his life.

The woman seems somewhat new in the job, Dante thought as he continue staring at her. From her body movements and her superficial expressions, he could see that she was putting alot of effort to hide her disgust for the burly man.

Dante’s cellphone vibrated and he almost knocked down the cutlery as he immediately reached for it. The number of the incoming call was unknown. Not what he had being expecting. But he pressed the answer button anyway.

“Hello Dante”.

Dante recognized the voice but he never expected to get a call from its owner.

“Hello again sir”, Dante replied in his usual polite voice and moved uncomfortably in his seat. “I never expected a call from you. I thought you said any feedback should be given to Gus, who will relay the message to you”.

“Correct Mr Dante but this is of utmost importance that’s why i’m calling you directly”, the voice said.

“Well you called at a time that i’m too preoccupied to conduct any business”, Dante said as he looked at the woman sitting with burly man and winked at her when she turned her eyes at him. “But……i will make an exception for you. So you better make it fast”, he continued and gave the woman a smile with another wink.

“Good. There is another subject for you to take care of”, the voice said

Dante thought for a while. “Well i’m yet to be done with the subject given to me and i intend to execute my plan tomorrow”, he then said. “A distraction is the last thing that i want. You know very well how things could go…..especially for you if any kind of mistake is made”, he warned.

“I understand. But this subject need to be taken care of as soon as possible”.

“Then give it to Gus…..or even Hector and his band of so called killers……By the way i have seen it on the news. It’s like those men are doing an excellent job in getting killed. I warned you not to rely on those fools”.

“You are right, that’s why i want you to do this job. The price is the same as the first subject. Double if captured alive”.

“Hm…..”, Dante smiled. “Sir you sound kind of desperate. Did this subject rubbed you in the wrong way?”, he asked. “Anyway it is triple if i capture the subject alive”.

“Why?”, the voice asked.

“Well…..”, Dante grunted as he moved his weight abit. “I have to know who the subject is, the person’s background and the people this person is connected to”, he replied.

“I’m sure that you already have all those info….Mr Dante”, the voice said.

Dante stared at his cellphone with a slighly furrow eyebrow and then held it in its former position. “What do you mean?”, he asked.

“The infos are the least of your problem. Taking care of the subject is the problem”, the voice replied. “Anyway, half of your payment have been transferred into your bank account…..”.

Almost immediately, Dante’s cellphone vibrated a bank alert message.

“……the other half will be paid when the job is done”, the voice continued.

Dante’s cellphone alerted him of another message.

“The pictures of the subject has also been sent to you”, the voice added. “Remember, this subject need to be taken care of as soon as possible…..i will contact you later”.

The call ended before Dante could say anything. He glanced at his wristwatch again and dialled another number. The line rang for over a minute before the automated voice told him that the recipient is not answering the phone. He sighed and poured himself a glass of water as he checked the second text message he had recieved to see picture sent to him. He picked up the glass of water to drink as the file downloaded. And stopped midway when he saw the face of the subject. The face of his new victim.

Dante stared at the face for over a minute with the glass held halfway to his lips. Then he gently set the glass back on the table and dialled the number he had called earlier. He did it with a smile on his face.


BLOODLINE 2 Episode 12

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Marian iremide
Marian iremide
4 years ago

Dante want to get himself killed

Aderemi Davis
Aderemi Davis
4 years ago

Overconfidence is about to kill Dante

Adeoye Bolakale
Adeoye Bolakale
4 years ago

Dante versus Eric, it is going to be bloody.

4 years ago

Hope he’s not going for Eric?

4 years ago

i hope it is Liza or Suzzane?

Olamitoke Hannah
4 years ago

Am confused, I hope Dante won’t succed in his plan

4 years ago

Eric n Dante

4 years ago

Now why am I afraid???? Who is it gonna be?

4 years ago

Dante bitch say your last prayers….??