BLOODLINE 2 Episode 11b (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 13 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 11b (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

“This is the flower shop”, the driver of the black van said to the three other guys in the vehicle. “So that is definitely the alley”, he pointed one of the fingers of the hand holding the steering wheel at the alley beside the shop as he gently brought the van to a halt infront of the shop. “Call Jay and tell him we are here”, he said to the man sitting on the passenger seat beside him.

The man took out a phone to make the call. Then he paused with a puzzled look on his face as he saw Lisa walk out of the flower shop. He looked at the driver and at the three other men sitting on the backseat. They all had the puzzled look on their faces as they stared at Lisa who casually made her way towards another building; a shopping mall.

The men glanced at each other, still looking confused.

“Where the f@ck is Jay?”, the driver asked. Then he turned his eyes at the alley. “Hugo, Banky and Kojo. Follow that girl. Anderson, i want you to go check that alley”, the driver ordered the men. “Something aint right he muttered as the men alight from the van and proceed to do as they were told.

The driver watched three men go after Lisa as she entered the shopping mall building and one man going into the alley. Few minutes later the man that went into the alley came hurrying back to the van. He got into the vehicle and slammed the door angrily.

“Jay is dead”, he muttered breathlessly to the driver without looking at the man. “Someone broke his neck”, he continued.

“Then what the f@ck are you doing here?”, the driver barked at him. “Go join the rest and look for that b!tch”, he ordered and the man got out of the car, grumbling and cursing under his breath.

The three thugs entered the mall and glanced around wildly, searching for Lisa. One of them whispered something to the others and motioned his hand. Then they split up, each taking the escalator and heading to a floor of the six floor shopping mall.

The first guy got off at the first floor and carefully surveyed the place that contained retail shops selling luxury brand handbags and accessories. He glanced at every female customer his eyes could see as he walked around the place with quick strides. Then he saw Lisa. She was talking on her phone. She glanced at the man as she continued talking on her phone and started heading towards the restroom.

The man immediately followed her, maintaining his distance till she reached the restroom door. Then he quickened his step and made an attempt to grab her shoulder. Before his outstretched arm could touch her, someone put him in a choke-hold from behind. And the last thing he saw before being pushed into the male restroom that was next to the females, was the smirk on Lisa’s face.

Eric rammed his fist into the man’s side and pushed him into one of the empty toilet stall. The man groaned and took a swing at Eric who redirected the arm away from its target and threw a right hook that rattled the man’s spine and almost knocked his head off his shoulder. Then an upper-cut that made the man to collapse beside the toilet ceramic seater. Hearing the footsteps of someone else entering the restroom, Eric grabbed the man’s neck and pressed his head against the ceramic.

Then he reached for the man’s belt. And with one fast movement, he unbuckled and yanked it from his trouser. He proceed to wrap the strap around the man’s neck and tugged it with one hand while pressing the man’s head against the toilet seater with the other hand.

Eric kept pulling and used his body weight to limit the man’s movement as he struggled. One hard tug and Eric snapped the man’s neck. Then he gently laid the lifeless body on the floor and quietly stepped out of the stall. He quietly adjusted his tee shirt and nodded at the man taking a pee; the man that entered the restroom when he was killing the thug. The man nodded back at Eric and washed his hand, oblivious that someone just got killed in one of the toilet stalls.

The second thug took the escalator to the fourth floor after checking the third. He looked around the place that was stocked with building materials and equipments. And decided that it wasnt the place a young woman would likely go to. Then he turned to take the escalator going down and stopped in his tracks when he saw Lisa on the escalator coming up. Lisa glanced at him with a smile and headed towards one of the salesmen.

Eric watched the second thug follow Lisa as she went over to the salesman. He took a quick glance around him and started heading towards the guy, walking behind some of the customers. The man was glancing around the place as if looking for something…..or somebody. So Eric didnt want the man seeing him as he continue edging closer.

The thug focused his attention at Lisa who was busy talking to the salesman and then dipped his hand inside the pocket of his black leather jacket. Eric saw the movement and immediately quickened his pace towards the man as he too slided his hand into the pocket of the brown jacket he wore and clutched the cold steel handle of the Smith and Wesson handgun in his pocket. Then the man took his hand out of his pocket and Eric saw him holding a cellphone.

Still maintaining his sights on Lisa, the man spoke on his cellphone. Then he frowned his face for a few seconds and started glancing around the place again. Eric made a quick turn and looked away before the man could set his eyes on his face.

Pretending to be checking out the wares on the stand beside him, Eric slowly turned toward the man who was motioning at another man; the third thug who just walked into the place.

“Sir what do you need?”.

Eric looked beside him and saw a smallish looking man staring at him with a smile on his face. He wore a salesman uniform.

“Oh….well”, Eric began and glanced at the wares that were mostly handy tools. “I’m just checking to see if there is anything i will be needing”, he said and looked at the second thug. He was walking away from Lisa, heading to another section where he stood and watched her.

Then Eric looked at the third man. He too was standing and watching; probably waiting….or looking out for someone as he glanced around the place and keenly watched every person that walked pass Lisa.

“I would like to have two 6 inches slot head screwdriver”, Eric said, interrupting the salesman who had been saying something he didnt care to listen to.

“Okay sir”, the salesman muttered and reached for the set of screwdrivers on the stand.

“And i also want this face cap”, Eric added and took the face cap on the saleman’s table.

“Erm…sir the face cap is not for sale”, the salesman began politely as he handed Eric the screwdrivers. “It is my cap”, he smiled.

“I know…..”, Eric muttered as he put on the cap and collected the screwdrivers from the man. “Here, buy yourself another one”, he said and handed the man some money.

The salesman stared delightfully at the amount given to him as Eric tucked one of the screwdrivers in his right sleeve and the other in his belt. Pulling his new face cap down low over his face, Eric headed towards Lisa who was now checking her cellphone as she spoke to the other salesman. He knew that she was wondering why he hasnt sent a text, telling her what next to do.

Excuse……”, Eric said to the salesman and grabbed Lisa by her arm.

“Hey!”, Lisa protested at first and then saw it was Eric. “What’s going on?, are we done with them already?”, she asked with a whisper as he walked her away.

“No…..those men are into something else”, Eric replied as both of them walked. “Maybe they have suspected that someone is with you”.

“So what now, are we running?”.

“Just follow me and dont look back at them”.

When the second thug saw a man with a face cap leading Lisa away, he motioned at the third thug. Then both of them started following Lisa and trying to figure out who was walking with her.

Eric walked Lisa to the escalator and they descended to the third floor. The two men following them did the same. Still holding Lisa’s arm, Eric made his way through the crowded floor where clothings are being sold. Then Lisa suddenly held Eric’s hand and squeezed it tight.

“What is it?”, Eric asked her from the corner of his mouth without looking at her.

“The man wearing brown leather jacket…..standing infront of us near the pillar on the left….. he is also one of them”, Lisa replied in a low tone of voice.

Eric looked in that direction and saw another thug standing and staring at them with both hands in the pockets of his jacket and a determined look on his face as they approached. Eric immediately glanced around the place and saw a door ahead of them. It has a sign that says “Employees only”.

Then he pulled Lisa and changed his direction, making a beeline towards the door. The man immediately followed them. And so did the other two men who had seen their partner and made some gestures at him.

The thugs headed towards the door on seeing Eric and Lisa go through it. The man infront stopped near the door and gestured at the other two that were following him behind to wait. Then he opened the door slowly and peeped inside the place. It was the corridor of the mall employees’ changing room. He entered and the other two followed him.

They quietly closed the door and glanced around the fairly lit and seemingly empty place. The thug wearing the brown jacket motioned at one of the men to watch the corridor entrance door and at the other to follow him. The man at the entrance door open it to take a quick peep at the activities going on in that area of the shopping mall before locking the door.

Tucking his hand inside his unzipped jacket, the man glanced at each door of the four doors in the corridor and looked at the other guy following him. Then both of them quietly and cautiously paced towards the first door. The man took his hand out of his jacket to reveal the semi auto handgun he was holding.

He cocked the handgun and slowly reached for the door handle. The other man also pulled out his own weapon and cocked it. He stood behind the man infront of the door and glanced at the man guarding the entrance door.

Eric glanced at Lisa who seemed too afraid to even breath and pressed his ear against the door. He opened his mouth abit wide. By doing so, it made his sense of hearing sharper. Lisa lips parted open to say something but Eric gestured a finger at her to remain silent without even looking at her. And Lisa did so.

After a few seconds of listening, Eric gave a faint smile and made two steps away from the door. He closed his eyes and bent his neck both sides and its joints let out a faint cracking sound. Lisa stared at him and wondered what he was about do. Then Eric opened his eyes and fixed his gaze at the door handle.

A few seconds passed and the door handle made a slight movement. Eric took position. Then the door handle started turning slowly. Eric took a deep breath swung into action.

He unleashed a powerful kick at the door and the blow knocked it out of its hinges. The door that was almost sent flying, slammed into the man standing behind it, hitting him with enough impact to knock him off his feet. And made the other guy standing behind him to lose his balance when their bodies collided.

Both men found themselves sprawling on the floor with the one that got hit by the door, losing his grip on his weapon. Eric came out and kicked away the weapon that had fallen to the floor. Then he went for the second guy who was moving his weapon to take an aim while trying to move the man who had taken a serious concussion from the flying door.

Eric swung his left foot and kicked the handgun out of his hand. Then swung his right foot that sent blood and saliva flying out of the man’s mouth when it hit his jaw.

From the corner of his eye, Eric could see the third guy at the entrance door reaching for the gun tucked in his waist belt. Eric made a sharp arm movement and the screwdriver tucked in the right sleeve of his jacket slided down to his palm. Then he made a 360 turn and threw the screwdriver at the man, torquing his hip with alot of power as he did so.

The screwdriver flew at its target with lightening speed and got buried into the man’s gut, puncturing a lung. The man groaned painfully. He wobbled and dropped on one knee as he grabbed the screwdriver handle and raised his weapon at Eric to take an aim. Then he saw Eric make that same movement and within a split of a second, another screwdriver came flying at him and the man dropped dead with the shank of the screwdriver buried in his neck.

Eric immediately turned to the other men. The first guy who had already recovered, immediately lunged at him. Eric stepped to the side and swung a left kick that caught the man in his mid section. He rattled the man’s jaw with another right kick to the face and then knocked the wind out of thug with a spin kick. The impact sent the man tumbling backwards with a loud groan.

The second guy got up and made his own move. But got dazed by a left and right thunderclap from Eric’s fist. He too got sent tumbling backwards with a hard forward kick to the guts after taking a knee to the ribs.

Then first thug got up and pulled out a wicked looking knife from inside his jacket. It was quite big, almost like a matchete. Eric saw the size of the knife and furrowed his eyebrows.

“How the hell are you walking around with a butcher knife tucked in your jacket”, Eric asked.

The second thug also got up and wiped the blood on his thick lips. He too pulled out a deadly looking axe from inside his jacket and stood beside the other man. Both men stared at Eric with a murderous look on their faces and very ready to use their weapons on him.

Eric lowered his hands and stared at them. “Is there any other weapons you guys got underneath your jackets?”, he asked with a sigh. Then he raised his hands again and balled his fist. “Anyway lets make it quick because it seems neither of us got enough time to waste”, he said and gestured at the men to come to him.

Both thugs growled out loud, almost like a dog and went at Eric with their weapons in a ready to strike position.

The men were considerably bigger than Eric who was facing some kind of a situation in the corridor that wasnt big enough for a wider movement. If the men dont knife or axe him to death, one of them might get past him and go for their handguns lying on the floor behind him or even gain entry into the locker room that is also behind him and get to Lisa.

Eric rushed at the incoming men. The man bearing the axe was infront and he viciously swing it towards Eric’s head. Eric dropped to his knees as he dodged the death blow and threw a powerful upper cut, using his entire body weight. His fist rammed inbetween the axe-bearer’s legs and delivered a devastating blow to the unfortunate man’s crotch.

The thug gave out a loud and painful cry. He was certainly injured, and terribly because the impact of the blow he took on his crotch tore his trouser seam apart. His knees buckled and his grip on the axe loosened as he groaned and his body bent forward. Then Eric immediately got up and used the man’s unbalanced body to push the other thug to the wall as he tried to move around the injured man infront of him. And had the man pinned against the wall.

The thug moved his hand over the injured man’s shoulder and trusted the knife at Erics face as he struggled to move the groaning man’s body away. Eric ducked and grabbed the wrist of the knife bearing hand with his right hand. Using his left hand, he grabbed the injured man by the neck and rammed the back of his head into the face of the thug behind him. Both men got stunned. Then Eric pushed the injured man hard against the knife wielding man and he delivered a hard left elbow strike to injured man’s face.

He knocked the man out, knocked his head backwards and the thug behind the man got stunned again when the back of the man’s head hit him the second time. Eric moved his left hand to the wrist he was holding with his right. Twisting the wrist roughly, he dispossessed the knife from the thug and stabbed the injured man infront four times in his chest before leaving the blade buried deep inside his guts.

As the man dropped dead on the floor, Eric banged in two viciously blows into the other man’s guts and unleashed a jaw breaking blow to his face. Then he pulled the knife out from the dead man’s body and trusted it into the other man’s chest. Eric stepped back and watched him groan out loud as dropped to his knees.

The thug looked at Eric. “You f@cking bastard”, he muttered and grabbed the knife handle, trying to pull it out.

Eric grabbed the axe on the floor and finished the man off by embedding the weapon into his skull.

After the thumping sound, a minute of silence settled. Lisa waited a few more seconds before pacing towards the door quietly. She stopped and cautiously peeped into the corridor.

“You can come out now”, Eric said to Lisa without looking at her.

Lisa came out of the locker room and went over to Eric as he searched the dead men’s pocket.

“Oh God”, Lisa muttered on seeing the man with an axe buried in his skull. She covered her mouth and looked at the other dead man with a pool of blood forming around his body. “Are they dead?”, she asked.

Eric nodded as he checked the wallets and took out the i.d cards. Lisa turned her face to the entrance door and saw the third dead body. She gasped with a furrowed eyebrow.

“Eric please let’s get out of here”, she said and looked away. “I have seen enough dead bodies of men killed in a horrible way today”.

Eric straightened up and tossed the wallets beside the dead men. “One more guy to take out”, he said and started heading towards the entrance door.

“One what?”, Lisa began as she followed him. “Havent you killed enough today?”, she asked.

“Well it can go on all day”, Eric replied and moved the dead man near the entrance door.

“Seeing all these dead men makes me kind of sick”, Lisa protested.

“If you dont have the stomach for it then why do you wanna take part in it?”, Eric asked with a mutter. “You said i should use you….didnt you?…..well you have to try to get use to seeing things like this……especially if you are rolling with someone like me”, Eric concluded and yanked the screwdrivers from the man’s body and neck.

Lisa gasped and shut her eyes. She muttered something inaudibly and followed Eric as he tucked the screwdrivers in pockets of his jacket and unlocked the door.


“Sir, they followed her into the mall…….”, the driver of the van spoke on his cellphone mouth piece and then listened as he looked around the street nervously and glanced at his wristwatch impatiently. “Dont worry……they will find her and we will bring her to you sir…….we just need a little bit…..”, then he stared at his cellphone. The person he was calling had ended the conversation abruptly.

The driver hissed and hit his big fist on the steering wheel. “Goddamnit!….what the hell is taking those assholes this long to get just one girl?”, he asked out loud.

“Excuse me please”,

“What?!”, the driver bawled without bothering to look at the person who said it as he took out a pack of cigarette to light one for himself. When he realized that it was a female voice, he paused in what he was doing and turned his head. And saw it was the lady who was suppose to be their target, standing beside the van and smiling at him. He stared at her like someone who had see something unexplainable.

And by doing so, he didnt notice the man that opened the front passenger door and got into the van. The driver only got to realize what was going on after the man had made himself comfortable in the passenger seat and slammed the vehicle door shut.

“Who the f@ck……”, the driver began when he saw Eric and immediately got interrupted by a vicious elbow blow to his face that knocked the cigarette out of his thick lips.

The driver groaned out loud and tried to reach for the handgun tucked in his jacket. Eric drove his elbow into the man’s face again. He grabbed the back of the man’s head and slammed his face hard against the steering wheel. Then Eric yanked the handgun out from the man’s jacket and pistol whipped him with it several times.

Lisa got into the van, covered her eyes and turned her face away as Eric bloodied and lumped up the man’s face with the handgun.

“Do you now know the gravity of the sh!t situation you are in?”, Eric began and took the driver’s cellphone as the man groaned painfully with his hand on his profusely bleeding face. “You can see it is the type that involves the use of deadly force…..and alot of it”, he continued with a mutter and slipped the phone into his pocket after examining it.

Then Eric grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer.

“I heard that a guy named Hector wants to take this lovely lady behind us to the leader of your goon squad”, he said to the man. “So….where can i find this Hector?”, he asked. “I want to tell him personally that the lady doesnt want to be taken”.

The van driver swallowed hard and said nothing. Eric took another swing at the man’s face with the barrel of the handgun and hit him harder.

“I dont hear you answering my question. Maybe if i use this hammer the proper way……”, Eric cocked the handgun. “……and castrate you right here right now, then you start spilling out the words”, he pointed the muzzle of the gun at the man’s crotch.

“We suppose to meet him somewhere after we have kidnapped her”, the driver said breathlessly as he shielded his bleeding face from any incoming blow.

“Where?”, Eric asked.

“There is a warehouse at Victoria bay loading dock…..that’s the place he said we should wait for him”, the driver replied.

“Victoria bay loading dock….”, Lisa stopped searching the back of the van and looked at Eric.

“The loading docks in Victoria bay had being abandoned for years after the new dock in Easthill bay area was completed”, Eric said and glanced at her.

Why would this guy named Hector wanna take me there instead of to whatever the name of his boss?”,

“Hector is not working for Gus”, Eric corrected. “He is just the leader of a gang……arm-robbery and murder gang”.

“Okay whatever…..but why does he want me taken to that abandoned place”.

“Remember what i told you about Gus and what he did with being rejected by a female?”.


“Well i heard this guy Hector is even worse”, Eric continued as he took out the cellphone he took from the van driver. “The business he was given to handle had become something personal to him……especially after i killed his second man and friend named Santos”, he inspected the cellphone again. “An abandoned area like Victoria loading dock is the kind of place where all sorts of things could someone…..especially to a beautiful young woman and nobody will ever notice anything”, he added and glanced at Lisa.

Lisa stared at him and said nothing.

Then Eric tossed the cellphone on the drivers laps. “I want you to call Hector”, he said to the man

The driver picked up the cellphone with shaky hands and started doing as he was told.

“And i want you to do exactly as i tell you when he answers”, Eric continued. “After that, there are other questions you have to answer”, he concluded and glanced at Lisa.

She was still staring at him.

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 11b

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4 years ago

Go Eric
I love your style.

4 years ago

Wow! Eric i’m impressed

Marian iremide
Marian iremide
4 years ago

More pls…. it taking too long

Aderemi Davis
Aderemi Davis
4 years ago

Eric just have to take out Hector and Gus, waiting for more actions

4 years ago

Oh! Thank Goodness, she is safe

4 years ago

Eric am your fan already. Waiting for more actions from you

4 years ago


4 years ago

Eric the Best amongst the Best ??
Doing business with the Mogul & magnates……..

4 years ago

I want to be like Eric, please someone should help me out