BLOODLINE 2 Episode 10 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 3 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 10 (Blood And Diamond) by Ironkurtain

12 midnight.

“…..Nigga’s live wit it, money drugs and murda for life!
B!tches deal with it, only lovin’ them hoes for the night!
If your feeling it, get high, it’s alright!
But you can’t get it, until the day of my demise!…….”

Ja-rule’s rap song banged out of the speakers with a blaring bass that made the entire dance floor to shake. The psychedelic and disco lights exploding against the walls and the bodies swaying and writhing to beats of the music.

It’s Thursday night, the ladies night at Club OASIS, one of the top nightclubs in Easthill city. Tonight the place is packed with a sea of sweating bodies tangled together in the big dance floor, dancing to the hardcore rap song. Alot of youths, a few older people, some underaged, professionals and even gang members danced ecstatically to the rhythm of the music. At the rear end is a long lit up bar filled with customers trying to get their drinks. There is a stair leading to the balcony with v.i.p booths where some of the rich and famous chilled with the club hostess or private Follows. And occasionally stepped out of the booth to watch the crowd on the dance floor below.

The high heels click clacked as the two girls quickened their steps to catch up with the man who was ascending the stair with quick strides. They walked past the several v.i.p booths and headed towards a door being guarded by two huge club bouncers. The bouncers saw them and opened the door as they approached.

The man who wore a red Hawaiian tee shirt that covered his small frame is one of the club managers. He nodded at the bouncers and walking through the door and into the well lit corridor with the two Hostess following behind him.

“Sasha you did very well last night”, the man began in a matter-of-fact tone to one of the girls. “So i expect you to do the same tonight with these guests. They are one of our very important guests and i want them to be served well”, he continued as they headed towards another door being guarded by two big and scary looking men

The girl he was talking to looked abit thick and of an average height. She wore a black mini skirt and blouse that was revealing and alot of make-up with an oversized earring. The other girl look quite young, beautiful and innocent, though the way she dressed says otherwise. She too wore alot of make-up but not compared to that of the thick girl. And she kept glancing around the place with the look of a person who is still naive in everything about nightlife.

“What is that your name again honey?”, the club manager asked the innocent looking girl.

“Erm….Linda sir”, the girl answered quietly with a shy voice and glanced around the corridor nervously as if wondering why she even came to that place.

“Okay miss Linda, today is your first day working in this club. I’m only allowing you to go with Sasha because you are very beautiful and also told me that you are willing to do anything”, the man continued. “This customer always request for the new girls…..and you look exactly like the kind of person he wants…..a very young and innocent looking girl. I dont usually allow new girls, especially naive looking ones to interact with my special customers. So this is your chance to convince me that you are capable of working here, hope you got that?”.

“Yes sir”, the girl answered quietly.

“And you have to speak up!. I wouldn’t want the customers to have to bury their ear in your mouth to hear what you are saying”, the man said. Her quietness seems to be irritating him. “You have to also change your name”.

“Change my name?”.

“Yeah…..change your name….to something that sounds and tastes sweet”.

The innocent girl glanced at the thick girl with funny look on her face, wondering what the manager meant by that.

“These men are not expecting church girls or they would have gone to the Convent to take the Nuns…….try Lexi or Lindsay”.

“Okay sir”.

“First time doing this kind of job”, Sasha asked the girl whisper

“Yes”, the girl whispered back.

“You look very young”, Sasha glanced at her from head to toe. “Why would you wanna do this kind job?”, she asked.

“College bills and other debts to settle”, the girl answered. “And i have to take care of my mother”, she continued with a downcast gaze.

“What about your father?, do you have brothers and sisters?”.

“My father is not around and i am the only child”.

“Poor you”, Sasha shook her head. “Most of us are like you…..using what we have to get what we need. Anyway just do as much as you can to please these men. They are the very very important people, that means they are loaded. So if you do well, you might earn enough to pay for college till you graduate”.

Sasha looked at the manager as they followed him and saw he wasn’t listening.

“Sometimes it could get out of hand because some of these rich guys are arrogant. So they might belittle and insult you”, she added. “If it happens, try as much as you can to ignore it. Just think about your mother and tell yourself that you are doing it because of her”.

The young girl nodded with a worried look on her face.

“Sometimes these men would want to pay alot of money to do….other things. Some of them are nothing but pigs……especially those with lots of money”, Sasha continued. “Whatever they demand, if it is not okay to you then dont do it”, she advised.

Then Sasha looked at the young girl. The girl seems to be thinking about what she just said to her. Sasha placed her hand on the girl’s shoulder as she nervously opened her handbag when they arrived infront of the door. The two men standing infront of the door weren’t the club bouncers; probably thugs or personal bodyguards. The girl took out a small hand mirror to check her face. Sasha did the same and applied some lipstick while the manager waited impatiently.

“Come on girls we dont have all night!”, the manager then clapped his hands impatiently, making the girls to apply their make-up as fast as they could. “I dont want to keep the guests waiting!”.

When the girls were done, one of the men opened the door and motion at them to go in. The young girl noticed the other guy glaring at them with lust in his eyes as they went in, especially at Sasha behind.

They entered v.i.p room. The place is quite bigger compared to other v.i.p booths. It has a very comfortable and quite expensive wall to wall sofa, a wide screen panel t.v on the wall infront and a karaoke machine. There is a long table at the center with glasses and alot of very expensive liquors and champagnes bottles; Moets and Chandons. Two sturdy looking men……bodyguards…….stood with their arms folded. They had a hard keen look in their faces as they watched the two other men sitting at the table and drinking.

The men sitting at the table saw the girls and their faces lit up with a delightful stare.

“Wow!…..what do we have here”, one of them began.

He is in his forties, abit chubby and far from handsome with deep wrinkles on his forehead. The gleam in his eyes showed that he was abit drunk and his smile made his face look worse. The other guy sitting with him at the table looked younger and better, both physically and facially. But he had the smile of someone who is up to some kind of a mischief.

“Ladies….”, the manager began and looked at the girls. “These are your dates tonight”, he continued and politely gestured at the men.

“Hello”, both girls chorus.

“Hello girls”, chubby man began with a grin as he stood up. “Come have a seat”, he invited.

“This is Mr Scott”, the manager said and looked at the young girl. “Go sit beside him. Introduce yourself to him and let him know more about you”, he said and motioned her to the chubby man.

The young girl quietly went over and took a seat beside the chubby man. The manager introduced the other man to Sasha as Mr Scott’s friend and she too went over and sat beside him.

“So…..gentlemen, i hope you all enjoy yourselves”, the manager then said to the men with a smile. “Incase you want a change of partner, just press the button on the table and we will be at your service”.

“I think we have exactly what we want”, chubby man said excitedly as he looked at the young girl’s face and ran his eyes from her firm bossoms down to her partly covered thighs. “Justin dont you think so?”, he asked his friend.

“Damn right!”, the other man replied. He pulled Sasha closer to him and grabbed her behind.

Sasha didnt like what the man just did and the manager saw it in her facial expression.

“Our hostess will entertain you gentlemen……”, the manager said and glanced at the man. “Any other thing you wish to do should be agreed upon by……”.

“Hey little man!”, chubby man’s friend interrupted and got up. He took out a wad of one hundred dollar bills and counted out ten from it. “Why dont you get lost and go get a life!”, he tossed the bills at the manager.

The manager felt insulted. But he sheepishly bent down and picked up the money. He didnt know who the man is, but he know chubby guy. And know very well that he is working for one of the most dangerous mobsters in the city. And from his experiences in dealing with gangsters, it would be unwise to start any argument…….or even reject the money tossed at him.

“Hurry up and go get humped!”, the man barked at the manager as he picked the last bill and straightened up. This prompted one of the bodyguards to come over. He tap the manager on his shoulder and point at the door.

The manager smiled and left the room after murmuring, “Enjoy yourselves gentlemen. Then chubby man’s friend grabbed the bottle of champagne on the table.

“Sh!t….let’s get it on in this ‘murda-facker’……”, he said out loud as he popped the bottle open. “Girls….drink up and let’s get this party started!,…….goddaaamn!”.

The chubby man laughed out loud as the drinks started flowing into the glasses. Sasha chuckled and picked up the karaoke remote control to select a music. The young girl forced a smile and glanced at her wristwatch. It was her third time doing so.

After about an hour of sipping and refilling empty glasses with endless talks and a few meaningless questions, chubby guy gulped down the liquor in his glass and looked at the other glass on the table. It belonged to the young girl beside him and it was barely touched.

“Why are you not drinking?”, he asked her as he reached for the bottle to refill his glass.

“Oh….i don’t want to drink too much sir”, the girl replied with a smile. “I have to go to school tomorrow morning”, she continued and glanced at Sasha.

The other guy was forcibly trying to kiss Sasha and his hand was inbetween her thighs. Sasha was resisting and telling the guy to stop.

“Sir, what your friend is doing doesnt look proper”, the girl then said to the chubby guy with some concern in her voice.

“Oh dont worry about them”, chubby guy waved it off and moved closer to the girl. “It’s his birthday and he is just trying to catch some fun”, he continued and put his arm on her shoulder.

“By forcing himself on my friend?”, the girl asked with a furrowed eyebrow.

“Like i said, don’t worry about them. Your friend will be alright”, the chubby guy replied coldly. “So what were we talking about?……ah yes!, the reason for you not drinking, because i paid for you girls to drink and have fun with us”.

“I dont wanna drink to much….i have to be able to go home and prepare for school…..and also take care of my mother. She is not well”, the girl said and looked at Sasha again. The struggle she was having with the other man had gotten intense and they knocked down a few bottles on the table in the process.

“Oh really?, and who said you can go home?”, chubby guy turned the girl’s head to face him and gazed at her with a cold look in his eyes.

“I was told that i will only spend three hours with you sir”, the girl stuttered.

“F@cking b!tch!!”, the other guy suddenly bawled. He got up and strucked Sasha on her face with a slap. “Damn f@cking b!tch”, he spat and strucked Sasha again, this time quite harder and it made her fall off from the sofa. “What the hell is wrong with these girls?”, the man barked out and looked at chubby guy. Then he glared at Sasha as she shielded her face with her hand and sobbed.

“He is hurting her!”, the girl tried to get up from her seat but chubby guy grabbed her hand and sat her down forcibly.

“I said your friend will be alright!”, chubby guy almost barked at the girl.

The girl stirred at him with fear in her eyes and then glanced at Sasha to see if she was alright. Sasha was still on the floor sobbing while the other guy stood over her and barking at her to get up. Then the chubby guy pull out his wallet. He counted out twenty one hundred dollar bills and tossed it on the table. The girl glanced at the money on the table and then looked at chubby guy.

“Payment for you and your friend”, chubby guy smiled.

“Payment for what?”, the girl asked.

“To do what wh@res do when they get paid of course”, chubby guy chuckled. “And you girls better perform well because that’s alot of cash for a wh@re”, he pointed at the money.

“But sir……we are the club hostess, not ……a prostitute”, the girl stammered.

“What’s the difference?……its like you are new because most of the girls working in this club would have started giving me a blow-job without asking questions when they see the amount on the table……..even your friend here. Ask her, she had done it several times”.

“Most girl would do it for sure….but not all of us sir. And they still have the right to decide not to do it…..just like my friend here”.

Then the girl got up and helped Sasha to her feet. “Sir my friend is unhappy”, she said quietly to chubby guy’s friend as he glared at her with his drunken eyes. “I think you gentlemen have to request for another girl”, she continued and comforted Sasha who was sobbing uncontrollably.

“So you girls ain’t gonna do it?”, chubby guy asked.

“Sir my friend is not in the mood and neither am i”, the girl replied. “The manager said any other thing to be done should be agreed upon. But we are having a disagreement now sir”.

The chubby guy chuckled. Then he motioned at one of the bodyguard and he came over and stood behind the girls.

“Then, this is what gonna happen”, chubby guy began with a smile. “You see that ugly man behind you, he is a tough and very mean dude. Infact i have seen him knock a man’s entire teeth out, pick it all up and shove it down the guy’s throat”.

The girls looked at the bodyguard behind them. The man was staring at them with an evil faint smile.

“And he has been doing good in his job today……”, chubby guy continued and then lit himself a cigarette. “… apart from the payments he is receiving i intend to reward him for his good services”, chubby guy blew a cloud of smoke and looked at the young girl. “By doing something…..something interesting… holding you down and let him f@ck you to his heart desire while we make your friend watch the show. And when he is done, i make you watch my friend here and the rest of the other boys run a train on your friend while i do to you what the men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to do to those angels”.

Both girls stared at the man. Sasha was visibly scared while the young girl stared at the man with alot of disgust.

“So if you want to go back home to your mother and your friend here to stay alive, you girls better do what me and my friend want from you girls”, chubby guy added and blew another cloud of cigarette smoke.

Then chubby guy’s friend stood infront of the girls. He unzipped his trouser and looked at Sasha with a smirk.

“You heard what he said huh?, now get down on your goddamn knees and suck this c@ck”, he ordered. “I want it to be sucked real good before i enjoy the pork, you f@cking pig!”.

Sasha looked at the young girl and sighed with a ‘nothing else to do’ look on face.

“Don’t worry it will be over soon….just think about your mother”, she murmured to the girl.

Then she turned to the man and stared at him for a few seconds. And slowly went down on her knees.

“Come here girl…..come have a seat”, chubby guy said to the girl with a smile and tapping his fingers on the sofa.

The girl glanced at Sasha who was now putting the other guy’s manhood in her mouth and quietly went over to were chubby guy was seated.

“So where were we my dear….”, chubby guy caressed the girls thighs as she sat beside him and stubbed the cigarette. “…..ah yes….the part where you suppose to be giving me some pleasure”, he pointed his belt buckle and the girl slowly reached for it. “Take your time honey….I want to watch your friend get ‘porked’ before i decide the position for ( penetration”, he laughed.

Chubby guy looked at the two bodyguards as the girl slowly unbuckled his belt. “You, lock the door…..and you, i want you to increase the volume of the music”, he ordered and they did exactly as they were told. “This one is very young and probably tight…..i dont want her screams to kill my libido”, he muttered as the girl unbuttoned his trouser and unzipped it.

Then the girl stopped and looked at him. “Please can i have a drink before i start?”, she pleaded quietly.

“Oh go ahead… i said, just take your time. I dont want it to be rushed”, chubby guy answered with a grin.

The girl took off her high heel shoes. She gulped down the drink in her glass cup and reached for the bottle to refill it.

“Good girl…..drink up so that you can enjoy the fun”, chubby guy caressed her thighs as she poured the liquor in her glass and filled it to the brim. “I am sure your mother will be proud of you for trying your best to help her”, he continued.

“My mother?”, the girl murmured as she held the liquor bottle and glanced at the other guy; his eyes were closed with his mouth open as Sasha worked on his manhood with her mouth. “Actually she was the one that sent me here”, she continued and brought her glass close to her mouth.

“Really?, to earn some money or what?”,

“No…..”, the girl took a sip from the glass and glanced at the two bodyguards. Then she looked at chubby guy with a cold look in her eye. “She sent me to get you”.


The girl splashed the content of her glass cup on chubby guy’s face. The man scream as the liquor blinded him with a stinging pain. Then with a flash the girl threw the bottle she was holding at bodyguard standing near the door and the glass cup at the other man, aiming for their faces.

With pinpoint accuracy, both objects hit their targets. The glass cup that was quite thick hit chubby guy’s friend on his jaw and knocked him down to the floor. The bottle hit the bodyguard and made him drop to his knees with a broken nose that was bleeding profusely.

The girl immediately grabbed chubby guy’s belt and yanked it from his trouser as the other bodyguard rushed towards her. She got up, jumped on the sofa and propelled herself in the air, diving towards the incoming man. She rammed her knee into the man’s face while in flight and at the same time wrapped the belt around the man’s neck. And then tugged the belt strap as she landed to the ground, using her body weight to add more power to the pull. The bodyguard who got stunned by the blinding knee kick to the face lost his balance and fell towards the table, head first and snapped his neck when it impacted the edge of the furniture.

The second bodyguard got up after shaking off the concussion he had taken and wiped the blood on his face. He glanced at chubby guy who was groaning and blindly rummaging through the bottles on the table, searching for the plastic bottled water to wash his eyes. Then he looked at the body lying beside the table with the unblinking stare of a dead man. It was the other bodyguard. He gasped and looked at the young girl who was staring at him with one hand behind her back. Her lips curved into smile and she gestured at him to come to her with the other hand.

The bodyguard growled and came at her with a’ready to do some damage’ look in his eyes.The girl’s hand that was behind lifted her skirt to reveal the knife strapped inbetween her thighs. She pulled it out from the sheath and blocked the right hand punch the man threw at her and ducked down. Then she drove the knife into the man’s right armpit.

The man uttered a loud painful groan as the blade sliced into his flesh and damaged the muscles, rendering the arm useless. The girl pulled the knife out, quickly stepped behind the man and drove it into his side. And the blade found his liver. The man grunted in pain and turned around to grab her with the other hand. The girl slashed his face as she dodged his hand and trusted the blade into his guts. All the air left the man as the blade punctured a lung and his legs buckled. The girl stabbed him four more times and the man dropped to his knees with his hands trying to prevent his entrails from spilling out.

Sasha gasped with fear as the girl finished the bodyguard off by slitting his throat. She glanced at the man she was working on as he laid on the floor still unconscious and stared at the young girl with her mouth wide open.

Then young girl immediately went for chubby guy. She knocked him to his side with a right fist to his jaw and stomped him on his groins. She grabbed her handbag as the chubby guy cried in pain and dumped its contents on the sofa.

“Who are you?”, Sasha asked with a shaky voice as she watched her rip the inside of the bag open and pull out a handgun and a silencer. “What the hell are you?”,

“Heard about a wolf in sheep clothing?”, the girl asked as she fitted the silencer to the gun barrel. Then she cocked the hand gun and slowly went to the door with the gun tucked behind her.

The young girl put her ears on the door and listened for a few seconds before unlocking it. Then she opened the door and feigned to be crying

“Oh my God one of the men is choking!. Please, you guys should come and help!”, the girl pretended to be crying for help at the two bodyguards outside the v.i.p room.

The girl stepped aside as men rushed in immediately and closed the door.


Both men dropped to the floor with bullet holes in their head and chest. The girl put more slugs in their body to ensure they were dead. With the gun pointed at chubby guy who stared in fear, she picked up her cellphone that was among the contents in her handbag and dialled a number.

“Chris…..i got the subject with me now”, the girl spoke into the phone mouthpiece when the call got answered.

“Okay Suzanne you know what to do next”, Chris said.

“Actually there is a slight problem”, Suzanne said and glanced at chubby guy. “I am still in the club with him”.

“What?… the fun in the v.i.p room that serious?”, Chris asked. “I can hear the music being played in there”.

“This is a f@cking rape shack….and the guy wanted to Sodom and Gomorraize me. So i had no choice but to act”, Suzanne replied and picked up the karaoke machine remote to lower the music volume. “And he came with Gus’ lunatic cousin named Justin”.

“So what is the status of your mission now?”.

“Four dead bodyguards, one traumatized hooker, one unconscious man and the subject subdued”.

“The plan is to take him to his office and then call me”.

“Of course….and the plan is also to spend time with him and make him see me off so as to kidnap him. Getting raped wasnt part of it.

“You still have to take him with you to his office because he is the only person that can grant you access into the place”.

“I will do that…..but what about his unconscious friend?…..we wouldnt want them finding out that their money man is being kidnapped”.

“Well, you know Nina’s orders”.

Then chubby guy’s friend groaned and moved his body abit.

“Oh my God…..he is awake”, Sasha said and backed away from the man.

“Okay then i will call you when i am in his office”, Suzanne said. She end the phone call and looked at chubby guy. “Now this is what’s gonna happen… do exactly as i say……if i ask you any question, you answer it, if i…..”,

“Young woman do you know who the f@ck you are messing with?!”, chubby guy barked and interrupted her. “Gus gonna……”,

Suzanne pistol whipped him across his face before he could finish. Then she swung a vicious left fist to his jaw and chubby guy tasted blood in his mouth.

“I think we are having some kind of a miscommunication here because i didn’t say you can talk back while i’m talking”, Suzanne stated as the man cried in pain and spat saliva mixed with blood. “And since you are the one the business end of this Llama pistol is being pointed at, you are in no position to make threats”, she reminded him. “Do you understand?”, she asked.

Chubby guy felt his hurting jaw and said nothing.

Do you understand?!”, Suzanne barked out loud.

The man nodded with alot of fear.

“Now i want you to lie on the floor, face down with both hand behind your back”, Suzanne ordered him.

Chubby guy did exactly as he was told. Suzanne bend over him and tied his hands together with his belt. Then she straightened up and motioned at Sasha to come over.

“My friend gonna watch you for a while”, Suzanne said as she picked up the knife and handed it to Sasha. “So be a good boy and stay put while i go take care of that creep friend of yours”.

Tucking the gun in her waistbelt, Suzanne checked the bottles on the table and picked the big one. She also grabbed a table napkin and went over to where chubby guy’s friend laid. She bent over the man and stared at him as he groaned painfully and slowly placed a hand on the sofa to heave himself up.

“Enjoy the pork huh?”, Suzanne began and tightened her grip on the neck of the bottle. “Why dont we…..tenderize it for you sir”.

Suzanne swing the bottle at the man and violently bashed him at the back of his head. She swung it again and the man stopped moving. Then she flipped him over and covered his face with the napkin. And proceed to swing the bottle at his face.

Sasha watched with horror as Suzanne ferociously battered the man’s face. Each thumping sound with the sickening crunch of a bone sent cold shivers down her spine. She had seen a few gruesome beat down that even gave her sleepless nights. But the thing going on right infront of her is downright insane and wicked. And more surprising is seeing a young innocent looking girl display such savagery. She is indeed a wolf in sheep clothing.

Suzanne stopped and dropped the bottle after the napkin was bloodied and searched the man. She took out the bundle of money from his pocket and straighten up. Then she gathered the other money on the table and added it to the bundle of cash.

“Here”, she handed the money to Sasha who stared at her with wide eyes.

“Is he dead”, Sasha asked.

“I think so”, Suzanne replied indifferently and started searching chubby guy’s pockets.

“You freaking psychopath”, chubby guy muttered tearfully as Suzanne took out the cash in his pockets. “You killed him….you killed Justin”.

“Do you want me to read you your rights again?”, Suzanne asked him and handed Sasha all the money taken from his pocket.

Sasha glanced at bundle of money in her hand and looked at Suzanne.

“It’s about thirty thousand dollars……you need to get out of town”, Suzanne said to her. “These guys are dangerous and his boss is among the bad people that run things in this city. The money is enough for you to relocate to another place”.

Sasha smile. “Thanks”, she said and stuffed the cash in her bra.

“You better get the hell out of here while i decide on how to get this fat f@ck out of this place”, Suzanne continued and picked up the handgun. “There must be a way of leaving this place without the club bouncers noticing”.

“Actually, there is a another way out”, Sasha said to her as she quickly picked up her hand bag. “There is a backdoor down the corridor….for customers who wants to escape if the authorities happen to come looking for them in the club”.

Suzanne smiled and untied chubby guy’s hands.

“Get your ass up boy…..time to go”, she ordered and tossed his belt at him. “And dont even think of doing anything funny because without this gun i can still rip your f@cking head off and piss down your throat”,

Sasha opened the door and peeped into the corridor to check for any activity. Seeing nothing except the sound of music and the cheering noises coming out from the other v.i.p rooms, Sasha motioned at Suzanne that all is clear. Then they quietly walked out of the room and into the corridor with Suzanne walking behind chubby guy and pointing the gun at his back.

“What did he do?”, Sasha asked as the approached the door.

“His people messed with the wrong person”, Suzanne replied. “So this person wants them to feel the wrath”.

Sasha took a quick glance behind and quietly unlocked the door. She open it and Suzanne saw a stairs leading to a back alley behind the club building.

“Take the right turn and you will see the club parking lot”, Sasha said to Suzanne. Then she threw her arms around the girl. “Thanks for helping me out”, she murmured and gave Suzanne a hug.

“It’s okay……just promise me that you wont do this work again”, Suzanne said.

“I’m done……i will leave this city first thing tomorrow morning”, then Sasha looked at chubby guy. “Please do take care of him real good”, she smiled.

“Dont worry”, Suzanne shoved the man hard to make him walk through the door. “I have something very special for him”.


3:00 am

Eric finished the energy drink with one last gulp and let out a loud belch as he crushed the can with his hand. He tossed it on the floor of the passenger seat and nodded his head to the jazz music playing out of the speakers. Seeing the road sign ahead, he worked the steering wheel and diverted the petrol tanker truck out of the main road and into another road leading to an industrial site.

Eric grabbed another can of energy drink, his third can, and opened it. He took a sip and glanced at the structures on both sides as he drove past them. All were factory buildings with their floodlights and well lit signboards that identified the name of the company that own them and what they manufacture. Most of the factories were closed and only a few with workers on night shift were open.

He made another turn and brought the tanker to a halt. A few metres away from a factory complex with “ROSEBUD TEXTILES COMPANY” written on its signboard. The factory was quite big with a spacious surrounding. And like the few ones that were on night shift, the sounds of engines running could be heard coming out from the building.

With the engine of the truck still running, Eric took another sip from the can and took out a binoculars from the black duffle bag on the passenger seat. He carefully monitored the activities going on around the factory. He could see movements. Five vehicles, four sedans and one van were parked in front of the building. Four men kept going in the factory building and coming out of the place with boxes and loading it in the van. One man stood near the vehicle, probably guarding it. The men weren’t textile factory workers. They all look scrappy and Eric sighted the handgun tucked in the waist belt of the man guarding the van.

Eric dropped the binoculars and looked around as he grabbed the black bag. The atmosphere looked quite peaceful with the cool night breeze blowing and the sky illuminated by the full moon. But he knows that all the peace and quiet will soon be taken over by a loud and nasty violence.

He took out the contents in the bag; a loaded Remington 870 sawed off shotgun, cartridge belt, fingerless leather gloves and sheathed knife with a serrated blade. He tucked the knife in his waist belt and slung the shotgun cartridge belt on his shoulder and put on his jacket to conceal the weapon. Then he put on the fingerless leather gloves and hit the gas pedal. The truck engine roared, drowning the chirping sound of crickets and started moving, heading towards the textile factory gate.

The old security man came out of his post to check on the truck that just halted infront of the gate. He moved his somewhat frail body to the driver side of the truck and stared at the driver who got down, waiting to hear the reason for parking the big vehicle infront of the gate.

Eric whistled a tune as he slammed the door and tucked his right hand in his black trench coat. He looked at the old man from head to toe and shift his eyes to the factory complex.

“Can i help you?”, the old man asked with a grating voice.

“Yes sir”, Eric replied and saw one of the men, the man that was guarding the van, approaching in quick strides. “I came with a tanker full of highly inflammable liquid…..”, he jerked his head at the tanker truck. “…….and i intend to burn down that building. I know you are not one of these guys. So you can help me by getting as far away as possible”.

The old man stared at Eric with a puzzled look on his face.

The man who was approaching came over and stared at the Eric with a hard look in his eyes. “Who are you?”, he asked the driver.

“The delivery man”, Eric replied and pulled out the knife tucked in his waist belt.

The man saw it made a quick move for the handgun tucked in his waist belt. But it was too late. Eric was all over him with the knife, driving it into man several times before leaving him with a slitted throat.

Then Eric proceed to clean blade on the dead man’s cloths. “Sir this is the part where you suppose to start running as fast as you can”, he said to the shocked old man without looking at him.

The old man scampered away with surprise agility. Eric tucked the knife back in it sheath and started heading towards the factory building. He took off his trench coat and shouldered the shotgun as he approached the entrance of the building. One of the men loading the van saw him coming with the gun and immediately rushed back into building. Eric could hear the man screaming out something and immediately slipped into the shadows of the building wall.

Two men emerged from the building with automatic rifles and glanced around searching for the lone gunman. Then Eric emerged from the shadows behind them and stroked the trigger.

The shotgun blasted and shredded the first guy’s back. The second guy spurn around and got laid to the ground with a big hole in his chest when the second shot rang out.

Dislodging the spent cartridge, Eric raced to the entrance door and got there on time to put the third guy coming out through the door in a choke hold with one arm and aimed the shotgun at the fourth guy following the man behind. The fourth guy got blown back into the building with a shotgun blast to the chest. Then Eric knocked the third guy to the ground and let the cartridges spit at him twice.

Eric reloaded the shotgun and cautiously stepped into the building with the gun pointed. He saw himself in a well lit place with tens of sewing machines and other big cloth threading machines; about four of them and they were all running but one was not threading any cloth. Five workers, all females in their late forties were working the night shift. And they were all visibly scared after hearing the gunshots and seeing the body that got flown back into the factory.

“Ladies…..sorry for the disturbance!”, Eric said out loud because of the sounds of the machines. “But i think you all have to stop working and leave this building so that i can work in here”, he continued.

The women just stared at him, too afraid to get up from their various workstations. Probably because of the shotgun he was wielding.

Eric sighed and dropped the shotgun on a table beside him. “Can you all please leave now?”, he motioned to the door.

One by one the women got up and stole a few nervously glances at Eric as they left. Eric picked up the gun and scanned the place carefully, especially the walls. He tapped the floor after making a few paces and listened to each sound. He looked at the threading machine that was running, but not threading any cloth. He went over to the machine and tapped the floor near it. Then he looked at the buttons on the machine control box and smiled.

Eric glanced around the place again and saw two butane gas cyclinder standing against the wall. Smiling again, he went to one of the sewing workstation and started rummaging through the table drawers. He just got an idea and hoped it will work.

There are probably more men in the bunker below, eagerly waiting for him to come down there……and that’s what he intends to do.

The gun man infront motioned at the other men to remain silent as they listened keenly to the sounds coming from above them. The men that are seven in number, left the heroin they were producing and package after the sound of the first gunshot. They all grabbed their weapons and took positions in the corridor and in the rooms of the bunker, waiting patiently for their leader to give out an order

“Do you think he is still out”, one man asked.

“I dont know”, their leader replied nervously.

“Is it him……is it that dude our boss told us to watch out for?”, the man asked again. He was sweating profusely.

“Shut your mouth!”, the leader muttered angrily. He had alot of anxiety written on his face.

Several minutes passed and the gunmen keep waiting. They all had their eyes fixed on the bunker roof at the far end of the corridor that has some kind of a hydraulic machines built in its wall. It’s actually a floor-like built access elevator that lowers one part of the factory floor into the bunker. And it was built in such a way that no one outside the bunker would notice that it is an elevator.

“What is he waiting for?……let him bring his ass down here…..we have alot of surprise for him”, one of the men fumed quietly.

“Maybe he still don’t know that there is a bunker in here”, another guy whispered.

The hydraulics of the elevator suddenly came to life with a loud humming sound. And the part of the bunker roof it was connected to started descending slowly into the bunker. Some of the men gasped and maintained their steady grip on their guns as the elevator descended. Half way to its descent the men saw two butane gas cylinder on it. The bright light of the factory flooded into the somewhat moderately lit bunker and noise of the machines running above filled the place. The men glanced at each other after seeing what the elevator was transporting to the bunker.

The leader slowly paced towards the elevator after it reached the bunker floor and stopped. Pointing his gun at the open space above the elevator he looked at the gas cylinders. One of them has something taped to its valve. Wondering what it was, he took a closer look. A shotgun cartridge was stucked in one end of a metal pipe with a piece of cloth burning a flame on the cartridge primer. The other end of the pipe was taped to the valve of the gas cylinder.

“Get down!!!”, was all the leader could scream at the men before the cartridge exploded and sent its buckshot through the metal pipe to the gas valve.

The gas cylinder exploded with a thunderous boom. The explosion turned the leader into a flying burning man and sent a huge ball of flame that scorched some men in the corridor. The other gas cylinder was sent flying through the corridor and it killed two men; one man’s head got taken off while the other man took the impact of the thirty kilogram flying object to the chest.

Eric jumped into the smoke filled bunker. He swung the Remington 870 at the first man he sighted and blow his chest open. He saw another body movement and let the cartridge spit. Then he saw two men on the floor. One was dead with a metal pipe imbedded in his skull while the other was screaming with his hands on his face, the explosion seems to have blinded him.

Eric heaved up the screaming man and gunned down another man. He dragged the blind man with him as he approached one of the rooms in the corridor. And swung the man at the room entrace as another man was rushing out of the place. Both men collided and the impact left both men sprawling on the floor. Eric aimed his gun inside the room and dropped the man inside. Then he turned the weapon at the men on the floor and killed the blind man too.

The gunfight continued for a couple of minutes before it ended with Eric beating the last man to death with the sawed off shotgun. Then he dropped the weapon and picked up one of the men’s gun lying on the floor. He came to the last room in the corridor with the weapon pointed and kicked down the door.

Eric lowered his weapon and stared at the huge pile of heroin before him. More than a tonne of it, all packaged and ready for delivery. He let out a long whistle as he went inside the room and looked around the place. The room was spotless clean and look almost like a laboratory with the equipments and several drums of chemical he easily recognized.

Eric’s cellphone vibrated twice. He reach for it and checked the new text message he had recieved. It was from his brother Alex. Eric read the message and sighed. He pursed his lips and left the room.

Eric whistled a tuned as he put the tanker truck on reverse and backed it towards the factory building. The truck kept moving till it crashed through door of the factory. Eric peered through the side mirror and kept backing the big vehicle, crashing the table of the sewing machines. And then brought it to a halt near the bunker elevator. Eric got down from the truck and turned the lever handle of one of the pipes below the tanker. Petrol gushed out of the pipe with a torrent and started flooding into the bunker. He took out a candle from his pocket. He cut out a large piece from it with his knife and lit the smaller piece with a lighter.

Placing the candle on the floor closer to the puddle of petrol that was getting bigger and bigger, Eric paused to reply another text message Alex had sent to him. When he was done, he slipped his phone back into his pocket and casually walked out of the factory. The petrol puddle had gotten quite close to the candle.

Eric stepped out of the factory complex gate and walked for about a minute or two. He stopped and looked at the textiles factory. Then a massive explosion erupted and a massive ball of flame consumed the entire building. Eric gave a faint smile and continue walking as the more explosions erupted.

4:30 am

Alex sighed and turned his eyes away from the building he had been watching for over an hour to check his cellphone.

Zero alerts.

“Still busy with the bloodletting”, Alex muttered and slipped the phone back into his pocket. Eric hasn’t replied the text message he had sent earlier and he was running out of time.

Sitting in a 2013 ES 350 black Lexus sedan, he stared at the printing press company building, still contemplating on whether to execute Nina’s plan alone or wait till his brother comes. If at all he will ever come.

For over two hours Alex had being watching the place that was across the street from where he parked the car. He took notes of the activities going on around the building and made a head count of the workers. Only five men are working the night shift and he was sure of that because they all came outside for a five minutes cigarette break before going back to work.

The cellphone vibrated and Alex reached for it immediately. “Sh!t-f@ck!”, he cursed under his breath after seeing it was just one of those adverts spam text. He dropped the phone on the passenger seat beside him and heaved a deep sigh with his eyes on the building.

He wasnt ready at all. Infact he is not the guy for the action that has to go down. And unlike Eric, he is more of the negotiating type of person. Though he wasnt a stranger to getting things done with deadly violence, but it always takes an extreme life and death situation to bring out the monster in him. That’s why he envies his twin brother and the ease at which he flips the switch. Besides those men working in the printing company he intends to bring down could be some harmless individuals trying to make ends meet for their families. And he hates collateral damage of and kind.

Alex glanced at his cellphone and looked at the digital time on the car dashboard. “Aww f@ck this sh!t”, he muttered and took out the handgun from the compartment box. He checked and cocked the handgun before tucking it in his waist belt.

Alex got out of his car and casually crossed the empty street, heading towards the building gate. The printing company building is medium sized two storey building, flanked by two walls with a gate big enough to contain a medium size truck. The walls surrounded the building and separated it from the other buildings beside it.

He had no exact plan in mind as he approached the gate. And neither was he making up an intelligent one. All he could think of is to round up the workers and make them leave the building premises. Then use the flammable paints and printing chemicals to torch the place. At least no one will get hurt, his mother’s plan will be fulfilled and he will be going back home unhurt to catch some sleep before daylight.

The gate opened with a low creaking sound coming out of its rusty hinges as Alex slowly pushed it open. The rumbling sounds of the printing machines got louder as he sneaked into the compound at the back of the building. Whiffs of printing chemicals hit his nostrils as he pressed himself against the building wall, hiding in the shadows and making a careful survey of the surrounding. He looked at the structure standing away from the main building. It housed the chemical storage shack and the toilet. The storage door was open with the lights on and Alex could see the numerous tin containers and drums of chemical. The toilet light was off which indicated that it wasn’t occupied.

Holding the weapon close to his chest with a tight grip, Alex edged towards a door and reached for its handle. The door was not locked. Alex slowly opened it and saw it was a backroom stacked with rolls of papers of different colours. He slipped in, closed the door behind him and paced towards another door infront of him. He opened it and the noises of the machines running in the printing section filled the room.

Alex glanced at the workers who were busy operating the machines and unaware of his presence. He pointed the weapon and moved silently, glancing at machines and the fast moving conveyor belts. Edging towards one of the men facing away from him and packing a box.

“Don’t move”, Alex whispered to the man, pressing the muzzle of the pistol against his head. “Put your hands up so that i can see them.

The man quietly did as he was told and Alex lead him away from the machine was operating.

The other men paused and stared at their colleague approaching them with his hands up. When they saw the man behind him with a gun, they glanced at each other with a surprised look on their faces. Alex gestured at them to stop what they were doing. The men glanced at themselves and then hit the kill switch of the machines they were operating. One by one they filed out to the spot Alex pointed to them to stand on.

“Alright boys……”, Alex began after the man he was pointing the gun at joined the others. “……no one is gonna get hurt if you all do what i say”.

The men, in their blue overalls and brown aprons, stared at Alex in silence with their hands held up and said nothing.

“I know there is some illegal sh!t going on here, but that’s not my problem because we are all trying to make a living”, Alex continued. “The problem is your boss messed with the wrong person…..and that person wants this establishment gone before dusk. So all i want you guys to do is empty your pockets, drop your cellphones on the ground and go grab a tin of those chemicals in the storage. You have to know that this clapper in my hand got a hair trigger and i am very good with my aim. So no funny sh!ts…..i hope you all understand?”.

The men nodded their answer to the question. Then they emptied their pockets and dropped everything on the floor including their cellphones.

“Good”, Alex smiled and then waved the handgun at them. “Now move slowly…..towards that door”, he gestured at the paper storage room. One of the men who quite short and stocky stared at Alex with a smirk on his face. The tag on his shirt identified him as the supervisor. He glanced at the other men and started walking towards door. The other men followed him.

They got close to the only machine was in motion as the men slowly moved towards the paper storage door with Alex following them. Its sound was quite loud but Alex noticed a different sound, perhaps a movement, and it was coming from behind him. Then he immediately spun around. In time to dodge the crow bar being swung at his head by another man who had sneaked up on him from behind. The iron bar missed its target, but hit the hand bearing the weapon, disarming him and sending the handgun flying into the running machine. The gun fell inbetween a running gear and got stuck in it, causing the machine to jam.

The man swung the crowbar again. Alex ducked to the side and hit the man across the face with his right fist. Then his left fist to jaw fell the man down. The other men rushed at Alex immediately and he swung his fists viciously at them, hitting some jaws and guts. But it wasnt enough. And soon the men were upon Alex, stomping and kicking him.

After about half a minute of the beatings and stomping which seemed like hours to Alex, two men grabbed him on both arms and heaved him up, holding him tight. Then the supervisor and the man who swung the crowbar at him stood infront of him. Alex shook off the concussions he had received from the beat down and looked at the supervisor. The man he had knocked down was feeling his jaw and cursing under his breath as he gazed at Alex with alot of anger.

“Its like someone is gonna get hurt”, the supervisor began with a smile and glanced at the boys.

Then he looked at the man beside him and nodded. The man swung a vicious punch at Alex and landed the blow on his face. Alex groaned painfully. The man swung three more punches and buried his knee in Alex guts, making Alex to double up. The men holding him heaved him up again.

“That’s for coming in here without permission”, the supervisor waved his index finger at Alex who groaned and spat out blood from his mouth. “Now you will have to answer some questions”, he continued as he paced around Alex. “Failure to give the right answer will attract great pain”, then he stopped infront of Alex. “So who sent you”, he asked with a stern look in his eyes.

Alex smiled and spat again. “Your mother sent me sir”, he replied with a smile. “She said i should tell you that you can quit your job……because she had earned enough money spending the night with me”.

The other man made a move to take a swing at Alex but the supervisor motioned at him to stop.

“Oh you wanna be funny huh?”, the supervisor grinned. “Okay then…..let us all see something very funny”, he laughed and glanced at the other men.

Then he pulled out a wicked looking knife that was concealed under his apron. He got closer to Alex and stared at him with a mischievous smirk.

“Have you heard of ‘giving someone the smiley face’?”, he asked and felt the blade of the knife with the tip of his fingers. “All you have to do is carve out the person’s lips and the slash his mouth from ear to ear”, he continued and raised his hand to touch Alex’s face

Alex made a futile attempt to free himself from the strong grips as the men sneered.

The supervisor looked at one of the men. “Go get a bucket or some container i dont want him to bleed all over the floor”, he ordered and the man left. “You have not answered my question”, he then said to Alex and pressed the knife blade on his face. “Now i’m gonna ask you one more time and if you give me the wrong answer then i’m gonna carve you real good boy”, he continued. “Or do you want these men to hear the sound you will make when your balls is being cut off?……have you ever heard the sound of a man losing his nuts?”, he asked and other men roared with laughter.

“Yes i have”.

The men stopped laughing and looked in the direction the voice came from. Alex smiled and heaved a sigh of relieve when he heard the voice.

“Always late as usual”, Alex said and looked at Eric who was standing with one arm around the neck of man that was sent to go get a bucket.

“I wasn’t late”, Eric said and tightened his arm grip around the man’s neck as he struggled to free himself from the choke hold. “I was here long enough to watch them disarm and put the beat down on you”, he continued and calmed the struggling man he had on a choke hold with a hard punch to the face.

“Wait….who the f@ck is this?”, the supervisor demanded and pointed his knife at Eric as the other men stared at the twins with a bewildered look on their faces.

“Well……”, Alex glanced at the men and then looked at their leader. “He is my brother”, he continued.

Eric waved at the men and put his hands around the neck of the man he had on a choke hold. Then he gave them a weak smiled and snapped the man’s neck.

“And…..your worst nightmare”, Alex added.

Two men immediately rushed at Eric with one grabbing the crowbar on the floor. Eric dropped the dead man and calmly walked towards the advancing men. He dodged the crow bar swung at him by the first guy and landed a jaw breaker blow on the second guy’s face. In another quick move he caught the hand bearing the crow bar as the first guy took another swing at him and redirected it at the second man’s face. The man’s nose broke and alot of front teeth got knock out when the iron met his face. He dropped to the floor, bleeding profusely from his nose and mouth. Then Eric dazed the first man with an elbow to the chin, grabbed the crowbar from his weak grip and swing it at him.

Alex immediately broke free from the grips of the two guys holding him as they watched Eric open up their colleagues’ skulls with the crowbar. With quick moves, he disarmed the supervisor, grabbed the man and split his lips open with a headbutt.Then he took on the other men as the supervisor collapsed to the floor, endlessly pounding one in the face after leaving a screwdriver embedded in the other’s skull.

The supervisor recovered from the ‘thunderclap’ delivered by the head. Picking up his knife, he got up and made a move to go at Alex who was still busy destroying the other man’s face. But he was stopped by two strong hands that grabbed him. One held his knife bearing arm and the other wrapped around his neck. He managed to turn his eyes that seemed to be popping out of it sockets due to the vice-like grip around his neck and saw himself looking into the cold eyes of Eric. Alex finished off the man and saw his brother dragging the supervisor away as the man kept putting up a futile struggle.

Alex dropped the tin of chemical on the floor and wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead. He looked at the other tins that contained printing paint and other chemicals he had brought from the storage shack. There were ten of them. He sighed and went over to Eric who was standing near the fast moving conveyor belt of the machine that was running.

“So you gonna watch me carry all these tins and stand there doing nothing?”, Alex asked.

Eric glanced at Alex and scoffed. Then he continue reading one of the printed papers he held in one hand while the other hand held the supervisor down, pressing the man’s face against the rubber surface of the fast moving conveyor belt. The man wasnt moving at all as the belt kept grinding off skins from his face.

“Dude, arent you done…de-meating this guy’s face”, Alex asked again and lit himself a cigarette as he stood near Eric. “Do you ever stop for once and think about the victims of your over the top ‘No-humanbeing-have-ever-witnessed’ kind of brutality and the pain they go through?”, Alex blew a cloud of cigarette smoke and pointed at the supervisor who was probably dead.

“Do you think he will do the same for you if he is carving up your face?”, Eric jerked his head at the body whose face he was holding down on the conveyor machine.

Alex shrugged and took another drag from the cigarette. “Why dont you just slit his throat….or shoot him and be done with it than deface his face or whatever it is you are doing to him till he dies?”, he sighed.

Probably the millionth time he had said that to Eric. But for some ungodly reason his brother preferred to end life in a terrible way.

“Well i came across this interesting article as i was about to separate his head from his f@cking spine…..”, Eric waved the paper he was holding at Alex. “… i kind of got caught up reading it that i forgot about the dude”.

Alex chuckled and took one more drag from the cigarette. “Anyway…..”, he began and stubbed out the cigarette flame on the head of the dead supervisor. “…….i have looked around the factory and i haven’t seen any fake currencies being printed here”, he looked at Eric. “I hope we didnt hit the wrong printing company and waste all these guys for nothing”.

“We are in the right place”, Eric said without taking his eyes off the paper he was reading.

“Then where is it?”, Alex glanced around the factory and at the machines. “I dont see anything…..and…..aww for f@ck sake….will you leave that body!”, he said irritatedly.

Eric let go of the body that crumbled to the ground like a ragdoll. “If they were printing the fake bills here”, he then said and gestured his hand around the place. “Then they can as well put up a signboard outside that says counterfeiting money is among their specialty”.

“So what are you saying?”, Akex asked.

“I am saying that the money printing machine is hidden somewhere”, Eric replied.


Then Eric went over to the control box of the only machine running. He glanced at Alex and hit the stop button.

“Listen closely”, he said, tapping his ear.

Alex listened for a while and heard a faint humming sound. “A different machine is running”, he muttered. His eyes followed the faint pitch of sound he was hearing as he listened carefully. “I think it’s coming from there”, he pointed at the paper storage room.

“Your guess is as good as mine”, Eric smiled.

Alex smiled back. “Dude you are such a genius with extraordinary abilities…..and i dont know if i should envy you or be proud to have you as a brother”.

“Pick any”.

“Anyway…..”, Alex placed his hand on Eric’s shoulder. “Thanks for saving my ass”.

“Next time be sure to have a plan”, Eric reminded him.

“So… did it go in the textile factory?”, Alex asked and felt his knuckles that were hurting abit.

“It was a fun night….with lots of fireworks”, Eric replied.

“Yeah…..always getting the fun jobs while i end up with this”, Alex muttered and looked around the factory.

“Did i mention the place had guys, more than ten in number, armed with automatic cannons pointed in my direction”, Eric looked at Alex with a furrowed eyebrow. “Do you prefer to be the one going at them?….especially after that your brilliant display of strenght when you were having a few minutes of tango with these unarmed men”.

“Alex chuckled and shook his head. “Anyway, have you heard from Suzanne?”, he asked.

“Yeah, she is home now”, Eric replied.

“Home already?, was it that easy?”.

“Hers wasnt that easy though, but she did one hell of a damage…….i dont know how she did it, but she made that guy they call Gus money-man to talk… tell her all the computer passwords. Then Chris worked his computer magic tricks and both of them hit a home-run in this sustained cruel ‘pound-me-in-ass’ punishment mother is unleashing on Gus”.

Eric looked at Alex. “They emptied all his bank account”, he said. “The motherfucker is ‘all-your-money-is-gone’ poorer now”.

“I’ll be damned”, Alex muttered as he stared at Eric. “Indeed hell has no fury like a woman’s scorn”, he shook his head.

“Hell has no fury like Nina’s scorn”, Eric corrected. Then he grabbed two tins of chemical. “Bring two more”, he said to Alex. “We have alot of fake cash and a factory to burn down and we aint got much time left”.

“Alex followed Eric, carrying two tins with him. “Say we go grab some beer when we are done”, he suggested.

“Perhap… owe me a beer or two though”.

BLOODLINE 2 Episode 10

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Alaka Moses
Alaka Moses
4 years ago

This Nina’s scorn is too brutal and Gus and co will no that the demon they are after has some demons and beasts working for her. Alex is too full and it may lead to his death. Sosia too will be extra careful now

4 years ago

Eric to the rescue!!!! Alex is such a softie…..

4 years ago

Nice one can’t wait for the next episode

4 years ago

I just pray no one get hurt in Nina’s family

4 years ago

Hmmm…..I hope Alex kindhearted would not put him into trouble

4 years ago

Eric and Nina. I cant wait for her to get well. They have not seen anything

Marian iremide
Marian iremide
4 years ago

Waoh waoh waoh Alex is a wick man…. thanks ironkurtain. Pls give us more episodes

4 years ago

Eric has zero chills

4 years ago

Umm… intriguing.. The more the episodes, the more the tension. I wish I could just enter your mind and read em all up cos the suspense is
Thanks IronKurtain and Opradre. Can’t wait for next episode.

4 years ago

Dis is getting more interesting
Kudos bro?

4 years ago

Wow the suspense is killing… Kudos guys

4 years ago

Eric has just let hell loose ?
Nina’s the Mastermind behind all this!
Suzanne doesn’t dull.
Alex sounds like a dumbass?
Thank you Mr Opradre ?
Ironkurtain the godfather ✊

Next pls ?️