Low Self Esteem by Amara Blessing Nwosu

Low Self Esteem by Amara Blessing Nwosu

Low Self Esteem by Amara Blessing Nwosu

It’s the worst emotion that any individual can have.
It validates the negative perception of your personality, and makes you feel comfortable with views of others.

Low self-esteem is the reason why you permit a fellow human being to abuse you emotionally, and you still stick with him/her

Low self-esteem is the reason why you stay back in a toxic relationship.

Low self-esteem is the reason why you feel that you need to explain your choices, decisions, and positions to be accepted, understood or appreciated by others.

Low self-esteem is the reason behind your many excuses, especially when you know so well that you are dying slowly.

Low self-esteem is the reason why you tolerate insults, abuses, disrespect, and sometimes, disgrace just because you don’t want people to see you as being different from their perception/expectation of your personality.

Well, when you don’t deal with your self-esteem, you make yourself a dumping ground for all manner of filthiness, abuse, insult, and other manipulations geared toward bending you to fit into the expectation of mere mortals.

Why do you want to settle for less, when you have all you need to get the best?


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