SAVE MY MOTHER Episode 15 – Samlex LOP
We sat on the tree, waiting for the moment that could decide our fate.
We could hear their footsteps from afar running towards our direction, we got ready for the worst.
After a moment they came into view, surprisingly the one ahead of them stopped under the tree Peter was hiding, the rest caught up with him and also stopped looking at him confused.
With the help of the moon light I could see them, I counted them and they were seven in total.
They started speaking in a language I don’t understand, they seems to be an argument between them, one of them share them into two groups, three of them went back towards the direction they were coming from, while the other four continued on the pursuit.
When they were a bit far we came down and moved towards a different direction they took.
We took to our heels, running as fast as possible, we stopped to rest when we were tired, but continue immediately.
It was early dawn, light was taking over from darkness when we got to an express road, we quickly discarded the guns with us then tried to stop a car or Okada.
After a while a car parked before us and John was sitting at the passenger’s seat, we quickly rush in looking at him confused.
“How did you locate us?” I asked him looking confused as the driver drove off.
“The tracking device on your body,” replied John.
I quickly raised my shirt to see the small chip still tied to my stomach, I just took a deep breath thanking God for the tracker.
“So where are the people,” Peter asked him.
“We dropped them off in the police station as planned,” he replied.
“Oh ok, but hope they are all fine?” I asked.
“Yes, they was no casualty, all went as planned,” John replied.
I took a deep breath and relaxed on the car seat still surprised we pulled off something this big.
The driver tuned up his radio when a news came on and it was about the kidnapped victims which were mysterious returned to the police station by some group of unknown men.
We smiled to ourselves been able to accomplish such fit, happy that they got United with their families and also hope I get back to my mother as soon as possible.
We got back to the hotel and immediately we checked out and went to a different hotel far from where we were and lodge waiting for the next mission or instruction.
I raised a class of wine after we have all settled down and having a meal, “I want to use this opportunity to thank you all for your support and help so far, for the wonderful stunt we just pulled off and the number of lives we were able to touch and help, we are almost there, three down two more to go, and I believe we would be done shortly and go back to our normal lives, and I can get to see my mother well again, cheers guys,” I said lifting the glass cup up and they also did same before drinking.
We were still having a little bit of fun, eating and drinking when a call came on the phone, we all went silent when we heard the phone ring.
I picked up the call and put it in a loud speaker, “congrats guys for your successful mission, you next mission…”
“I want to know how my mom is doing before we talk about any other mission,” I said cutting him short.
“If that be the case, I will send you some pictures and videos of her but mind you, if you ever think of aborting the mission, we would pull the plug on her,” he said threatening me, “a package is by your door, it’s contains the all information you need for your next mission,” he said and I signaled to John to check the door, “the is a flash drive with a video information, if you have any questions or need anything for the mission call me back,” he said and ended the call.
John returned with a box, while we were opening it a message dropped on the phone and I open it and it’s was picture and videos of my mom.
Stay tune for episode 16
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