OUR PASTOR Final Part 2🌷- Sire Prince Jhay

OUR PASTOR 🌷- Sire Prince Jhay

OUR PASTOR Final Part 2🌷- Sire Prince Jhay

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Jesus Christ” the whole congregation exclaimed

One of the ushers quickly rushed to the amplifier to pause the sound and unplug the phone immediately.

The whole church members including the pastor’s and the esco were extemely shocked

Immediately the pastor began to pray intensively, The church prayer band joined him in praying as well and the whole church carried on.

he ordered the ushers to close all the doors and they did with immediate effect. “God, what is all these” I murmured to myself, I still can’t believe what my eyes was seeing

The prayers became more intense that I started to think that our pastor is becoming more real. I began to pray as well but opening one eye to observe people’s expression and actions.

All of a sudden, the choir mistress started screaming loudly for help

All faces were directed to her instantly, before we knew it, the lady had started confessing that she was the one responsible for the set up

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, but whyyyyyy” the whole church started howling at her.

“A whole choir mistress like you” I heard someone saying beside me

“So despite your dedication and commitment in Christ, so you can do this thing to the man of God, hmmmmm” I heard someone saying at my back

“Praise dah Lord, praise dah living Jesus” my good pastor summoned and we shouted hallelujah

“Sister, precious, but why are you doing this to God, whyyy” my good pastor directed the questions to the choir mistress

“Firstly before I talk, Please, I want you people to help me beg pastor to forgive me, pastor I’m very sorry, forgive me please” the choir mistress started rolling on the floor, holding pastor’s legs and started pleading furiously with tears in her eyes

“Sister precious, I forgive you, our gracious and merciful God had forgiven you as far as you have come to him and confess all your iniquities” my good pastor said to her

I kept staring at my pastor and the prayer bands and I started having the feelings about how Great our God is, subconsciously, I found myself confessing my sins too within me. I can’t believe tears was sliding down my cheek

“Pastor, I was just trying to do all these just have you by all means, to be frank, I’ve been trying to get you but you never look my side. So that’s why I came up with this plan to make separate you and your wife. I never knew the cōndōm will fall in church oooo,

I intentionally put it in your pocket so that your wife will see at home and think you’re cheating on her, I also did the voice record on your phone too thinking that your wife will play it at home not knowing that it will be played in church as well, I don’t know it going to happen in church oooo, please forgive me pastor” the choir mistress confessed

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, hmmmmmmmmm” the whole congregation hummed

“You want me, how? You know I have a wife and I’m a man of God, but why does it have to be me?” Pastor found himself questioning the girl

” Please forgive me, I don’t know what came over me, I think the d3vìl is behind all these, I need Deliverance” the choir mistress said

Pastor led another round of Deliverance prayer instantly and we all joined him with energy.

We prayed and pastor announced to us that she had been delivered.

We continue the service that day, before it got to an end, the news had went viral

Ever since then, I knew our God is great and wonderful..


The end

Read this Awesome inspirational Story > TALITHA CUMI!

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