Valentina’s Groom Part 1 – Royal Matters

Valentina's Groom Part 1 - Royal Matters

Valentina’s Groom – Royal Matters

Me and my girlfriend Valentina did a blood covenant to protect our relationship from the outsiders or the enemies at large.

The bloód covenant was carried out in a dark abandoned church of the village. where people different kinds were banned from trespassing on the abandon property.

No one truly knew why the church was abandoned for some ages in the community but I know it was the best place to carry out the blood union.

The church was very dusty and creepy, bones of a dead lizard, rat, and other animals were littering the church’s concrete floor,

the brown dry leaves were carried around the church by the lonely breeze.

I know there was no human witness in the abandoned church but there were animals witnessed like bats, owls and other creepy creatures.

They were the only ones to witness us when we make a cut in her fingers edges and stood there happily watching our bloód drop into a steel cup that was brought by me.

After the bloód dropped into the steel cup, we took a drink of it, yes I believe there was a slight changes with me immediately i took a drink of the mix blood,

I believe nothing on earth will come in between us forever.

Before we exit the abandoned church, I know there was something following me out of the church but since I did not see it,

I believe it was just nothing but a mere guess.

Later in year, everything changed in my community when this handsome young man with pink eyebrows, brown eyeballs, and oily hair show up from nowhere.

He was one of the most talked about in my community, he was every female spec, and no one was able to reject his charming brown eyes. He was the highest most valued and most loved in my community

His Pink eyebrows and brown eyes were that one thing that marks him different from each and every one of us in the community.

But my girlfriend Valentina, never show any interest in him, this alone make him feel less special in his entire life.

It make him feel that he is not everyone’s special dream in my community, that he was nothing but a serious loser.

I thought the reason behind my girlfriend Valentina not admiring him was the blood covenant we did at the abandoned church or maybe she truly love me deep-down in her heart.

The handsome guy with Pink eyebrows never giveup in hunting for my girlfriend Valentina, I thought he would giveup after different attempts, but he didn’t.

He later met with me, i was not really one of his fans but I have no other choice but to spare him my little time

He gave me a beautiful flower as a gift for having a loyal girlfriend like Valentina, since I can’t reject gift from anybody,

I took the flower home and left it on the table,

Valentina go crazy over the flower when she saw it on the table, she asked me where I got it from before I mentioned the guy with the pink eyebrow

She had already sniffed the flower.

Immediately she sniffed the flower – she stood there like a nonliving thing and stared at me for more than a minute

I can’t believe my girlfriend Valentina was just staring at me without making any move.

“Valentina, are you okay?”

There was no answer but rather she was dripping down bloód from her eyes.

My girlfriend Valentina dripped bloód from her eyes like tears immediately she sniffed the flower that was given to me by the new guy with the Pink eyebrows.

She stood there staring at me with fresh blood dripping from her eyes, I was shocked about what was going wrong with my girlfriend, Valentina,

after sniffing the flower that was given to me by the guy with Pink eyebrows.

He was the most handsome guy in my village so far, his beautiful brown eyeballs were irresistible to anybody when he just act sad or looking for favor from someone.

Was it the beautiful flower that makes my girlfriend Valentina shed bloód? I can’t tell.

She did not offer any response to my question.

The flower fell off her hand and landed on the floor, it was a very beautiful flower.

She took her step very slowly, her face was well-focused on the exit door of the room, and she did not stop shedding bloód from her eyes.

Her face left me seriously sad,

I left what I was doing at the moment and hurry up to her desperately, I try stopping her by all means but it was of no avail at the moment.

I barrel into the kitchen and get a bucket of cold water then rush back to the room before I got there she was outside, I dash out to her, she was still taking her move very gently like someone that is highly possessed by another spirit entirely.

I pour out the cold water in large quantities and it flushes her from head to toe, she halts not looking back on who did that to her.

Her beautiful hair and clothes were filled with the cold water, she was wet by the water, I thought she was back to normal when she makes no further steps.

She turned around gently, her eyeballs were very dark, I don’t know if she could recognize me or not.

I could sense the anger in her heart she was very bitter, she walked upto me, her beautiful face was just slowly turning into something else,

Valentina, what’s wrong with you? I asked with a shivering voice about breaking down in tears,

I received a serious slap from her, it was like hundred people slapping me at the same time.

I staggered back with my last strength just to gain back my balance, the force of the slap nearly disfigured my face.

I could not believe she slapped me that badly, she showed no sign of pity,

instead of fighting back for my defense, I was taken away by our good memories together after the night we did bloód oath at the abandoned church.

I fall on my knees, my hand holding her garment, she rejected sparing me a glance.

“Adam!!” She yelled out angrily, her voice grumbled the whole place.

“It is over between me and you”, she said out not looking into my eyes,

The sky grumbled and the church bell hit persistently.

I was shocked when she said that strong word out finally.

“Valentina!” I sobbed

“You can’t do this to me now,” I cry out loud in pain.

“Get your hands off my garment or you watch your héad roll on the floor, Adam Token!!”. She commanded me angrily.

I would have persisted further but I knew deep down that she mean everything she said to me.

I let go of her clothes and watch her walk away, without looking back into my watery eyes.

I stood back on my feet and rush into the room to get the flower, that was given to me by the guy with Pink eyebrows

I was about pushing the glass door open when I noticed my reflection in the mirror, my body was growing long animal brown hairs.

I looked down at my hand, it was growing big and strong with claws coming out of my fingers.

I watched my beautiful self in the mirror slowly turning into an unknown animal, after my girlfriend, Valentina left me broken at the entrance of my house.

I was deeply sad when Valentina told me it was over between the two of us, I wish I would have understand that nothing last forever before now,

then I would have put the idea of the bloód union away from my mind for good.

Seeing the strange hairs growing on my smooth body and the size of my body growing much bigger and stronger than the normal me, yes it was something that scared me to the fullest but what will I do about it now? nothing!!

I was not really the type of guy that spend my time at the gym, then how come my body changed this badly all of the sudden?

The claws in my fingers were very sharp and yellow, my legs become very big and muscular till it damage my black designer trouser,

I did not really understand what was going on with me,

my beautiful face was just twisting making me look like a red bull, I placed my two big hands on my head when I felt something trying to come out with force on my forehead.

I yelled out in pain, it was very hurtful,

The cloud was just grumbling,

strong winds took over the atmosphere, and everywhere was very cool but non of them affect me because of my new thick skin.

Why is all this thing happening to me,

that was the only question bothering me – first it was Valentina, now I’m about to lose my beautiful face and my smooth body.

My eye was becoming red, thick muscles were forming on my forehead and body.

It was like someone was using hammer and chisel to make holes in my forehead. It was very painful. I groaned in pain but nothing changes.

Finally, thick long horñs push out of my forehead,

I can’t believe I lose everything; my girlfriend, my handsome, my firm, I just lost everything.

I nearly break down in tears but that won’t change anything now, I still need to confirm something from the flower. cause after Valentina sniffed it, she acted strange but how come am I changing into this creepy creature when I have done nothing wrong?

I pushed the entrance door open with my big and hairy hand like a giant, my body was stained with bloód coming out of my forehead and the other part that was being enlarged.

I felt something similar, something familiar. The same feeling that I have at the abandoned church that someone was stalking me that night.

Does it prove anything now that I am becoming an unknown animal? No.

Especially now that my girlfriend, Valentina, whom I did bloód covenant with is just nowhere to be found.

I ignored the feeling around me and head forward to the room where Valentina left the flower on the floor before she head out without saying goodbye.

I was unable to pass through the door due to my new body development, I have to put in more strength and force to pass through the door.

My horns did not stop growing, and my face was just undergoing the transformation of the animal I’m turning into.

The flower was still on the floor, fresher than it was when the guy with Pink eyebrows gave it to me, it was a combination of different types of flowers.

Their colors were eyes catching, I barrelled in scattering some properties in the room due to how I want to maintain my balance with my new leg.

I crouched to get the flower for further investigation before heading back to the guy with Pink eyebrows.

The floor crácked very fast I grabbed the flower before it fall into the hole that was about to be made on the floor

a creepy and bloódcurdling hand crept over the flower drágging it with me to take it into the undérground.

I noticed his hand was búrning part of the flowers and some part of my body was búrning at the flower does.

An unknown creépy and bloódcurdling hand from the underground grabbed the flower that was given to me by the guy with a crazy pink eyebrows,

I noticed some burnt on the flower – same thing goes to my new animal skin.

I was more than shocked when I noticed the burn on my body, smoke was coming out of my body like a roasted fish.

No!! this can’t be possible,

My body was becoming very dark like charcoal.

I have no option but to use my last strength to get the flower off his hand.

My body landed on the floor due to the force I applied in getting the flower from the unknown creépy hand.

I pant heavily with my two hands placed on the floor, my eyes going crazy around the room.

The crácked floor sealed up immediately.

it was something strange to me, how could my life be connected to a mere flower?

I stare at the flower with open eyes when I noticed that the flower was healing itself, same thing goes to my body.

I stood up from the cold floor with the beautiful flower in my right hand.

My head crowded with different ways to solve this certain problem that’s ruling over my life unexpectedly

Truly my face was replaced with the unknown animal that look like a bull, there was a little spot of black hair on my head,

My mouth and nose were just replaced with something else. If only I know how to get back myself – then non of this will ever bother my life at all.

I head out of the room feeling frustrated and lost,

My last hope was on meeting the guy with the pink eyebrows to explain what is going on in my life since he gave me the strange flower as a gift.

I stopped when I have the same feeling of someone following me, the same feeling in the abandoned church, the same feeling I had earlier before the creépy hand show up.

Dust was coming out from every part of the room making the house look smóky and cloudy.

Someóne was heading toward me with his hand crossed beside him.

since the space was dusty I was unable to recognize who it was, he makes his movement moderate and peaceful.

He stopped as the smóke reduced in the exit space of the room.

He was the guy with pink eyebrows and brown eyes,

he wore a black outstanding suit, running from his suit down to his shoe was something indescribable.

I was more than desperate to ask him a lot of things about the flower he gave me, but stopped and wonder why he’s here in my house.

Especially now that everything is just going bád for me.

“Surprised to see me, Adam?” He said arranging his pink brows, focusing on me with his brown eyes. He was more than handsome.

“First of all, let me introduce myself, I’m John Jealous but my friends call me JJ”

‘How did he know that I’m Adam?” My voice róared in the little space.

‘Yes, I know you’re Adam Token”.

He deep hand into his jacket and brought out a steel cup, the same steel cup we used for the bloód oath in the abandoned church

My eyes widen in astonishment.

“I was there, Adam Token. You left the remaining bloód on the half-rock because it metallic taste”

“The wind blows the steel cup and it landed perfectly on my grave. The blood spread on my grave, seriously it was a dream come through for me”.

“I was brought back to life when you left,”

he mute and watched me gape at him

“I followed you, Adam Token’.

“Just to get my girlfriend back, yes my girlfriend. But I found out your girlfriend, valentina will be a good host for her”

“She died of depréssion when her dad forcefully married her to another person while I commit suícide by hánging myself deád in the abandoned church when I heard about her déath”.

“I try all I could to get Valentina but it all fails, so I successfully gave you the flower knowing fully that it will get to her through you”.

“When she sniffed it, my girlfriend Jen took over her body. She’s no more your girlfriend, Adam Token but my girlfriend, Jen”.

‘When Valentina said it’s over between the two of you, you were automatically cúrse to become a minotaur, and here you are lone,” he grinned,

He snapped his fingers and the flower in my hand catch fire,

“I would love to watch you dié slowly, Adam Token, but I want to wed jen in the abandoned church now,”

he vaníshed with the smóke leaving me to burn slowly as the flower does in my right hand.

#OpraDre Valentina’s Groom Valentina’s Groom

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