Twisted Identity Final Episode 8 Joy Ifunanya

Twisted Identity Episode 1 - Joy Ifunanya

Twisted Identity Final Episode 8 Joy Ifunanya

The people standing before me, at the door were Madam Bridget, Mrs Bassey, her children (including Edet) and of course, her bully of a husband.

I wondered if they were returning the child then, because deep down in me, I wanted my son from the very day the martenity test was taken… just that I got to control my emotion as a man.

Good evening, Mr Okafor. Madam Bridget said, interrupting my thought.

…May we come in?”. She requested.

“Please, do. I replied, making room for them to.

…Junior, go and call your mum”. I said to my son and he ran out excitedly.

When Mercy came out, she couldn’t control her emotions once again. She knelt beside him and pulled him closer to herself(but not forcefully this time). Then, she stroked his hair lovingly.

“How are you, my boy?”. She asked.

“I’m fine”. He replied, and we both smiled.

“Look at those dimples”. She observed.

“We’re here to do the needful”. Madam Bridget announced

Mercy stood up and sat besides me, as Junior held Edet by the hand and the two ran excitedly into the room.

Mr Bassey sat up, muttered something to himself, cleared his throat, before he started.

“You know, some people make decisions too quickly, without thinking. I am one of such people. Honestly, I regret how I have behaved with you in the past and I have come to plead for your forgiveness. I am sorry, Mr Okafor. I have realized my mistakes, please forgive me”. He pleaded

It baffled me that someone like Mr Bassey, with all his height could swallow his ego and beg (I was also sure he must had begged his wife, for them to be in the house together), but the one I called my wife hasn’t seen any need to do same.

That thought made me release a very loud sigh, mistakenly, making it look like I wasn’t going to forgive mr Bassey.

“You. know, my dear, if there is no sin, there won’t be forgiveness. And It’s only someone who had realized their mistakes that seek forgiveness. Please, forgive mr Bassey and let love lead”. Madam Bridget pleaded.

“Please, mr Okafor”. Mr Bassey pleaded, making an attempt to kneel, but I stopped him.

“It’s alright. You’re forgiven”. I announced.He stood up and we shook hands happily.

Mercy went inside and came out with a tray filled with bottles of soft drink and chin chin for everyone.

Furthermore, mrs Bassey apologized to us for running away with the child in the first place.

‘We have come to return Edet to you”. She announced, tearfully.

“Are you serious?”. Mercy asked, excitedly.

“Yes. The woman nodded.

…. Winnie, go and get Edet’s things from the trunk”. She said to her eldest daughter.

“Mummy, please, don’t do this”. The girl begged.

“No, we’ve talked this over. He has to stay with his parents. Their mother replied.

… and get only the small bag first”. She added

Mercy looked at me and smiled.

The girl went out to and came in later with a back pack.

Mrs Bassey called on the boy and he ran out with Junior.

“He will be having a sleepover with his friend tonight. Tomorrow morning, we will come pick him up. She was saying to Mercy.

…have fun. Okay”. She said to the boy, handing him his bag.

Junior held him and was about leading him back to the room when he turned to look at Mrs Bassey.

“Mummy, why are you crying?”. He asked.

“I’m not crying” She replied, wiping the tears with her palm.

“Are you sure?”. He asked.

Mrs Bassey nodded and urged him to go inside with Junior. But then, the girls started crying loudly.

“Don’t mind them, just go inside with your friend”. She smiled, bitterly.

He went back and hugged them one after the other.

“I will be back tomorrow morning, okay?”. He was saying to each of them.

I couldn’t fight back my own tears.

Silence was entertained for a long time after the two children went inside.

“There’s something else we must do before we leave”. Madam Bridget broke the silence. But before she did, I spotted her whispering something to Winnifred.

The girl stood up and went outside. She came back some minutes later with a young woman.

“This is my niece….Justina”.

“The nurse?”. Mercy asked and the lady nodded.

She knelt down before us and apologized in tears.

“Let’s just forgive her. I whispered to Mercy and she agreed.

…it’s okay, you may stand”. I said.

“Thank you”. She said.

“I only need one thing from you. That was Mercy.
….which of these two boys was born first?”.

“The one I left for you”. She replied, abruptly.

“We’re also sorry for the death of the baby’s unfortunate”. I pleaded, later on.

“It’s alright, it’s not your fault”. Mr Bassey replied, smiling.

They left after handling Edet’s other things to us.

We went to the rooms to see how the boys were doing.

Junior was showing him around his room. They didn’t even take any notice of us enter and dropped his things inside the wardrobe.

That night, Mercy made them sleep in-between us.

“I want to start bonding with him”. She said

Surprisingly, I woke up very early in the morning to see her(Mercy), kneeling on the floor beside me.

I thought I was dreaming, so I wiped my eyes with my palm to be sure…it was real… mercy was kneeling down there as a child being punished.

“Did you injure your feet?. I asked and she shook her head

… so why are you not making use of them?”. I asked.

” Fidelis, this is me saying sorry for everything I have done to you”

“What have you done?”. I wanted to be sure she knows exactly what she was doing.

“The way I was acting, the accusations, the names calling and everything. I know I have been a bad wife to you. please, forgive and forget”. She pleaded.

I sat up and dragged her up from the floor.

If at all, I was still angry, seeing her kneeling there alone has changed everything.

“I have forgiven you my, dear”. I said and we hugged each other passionately.

“This has taught me a lot. Things are not always what they seem. We should learn to hear each other out first. And, very very important, v!olence doesn’t solve everything”. She smiled.

Immediately he woke up, Edet started asking after his parents.

“When is my mummy coming to pick me?”. He asked.

“You will be going to school from here. Your mom couldn’t make it this morning”. Mercy

“How will I go to school when my uniform is at home?”. He questioned.

The boy seems to be outspoken more than Junior.

“Your school uniform is here, no worries”. Mercy replied and started getting them ready for school.

So we lived the next few days, lying to keep him, until he got really fade up and started crying seriously one night.

“Take me home!”.

And that was when we told him the truth that is beyond his comprehension.

“Edet this is your home, I’m your father, this is your mom, and Junior is your brother… your twin brother”. I told him

He looked at me and shook his head.

“No, you’re not my daddy, take me to my mummy!”. He cried.

“Listen, Edet, you belong here”. Mercy added.

He continued crying until we had to place a call through to the Basseys. After the woman talked to him for a while, he stopped.

It wasn’t as easy as we thought, getting him to adapt to his new life and new family. Junior too, at a point got fade up of him and wanted him to leave.

“He is dragging my toys with me and he won’t allow me touch his”. He complained.

“Just bear with him, he is your brother”. We will always reply.

We changed his name, but it was only in the book…he refused to accept it.

“That is not my name”. He will always complain any time anyone tried calling him by his new name.

“You must answer that name, we don’t answer that kind of your name”. My mother had tried in vain to force it on him when we took him to see her.

Mr Bassey left the country with his family months after.

The wife always call to know how the boy is faring. The last time we spoke, she announced she had been delivered of a bouncing baby boy.

So this is our story. We recovered the son we never knew we had, after almost six years of being separated from his family. Though the journey to make him part of us was tough, but we thank God that today, he has fully accepted us.

They are twenty years today with two younger siblings.

But he still maintains the name, Edet.

The end.

Hope you enjoyed the story?

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1 year ago

Nice story

Chidera Ruleth
Chidera Ruleth
1 year ago

Very nice story kudos to d writer