True Life Story – The Humans of ABUJA

True Life Story - The Humans of ABUJA

True Life Story – The Humans of ABUJA

“2 weeks after my wedding, I had a bad dream of where I was brought to a very bushy and scary place. My mother inlaw and her children were standing in circle, all clothed in a black garment.

There was another man who seemed to be leading them in whatever they were doing there, the moment he sighted me he ordered my mother inlaw to take me out alleging that I would destroy things for them.

I woke up as soon as I was taken out of there. I knew that it wasn’t a good dream at all but I was confused of the faces I saw there because my mother inlaw is overly nice to me and there’s no reason to suspect her.

I just prayed about it asking for God’s protection and I didn’t tell my husband about it to avoid any sort of misinterpretation. I got pregnant the next month and my husband informed my mother-in-law and his siblings.

As a first time pregnant woman, my MIL was always calling to check on me and I appreciated her care, sometimes she would come visiting with cooked food and foodstuffs.

At some point, I started becoming so weak and sick all the time to the extent that I could no longer go to work. My mother was there for me all through that period until I was due for delivery.

I called my husband when labour started and I started going to the hospital. Doctor checked me and said I was doing just fine and told me how far I was dilating.

My husband later came and as the labour contractions because more intense, he began to freak out and started calling his mum and siblings to ask for their prayers.

I had 10hours labour and when it was time to push, i was so weak to push. I pushed for almost an hour before my baby girl came out. She weighed 4.7, so beautiful and I gave her a welcome kiss before the nurses started cleaning her up.

The doctor tried pulling out the placenta and it was proving difficult. I tried pushing it out and it wasn’t coming forth and the doctor himself became worried after about 50 mins of trying.

My baby has been cleaned and my husband was carrying her while waiting for me to be out. We struggled with the placenta for an hour and 15 minutes before it came out.

Immediately the placenta came out, my husband started calling for the doctor and the nurses went to check on why he was calling since the doctor was busy, they came back with my daughter and with the look on their faces, something was wrong.

I don’t know what they told the doctor that made him leave me immediately, carried my baby and started massaging and hitting her. My baby was not making a sound and I tried coming down of the delivery bed but wasn’t allowed.

The doctor handed over the baby to the nurses and coldly came back to stitch my tear and cut. I kept asking what was wrong and he just asked me to please be calm. After stitching me, I was carried to another room and saw my husband in tears.

My daughter stopped breathing just immediately my placenta came out. The pain and hurt I felt has to be the hardest pain in the world. I packed my things and left the hospital that same day, I just couldn’t stay there.

That night I couldn’t sleep but somehow I had a dream where my mother inlaw was laughing at me and told me that she would deal with me mercilessly. It became clear to me that she was into something dangerous.

My MIL came around the next day with all the pity drama. Some of the children called me too to sympathize with me. She stayed for two days and the day she was about leaving, she told me that everybody in their family gives birth with CS including the wives married into their family and I shouldn’t bother trying to do delivery next time…..”


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