I laid on bed quietly and had my beautiful sleep, even though I guess George will not be able to have his.

I guess you know why?

Yes! Exactly what you are thinking.

7days fasting and prayer! It’s not a joke oooo.

Early in the morning, I woke up from bed and as I was about tapping George to wake up, he was already up and sitting down on the bed. (Smiles)

George! I called out and asked didn’t you sleep during the night?

My love! I slept a little but the moment the thought of 7days came running through my mind and head I woke up and never slept again throughout the night.

Oh!!!! Sorry sweetie, I said looking keenly at his eyes.

Don’t worry I will join you a little if I have the strength to….

George didn’t allow me to complete my statement when he chipped in and said, if you have the strength to do what my love?

I though the Pastor said me and my wife yesterday.

Oh! Did the Pastor made mentioned of that?

Yes! My love, he did mention that.

Okay! I said.

I guessed he doesn’t know I was pulling his legs.

Let’s have our morning prayer before we delve into the real business with the trinity I said trying to get hold of George’s hands.

Okay my love, he said stretching both hands towards me.

We both held hands for a short prayer o, and guessed what?

Before I knew what was happening, it was already past 3pm in the evening.

Even though we had the prayer in a very silent way.

Morning devotion nah!

In Jesus name we prayed was what I heard from George, that made me open my eyes and I responded Amen.

My love! But you said morning prayer nah.

Yes George, it’s just morning prayer, we are yet to delve into the real business of the day, I said with my hands akimbo.

My love! Do you even know what the time says now?

We should be around 7:00am or thereabout, I said.

Ruth my love, you are wrong o, this is after 3pm, George said pointing at the wall clock in our room.

Jesus!!! I never knew time has gone, I said covering my mouth with one of my hands.

Anyway for the next seven days, it’s either we are praying in this house or we are reading our Bible. I said trying not to be bothered about the time that has been far spent.

Yes my love! He said and his phone rang.

Who is calling, George? I asked.

Nurse Kike, he answered trying to stand up from the bed.

I kept mute, and I was looking straight in George’s direction.

For I wondered where he was standing up to.

The call ended without him picking up.

Nurse kike called again and my sweetie said, my love, please should I pick the call?

I guess this nurse Kike is after my life right?

She was the one that called at the first night of my wedding with George, and now she is calling him again, I muttered under my breath.

My love! You ain’t saying anything nah?

George, please don’t pick that call, no matter the case might be, you ain’t the only doctor working in that hospital.

There are many other doctors that can attend to anything nurse Kike or what do you call her name might be calling you for, I said with all seriousness.

Okay my love, George said and dropped the phone on the bed.

It was not up to a minute, another call came through again.

My love! The Pastor, he said trying to hand over the phone to me.

Pick it George, the Pastor called you not I.

Ooookay, he said stammering.

George: Hello sir, good morning Sir.

Pastor: Good morning brother George.

George: yes sir.

Pastor: Hope you are fully prepared for the program? The Pastor asked.

George: Yes!! I’m sir.

Pastor: Please don’t forget you ain’t leaving that house until the next 7days.

Don’t forget you are not allowed to taste anything untill the next seven days, the Pastor said over the phone.

George: Yes sir, George said looking at my face.

Pastor: okay brother George, my regards to sister Ruth, he said and finally hung up.

George, when it’s 6:00pm, we are having another session of prayer. I said trying to stretch myself.

Please do whatsoever you want to do and be prepared, I said and left Goerge in the bedroom to take his bath.

Okay my prayer warrior, George said and I left to tidy up the whole house.

In no time I was done with what I was doing.

I called out to George to let us continue our Prayer.

George came out almost immeadiately, and as we are about to start the prayer, nurse Kike’s call came through again.

Oh my goodness!! What is the matter with this sister, I said clapping my hands.

My love! Please should I pick it?

No George, you ain’t picking that call, I said frantically.

Why not tell George to switch off that phone, I heard the inner voice whisper.

Thank you Holy Spirit, I said silently.

Sweetie, why not switch off that phone? I said.

Okay my love! George said and switched off the phone.

We started with praise and worship, which lasted for not more than 30mins. I was singing in the Spirit while George was singing in his own understanding.

We rounded up the praise and worship session and delved straight into serious prayer session.

George and I were both sweating profusely under the air condition that was in our sitting room.

I was the one leading the prayer one after the other.

As I was about to lead the next prayer that came to mind, I fell into trance.

Then I saw my poor George been tied down completely and the only thing he could move was his head.

Jesus!!! I shouted and snapped out of the realm.

My love! Hope no problem? George asked still holding my hands.

No problem George, let’s continue praying, I said shaking my head.

We continued the prayers and the Holy Spirit dropped a powerful prayer point in my mind. The prayer goes thus: Lord wherever I’m being tied down like a goat and unable to fulfil destiny loose me now by fire.

I called the prayer out for George and he prayed seriously with the whole of his strength.

I closed my eyes tightly and snapped back into the realm.

Lo and behold, I saw the angel of the Lord untie George’s hands!

We ended the prayer around 4:00am in the morning, I felt a burden lifted off my heart.

How do you feel now? I asked George.

I’m relieved Ruth, he said.

The program went well for the first 4days and when it was the 5th day, George was already tired and worn out seriously.

I have to inquire from the Lord on what to do.

Lord please should I allow George to drink water so as for him to gain more strength? I said in my heart.

No Ruth, George is not going to taste anything till the completion of this program, I heard in my spirit.

Hmmmmmmmmm, okay Lord!

Instead of you deliberating on whether to give George water, why don’t you pray for the strength of the Lord to endow him from within?

Thank you Holy Spirit, I muttered under my breath and switched into tongues.

I kept praying for George to be endued with strength from above.

And lo and behold, George was strengthened!

God is indeed awesome. The next two days will indeed be awesome!

Every trap the enemy has set for us, father destroy it by fire! Prayer in Jesus name!

We were praying and sweating all over, it was really a powerful session.

Lord, we pray you will make this marriage work out for your glory, in Jesus name we prayed, George said.

And I echoed a well and resounding Amen!!!

Hmmmmmmmm, sister Ruth hope you are praying and commiting our journey unto the Lord? George asked.

Yes! Brother George.

George was a vibrant christian brother, the best I had ever met.

When he prays, you will think as if the heaven wants to fall down right inside his prayer room.

Always with his Bible.

Always praying for fresh fire. George’s fresh fire prayer points always goes thus: fresh fire my life needs you right now, fresh fire my ministry needs you right now, fresh fire my marriage needs you right now! (Smiles).

And indeed George always vomit fire while praying!

In short let me say George was a man of prayer!

And for that I love him so much and that made my love for him to be at its peak.

George, can call for hours preaching to me over the phone and sharing some deep deep revelations of God unto me.

Even though he knew me as a fire branded sister too!

Infact, I always foresee George becoming a great man of God!

But all of a sudden things changed and turned out to be this way.

George that was full of fire while we were still in courtship has become spiritually deaf and dead.

Can you now see that the book of 1 Corinthians 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall is right about believers that are not watchful of their ways.

Hmmmmmmmm, God knows best, I muttered silently under my breath.

Yes I know best! I heard the voice spoke to me.

George is assigned to be a great man of God, but the devil foresaw that and made his life miserable from birth.

George might seem to be the happiest person on earth physically, but in the Spiritual realm he’s weak and out of strength!

He might seem to the world as fire branded, but he’s ever cold like a water kept inside the fridge in the Spiritual realm.

Don’t you know the devil can make a life miserable, even without the owner of the life being aware of it?


That’s exactly the problem George is passing through right now.

If you ain’t in his life, he might never knew he’s having a problem, or in bondage of the enemy.

Unless if the grace of God found him.


Don’t you know George still believes in his heart that, he’s still on the right track with me?

Whereas he has fallen a long time ago! Even though that wasn’t his wish and desire.

I was far lost in my thought and conversation with the divine, before I remembered it’s time for George and I to have our morning prayer.

And also, continue our fasting and prayer program for the 6th day.

I yawned helplessly and woke George up.

George! I said tapping him gently and carefully.

He answered very weakly, sorry sweetie I said caressing his head.

Thank you my love, he said.

But to be sincere is not easy oo! George said still in his sleeping mood.

I know George today is the 6th day and we just have a day left for us to be totally freed and sing the song of victory unto the Lord.

Hmmmmm, but that one day seems to me like another 7days, George murmured silently.

The Lord is our strength! Please stand up, I said.

Let’s have our morning prayer quicky George, I said trying to get hold of his hands.

We both held our hands and prayed in a very silent way unto the Lord.

Yes! When husband and wife pray in unison there is always a quick answer to the prayers.

The morning devotion lasted for not more than an hour and guessed what?

George was the one that anchored the morning devotion prayer.

I should have anchored it, but I just felt a need to let George do it.

You need to see the way he was praying.

Chaiiii, my sweetie was so exhausted!

When it was 9:00am, we started our prayer program for the 6th day.

George was leaning his back on the wall and I was walking around singing and praising the Lord in worship.

I praised the Lord with the whole of the strength left in me.

After the praises, we read a portion of the Bible and switched straight to prayer session.

George couldn’t pray very well for he was so tired and out of strength.

Even though we were both holding hands.

I held George’s hand so tightly and called down the fire of the Lord into his bones.

Fire of the Lord envelope George’s body from head to toes, I said praying.

I could feel the presence of the Lord filling everywhere already!

I guessed George could also feel the presence too, for he kept saying Jesus!!!

And within a twinkle of an eye, my beloved George burst into tongues, it was like a rushing mighty wind.

For he kept saying it without stopping for a second to catch his breath.

I also joined George in praying in the Holy Ghost.

I could hear George asking himself inwardly that, what is happening to me?

I fastened my fist on his hands tightly and continued praying.

George was unable to control himself anymore, for he was carried away in the Spirit realm.

Suddenly I heard George proclaiming healing and deliverance to himself.

I’m delivered, I’m healed. I break loose from your coven, you demons and satanic bondage holding my life in captivity from birth.

I break loose from you, every power of the enemy that put me into darkness and stopped me from fulfilling purpose and mandate.

I’m free from every sickness, I’m free from every power that might want me to be the source of sorrow and problem to my marriage!

As he was prophecying to himself, I never stopped praying.

In no time again he switched to tongues and this time, I could perceive the fresh fire of God oozing out from George’s mouth.

Oh my God! I caught the fire immediately and guessed what? George and I both travel in the spirit.

I don’t know what to liken the place George and I found ourselves to.

The place was so dark and full of darkness.

My dear Ruth why are you looking so confused, have you forgotten what the Scriptures told you in John 1:5

I was silent at first and just immediately I quoted the scripture out loud and clear.

John 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not, I said.

And indeed the light of the Lord shone so bright and clear in the place.

George was just looking in a surprised manner.

I guess he was wondering where he was at that moment.

All of a sudden something caught the attention of George and he shouted, my love look at me over there.

Over where? I said looking around.

Over there, he pointed his hands towards the direction.

And lo and behold, George was there tied down completely, but his hands were free!

I was praying silently in the Spirit and I said, Lord why is George tied down this time again.

I loosed his hands the other day while you were both praying, have you forgotten?

Yes! But why is he not freed completely?

My dear Ruth, I wanted George to come and behold his real self in the cage where he’s been tied down, I heard the inner voice spoke softly unto me.

I was lost in my thought, when I heard George said, but what I’m I doing here Ruth?

Hmmmmmmm! George, this is where you are being controlled to go against your will. This is where you have been tied down from birth, I said, even though I don’t know where such answers were coming from.

George burst into tears and said Ruth please help me.

I’m not the one to help you George. God is the one to help you and set you free from this captivity, I said.

And I know that’s the main reason He brought you here!

So let’s call unto Him now, I said.

George stretched his hands towards me and I reciprocated immediately!

George held my hands so tight and we began to pray, we prayed fervently unto the Lord, for neither George nor I was praying in our understanding.

I burst into Tongues and George caught the fire almost immeadiately.

We were both vomiting fire.

Yes! Fire!!!

And all of a sudden the chains that held George in captivity was broken into pieces.


Prayer key: 1. Father wherever my original is been tied down, Lord by your power untie me now, in Jesus name, Amen.

2. Oh Lord my Father, go to any length to set me free from every captivity of the enemy, in Jesus name, Amen.

A song dropped in my heart and I sang the song out for George to also joined me.

He did joined me in the song, we both sang it passionately unto the Lord.

Day 6 has been powerful! I have no doubt that we have won this battle.

God has given us the victory! So I thought, but ……..

On the 7th day of my fasting program with George, I woke up very early in the morning and tapped George beside me.

Sweetie, I said tapping George to let us have our daily devotion.

My love! I’m not feeling too well and I don’t think I will be able to join you in the fasting today, he said very weakly.

What’s wrong with? You slept healthy yesterday so what happened over the night, I said after observing the look on his face.

My love! I don’t even know how I’m feeling right now, George said feeling his temperature at his neck.

I’m feeling very weak and tired, he concluded.

Hmmmmmmmmmm, what will I do now? Lord, please have my mercy on George ooo, I said soliloquizing.

Why will George be feeling very weak when we are about to complete the program today and finally sing a song of victory and finally rejoice over our foes and reproach, I muttered under my breath.

My love, please I don’t want to die! That was the voice I heard that jilted me out of my thought.

Jesus!!! Die kwa, I rebuke evil over your life George, I said snapping my finger over my head.

George you ain’t dieing now and you ain’t even dieing in the next 50 or 70years to come I said with all confidence.

My love! Hmmmmmmmmm, George said closing his eyes from time to time.

George, Please relax you will be fine, I said even though I was very scared at his reaction.

I picked up my phone and placed a call across to the Pastor. But unfortunately he wasn’t picking the call.

Oh my goodness! What’s this now, I said trying to compose myself before George.

George please be strong, I’m coming let me go and call the Pastor, I said.

I took my cloth, put it on and left for the Pastor’s place.

I got to the Pastor’s place and told him about George’s health and condition.

Don’t worry sister Ruth, brother George is going to be fine, he said.

Okay sir! I believe.

The Pastor followed me down to our house and when he entered the room, he began to speak in tongues, I caught the fire immeadiately and joined him.

The Pastor kept quiet for a while and said brother George how are you feeling? What’s wrong?

Hmmmmmmm, sir, I’m not feeling alright sir. I’m feeling very weak, George said breathing heavily.

Okay the Pastor said and continued praying.

The Pastor was praying very fast and fervently.

I joined the Pastor in praying, but my minds wasn’t at peace, so I thought of checking on George’s temperature.

Though all my thought was that George was sleeping, but when I got to where he laid helplessly on the bed.

I tried to lift George’s hand and guess what?

His hand dropped back on the bed helplessly.

I tried calling him in a silent way, but no!

The love of my life wasn’t answering me!

How do you feel when you think you are victorious and something unexpected came up?

Will you still be steadfast in the faith or you will break down and renounce God?

Jesus!!! I’m finished I called out to the Pastor.

Pastor, please come and help me to look at George, he is not talking or opening his eyes ooo, I said and burst into tears.

Lord this can’t happen to George! No, this can’t happen to the apple of your eyes.

The scriptures said the number of our days shall be fulfilled Lord.

George is yet to fulfill his days here on earth, I said amidst tears.

All will be fine sister Ruth, the Pastor said feeling sorry for me.

Yes! All will be fine sir, I responded.

This is not my agreement with the Lord, so how will he die? I said facing George on bed.

I will never accept defeat from the devil, I said wiping off my tears.

Today is the final day, we were able to break chains yesterday, so George can’t just give up just like that.

I didn’t know what to do, my inner witness wasn’t saying anything at that moment.

I switched to praises.

I was singing and dancing unto the Lord in a very dramatic way.

The Pastor stood still and began to look at me.

I was singing and prophecing into George’s life.

Someone is wondering why I decided to praise God instead of praying, chanting or rather burst into tongues right?

Praises is one of the elements that pleasures God the most.

Praises is one of the key into the presence of God.

Why was David a man after God’s heart?

It’s because he knows vividly the secret of God, he knows vividly what pleasures him the most.

Have you seen anywhere it is recorded in the Scriptures that David prayed for 3hrs?

David was a man of praises!!!

1 hour gone, I was still praising the Lord but now in the spirit.

All of a sudden I saw a very thick smoke covering our bed where George laid down helplessly.

The Pastor also behold what was happening to George.

Sister Ruth, the Pastor called out.

Can you deduce what is happening to brother George right now?

Hmmmmmmmmm, no sir, I said.

But I know he can’t be dead! I said.

George wasn’t dead in the first place, the Pastor said frantically!

The Lord intentionally made him fell into a deep sleep and he made it looks as if he’s dead to you.

He actually wanted to proof your love for Him.

He wanted to see the way you will react to Him, if he takes away the only person you love the most after Him.

He wanted to know maybe you will renounce Him for once, that was why your inner man wasn’t saying anything at that moment.

Sister Ruth, your faith has made George whole of his pridicament and now George is a real a man, he said smiling.

Oh Jesus!!! I said silently in my heart.

Ruth!!! I thought by taking George’s breath for some minutes; which will lead to his divine healing and perfection of your fasting and prayer for the past few days.

You will renounce me and call me a liar, but no!

You proofed your faith worthy before me as a faithful and loyal servant.

Hmmmmmm, I sighed heavily and said, Lord have never for once doubted your Majesty.

When you asked George and I to embark on a spiritual journey, you didn’t mention to me that he will be dead.

We didn’t have such agreement, I said silently in my heart.

You can imagine! (Smiles).

The thick smoke was still covering George when the Pastor was speaking to me.

Thank God you didn’t settle for less and also thank God you never accepted what is not yours by believing it’s the will of God for brother George to be dead, he said.

Suddenly the thick smoke covering George stopped and he coughed out loud. I left the Pastor and went to attend to my sweetie.

How are you feeling? I said looking at him and smiling.

My love, what just happened to me? George said weakly.

It’s not easy to undergo Spiritual surgery ooo.

My love, I will gist you about what happened later, I said.

Do I even need to gist him about what happened?, I thought within myself.

Thank you Jesus, the pastor said and headed towards George on the bed.

The battle has been conquered, now we are victorious!!!


The pastor prayed for both George and I to have a blissful and blessed beginning.

Yes!!! It’s a new and beautiful beginning indeed.

Please continue to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might the pastor said and left.

My love I’m feeling sleepy, George said.

Okay sweetie, I replied beaming with a smile.

I couldn’t give my eyes the beautiful sleep it deserves, not because of anything but because I was just too excited.

I stood up and began to dance unto the Lord.

My love ain’t you sleeping, George asked in his sleeping mood.

I guessed my song woke him up.

I’m praising God, I said still whining my waist around.

George smiled and said can I join you my love?

If you can sweetie, I replied softly.

George and I both danced unto the Lord for giving us total victory.

After the whole of dancing and praising stuffs, George and I ended on the bed and in no time we slept off.

Very early the following morning George woke me up to have our daily devotional prayer.

Hmmmmmm, sweetie, I still want to sleep more I said in my sleeping mood.

My love you will sleep later, George said, and I woke up immediately.

We both had our morning prayer.

And guessed what?

It was very glorious and powerful!

George the fire branded man is back (smiles).

We ended the prayer and I headed to the kitchen to prepare my sweetie’s favourite dish.

And also, I made a hot coffee for him to drink before having his meal.

George, your meal is ready, I called out to him.

I was still steering the coffee when I felt someone cuddle around my waist from the back.


Thank you Ruth! Was what I heard from George.

Thank you for thanking me George.

All thanks to God, I said blushing.

Please come an break your fast, I said trying to make him sit down.

George sat quietly and broke his fast, I also broke mine too.

After some minutes we both devour the inviting coconut rice I made for the both of us.

Let me gist you small (smiles)

As we were eating, George couldn’t take his eyes off me.

What is it George? I asked looking straight into his eyes.

Nothing ooo, George said and faced his food.

Then why the look? I said munching the rice in my mouth.

Nothing my love, just finish up your meal first, he said smiling.

In no time we were done with the meal.

George moved closer to me, planted a soft kiss on my lips for the very first time.

Oh my Gosh!!!

I reciprocated immeadiately without wasting time!

He carried me up and headed straight to the bedroom.

Hope you know what happened next?

Yes! exactly what you were thinking.

Let me take off your dress my love, George said smiling over and over again.

I allowed him to do whatsoever he wished, and boom!!!

George finally made love to me for the very first in my marriage.

My joy knew no bound, for I was very happy and excited.

And also no more hug and forehead kisses.

The greatest help you can render to anyone in life is to bring them out of darkness unto a marvellous light. (Smiles)

Hmmmmmmmmm, after all the love making stuffs.

Thank you for coming into my life Ruth, you are indeed a God sent to me, George said almost in a whisper.

I couldn’t stop smiling, you are welcome sweetie, was all I could manage to say.

I never knew I have been missing all this while oooo.

Hahahahah, I don’t know when I burst into laughter, missing what oooo brother George?

George raised his eyebrows in a romantic way and said, don’t worry my dear sister Ruth.

Could you believe George added another extra one week to his personal leave before resuming to work?

George spent the remaining days of the week at home and finally resumed work the following Monday.

I also resumed back to work.

Yes!!! I’m a working class house wife and not a full house wife.

I have my own business too, the reason why I left the business was because of the ups and downs I’m facing with George.

And now that all things has been settled, I finally resumed back to my business.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months.

I started feeling feverish and sickly.

Everything around the kitchen became nauseating to me.

George noticed that and said my love, hope is not what I’m thinking?

What are you thinking George? Please free me, I’m not feeling too well I retorted back.

I will personally run a test on you, George said and headed to his place of work.

He kept calling me from time to time to ask about how I’m faring.

The most surprising part of it was that, George sent someone to bring lunch for me at home.

I ate the food as if my whole life depended on it, even though I was unable to eat the one I cooked myself.

Around 5:00pm in the evening , George came back.

I was fast asleep on the couch.

I was still sleeping when I felt something moving towards my lips.

Blood of Jesus!!! I shouted.

It’s me love, George said and finally did exactly what he had wanted to do.

Yes!!! He did kissed me.

I was still trying to sit up, when I noticed he was trying to bring out something from his briefcase.

What’s that George? I asked anxiously.

I brought a pregnancy kit test home my love, George said and finally brought it out.

What for? I asked looking keenly at his face.

My love it’s for you oooo, this one you are sleeping around in my house, let me know the exact thing that is doing you oooo, he said smiling.

George pricked the tip of my finger and collected a little amount of blood

Ouch!!!! I yelled out, sorry my love he said.

Is this how you will be doing? If I want to give you an injection, he said laughing at me.

Injection for what, Dr George?

Don’t worry let me finish my investigation on you first, he said and did the necessary thing he needed to do with the blood

Few minutes later, how far sweetie, what’s the result of the test you did oooo?

Hmmmmmmmm, my love it’s just malaria jhor.

Malaria kwa? I asked surprised.

Yes, malaria that will bring about babies, George said looking at me.

Babies, Not baby? I asked.

Yes my love, babies, don’t you want to give birth to twins?

Wow!!! Sweetie, do you really mean I’m pregnant?

Yes my love, you are pregnant, he said and hugged me tightly!

And I’m very sure It’s going to be a double blessing for us, he said.

While hugging me, I guess you know what George did next?

If no, let me tell you.

While hugging George kept kissing me, to the extent that I was trying to catch my breath.

Issokay George, I said trying to free myself from his grip.

No my love, l have been depriving you of this for a very long time. So I want to make it up to you, he said still kissing me.

Chaiii!!!! Sweetie, but not in a day nah.

I finally freed myself from George the lover boy.

I know someone is asking why? (Smiles).

Yes!!! I freed myself from him.

Thank you Jesus!!! My dream of becoming a mother is actually coming to reality, I said feeling my tummy.

I can’t wait to be wearing maternity gown oooo, I said.

George burst into laughter, don’t worry my love, you will surely wear maternity gown when your stomach is protruding out, he said trying to push out his tummy.

George are you making jest of me or what? I said running after him.

No my love, I’m just feeling for you oooo, he said and stopped running.

Thank you Ruth! Thanks for not giving up on me in the years past, he said trying to hide his tears.

It’s tears of joy George I said and helped him to clean the tears that were already rolling down his cheeks.

Thank you my love, he said and hugged me.

Gradually gradually, I’m done with the first and second trimester of pregnancy.

And now I’m at the last stage.

Hmmmmmmmm, pregnancy is not easy oooo.

God bless all the mothers around the globe!!!

During my ante natal stuffs, George has been the one attending to me by himself.

But on the day of my delivery, George refused to take my delivery.

Though he has been telling me for long that he won’t be the one to do that.

And whenever I ask, why can’t you?

He’s reply has always been the same, for he will say I can’t my love I can’t bear to see you crying and shouting.

I entered into the labour room bursting in tongues.

Yes tongues!!! (Smiles).

And within a twinkle of an eye, I delivered the first baby.

I relaxed a little, then in no time the second baby came out.

Are you surprised?

Yes!!! I gave birth to twins, it’s a double blessing for me and George.

Congratulations ma, the Dr that was attending to me said.

Chaiiii, madam you are a real Christian oooo.

You didn’t even give us wahala at all, but this your heavenly language is something else oooo.

Hope you will teach me, the Dr. said jokingly and left.

George entered immeadiately and smiled at me.

Congratulations to us my love, he said

It’s a baby boy and a girl, I cut in.

Wow!!!! Thank you Jesus, George said and pecked my hands.

The following day I was discharged from the hospital and on getting home the Pastor came visiting to congratulate us and brought out a letter from his pocket and handed it over to George.

Congratulations for the new born babies and

congratulations on the letter too, the Pastor said.

Thank you sir! George said even though he was wondering what could be inside the letter he was holding.

Open the letter brother George, the Pastor said.

George looked at me and I nodded my head in agreement that he should open it.

Lo and behold, Gorge opened the letter.

And guess what?

It’s a letter of calling to ministry for George from the head quarter of our Church.

Pastor, is this letter for me? He asked in a surprised manner.

Yes brother George, the letter is for you, be prepared for a full time ministry! The Pastor said.

Thank you sir! George and I echoed in unison.

The Pastor prayed for us and finally left.

My love full time ministry? George asked and I replied, it’s the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our sight.

Take away key:

(1) never give up on God, no matter the circumstances maybe, there’s always a brighter day ahead if you trust and believe in Him.

(2) never give up on the person you love, the journey might seem rough and discouraging at first, but there will always be a reason to laugh at the end.


Thanks for reading through, I love you all!!


Read this Inspirational Story > THE CURSED LANTERN

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Temple Chiemele
Temple Chiemele
1 year ago

Thank you very much to both of You, I.e, the writer and sir, for posting this. I learnt a lot reading this and the take away keys builded up my spirit. God bless you both

Sophia Andrew
Sophia Andrew
1 year ago

I can read this story over and over again, indeed God is good and he is too faithful to fail, but we should never give up on him, nice story

Daba gerry
Daba gerry
1 year ago

This story is just want I needed this seasons because of what I am going through. With God every thing is day I will laugh.

Chidera Ruleth
Chidera Ruleth
1 year ago

What a soul lifting story kudos to the writer and Opradre God enrich u with more grace