3 years after Lizzy and Daniel’s marriage, everything was going well with them, they didn’t have any issues anymore, because Chief Alexander and his family were solidly behind Lizzy,

Jennifer got married to another guy,
3 months after her marriage, Her husband divorced her, for sleeping with her brother-in-law
After the divorcement, she travelled out of her town to another town from there he met another guy, who was ready to marry her,
But because of her unpleasant attitude, laziness, arrogance and inability to cook, the guy detested her and ended the relationship straightaway

A few months later, she travelled back to the town where Daniel and Lizzy were residing, from there she started having affairs secretly with Daniel without Lizzy knowing and at that period Lizzy was pregnant

One day Jennifer persuaded Daniel to poison Lizzy,
So that both of them would get married, and Daniel would inherit all her parent’s properties because she was the only child of her parents,

Daniel: I will never do that, that’s w!ckedness, she does nothing wrong to me, please get rid of such plans

Jennifer: Daniel why are you so dull, Lizzy doesn’t have anybody, k!ll that girl and let’s get married, so that you will inherit my dad’s properties, my dad has cars, houses, hotels, Estates, fuel stations and many more, Daniel think twice

Daniel: Sorry I can’t

Jennifer: okay fine, I will give you 500k,

Daniel: but she’s 9 months pregnant

Jennifer: Forget about the pregnancy, I can get pregnant for you today, send me your account number right now

Daniel foolishly sent his account numbers and betrayed his wife

After he got alert, Jennifer brought out poison and gave him to sprinkle on Lizzy’s food,
Immediately after he sprinkles the poison he should leave the house, so that people won’t suspect him and he should do it the day, that Lizzy wants to give birth, so that people would think that she died while she was trying to give birth

Daniel: This is very bad Jennifer

Jennifer: Are you not tired of struggling, Daniel Shine your eyes, trust me you won’t regret it

He collected the poison

A few days later, His wife, Lizzy was about to give birth
Lizzy brought out bread and tea, just as she went to the Kitchen to carry hot water,
Daniel sprinkled the poison on the tea, bread and her drinking water too,

Lizzy: Please babe wait, let me finish eating so that you can take me to the hospital

Daniel: My customers are waiting for me in the shop, let me hurry and go,

he took Destiny,

Lizzy: Are the customers more important than me and my conditions? And where are you taking Destiny to?

Daniel: Babe my customers are very important to me right now,
I want to barb his hair

Lizzy: Okay fine, drop me some money so that I can manage to take myself to the Hospital

Daniel: I don’t have any money with me,

Lizzy: what happened to the contribution money that you just collected last week

Daniel: Please my customers are waiting for me, we will talk about this when I return

He left,

An hour later, Lizzy started struggling to give birth, she screamed out and shouted tired but no one answered her and Destiny was not around, she struggled painfully to give birth and the poison was disturbing her badly, she gave birth to a girl by name Deborah, after she gave birth the poison kept on tormenting her till she passed away

A few moments after she passed away,
A strange lady came and took the baby away

As soon as the strange lady left, Destiny came back and saw how his mum was lying lifelessly on the ground…
He started calling his mum numerous times but her mum didn’t respond to him

Angela just came that moment to check on her best friend Lizzy, she was extremely shocked to see her dead and she started crying heavily, people started coming out, and everybody began to ask about the baby that she had given birth to and they were wondering where the baby went to

They called Daniel, and Daniel arrived,

Let’s take her to the Hospital, said Daniel

She’s already gone, people responded

Daniel began to cry heavily,

People said that they should bury her right away

Daniel gave money to his friends to buy a coffin, and he went to their village to inform Lizzy’s family and his family too

Thereafter they buried Lizzy

A few months later, Jennifer started going to Daniel’s house occasionally and she maltreated Destiny badly

But one night, something mysterious happened to her in Daniel’s house


What do you think happened to her?

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Ilyas Zainab
Ilyas Zainab
10 months ago

Daniel will regret his foolish and wicked action.