THE PROMISE Final Part 2 – Chimx Sweetness Ezeh


THE PROMISE Final Part 2 – Sweetness Ezeh

It was indeed nice seeing Kenny again after such a long time. He was looking more handsome than he was back then. It was a brief visit as he had an appointment with an old friend too here in Jos same day.

As he left my home, I laid on my bed reminiscing of the good old days. The memories were like it was just yesterday. I remembered our first kiss and how pleasant it was.

Same night, we got chatting and I told him what I had been thinking all day after he left.

“Babe, I remember our first kiss too. It was as beautiful as your heart and tasted like honey” Kenny said.

I laughed sheepishly without knowing what to reply so I dropped an emoji.

“You remember you promised me something that day” he continued.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Your virginity “ he added.

Hmmm…I remembered I had promised him to keep myself for him. I had begged him to take it before he left for Uni but he said he wasn’t ready yet but assured me whenever he comes back he would. We both promised each other to until he was ready even if anything comes between us.

“I was a teenager and we just didn’t know what we were doing” I said.
“I know but a promise is a promise, Babe”.

At that point, I didn’t know what to say. I only stared at my phone, speechless.

“I still want you” he added.
“Kenny, I’m married now with a child. I’m no virgin anymore “ I reminded him.

“But I still want you. You owe me Babe. Just once my love and I will be gone forever, never to bother you. All these years I have been waiting for you. I was coming for you before the accident happened. I’m not asking you to love me again, just let me please”

I switched off my phone immediately. This wasn’t supposed to be happening now. Why would Kenny still be interested in me. Kenny I know is very principled and would not want anything to come in between God and his principles.

We didn’t speak to each other for over a week. My husband came back from his trip and it was a relief.

Two days after, I got an sms from Kenny saying he was leaving the next day and he wanted to see me before he leaves as it would be his final goodbye to me.

Of course, I didn’t intend going but I needed him to understand that even if I have no intention to grant his request, he was still a great friend and deserve my final goodbye.

As I drove to the address he sent me which was his parents new home, I only intended to stay a few minutes before leaving.

No one was home at my arrival except him. He offered me a glass of juice. The room was silent from the time I was there, we only just stared at each other for minutes.

Kenny stood up and asked me to stand. “Babe, can I get a hug?” he whispered.
“Sure” I said.

Hmm… it was a long hug, the one I regretted. The feeling grew so strong, so was our breathing.

I couldn’t fight it. Oh! I couldn’t fight it. We couldn’t let go. And then, it happened.

I wore my clothes shamefully, not looking at him. No words, no goodbyes.

As I drove back, I cried so much. I tried to shake off the guilt but it was too much to bear. I deleted his number so this mistake won’t happen again. I cautioned myself all the way home.

14th June, 2022, I found out I was two months pregnant. The scan showed two sacs. “It’s twin”, Doctor said.

“No” I exclaimed.
“Isn’t it good news?” Doctor asked

I couldn’t utter a word cause my mistake had finally began to birth more secrets. I lived in so much fear until I birthed my twin boys on 17th January, 2023.

That was the beginning of my issue as one of my boys was born with sickle cell anemia. My husband’s genotype is AA, mine is AS. “How comes our son is SS?” my husband asked

“I-I d-don’t know “ I stuttered
“I’m going to run a DNA test and God help you woman if they are not my boys” he said.

I knew the answer to his question but how do I explain that this mistake of a promise happened.

When the results were out, Doctor say to my husband “You are the biological father of one of the twin. The second I’m afraid isn’t yours “

“How do you mean Doc?” My husband inquired.
“Heteropaternal superfecundation is an extremely rare phenomenon that occurs when a second ova released during the same menstrual cycle is additionally fertilized by the sperm cells of a different man in separate sexual intercourse”, he said.

This is bigger than I thought. My husband is a good man and doesn’t deserve this. These children do not deserve any of these. How do I explain to them that they are brothers born on the same day by same mother but not the same father.

Ah! I can’t do this. I don’t know and where to reach Kenny except going to his parents house where this mistake happened.

My husband wants us to keep this as a secret but I can’t live knowing this truth forever.

I deserve to be judged but this love and promise were meant to be made broken not fulfilled.

I’m sorry I have to die. I hope no one entertains any love from the past cause you’ll end up fulfilling a promise meant to be broken.

Thank you for reading

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