THE PREGNANT WIFE Episode 3 – Chidimma Lucky



Written by Chidimma Lucky

Episode 3

In Mr Lawrence Office,He was sitting on his chair,the chair is a rolling one,it turned any sides he moved to.Mr Lawrence was in deep thoughts.

“My wife has suddenly changed,she wasn’t like this”Mr Lawrence said to himself

The door opened and the receptionist entered the office.

“Sir good afternoon,your wife is here to see you”the lady said,she left

Mrs Joanah walked in, immediately the receptionist left.

“Hi my sugar,I brought lunch for you”Mrs Joanah told him

“Seriously honey”Mr Lawrence asked

“Yes my love”Mrs Joanah replied and dropped the foodflask on his table.

“Honey I need money for shopping,I want to buy new clothes”Mrs Joanah said

Without even allowing her finish talking,Mr Lawrence brought out huge amount of money from his drawer and handed the money to her

“Honey this is two hundred thousand naira get whatever you want”Mr Lawrence said

“Thank you My sugar bye,and please get suya for me while coming back home”Mrs Joanah replied

“I will honey”Mr Lawrence replied he was so happy,he ate his was delicious

“Uhmm my wife can cook very well”Mr Lawrence said to himself

After work closure,Mr Lawrence bought the suya his wife asked him to get for her, While driving home his phone rang.It was his friend Alfred calling him

“Guy please let’s see at the bar”Alfred said and hanged up the call

Mr Alfred is his childhood friend and he loves him so much,he was surprised he called him.

He drove to the bar,on getting there Mr Alfred was already there.He walked to where he was sitting and took the empty chair that was facing Mr Alfred he sat down.Mr Lawrence don’t drink alcohols,so he didn’t order for any drink he just relaxed and discuss with his friend.They shakes hands

“Guy longest time,how far”Mr Lawrence asked

“I’m fine guy,How is your wife”Mr Alfred asked

“My wife is fine and yours”Mr Alfred asked

“She is fine,so how are you coping with your wife as she is pregnant now, don’t you face any challenges, because when my wife was pregnant I passed through alot”Mr Alfred asked

“Hmmm Guy isn’t easy o,my wife do nag,she loves quarrel and she makes me go to work late, if isn’t my father company I would have been sacked for long,I cook…”Mr Lawrence explained

Mr Alfred burst into laughter,it made Mr Lawrence angry

“Alfred why laughing,what’s funny in what I just said now”Mr Lawrence asked

“I’m sorry but,it’s funny”Mr Alfred said,he continues laughing

“It’s not funny oh”Mr Lawrence replied

“Do you know what to do, Just talk to your wife about getting a maid,when my wife was pregnant I got a maid,it wasn’t easy for me until I got a maid”Mr Alfred said

“That’s good, I’ll talk to my wife about it,guy I need to be going now I don’t want my wife problem this night”Mr Lawrence said as he stood up from the chair

“Alright, goodnight”Mr Alfred said

Mr Lawrence entered his car before starting the engine,he checked his phone he saw 10 missed calls.

“I’m finished”Mr Lawrence said to himself and started the car and drove off home.


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