The One I Hated Episode 2 – Joy Ifunanya

The One I Hated Episode 1 - Joy Ifunanya

The One I Hated Episode 2 – Joy Ifunanya

After dad had shown me round the company, we were seated and talking in his office when the door opened and Charles walked in with a heap of files.

Immediately he entered, my countenance changed. I so hated that guy that I doubted if I would ever work a day with him.

I just can’t stand him.

“Sir, I think I’m done with these files”. He said, placing the heap on the table and trying as much as he can to avoid eye contact with me.

Dad touched the upper file as though by so doing, he had crosschecked them all.

“Weldone job, Charles”. He nodded, approvingly.

“Thank you sir”. He smiled before turning to leave.

I watched him until he had closed the door behind him, before turning to face dad.

“Where did you get this guy from, dad?”. I asked.

Dad smiled.

“That guy you see there is a super genius…. the last of his kind, he is one of the reasons this company still stand today and I personally believe he deserves to be in a better position”

“I don’t understand, are you still talking about Charles or any other person?. I asked, pointing towards the direction of the hall.

“Yes, Charles”. He nodded.

“With his big head?”. I asked, still confused.

Dad chuckled

“Don’t worry, by the time you stay with him for a little while, you will understand what I’m saying”. He concluded.

I resumed work the next day.

And as soon as I stormed into the hall, just like the previous day, everyone else stood up to welcome me and Charles sat, but this time, he wasn’t busy on his computer. He was resting his big head on the the chair, staring at me like a lost sheep, with a biro stuck on his ear.

My secretary, Helena, ran out to meet me as I stood there in the center of the hall watching Charles.

“That guy at the other side, is he crippled?”. I whispered to Helena, with my eyes still fixed at Charles.

“You mean, Mr Charles?, No, ma”. She shook her head, amused.

Ofcourse, it was a rhetorical question.

I handed my stuff over to her and I walked up to Charles’ desk. He was still unmoved, daring to know my next action. I hit my fist really hard on the desk. This caused a commotion in the hall.He removed the biro in his ear and sat upright, squeezing his face.

“How many bosses do we have here?”. I asked.

He hummed and muttered something to himself.

I repeated the question, louder this time, above the mummurings from the other employees.

“Just one boss”. He finally answered

“Good! Then, you need to accord that one boss, the respect she deserves… STAND!”. I commanded.

He was reluctant at first but after some seconds, he sighed and finally stood up.

I regarded him for a while before I turned and headed towards my office, with Helena running up behind me.

After sometimes, he barged into my office with some files.

Is this guy mad?

“Go back, close the door and knock before you enter!”.I shouted, before he could speak.

He reluctantly went back, tapped on the door before entering with his face squeezed hard.

I collected the file and watched in disgust until he left.

When I got home, that evening, I went straight to meet dad in his study.

“You’re welcome, dear,… so how was your first day at work?”. He asked.

“Stressful!, I answered, slumping on a couch besides him and dragging my shoes and my wig off.

“Did the staffs give you problems?, don’t worry, my dear, with time, you will get used to working with them”. He said.

“I didn’t have issues with all the staffs…. I mean, Helena is good, Sophia is pulling weight, Douglas is trying and the rest of them, I didn’t get all their names today… but you see that big headed assistant of yours, he is a whole lot of headache for me in that office”

Dad laughed quietly.

“Just give him sometimes, dear, he will get used to you…you will both get used to working with each other”.

“I don’t think I will, I will never get used to working with such an arrogant fellow, he is so pompous”. I complained.

Dad chuckled and maintained that I give him sometimes.

I picked my shoes and my wig and headed into my room.

I knew I will never get used to working with Charles. The hatred I had for him was more than I can control and as long as we’re together in that office, there would be no room for peace…

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