(Save My Past)
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Spartacus and Natasha walked down the building where they stay.. It was quite a long walk, but not too long..

”Ain’t we getting there yet?” Natasha asked

”We haven’t even walked long enough and you are tired” Spartacus said

”Just kidding” Natasha said and they continued walking.. Soon enough, they got to a door and walked through it..

”You said you want to be like me right?” Spartacus asked

”Yes” Natasha said

”Then this is the place” Spartacus said and Natasha looked around to see a big training room

”Wow!! This place looks very cool” Natasha said and Spartacus walked up towards her..

”This is where Spartacus was created” Spartacus said and Natasha embraced him.



”My dear eeh, I don’t know helping people is now a bad thing ooh” Linda concluded just telling her brother what transpired between her and Cynthia

”I guess she might be bothered just like you normally” Dave said

”That’s true, cos her mood looked very incomprehensive and I guess I know her” Linda said retrieving thoughts from the incident

”Sure?” Dave asked and Linda snapped her fingers

”Oh My.. That’s Cynthia, the Vice President’s daughter” Linda said

”What?? You ain’t sure right?” Dave asked

”I’m more than sure Dave” Linda said

”What might place her in such mood” Dave asked rhetorically but Linda replied it

”Same thing that turned an innocent man into an assassin maybe” Linda said, stood up and grabbed her car keys

”And where are you going?” Dave asked

”To save a life before it gets worse” Linda said and left

”I don’t just know why she feels she can help and save everybody that comes her way” Dave said to himself as the sound of Linda’s car engine began to fade away..



The horn of Linda’s car was heard from outside the gate and Musa, the gateman rushed and opened the gate.. Already, Cynthia was talking with Bella her good friend and they watched the car that was driving in but later switched their minds away from it.

Linda alighted from the car looking gorgeous, she saw them and walked towards them. Chief Wilson, who saw the car from the window walked out to see who it was

”Good day Ladies” Linda greeted and they looked at her

”Good day, how may I help you?” Cynthia asked

”Errhmm.. Sorry, I’m looking for Miss Cynthia” Linda said and they starred at Linda

”Hope all is well” Bella asked

”Yes, no problem. I just want to see her” Linda said and just then Chief Wilson walked close enough towards them

”Ooh.. Mr. Vice Sir.. Good day Sir” Linda greeted humbly and Chief Wilson recognised her immediately

”Oh my God, Barr. Linda..” Chief Wilson exclaimed shaking hands with her

”Oh.. It’s been quite long though.. Hope I’m safe this one you came to my house” Chief Wilson asked

”Yes Sir, I just came to see your daughter Sir, but I’m still trying to know if she is in with the help of these two ladies here” Linda said and Chief Williams laughed aloud

”That’s my daughter over there” Chief Wilson said pointing at the lady she was initially talking to

”Forgive my manners Sir, but the glasses changed her facial look quite a bit” Linda said

”Not to worry, I’ll be inside” Chief Wilson said and left

”I never knew I was talking with who I was looking for.. May I sit?” Linda asked and immediately Bella stood up

”I guess I have to leave now” Bella said

”Why?” Cynthia asked

”Hope I’m not the one chasing you away.. I can come back later you know” Linda said

”No.. No.. Not at all” Bella said

”We will see later babe” Bella said to Cynthia and left..

”Barr. Linda right?” Cynthia asked

”Yes dear.. Ice meeting you again” Linda said

”Huh? Have we met before?” Cynthia asked looking at Linda

”Yes of course, on the expressway, you lost hold of your car and nearly wounded yourself” Linda said

”Oh.. You were the Lady that ran in” Cynthia asked

”Yes..” Linda said

”Thank you for that, although I spoke harshly but your care did a lot.. I’m sorry” Cynthia said

”Nothing to be sorry about.. We all have our fears” Linda said and Looked at Cynthia

”Don’t you think you should share yours with me.;” Linda said hold Cynthia on the shoulders looking deeply into her eyes…



Stephen stood in front of his standing mirror tying a towel round his waist with a shaving stick in his hand. A girl was seen on his bed behind lying still sleeping. Stephen was already rushing for work trying to look good going out. Mercy, the girl lying on the bed woke up and saw him

”Hey darling” Mercy greeted and Stephen looked at her

”Hey.. You are awake” Stephen quickly replied and and concentrated on what he is doing

”What’s the time, where are you off to?” Mercy asked

”I’m gonna stay here with you huh??” Stephen said with a bit harsh voice

”Better pick up your clothes and leave” Stephen said

”Ar.. Arh.. Bros, anytime you carry me come your house na so you dey do. Even the sex we had last night wasn’t satisfactory sef.” Marcy said with a frowned face and Stephen looked at her

”Are you insulting me or what?” Stephen asked her

”Forget that thing bros.. forget money jhoor, Just once” Mercy said walking up to him wearing just her panties. She held him on the waist rubbing his back romantically. She tried passing her hands through the towel but Stephen held her hands

”Don’t tempt me Mercy..” Stephen said and wore his trousers, hanging his shirt on his shoulders. He took out some money from his bed side drawer and dropped it on the bed

”When you are done, you can leave” Stephen said and banged the door behind

”Mtcheeww… Lazy man.. You go pick ashawo but you no sabi do.. Nonsense” Mercy said and began to dress up..



”Linda, please see me in my office” The Lawyer’s Director said as Linda held the transmitter in her ears

”Alright Sir..” Linda rpelied and dropped the transmitter. She arranged some files, closed others and left her office for the office of the Lawyer’s Director..



”Yes, Linda. I called you here to ask how far you have gone with the case handed to you” He said

”Ooh.. Sir, about that, I am almost concluding my researches and evidences” Linda said

”Criminals like this don’t leave traces you know Sir” Linda said

”So, what’s holding you from concluding your case file?” He asked

”Just seeking for physical witnesses and also the police to do their part in getting him behind bars.. Then my work is done Sir” Linda said

”Very well then, try all you can Linda.. The Federal government is on my neck” He said

”You can count on me Sir” lInda said With a smile

” By the way, where is Stephen?” He asked and Stephen barged in immediately

”Good day Sir” Stephen greeted

”Yes, good day. You are late again” He said

”Sorry Sir” Stephen apologised

”It way not be this simple next time” The Lawyer’s director said to him

”You can go now.. Work together to get this job done by next week” The Lawyer’s director said and they left.

Linda, not behaving like someone was walking side by side with her walked down straight into her office. As she entered her office, Stephen followed her immediately

”You think you are smart huh?” Stephen said from behind and Linda looked at him

”Stephen, I have a lot on my table, please if you may excuse me” Linda said

”We will soon know who’s gonna excuse each other” Stephen said and left

”What’s wrong with this guy” Linda asked herself and sat down trying to concentrate…



”Arr..awwn..Huumm..oucch.. Chhiieefff..” Amaka, the new maid of Chief Williams moaned deeply as Chief Williams was pressing up on her.. She held him round his back doing a hand massage as Chief banged her continously…


Prof. Michael drove in as Patronizer opened up the gate for him

”Is Chief in?” Prof. Michael asked walking out of his car immediately

”Yes Sir, but he doesn’t need any disturbance now Sir” Patronizer said

”Tell him Prof. Michael is looking for him” Prof. Michael said and Patronizer tried to refuse

”My friend, if I speak a word here again, count yourself back to your base” Prof. Michael threatened and Patronizer hand signaled Sir Whyte who walked in immediately and knocked on Amaka’s door. He knocked severally before Chief replied

”Yes.. Who’s there.. Are you mad! Didn’t I tell you I needed no disturbance” Chief Williams said

”Sorry Sir, but it’s Prof. Williams Sir. He said it’s urgent” Sir Whyte said

”Tell him I’m coming out, now get out” Chief Williams said and Sir Whyte left the door..

”I’ve got something important to handle” Chief Williams said putting back on his agbada

”You’ll come back right.. ” Amaka asked

”Of course, I’ll always come to meet you” Chief Williams said smiling as he left, drying off the heat on his face..

”Oh.. Prof. Michael.. God day” Chief Williams greeted shaking hands with him

”Good day Chief. Wht kept you.. I’ve been standing here for long now” Prof. Michael said and Chief Williams starred at him…

Sorry continues…

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Enny pat
Enny pat
6 years ago

Hmmmmm. This is getting serious